Catching Hell (Complete Collection)

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Catching Hell (Complete Collection) Page 4

by Kit Tunstall

  Things had truly gone to hell, I decided, as Han spoke to me about a new training regimen, promising to wake me early the next morning to get started. I gave him a smile and a less-than-enthusiastic, “Oh, goody.” He grinned, which was infectious, and I found myself grinning back. If I had to get in shape and be miserable, at least I’d be surrounded by five examples of male perfection. It was an inspiring thought.

  Despite my newfound sex goddess side, it was a little daunting to slip into my lonely bunk that evening, knowing there were five men in the room with me. I wasn’t afraid of any of them forcing me to do something I didn’t want to do, but it was definitely awkward. My dorm had been slated to be coed, but our floors had still been separated by gender, and I’d never made it to the university. I’d gone to camp a few summers as a child, but that had all been at same-gender dorms as well.

  This was my first time sleeping with multiple men. I stifled a giggle at the thought, and then continued to bite my lip to hold back a moan as I imagined all five of them stripping off and doing more than sleeping with me. It was a fantasy; one I was certain could never be reality. How could it be? People didn’t have those kinds of relationships, even in this brave new world that opened possibilities never considered before.

  Did they?

  It might be just fantasy, but my mind was able to conjure up plenty of images to match, and I was soon soaking wet and longing for Shane, who’d wanted me to sit on his face while he licked me, though we hadn’t done that in the shower. Yet.

  My pussy throbbed with need, and I tried to discreetly slip my hands into my panties and shorts, just cupping my mound and hoping it would soothe the need burning there. When that didn’t help, I squeezed tightly and almost moaned again when pulses of pleasure shot through me. I was going to have to get off, or I’d never get to sleep.

  With a small sigh, I rolled out of bed and made my way to the restroom, which was before the shower room. There were no doors on the stalls, but at least partitions separated them, so I stepped inside the first one, propped one foot on the seat, and slid down my shorts and underwear to mid-thigh so I could touch myself.

  I started circling my clit to the erotic images in my head, opening with Shane and remembering what we had done earlier. Before I knew it, my brain had added others to the mix. Shane was sliding into me, my pussy clinging to him in a needy fashion. Jamar was behind me, rubbing his erection up and down the crack of my ass, his pre-cum easing his way. There were two hands on my breasts, but they belonged to different men. I didn’t bother to distinguish their identities in the fantasy. I just closed my eyes and went with it as I touched myself.

  A sound caught my attention, and my eyes popped open. I was startled to find Maddox standing a few feet from me, his eyes on my hands, and his expression one of need. I hadn’t had much interaction with him, and I don’t think we’d exchanged even two syllables of conversation, but he was beautiful. With his blond hair and chiseled chest, displayed to full advantage by his skintight green tank top, he was mouthwatering. just knowing he was staring at me made me even hotter.

  He didn’t make any attempt to close the distance between us. He just slipped down his boxers and pulled out his cock. He was thick, though not as long as Shane, but there was nothing wrong with his penis. It was perfectly shaped and proportioned, and my mouth watered as he started to stroke himself.

  Our gazes locked as we masturbated for each other, exchanging heated fantasies without saying a word. I bit my lip as I started to come, trying to keep in sounds of pleasure, but not entirely successful. My juices spilled down and flowed over my fingers, and his gaze was hungry as he stroked his cock even harder. He seemed to almost be punishing it for its desire, and I couldn’t believe how rough he was as he tugged himself, sliding his palm up and down the smooth, uncircumcised shaft. I thought about closing the distance between us, but I didn’t want to miss the moment when he came.

  With a harsh grunt, it happened quickly. Spurts of cum shot onto the floor as he slowly milked himself before dropping his hand away. His cock was semi-flaccid for a moment before it started to soften, and he tucked it back into his boxers as though nothing had happened.

  Taking my cue from him, I straightened my shorts and panties, slipping from the stall and walking over to wash my hands. Our arms brushed, but that was the only contact between us, aside from a shared look of mutual satisfaction as I moved to the door. It had been arousing as hell to masturbate for him, though he was practically a stranger. I should have been embarrassed by my display, I guess, but I wasn’t. I was still too sated to worry about unwanted emotions like guilt or remorse.

  I returned to the bunk room and slid into bed, my pussy still wet with my release. I wished I’d had an opportunity to clean up, but it would have broken the spell of the moment to introduce practicalities. Fortunately, my day of unaccustomed activities, from supply runs to shower sex, had left me worn out, and the second I closed my eyes, I was able to sleep.

  Chapter Two

  As promised, Han woke me up early the next morning and led me to an indoor track. He waved to another room across the hall. “That’s the weight room, and you should familiarize yourself with the machines. I’ll help you figure out a workout routine.”

  “Yay.” I wore my tennis shoes from yesterday, relieved to have something comfortable and familiar on my feet as we started to run. I wasn’t a complete couch potato or totally hopeless, so I kept up with him for at least the first lap before I started lagging.

  By the time we’d gone around three times, I was starting to feel a burn in my legs and a tickle in my chest. I didn’t know how far we’d technically run, but the indoor track was about as big as the one at my old high school, and Mrs. Fleming had always made us run it four times to equal one mile. I hadn’t even run a mile yet and was already starting to feel worn out and a little nauseated.

  “Keep it up there, baby. You can do it.” He punctuated the encouragement with a slap to my ass as he passed by.

  I assumed it was a sign of soldierly camaraderie, like the baseball players who hit each other on the butts, but it still started a tingle deep inside, and I tried to suppress the familiar sensation of desire washing over me. Now wasn’t the time, and I wasn’t entirely sure if I should even be thinking naughty thoughts about any of these men except Shane.

  Were we involved in some way now? Or were we just postapocalyptic fuck buddies? I’d have to talk to him, but my instinct was somewhere in between. I thought there was more to it than just two people wanting to get off, but that didn’t mean we were in love, ready to exchange vows, and buy a house in the suburbs. Or rather, take over a house in the suburbs and burn all the dead bodies inside, which was a far more likely scenario that made me flinch.

  Han coaxed three more laps from me before I was practically dragging my butt across the floor, a heaving, sweaty mess. “Please have mercy,” I begged as he ran by me for at least the eighth time. He kept passing me. He was like a machine with incredible stamina, and I abruptly wondered how that would translate to the bedroom. He seemed like he could go all night, and I wasn’t certain I could keep up with that.

  The idea of having to give up before all his energy ran out actually spurred me to increase my pace and cover another half-lap before I moved over to the wall and collapsed against it, sliding down until my butt was on the cement. “I can’t do anymore.”

  He grinned as he stood over me, seeming to enjoy my suffering, though not in a malicious way. I was clearly just amusing him.

  He’d had the forethought to bring a bottle of water, and I watched, mesmerized, as he drank deeply. His throat constricted, and his Adam’s apple bobbed with each long swallow. He’d stripped off his shirt at some point during his run, and I could see small rivulets of sweat moving down his golden-brown skin, with its faint undertone of bronze. He was like some kind of Aztec God, and it sent pulses of needs through me.

  Han handed me the bottle that he had drunk half of in one go, and I took it. I del
iberately brushed my fingers against his, and a spark of electricity shot up my arm. I usually found it disgusting to drink after other people, but as I lifted the bottle to my lips, it only felt sexy and right instead of grossing me out. I swallowed quickly, draining the other half of the bottle. When I set it aside a moment later, our eyes met, and there was definite heat in his. I was sure it reflected in my blue orbs as well.

  He licked his lips slowly. “So you’re a swallower?”

  Despite my newfound sexual liberty, I still blushed faintly as I caught the double meaning in his words. I shrugged. “I guess you’ll have to find out.” I wasn’t sure myself, never actually having gone down on anyone before. I’d given Jeremy a couple of pity hand jobs, but that was the sum total of my sexual experience before yesterday. I was intrigued by the idea, but had no idea if I’d actually be able to swallow a load of cum as it hit the back of my throat, or if I would gag and gasp, spitting it out involuntarily.

  He held out a hand, not accepting the invitation, though heat still burned between us. I took it, and he lifted me to my feet seemingly without any effort at all. I was really sore and aching, but not entirely from our morning jog. Yesterday with Shane had left some lingering discomfort when I stretched the wrong way.

  It was going to be a long day, and I still had shooting practice with Jamar. A shiver of anticipation rolled through me as I parted from Han, making a quick detour to grab fresh clothes and take a quick shower. I didn’t spend too long lingering, because I figured others were waiting for the shower room, but the men were being respectful and allowing me to have it to myself. Damn their thoughtfulness. I wouldn’t have minded watching the five of them strip off and shower, lathering their hard bodies before washing away the bubbles with streams of hot water.

  I quickly shut down the thought, knowing I didn’t have time to indulge in fantasizing while fingering myself at the moment. I finished quickly and left the room, joining them in the room I’d heard Maddox call the mess hall.

  I was surprised to find it was just Jamar waiting for me. “Where’re the others?”

  “They took off about ten minutes ago, Miss Nolan.”

  I nodded, knowing it was ridiculous to feel slighted that they hadn’t waited until I was out of the shower to say goodbye. They had a dangerous task before them, and the sooner they started, the sooner they’d be back. It wasn’t like they were my friends going on a road trip without me. They were risking their lives, and the only reason I was here with Jamar, safely ensconced in the base, was because I didn’t have the necessary skills yet to go along and act in a supportive role.

  “Call me Alyssa,” I said as I dug into my breakfast, consisting of powdered eggs and some kind of meat that vaguely resembled sausage links. I thought it might have been TVP. It wasn’t very good, but I wasn’t going to waste it. Food was too precious of a resource now to be terribly picky. I laughed softly at the thought.

  “Care to share?” asked Jamar as he finished his mug of coffee.

  I looked up from the eggs. “I was thinking about my little brother. He died in the first wave, but if he hadn’t, he would have been miserable with the food available now. He wasn’t fond of vegetables and would only eat raw carrots. I haven’t seen a raw carrot since I managed to kill the garden. I dunno. I was just thinking about him, I guess.”

  He nodded. “My sister Tamika was the same way, but we all kind of spoiled her. Mom and Dad made me and my brothers eat our vegetables, do our chores, and toe the line, but Tamika was indulged a bit more.”

  “Was she the baby of the family?” I guessed.

  Jamar nodded his gleaming bald head, shaved smooth of any hair. “Yep, and the only girl out of five kids, so no wonder she was spoiled by all of us.”

  I was certain I already knew the answer, but I asked gently, “Did she…?”

  He nodded. “I lost them all in the first wave.”

  I reached across the table and squeezed his hand. There was nothing sexually inviting about it. It was simply a gesture of comfort, and when he squeezed my hand in return, I experienced the same sense of compassion and warmth as we shared our unpleasant memories for a moment.

  He cleared his throat and finished putting silverware neatly on his tray. “I’ve got cleanup duty, and then we’ll hit the gun range. Finish your breakfast and bring your dishes into the kitchen when you’re done please.”

  I nodded and watched him walk away for a moment before turning my attention to the meal in front of me. I found it easier to swallow the semi-tasteless food if I shoveled it in quickly and didn’t think too much about what I was eating or try to analyze the flavor. I missed my mom’s extensive collection of spices, and I wished I had a tenth of her knowledge on how to use them. She’d been an amazing cook, but I was barely adequate. I wasn’t sure how I could cook now with all the prepackaged foods and a lack of fresh ingredients anyway, so I guess it didn’t matter if I was a culinary master.

  After finishing, I took my dishes into the kitchen as requested, my lips twitching with amusement when I saw the big black man wrapped up in the small white apron that was a little undersized for his frame. He was cleaning the kitchen, and all the dishes were stacked neatly in a draining tray. I walked over to the hot water, setting my dishes inside and reaching for the sponge. I cleaned them quickly and placed them beside the others before turning to face him. “I guess I’m ready to shoot.”

  He nodded. “Let’s see what you can do, sugar.”

  I shouldn’t have been surprised to find a full gun range in the military base, but I guess I was. Maybe I was just surprised by the size of it. There were ten separate stalls for shooting, and the targets could be extended up to a half-mile away. I wondered how large this underground base was, making a mental note to ask one of the soldiers if there was a map available. I didn’t want to get lost in my new home.

  After setting me up with earmuffs, Jamar stood behind me, handing me a pistol. I’d never fired a handgun before and took it a little hesitantly.

  “Don’t be afraid of the gun, because it won’t hurt you. Not if you respect it and obey the rules. I’m going to assume you know the basic rules of gun safety?”

  I nodded, which caused the earmuffs tucked above my ears like a headband while we spoke to wobble slightly. It was annoying, but not annoying enough to lift my hands and reposition them. “I’m pretty comfortable with the basics, but have never shot a handgun. My parents only had a couple of rifles and a shotgun, since they didn’t want to be on a government registry for owning a handgun. That was how Blackwater knew to collect the guns after Hurricane Katrina hit, so they decided to play it safe with unregistered weapons.” I reeled off the info I’d heard repeated multiple times, though that had all happened when I was a little kid, and I didn’t really know much about Hurricane Katrina or the gun seizures.

  Jamar snorted softly. “Sugar, if they bought it with a debit card or credit card, the government could have found them just as easily. They probably have ways of tracking all gun purchases, even ammo, anyway.” His expression darkened slightly. “Or they did have ways before ninety percent of the people died.”

  I nodded, trying to suppress a wave of melancholy washing over me. Instead, I took a shooter’s stance, holding my arms in front of me with the gun extended.

  He stepped up behind me, his large frame engulfing mine. The hard planes of his abdominal muscles pressed into my back, and I leaned closer against his chest without thinking about it as his arms came around me. I was disappointed when he simply adjusted my hold, taking a moment to lock my elbows before his hands slid down my sides.

  I shivered and barely bit back a moan as he cupped my hips, turning me just a little bit so that I was straight. As he knelt down to adjust my stance, widening my feet a bit more and positioning my knees, I remembered my fantasy from last night, and my hands trembled slightly as I struggled to suppress any reaction to his proximity. It was clear gun practice was going to cost me another pair of panties. I definitely had to be on the
lookout for a fresh supply when I started doing runs with them.

  When he was satisfied with my stance, he showed me how to take off the safety before running through some simple instructions. After that, he snugged the earmuffs over my ears, and I fired a handgun for the first time. It felt weird and jerky, but it didn’t have as much recoil as I recalled from the rifle or shotgun. He adjusted my stance again before letting me shoot another time, but by the fourth shot, I was automatically readjusting my stance myself.

  He put up a hand in front of my eyes to get my attention, and I lay down the gun carefully, turning my head to look at him. He removed my earmuffs for me.

  “You’re doing well, but don’t forget to breathe and exhale as you squeeze the trigger.”

  I nodded and returned to firing the gun, which he had identified as a Desert Eagle. That didn’t tell me much, but it was a compact gun, perfect for my smaller hands. When he’d lifted the handgun out of the safe where they kept them, it had seemed like a toy pistol in his larger palm.

  I focused solely on shooting as I went through a hundred rounds. Before starting, he’d assured me there were enough bullets in stock for me to waste a few hundred learning how to shoot. I guess that made sense, since we were on a military base. With any luck, they’d been fully restocked right before the world had gone to hell.

  When he brought in my latest target, I squealed with excitement, though it was a completely unflattering sounds. I’d done much better than expected. I had three shots clustered in the dead center of the bullseye on the chest, and I’d also managed a headshot. I hadn’t actually been aiming for the head of the target at any point, but it still seemed like a victory, and I turned to him in my enthusiasm, bouncing lightly on my feet as I threw myself into his arms. “That was amazing. Thank you.


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