The Brethren
Page 64
461-67, 471, 492 impeachment attempts, 84-
Indian cases, 490 investigated, 14, 17 jurisdiction issues, 193, 198, 208
law clerks, 278, 285-89, 411,422, 424-25, 455,
Douglas, William O. (cont.) liberalism, 46 maintenance staff and, 288 and Marshall, 86, 210—12,
327-33, 465, 526 on memo writing, 432 on mentally ill, 440, 445,
447. 451-52 and Nixon, 343, 370-71 obscenity and pornography,
228-36 passim, 241, 293,
299, 330, 432 Pentagon Papers, 162-75
passim and Powell, 251, 408, 410,
reargument issue, 207, 220— 223
and Rehnquist, 262
retirement, 468-74 passim, 477, 491. 515. 526
Rosenberg case, 85, 525«.
school desegregation, 43, 46, 51-58 passim, 109-113 passim, 117-22 passim, 125, 127, 181,19m., 211-213, 311, 312, 313, 317
sex discrimination, 302
speech, protected, 149, 151-52, 162-74 passim, 210-213, 227-28
and Stewart, n9-21, 259-260, 278
tax cases, 469
Vietnam war cases, 144-47,
147, 151. 155, 162-75 passim, 185, 211-12, 327-
votes nullified, 435, 482, 492 Warren and Warren Court,
13-14, 49, 56, 86, 200,
205-06, 311 Watergate (executive privilege), 342, 343. 345, 349-354, passim, 359, 365, 370-80 passim, 387, 388-389, 395, 396, 401-12 passim welfare cases, 137-38, 262 and White, 68-69, 258-60,
464, 471 writing of opinions, 46, 68, 202, 276-77 Douglas, William O., Jr., 461, 462
Doyle, William, 310, 311 due process, 401, 478-80 substantive, 102, 278
Eastiand, James O., 20, 21, 98,
190-91 education
affirmative action, 333 allocation of taxes for, 306-307
desegregation, see school desegregation Ehrlichman, John, 8,10, 14, 18, 337, 342, 344, 371. 384
Eighth Amendment, and "cruel and unusual punishment,"
242-46, 249, 253, 259. 512, 522 Eisenhower, Dwight, 5,10,13,
17, 30, 97, "5 Eisenstadt v. Baird, 206, 277 Ellsberg, Daniel, 371 El Paso Natural Gas Co.
rehearing request, 89-95 employment, 335
discrimination, 140-41, 477,
488 at Court, 289 minimum wage law and states rights, 482-87
Ennis, Bruce J. Ir., 440-41,446
environment case, 191-93
Equal Rights Amendment, 301-02, 303
Erznoznik v. City of Jacksonville, 430-32
Evans v. Abney, 64-66
Evergreen Review, 84
Evers, Medgar, 42
exclusionary rale (see criminal justice: exclusionary rule; Fourth Amendment; search and seizure)
executive privilege (Watergate), 340-412. 415
Faubus, OrvaL 350 F.B.I., 14, 18, 84, 96, 341, 356 Federal Bar Association, 21 federalism, 65-66 Field, Stephen J., 161 Fifth Amendment
capital punishment, 252 double jeopardy, 80 due process, 401 First Amendment abortion, 277 absolutist view, 147, 148,
227-28, 229, 233 antiwar protest cases, 147-
154. 209-13 campaign financing, 473 free speech, 142, 143 obscenity and pornography, 227-29, 233, 290, 294, 300 passim, 331, 332-33, 431
press and confidentiality of
sources, 263-64 press gag orders, 499-502 Pentagon Papers, 161-74 Fitzpatrick v. Bitzer, 488 Flood v. Kuhn, 219, 223-26
death penalty, 513-21
passim jurisdiction, 198, 200, 207,
Floyd, Jay, 195 Flower v. U.S., 488 Fonda, Jane, 148 Fontaine v. U.S., 320 Ford, Betty, 468 Ford, Gerald R., 416, 423,
427, 435 and Douglas, 84-86, 477 nominees (see also names),
468, 475, 477 Fortas, Abe, 12, 15, 49,74,
243. 303 and Douglas, 16, 423, 436,
467, 473
investigation of and resignation, 14-18, 60, 85, 89, 93
nomination for Chief Justice, 5, 11
Vietnam war, 146/1. Foster Lumber Co. v. United
States, 469 Fourteenth Amendment, 261, 488
abortion cases, 276-79 passim
admission to bar, 303
due process, 479-81
testamentary rights, integration and, 65-66 Fourth Amendment, 527
exclusionary rule, 133-35, 455-56, 510
search cases, 130-36, 137-139, 143. 307-08, 321, 527
wiretaps, warrantless, on radicals, 264 Fowler v. North Carolina, 437
Frankfurter, Felix, 38, 100,
206-07 Friday, Herschel, 186, 187 Frontiero v. Richardson, 300—
Fry v. U.S., 482, 484 "Fuck the Draft" case, 147-
154. 165 Furman v. Georgia, 242-60,
511-17 passim, 521, 523
Garrity, W. Arthur, Jr., 507
Georgia abortion law, 193,195,196,
197. 198, 216 death penalty, 243/1., 5II_I7
passim, 521 integration and testator rights, 64-66 Gilmore, Gary, 526/1. Ginsburg, David, 288 Ginzburg, Ralph, 84 Goldberg, Arthur, 223 Gooding v. Wilson, 200, 208 Green v. County School Board
of New Kent County, 40 Greenberg, Jack, 41-42 Greening of America, The
(Reich), 185/1. Greer v. Spock, 488 Gregg v. Georgia (death penalty case), 513-18 passim, 521 Griffin, Robert, 475 Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 140 Griswold, Erwin N., 22-23 Ali case, 158, 174 antiwar protesters, 154 Pentagon Papers, 164-67,
168, 174 school desegregation, 39, 112
Griswold v. Connecticut, 197,
206, 277 Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 144 Gunther, Gerald, 505
habeas corpus petitons (see criminal justice: habeas corpus petitions)
Haig, Alexander M., 412
Hair (musical), 429
Haldeman, H. R., 337, 342, 344
Haley, Alex, 159 Hames, Margie Pitts, 195 Hamling v. U.S., 332 Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong, 477
Harlan, John Marshall (1833-1911, grandfather), 47, 52
Harlan, John Marshall (1889-
1971), 4,12, 100, 146,
161, 263 and Black (see Black: and
Harlan) and Blackmun (see BlacK-
mun: and Harlan) and Burger (see Burger:
and Harlan) conservatism, 9,14, 47 court fees, state courts, 101-
on courtroom decorum, 68 death penalty, 243-44, 252-254
dissents, 4, 47, 76-78, 79, 89,
128, 129, 147. 344 divorce case, 143 and Douglas (see Douglas:
and Harlan) El Paso rehearing, 8, 9, 92 Executive Branch and, 146/1.
federal jurisdiction issue,
139, 198, 208 health, 180, 183, 185 integration and donor rights,
65-66 and Johnson, President
Lyndon B., 14671. law clerks, 147-52, 159-60 Nixon nominees (see also
names), 61-66 passim,
75, 78, 185-86 obscenity and pornography,
Pentagon Papers, 162-75
passim, 344 and Powell, 252, 263, 264,
resignation, 185
school desegregation, 47-48,
51-60 passim, 118-23
passim, 127, 181 search warrants, 143 speech, protected, 147-54,
163-75 passim stare decisis doctrine, 4,14 and Stewart, 135, 164, 168 testamentary rights, Indians,
62-64 union rights, 143 Vietnam war cases, 145-59
passim, 162-74 passim voting in elections, 14671.,
Warren Court, 4 writing of opinions, 69 and White, 134 Harris v. New York, 128 Harstein v. Missouri, 227^. Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr., 60-61, 93, 97, 98, 126, 185, 186, 187 Health, Education and Welfare
Department and school
desegregation, 37, 42, 45,
52, 54, 58, 59 Heineman, Benjamin W., 440,
446, 450 Heller v. New York, 298 Henderson v. Morgan, 478 Hills, Carla, 468, 475 Hoffman, Julius, 67 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 100,
Holmes, Sherlock, 397-98 Holtzman, Elizabeth
, 327 Hoover, J. Edgar, 1571., 23-24 House of Representatives (see also Congress; names), 31 Douglas impeachment try, 84-87
Nixon impeachment inquiry,
342, 343, 352, 361, 371,
396, 410 seating of Adam Clayton
Powell in, 21-22, 368,
Hruska, Roman, 83
/ Am Curious (Yellow) (film), 234
Illinois v. Allen, 67-68 Illustrated Presidential Report of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, The, 332 immigration and immigrants border searches, 308, 433,
454-55, 527-28 day workers, 422 see also Aliens in forma pauperis petitions,
32-33 In re Griffiths, 303-04 In re Pappas, 263
Inc. Fund, see N.A.A.C.P. Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. Indian cases, 490 fishing and hunting rights,
425-26 testamentary right, 62-63 Interior Department, 62-63 Internal Revenue Service, 14 interstate commerce, 477-78, 482
Interstate Commerce Commission v. Black Ball Freight Service, 78
Jackson v. Georgia, 243ft, Jackson v. Indiana, 440 Jacobellis v. Ohio, 11, 237 Japanese-Americans, World
War II relocation, 23,145 Jaworski, Leon, 289-300
passim, 342-55 passim,
359-61, 364, 365, 377,
378-79, 384, 385. 412 Jefferson v. Hackney, 262 Jenkins v. Georgia, 331 Johnson, Frank, 187, 506, 507 Johnson, Lyndon B., 4,11,13,
49, 146/1., 164, 358 Johnson v. Louisiana, 263 Judicial Conference of the
United States, 10 judicary, federal (see also
Court of Appeals, federal;
Supreme Court; names;
subjects) case load, 193 ethics code, 31 jurisdiction, 139,193-98,
207, 208 levels, 6«.
Nixon and (see also Nixon, Richard M.), 4-24 passim
Supreme Court supervision, 36
"June crunch," 101, 219, 305 Jurek v. Texas (death penalty case), 513-18 passim, 522, 523 jurisdiction issue, federal, 139,
194-98, 207, 208 jury trials, unanimity in, 263 Justice Department (see also Griswold, Erwin N.; Mitchell, John) Ali case, 158-60 anti-trust cases, 92, 93 Burger at, 6, 28 Fortas investigation, 14-15 Rehnquist at, 15, 157"-, 344 school desegregation, 37,
39-44, 50 Vietnam protesters, 154-55,
309«-White at, 72
Kaplan, Murray, 290 Kaplan v. California, 24m., 290
Kaufman v, U.S., 510 Kennedy, Edward M., 20, 21 Kennedy, Ethel, 474 Kennedy, John F., 13, 49,72, 162
Kennedy, Robert F., 72 Kentucky-Ohio boundary, 320-21
Kerr v. United States District Court for the Northern District of California, 488
Keyes v. School District No. I, Denver, Colorado, 127, 309
Kirby v. Illinois, 264 Klein, Joel, 419, 439, 440, 444-51 passim
Kleindienst, Richard, 8, i86,
188, 189-90, 343. 344 Kleindienst v. Mandel, 213 Kois v. Wisconsin, 236, 294 Korean War, 242, 342 Krol, John Joseph, Cardinal,
282-83 Kunstler, William, 495
labor relations at Court, 288-289
Lacovara, Philip, 342, 365 Laird v. Tatum, 30971. Lake v. Cameron, 43871. Lambert, William, 1571. law clerks (see also names of Justices), 32, 285, 339-340, 419-20, 528 cert pool, 323 communication network, 33-35
confidentiality, 33-35, 174-
175. 250, 281-82 in forma pauperis petitions,
32-33 and labor force, 289 and press, 281-82, 417, 421 Vietnam war, 148-60 women, 285-89, 420 lawyers
admission of aliens to bar,
303-04 Burger on, 304, 449 Leonard, Jerris, 43 Levi, Edward, 475, 507 Life magazine, 14, 15 Liles v. Oregon, 478 Lillie, Mildred, 186, 187-88 Lippett, Percy, 156 Little Rock (Ark.), school desegregation (see also Brown v. Board of Education), 350, 366
Lloyd Corp. v. Tanner, 209-13 "lobbying" of Court, 88-95
passim, 172-73 Logan Valley case, 210, 213 Los Angeles, obscenity case,
Louisiana, death penalty, 512-518 passim, 522, 523
MacKenzie, Jack, 348 Mahan v. Howell, 322 maintenance staff of Court,
288-89 Mansfield, Mike, 345 Mapp v. Ohio, 131-36, 510 Marbury v. Madison, 353,
392-96 Marks, Burton, 292-93 Marshall, John, 47, 161 Marshall, Thurgood, 13, 44,
50, 65, 82, 86, 89, 200,
207, 214, 231-32, 320,
abortion cases, 195-99 passim, 208, 217, 220, 222, 275-76, 281, 493. 494 anti-sodomy law, 505 anti-trust case, 225, 261 border searches, 527-28 and Brennan (see Brennan:
and Marshall) and Burger (see Burger:
and Marshall) Cambodia, 327-29 cert pool, 324 on conference scheduling, 209
death penalty, 241-54 passim, 258, 516-19 passim, 524
discrimination, racial, 333, 334".
Marshall, Thurgood (cont.) dissents, 138, 212, 213, 232, 266, 306-07, 336, 478, 524, 526-27, 528 · and Douglas (see Douglas: and Marshall) due process, 480 federal jurisdiction issue, 198
health, 180, 221, 424, 524 Johnson, President Lyndon
B., 13, 49. 358 law clerks, 122, 232, 250,
281,. 306, 329, 424, 456 on mentally ill, 440-47
passim, 451 obscenity and pornography,
228-35 passim, 293, 330,
oral argument, 195, 362-64 Pentagon Papers, 162-70
passim police brutality, 495 police of Court, 289 and Powell, 212-13, 241-
242, 249, 305-07 press gags, 500, 502 and Rehnquist, 222, 262,
school desegregation, 50-59 passim, 109-25 passim, 181, 311, 312, 313, 317, 335, 336, 337. 350, 506, 507
sex discrimination, 302 speech, protected, 151, 152,
162-70 passim, 210-13
passim states rights and minimum
wage law, 482-87 passim and Stevens, 509, 526 taxes, education allocation
of, 306-07
Vietnam war cases, 145, 147, 151-58 passim, 162-70 passim, 210-13 passim, 327-29
Warren and Warren Court, 210, 232, 370
Watergate (executive privilege), 340, 342-46 passim, 351, 358-67 passim, 375, 379, 381, 387-403 passim 407, 408
welfare cases, 138, 262
and White, 212, 225-26 Maryland v. Wirtz, 482-83, 486
Mason, Alpheus Thomas, 184 Massachusetts v. Laird, 144-147
Matthews v. Eldridge, 465 Maxwell v. Bishop, 242-43, 248
McCarthy, Eugene, 469 McCorquodale v. Georgia, 512
McDaniel v. Barresi, Clarke
County, Georgia, 109-10 McGautha v. California, 243-
260 passim, 511-25
passim McGurn, Barrett, 415, 427 McNamara, Robert S., 161-74 McMillan, James B., 107-27
passim, 180-81, 336 Mecklenburg County (N.C.),
school desegregation,
107-27 Meik, Janet, 285-89 Memoirs of a Woman of
Pleasure (Fanny Hill v.
Massachusetts), 230 Mental Health Law Project,
439, 440 mentally ill rights of, 437-54
Meredith, James, 107 Merhige, Robert R., Jr., 315 Message to the Black Man, 159 Meyer, Russ, 235 military service, conscientious
objection to, 158-60 Miller v. California, 231, 293,
332, 478 Milliken v. Bradley (Detroit
busing case), 316, 334-37 minimum wage law, states
rights and, 482-87 minorities, issues involving,
433-35 see also aliens; civil rights Miranda v. Arizona, 77, 129 Mississippi, school desegregation in, 36-60 Mississippi, University of, 107 Missouri, abortion law, 492-494