War of Nerves
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DF Difluor (methylphosphonic difluoride)
DFP Diisopropyl fluorophosphate
DMHP Dimethyl hydrogen phosphite
DMMP Dimethyl methylphosphonate
DPC Defense Planning Committee (NATO)
DSB Defense Science Board
EFI Early U.S. Army code name for Ethylsarin
EMPTA VX precursor chemical
EUCOM European Command (U.S.)
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FIAT Field Information Agency, Technical
FRG Federal Republic of Germany
FROG Free Rocket over Ground (Soviet)
FSB Federal Security Service (Russia)
FY Fiscal year
G-2 U.S. Army Intelligence
GA U.S. Army code name for Tabun
GB U.S. Army code name for Sarin
GD U.S. Army code name for Soman
GE U.S. Army code for Ethylsarin
GF U.S. Army code for Cyclosarin
GH U.S. Army code for Isopentylsarin
GITOS State Institute for Technology of Organic Synthesis (Shikhany, Russia)
GosNIIOKhT State Scientific Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology (Moscow, Russia)
HAZMAT Hazardous materials
HF Hydrogen fluoride
ICI Imperial Chemical Industries (U.K.)
IDF Israel Defense Forces
IG Interessengemeinschaft (German conglomerate)
IIBR Israel Institute for Biological Research
IVA Intermediate-volatility agent
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JIOA Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency
Le-100 Early German code name for Tabun (Le = Leverkusen)
M20 Canister containing DF for Sarin binary projectile
M21 Canister containing OPA for Sarin binary projectile
MCE Early U.S. Army code name for Tabun
MFI Early U.S. Army code name for Sarin
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MLRS Multiple-launch rocket system
MOPP Mission-Oriented Protective Posture
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NAC North Atlantic Council (policy-making body of NATO)
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC National Broadcasting Company, Nuclear Biological Chemical
NDRC National Defense Research Committee
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NIE National Intelligence Estimate
NII-42 Scientific Research Institute No. 42
NORAD North American Air Defense Command
NPT [Nuclear] Non-Proliferation Treaty
NSA National Security Agency
NSC National Security Council
OPA Binary component (alcohol, stabilizer, catalyst) for M687 artillery shell
OPCW Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
PAM Pyridine aldoxime methiodide
PB Pyridostigmine bromide
PSI Proliferation Security Initiative
QL Immediate precursor of VX
R-33 Soviet version of VX
R-35 Soviet code name for Sarin
R-55 Soviet code name for Soman
RAF Royal Air Force
R&D Research and development
SBCCOM Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (U.S. Army)
SEPP State Enterprise for Pesticide Production (Iraq)
SHAD Shipboard Hazard and Defense
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
Site A Dichlor plant at Muscle Shoals, Alabama
Site B Sarin plant at Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado
SSO Special Security Organization (Iraq)
SW Code name of intermediate in VX production
TAB Antidote consisting of TMB4, atropine, and benactyzine
T-Force Technical Intelligence Unit (U.S. Army)
Trilon-83 German code name for Tabun
Trilon-46 German code name for Sarin
TS Technical Secretariat (of OPCW)
TTCP Tripartite Technical Cooperation Program
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
U.N. United Nations
UNMOVIC United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission
UNSCOM United Nations Special Commission on Iraq
USIB United States Intelligence Board
V-1 Vergeltungswaffe 1 (German buzz bomb)
V-2 Vergeltungswaffe 2 (German ballistic missile)
WMD Weapons of mass destruction
WO War Office (U.K.)
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