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Heavy (Heavy Hearts Book 1)

Page 27

by Sarah Jane Duncan

  From my perspective, I have an excellent upside-down view of his tight jean-clad arse, so I do what any girl would do and start slapping him back. He chuckles and wiggles his hips as he walks, showing me that he loves what I’m doing, so I change tactics and pinch.

  “Ahh!” His deep voice turns high pitched, and he tries to scoot forward out of my reach. I’m laughing so hard that tears spring from my eyes, and for once, I’m thrilled they are happy tears and not because someone has done wrong by me again. Loving his reaction to my pinching fingers, I do it again, with both hands this time.

  Ayden’s knees buckle, and my momentum is thrown off, his cute butt no longer in reach.

  “Girl, stop it!” Suddenly I find the world the right way up again, and I have to reach out for the wall to steady myself as the blood rushes away from my brain. I’m still laughing and now seeing Ayden’s face trying to be all serious just makes me laugh harder. He smirks.

  “You don’t play fair, Miss West.”

  “Miss West, is it?” I challenge him with the same raised brow as before, and all it does is turn his gaze lustful. The look he gives me should be illegal.

  “You know all that look does, is turn me on Lex. If we’re going to get out of this apartment soon, I would stop doing that if I were you.” He confirms what I thought with no shame, his confidence makes me nervous and turned on. So naturally, I remedy that.

  I’m on him before he even blinks, my lips crashing against his, the collar of his jumper clenched tight in my hands, pulling him down to my level. Strong hands grip my arse, and my feet meet air as he lifts me off the floor. My legs know what they want and wrap around his hips, gripping his backside and pulling him close to my core. The wall outside Ayden’s bedroom meets my back, sandwiching me between it and Ayden, causing more friction, and I nearly lose it right there and then.

  That is until a clearing throat douses us with invisible ice.


  “Ah… yeah. Dad, sorry.” Ayden slowly unwinds my legs and lowers me to the ground while I keep my face tucked against his chest, mortification turning it red hot.

  Jesus Christ. His bloody dad just saw us grinding on each other like horny rabbits. Kill me now!

  “I’ve left some money on the kitchen bench for you. Enjoy your night out, and try not to have too much fun.” Peter’s voice is quiet but firm. I can’t tell if he’s angry or embarrassed. Probably both.

  “Thanks, dad. I’ll see you later tonight when we get back in.” If I were looking at Ayden’s face now, I know it would be as bright red as mine. I can hear the embarrassment in his voice, which lacks the confidence it had only minutes before.

  I hear Peter walk away as Ayden tries to step back from me, but mortified me is glued to him, and I refuse to let go or lift my head. He chuckles.

  “It’s okay, Lex.”

  “Nope. Nope. Nope.” I shake my head vigorously, which just makes him laugh even more. Trying to grip my chin to lift it, he gives up and reaches for my wrists, unclasping my hands from his hoodie and pulling them out to our sides.

  “Look at me.” As if I could ever deny his demand. A demand that sends heat to my core. Reluctantly, I peek up at him from under my lashes. “There’s my girl.”

  “Mortified.” It’s all I can manage to say, and he grins at me, letting go of my wrists and tilting my chin up.

  “My dad is probably more embarrassed than we are.” He gently strokes his thumb over my bottom lip, and I melt like butter.

  “I doubt that.” The whisper has barely left my lips when he catches my mouth in another searing kiss. My body instantly reacts, and all I want to do is wrap my legs back around him. Unfortunately for both of us, common sense wins, and we both pull away reluctantly.

  “So,” Ayden is as breathless as I am, “the Collingwood jumper, are you going to wear it?”

  “Nope.” I push past him, satisfied when he pops his lips into a pout. “I have better taste than that, Ayden.”

  He growls and slips the jumper on himself before catching up to me, entwining his fingers with mine.

  The banter between us is carefree and fun as we walk to the MCG to watch the Pies clash against the Bulldogs. I don’t really follow any particular AFL team, probably because my parents were never into sports, so the only footy I’ve watched is our local boys. Ayden struggles to believe that I don’t barrack for a particular team and makes it his mission to turn me into a Pies supporter. Teasing him with the threat that I might choose to follow the Bulldogs is all-night entertainment, and he even gets the other Collingwood supporters sitting around us to make cases to me during the game for reasons why the Pies are the better option.

  The entire experience is hilarious and filled with heartfelt fun, something which I have never really had. I’m now a football fan, and I’m sure I wouldn’t even care which teams were playing because I think I’ll like them all. The atmosphere, the hilarious banter between fans, the entire experience is unforgettable. Mostly though, the time with Ayden where we aren’t so weighed down with the darkness that has shadowed our brief time together is absolutely the best part. He’s so easy to be with, and just looking at him turns my tummy into a million butterflies.

  After leaving the MCG, we take our time strolling along the Yarra River back into the city and head to Federation Square. Sitting amongst the other Melburnians, we huddle close together, and people watch while we eat some Maccas fries. I never imagined I would feel comfortable with a guy, just being alone together, enjoying each other’s company. Ayden steals kisses every now and then, and I keep myself tucked close to his side, only now realising that I haven’t once worried about the possibility of running into my dad, or that Mike will jump out from around a corner.

  We detour a little, to walk along the Southbank waterfront where the nightlife is kicking up. Laughter flows out from the riverside restaurants and cafes, which adds to the ambience of romance in the little bubble we have together.

  A street performer gains our interest as he beats on different sized and shaped containers, tubs, and tins to create an alluring drumming beat that has bystanders tapping their toes. I’m just as caught up in his act when I feel Ayden tense next to me.

  Looking up to his face, I see that he’s no longer watching the street performer, but is glaring at something or someone across from us. Following his line of sight, I notice a group of guys wearing scary as fuck expressions returning his glare.

  “Ayden,” turning from them to get his attention, I tug on his arm, “do you know them?”

  Ayden doesn’t answer. I look back and focus on one of the guys, who resembles a gang banger that hasn’t washed in days, as he pulls out his phone and starts talking into it, not taking his eyes off Ayden.

  “Time to go.” Without warning, Ayden twists, pulling me along with him, picking up the pace heading in the opposite direction.

  “What’s going on?” I stumble a little, just trying to match his strides.

  He shakes his head and doesn’t answer. A look that I’ve never seen him wear torments his face. It’s a mixture of fear, anger, and something else, and it unsettles the shit out of me. As he pulls me along, I quickly glance over my shoulder to see the group of guys following behind, looking like they are on a mission—a mission to kill.

  “Ayden?” My heart is racing, and I’m reminded of the terror I experienced from what Mike inflicted on me. I’m scared. My voice must give that away because Ayden looks down to me briefly, and it almost looks as if he’s going to apologise. He never gets the chance, though, because as we turn the corner, a car comes to a skidding stop a foot in front of us.

  A scream rips from me. Ayden and I both jump back in unison to escape getting struck by the car. Ayden goes to turn, but it’s too late. Behind us is a wall of scary as fuck guys, who don’t look much older than we do, closing in on us. The door of the dark blue car opens and a man looking more like he belongs to a biker gang than what the shiny blue car suggests, climbs out and tuts through his teeth, lookin
g knowingly at Ayden.

  “Aydo, Aydo, Aydo, where have you been? We’ve been missing you.” The guy kicks the car door closed with the back of his foot and leans against it, crossing his heavily tattooed arms over his chest.

  Ayden is as stiff as a board next to me. My normally confident, cocky guy is gone, which only fills me with more fear.

  “Muz.” Even though I know he’s nervous, Ayden’s voice doesn’t come out any other way but sure and strong as he acknowledges the thug in front of us.

  “Where have you been, buddy? Found another crew to roll with?” This Muz guy pops a cigarette in his mouth and lights it, sucking in deep before blowing the smoke up to the night sky.

  “Nah, man. I told you I was out. Been lying low, keeping out of trouble.” Ayden’s grip around me is hurting my shoulder, but there’s no way I want him to let go.

  Muz chuckles and the guys behind us join in.

  “You must be hungry then, hey? Want a little candy? Sugar?”

  As naïve as I am, I know he isn’t talking about actual candy or sugar. Ayden told me a little about his past, and I’m betting his old drug dealer is the guy standing before us now.

  “Nah, thanks anyway, man. We have somewhere to be. Nice seeing ya’.” Ayden moves to lead me away, but forceful hands grip our shoulders, and we both try to struggle free. That’s when Muz, who’s still dragging back on his smoke, not looking the least bit bothered, lifts his shirt to reveal a handgun sticking out of the waist of his baggy jeans.

  We both freeze.

  Muz turns his gaze on me then, “Mmm, you always knew how to find the juicy little pieces of meat to keep you busy, didn’t you, Aydo?” Stepping up to me, Muz breathes his disgusting ashtray breath on me and grazes the back of his fingers down the side of my face over the fading bruises. “I see you know how to control her too.”

  “Muz man, leave her alone. She’s not from around here. She doesn’t know this world.” Unfortunately, Ayden’s words only make Muz even more interested, and he leans in close to my face as if he might put his slimy lips on me. I lean back as far as I can until the back of my head meets the chest of the guy holding me in place. Thankfully, Muz pulls back and returns his attention to Ayden.

  “You’re coming with us.” Not an invitation but a statement said by Muz as he turns to open the car door.

  “Ah, yeah, okay, sure. Let me just grab a cab for my girl so she can get home safe.” I’m about to protest because there’s no way in hell I’m leaving Ayden, and there’s no way in hell he is leaving with this man.

  Muz laughs. Not a single part of his laugh sounds humorous, though. His laugh is downright scary.

  “The bitch comes too, Aydo. If she doesn’t know this world, then what sort of gentleman am I if I don’t show her?”

  Ayden growls and struggles against the guy holding him. Pulling free, he clocks one of the guys in the chin, making him stumble back. Meanwhile, vile ashtray breath engulfs my nose again, and I’m ripped forward by rough hands. A whimper escapes me as Muz holds me back against his chest, digging his fingers into my arms, no doubt adding to the bruises left by my dad and Mike.

  “Aydo, man, calm the fuck down and get in the car with your little bitch.” Muz snakes his rough hands up the front of my body, cupping my breast before his fingers wrap around my throat. All while Ayden watches the whole thing, unable to stop it.


  It’s times like this that I wish I had some kind of superpower. Having superhuman strength would come in handy right about now. Hell, I’d even settle for telekinesis so I could use my mind to get our phones out from the glove compartment where Muz stashed them. Since I’m shit out of luck in the superpower department, I have no choice but to try and remain calm in the back of the car Muz forced us in.

  Thankfully, Ayden is sitting in the middle of the back seat with me, so Muz, who’s sitting on Ayden’s other side, can’t put his slimy hands on me. Ayden barely acknowledges Muz during the drive as he keeps me tucked close to his side. His warm breath flutters over my ear repeatedly as he whispers apologies over and over. When he’s not whispering to me, he’s pressing long kisses to the top of my head and temple.

  The car fills with choking smoke as Muz and the thug driving both suck on cancer sticks, barely cracking the window to let the smoke out. As the city streets disappear and we drive through the suburbs, I try to keep track of street signs or shop names to help me get a sense of where we are. The 20-minute car ride takes us north of the city, and I’m sure we’re somewhere near Brunswick, but I can’t find anything else to confirm our location before we finally pull up outside a large house.

  As soon as the car doors open, the loud thump of music greets us, rattling the windows of the house where people are spilling out from.

  “Lex, just go along with whatever happens and do as I say. As soon as I can, I will get us out of this.” Ayden’s voice is quiet and rushed against my ear before the door next to me swings open, and Muz leans in, grabbing my arm in a biting pinch.

  “Welcome to our world, pretty girl.”

  Muz pulls me forcefully from the car, and once I’m out, I rip my arm from his grip and square off against him, “Stop fucking putting your hands on me without permission!”

  Ayden curses behind me, and the other guys hoot and laugh. At first, I think Muz is going to shoot me down, so I jut out my chin in defiance, and he chuckles.

  “Got yourself a real firecracker here, Aydo. I can see why you’re interested. She must fuck like a bitch on heat.”

  I hiss, which only makes Muz laugh harder before he turns his gaze to Ayden.

  “Grab your bitch and keep her under control.”

  Ayden hooks me under his arm, pulling me tight to his side, “Lex, please don’t provoke him. Just do what I say, okay?” His quiet words piss me off, but I give him the nod I know he’s expecting, and we follow Muz into the house, his entourage close behind us.

  Looking at the dense crowd of people, I wonder how on earth we are ever going to get inside? Then, as if Muz is a god parting the sea, the crowd splits, clearing a path letting us through with ease. Well, shit, I guess he’s some sort of big deal. A gang leader, maybe? Whoever he is, I know we are well and truly in over our heads. As he passes by the drunk and high teenagers, they all attempt to say hi or give him a nod in greeting. They all hold some misguided respect for the dickhead who leads us right into the heart of his lion’s den.

  The house is narrow but runs deep into the property, and after weaving through different rooms and down a hall, we enter a room filled with mismatched couches and coffee tables bathed in low amber light.

  We pile into the room, as does a few girls who slip through the doors before they close. They move straight to Muz and rub themselves up the side of their apparent leader like cats.

  “Sit,” Muz speaks, and everyone obeys without having to be told twice. Ayden and I remain standing, though, and when Muz raises a brow at our disobedience, Ayden gives in, leading me to sit on the couch next to the armchair holding their king.

  “Candy honey, go get the treats.” A sharp slap fills the room, and Candy giggles and retreats, rubbing her right arse cheek, which I’m sure is now marked with a pink handprint under her tight red skirt.

  “Shit.” Ayden curses quietly next to me, and I can feel the slight tremble that sweeps over his body. It’s not obvious to everyone else in the room, but to me, I can feel the way his hand shakes on my shoulder and the way his knee jitters a little.

  I look at him attempting to catch his gaze, but he avoids my eyes.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” I whisper in his ear, and he shakes his head slightly before turning to me with a face filled with so much torment.

  “I’m so fucking sorry, Lex.” He looks broken. I squeeze his hand to provide reassurance. “I just want you to know that if shit goes bad, please believe that it isn’t the real me.”

  What? I’m confused. I don’t understand his underlying meaning, but before I get the cha
nce to ask, the room erupts in cheers.

  “Party fucking time!” One thug yells, and the others cheer as Candy walks back into the room carrying two trays.

  “Candy has your Sugar fellas.” Candy shakes her hips in a little dance as she holds the trays up, pleased with the attention. She hands off one tray to the cheering thug, and the other gets placed in front of Muz on the coffee table.

  “Come have your fill, beautiful,” Muz purrs to Candy, and she strolls around the coffee table as if she’s giving everyone a show. When she’s in front of Muz, she goes down to her knees, seductively turning her back to him, and leans over the tray holding white lines of powder. As she snorts one of the lines through a cut off straw, Muz sits forward and palms her arse before lifting her skirt and revealing her bare cheeks underneath.

  I turn away as he strokes her skin, which results in her moan. Suddenly my hands look interesting, and Ayden’s hand pops into view, rubbing his fingers over mine, probably finding our hands just as interesting as I do.

  “You and your girl are up, Aydo.”

  I freeze as I comprehend the words Muz spoke. He can’t mean...

  “Nah, man. We’re okay. Thanks anyway.” Ayden speaks for both of us, and I look back over at Muz, who now has Candy straddling his waist, giving him a bad version of a lap dance.

  Muz drags his tongue up Candy’s neck before biting it hard. She squeals and slaps a hand over the broken skin, now with noticeable indents from his teeth. She looks mad and upset, but she doesn’t dare tell him. Instead, she increases her grinding and unbuttons his shirt.

  “I wasn’t asking Aydo. You know the drill.”

  “I can’t, man. Sorry, I don’t mean any disrespect. I’m clean now.” Ayden’s nerves tremble his voice, matching the ones shaking his entire body. The fact that he’s reacting this way only tells me how fucked we are.

  Muz reaches between his pelvis and Candy, and nausea rolls my tummy. Is he about to bring his cock out? I realise that would have been the better option, as the black metal of his gun comes back out with his hand, and Muz points it at my head.


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