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The Dreamweaver

Page 12

by Nancy Joseph Peterson

  Anna’s eyes filled, “Is that a proposal? Because I’ve already got the ring, isn’t that sort of backwards?” She asked softly teasing him, “Not that I’m complaining, this has got to be the most romantic and the fastest courtship in history!” Anna leaned across the table to kiss Emrys surprised face.

  “So, is that a ‘yes’ then?” He asked grinning, “Because I can get you a bigger ring, and do the on-one-knee thing if you want.”

  “Yes, and NO!” Anna exclaimed rubbing her ring defensively, “Yes, to your proposal, and no to the bigger ring. This ring is perfect and it means more to me than any ring you could buy, no matter how big.”

  Emrys smiled, “Good. That ring has been with me all my life, and because it was my mother’s, it sort of brings her into our lives too. Thank you, Anna.” He kissed the ring on her finger, again sealing it into place — this time with even more meaning.

  As he looked into Anna’s lovely face, a shadow of worry flitted across Emrys eyes, he rose to gaze out the frosted window as he spoke, “Did you know Sir Isaac Newton died a virgin?” He asked inexplicably.

  Anna shook her head in confusion.

  Emrys brow creased, as he turned to her, “I understand how that could have happened, because it could just as easily have happened to me. Since I was a child, I have considered myself an academic; I didn’t play like other children, I…researched and studied. As I got a bit older, about the age other boys were chasing girls, my education with the dyn hysbys — the gentle nature druids, took all my attention, and my evenings were spent working on various research projects or cataloguing the cosmos in my workroom. Physics, particle science in particular, became where I placed all my energies and thoughts from that point onward. The one time I tried at romance…well, you know how that went.” Emrys grimaced at the memory, and continued, “I believed I loved Nivane, Anna. It was not love, I know that now.” He quickly added, “I was young and didn’t know much about women or anything that was outside the areas of my research.” Emrys glanced at Anna, who nodded understandingly and he let out a breath of relief, “So, all that said, my hmmm… experience, sexually is limited to that one encounter; Nivane. And it was, shall we say, not very loving and resulted in an eternity of hatred from her. I want…” he paused, “no, I need our first time to perfect in all ways, for both of us. So, I am resisting acting on the passion I feel for you, and I want you to know it is taking a lot of will power.” He scrubbed a hand over his jaw, “I want you — you need to know that, but I’d like us to wait until the time is right before we make love.”

  Emrys came and kneeled down in front of Anna, “I love you, Anna and I want our first time to be as passionate as any of your romance novels.” Anna blushed, knowing exactly what he was talking about, he asked softly, “Do you mind if we wait until we’ve sorted out our respective responsibilities?” His eyes shone with love and sincerity.

  Anna’s eyes glistened as she nodded, “Emrys, I love you and I haven’t…had sex with anyone yet… at all. I’m twenty-four and that’s pretty much some sort of a record by today’s standards.” She smiled wryly, “It just never seemed right to me, I wasn’t really ready with anyone before, I never felt like this — the way I feel with you… with anyone else.”

  It was true, before meeting Emrys, Anna had begun to worry that there was something seriously wrong with her libido, her friends talked about sex over drinks in the City, and she’d just giggled with them, pretending that she knew what they were talking about.

  Emrys was relieved, as a Dreamweaver, he’d seen some of the passionate dreams from men in her age, so he’d been unsure how she’d react to his suggestion. Drawing Anna into his arms, his lips covered hers briefly before kissing each of her quivering eye lids, “We will go to our cabin after we’ve settled the things we need to settle. Our life will begin from there, and we’ll… practice a few of the things your books taught me. I love you, Anna L. Stewart, more with every moment we are together.”

  Anna closed her eyes, wrapped in the safety of his arms, the doubts about her libido gone as her stomach clenched in desire for him, “I love you too.”

  The conversation he’d been dreading finished, Emrys let out a breath of relief, “So, you need to go to San Francisco tomorrow, and I need to return to Caerfyrddin in the next few hours to figure out what dark magick is plaguing them.” Emrys began his typical pacing, “I have an idea.” His eyes brightened with thought, “You know I had planned on staying with you until we could be certain any threat to you had passed?” He asked.

  “Yes.” Anna replied, “You told me you were worried that something bad, or that Nivane person, could come through a portal to me.”

  “Exactly, but since you need to go to San Francisco tomorrow, and I need to return to Caerfyrddin, we have a bit of a problem. If you recall, when you sleep is your most vulnerable time.”

  “Yes, you told me about that.” Anna confirmed.

  “I have an idea. I can give you a herb that will prevent your constructive dreams — the kind of dreams that are open to the sort of threats I am most worried about.” He tapped his temple thinking, “Your sleep would only be a little less satisfying. You may need to drink a few more cups of coffee in the morning, but you’d be safe.” Emrys mused, “It would give me peace of mind, Anna. My duties won’t take long; as you know time does not pass normally between ages during inter-dimensional time drifting.”

  Anna nodded mutely, her expression giving away her confusion.

  Emrys realised he’d neglected to fully explain his unique terminology, “Let me clarify, I call the time gaps between the ages that a time-traveler experiences an ‘inter-dimensional time drift’. This drift is why many of the legends about me, as Merlin, were created. Once I learned how to slip between dimensions, and people began to notice me appearing and reappearing in places hundreds of years apart, they recorded me in history as the ‘immortal Merlin’ believing me to be hundreds, if not thousands of years old.” He explained as he finished his coffee and carried his dirty plate to rinse it in the sink.

  Anna’s face brightened, “I think I actually get it! When you took me to Wales and told me the year was 576AD, I asked you if you were ‘that old’ and you said something about ‘dimensional drifting.” Emrys nodded, impressed that she was putting the pieces together so quickly.

  “So, you are…” She tapped her temple as she assessed his age, “I’m guessing thirty-ish?” Emrys nodded and Anna continued, “So when you visit another time, its like going into another room; you’re still the same age, because why wouldn’t you be? You’re just in that dimension for a few hours, sort of visiting, and since you haven’t actually lived through the years between one time to another, your age is still… 32?” Anna turned towards Emrys, her face flushed with excitement, “Is that right?”

  Emrys beamed like a proud parent, “Brains and beauty…and you make a mean omelette too! I am a lucky guy, and yes, that pretty much sums it up, but I am 31.”

  The loud ringing of Anna’s phone caused them to jump. Anna grabbed her handbag to dig for it, briefly checking caller ID, she mouthed, ‘my Mom’ to Emrys before answering.

  “Hello, Mom.” Anna smiled at Emrys who was tidying her little kitchen. He was perfect - AND - he cleaned up after himself. Perfect man.

  “Anna! Oh honey, something terrible has happened.” Anna’s mother’s voice was tight with emotion, “Sit down honey, it’s your Father; he’s had a heart attack.”

  “Oh my God…” Anna’s eyes widened in shock, as Emrys crossed the room quickly to put his arm around her shoulders, she asked her Mother fearfully, “Is he going to be okay?”

  “Alex is talking with the duty doctor right now, I don’t know how bad it is yet.” She let out a little sob and Anna could hear Andy in the background, trying to comfort her as he took the phone.

  “Anna?” Andy’s voice was a little stronger, “He’s in good hands, but I think you should be here. Do you need me to come get you, or can you get a train?”

  “No…don’t leave Mom, Andy, she needs you. I will get there, is he at Basset Hospital on Atwell?”

  “Yes, we’re still in emergency, but by the time you get here we might not be, keep your phone near, Anna. I’ll let you know if anything changes.” Andy’s voice sounded strong, he was keeping it together for their Mom. Anna knew him so well.

  “I… I’m bringing someone with me.” Anna looked at Emrys who nodded. “I will be there as quickly as I can. I love you, Andy. Tell Mom and Dad I love them too.” Anna hung up before Andy could ask any questions.

  “Anna, we’re calling a taxi, a train would take too long.” Emrys gave her a tight hug, “It’s going to be okay, we’ll get there in time.”

  Anna nodded, feeling numb, “Emrys are you sure you want to go? I wanted you to meet my family…” A sob choked her, “I wanted you to meet my Dad.” Anna voice trembled.

  “Honey, don’t worry, I will.” Emrys whispered as he spoke with a taxi company, arranging the drive quickly.

  “A taxi will be very expensive.” Anna mumbled as Emrys helped her to pull on a coat.

  “Don’t worry; I’ve got it.” Emrys led her down the stairs to wait for the taxi.


  Acclon and Nivane

  In an icy cave, deep underground in a realm untouched by time or nature, Nivane paced. Frail legs that barely supported a back hunched with age, she moved with an agility that belied her appearance. The anger that twisted her already ravaged face was a palpable presence — colder even than the air that frosted the walls like glass, she moved, spider-like, to a mirrored surface that was polished into the crystalline wall.

  Nivane's fury was reflected darkly in its’ obsidian surface.

  The one she hated with a passion, the obsession that ruled her every waking thought, the man she blamed for the death of the life she'd sought so diligently to achieve, was free.

  Nivane would not have believed it possible, but she'd seen it for herself through the eyes of one of her raven minions; not only was Myrddin free — he was in love. Even worse, the object of his affections loved him too.

  Nivane spat on the ground in disgust. The girl who loved him was a young beauty with an aura that glowed brightly, lighting the forest with the immaculate perfection of a spirit unified body and soul in the purity of true love. The darkness of Nivane's soul had been so repulsed by such lightness of being that it had made her physically ill.

  Myrddin Ambrosius or Merlin Emrys - or whatever name he was currently using, she thought with revulsion, was clearly now living an existence that was not bereft of any pleasures as she'd sought to affect. He was no longer a dreamweaver consigned to a miserable life watching the living from a cold joyless prison; he was breathing free air and Myrddin was... happy, she shuddered with impotent rage.

  She chuckled humourlessly, remembering the life she’d given up as a Naiad for the one she'd created for herself as a young, beautiful human girl. It had been her never satisfied quest for power that had been her undoing.

  Nivane too had been known by many names; Nymue, Nimue, Niniane, Nyneue, Viviane and once upon a time, Morgan Le Fay. All of which she'd invented while masquerading as an innocent girl, and using her surpassing beauty as a means to an end — to achieve the power and position she craved above all else.

  Nivane's ethereal beauty had caught the eye of the Goddess, Hestia who'd conscripted her into the ranks of the much admired Vestal Virgins. Having found special favour with the Goddess, Nivane had enjoyed a privileged life as a human girl; she had been allowed to leave her hair unshorn, to live in the temple palace and had been treated royally as Hestia's Goddess in waiting.

  Understandably, this had made Nivane’s 'sister' novices jealous. Although they’d avoided her, one evening Nivane had overheard something amazing; the simpering virgins had gossiped that Myrddin, the same fool that had courted Nivane with annoying persistence, was actually a wizard with powerful magickal skills.

  Nivane had been shocked, and needing to know if the stories were true, she’d hidden in a dark corner of Myrddin's workroom. It had come as quite a shock to see the truth of Myrddin's magick; shapeshifting, alchemy skills and the mysterious realms where he seemed to vanish — only to return with fantastical devices and riches.

  But of all Myrddin's magickal talents there was one that surpassed all others — the Charm of Making. Drawing upon omnipotent forces to shift light and time to create an unimaginable range of deceptive visages, Myrddin wielded a tool of unimaginable power. Such a weapon could unseat Kings and virtually change the order of whole empires.

  Nivane had seen the Charm of Making in action when she'd spied on Myrddin, watching him as he’d aided a corrupt King achieve his equally corrupt baser desires. It was then and there that Nivane had realised she had to possess the knowledge to wield the Charm for her own uses.

  Putting aside her revulsion of Myrddin, Nivane had coerced and wheedled, talking him into showing her his workroom. She’d been careful not to use an enchantment, as Myrddin would’ve instantly felt the air charge with her Naiad energy. Nivane had simply used feminine wiles, flattery mostly, fawning over Myrddin's prowess as a wizard and stroking his male ego. It had been so easy! He was like all men — susceptible to idle flattery and eager to show off. Myrddin had taught her the Charm of Making that very afternoon.

  It had all gone horribly wrong when Nivane had celebrated her newly gained talent with too much ambrosia laced wine, and had accepted Myrddin into her bed in a moment of uncharacteristic weakness. The one time she'd let herself feel something... human, it had nearly undone her.

  To escape the wrath of the powerful deity, Hestia, and the horrific death of a fallen vestal virgin, Nivane had turned to the dark natured druids. They had readily accepted her into their fold, granting her untold powers and immortality as a druid witch, but failing to mention that her beauty would be forfeit with the passing of time, and the ravages that using dark powers wrought. Nivane had aged far more rapidly than that of a normal life span, and the results had been horrific.

  Ironically immortality had been her’s in another life where she’d been restricted to live as a minor deity in a lake. Viviane, as she’d been known then, or as the Lady in the Lake, she’d coveted the idea of life as a beautiful human girl. She had wanted to walk on the land and be something more than a Lake Deity and keeper of a sword. She had sacrificed her immortality to live as a mortal, trading it for perfection in human beauty and believing it would bring her wealth and power in the realm of mankind.

  Her dream had ended with her virginity, and although she’d been granted immortality again as a dark druid witch, she didn’t want it trapped in the body she now saw as she looked upon her refection. Nivane hated her image nearly as much as she hated Myrddin.

  Running her claw-like hands over the surface of the darkly mirrored wall, Nivane began to sway, her thin arms stretched high, her voice raised to an unholy pitch, Nivane began the charm of making;

  "Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha"

  As her chanting continued, the mirror began to twist and bubble, its’ mercurial surface rippling as the air sparked with energy.

  Nivane's voice lowered as the power she'd released began to take shape,

  "Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha!"

  The image, slowly forming and reflecting hazily in the frosty mirror, was no longer that of an old woman with thin grey hair that hung limply around a wizened, cruel face; it showed Nivane as she once was — beautiful beyond description with supple glowing skin, large hazel eyes and amber coloured flaxen hair.

  Behind her came a low voice, "The image won't last, Nivane. Your power is waning, and every time you use the charm your visage pays a cruel price."

  She spun, spittle flying from her mouth as she turned in surprise, "Acclon! You have come to me!" If joy had been an emotion that such a face could hold, Nivane would have sought to affect it. Her thin lips curled with the intentio
n of a smile to reveal long yellow teeth, spaced wide apart in gaping, diseased gums.

  But Acclon's eyes were on the mirrored surface of the wall, drinking in the vision of the still moving image of Nivane from long ago. It was more than a memory to him as he gazed upon the perfect beauty that once was her’s — truly the most beautiful woman that had ever lived. He sighed in longing for the maiden that was now fading into mist from the cold surface.

  He'd truly loved Nivane, or Morgan Le Fay as she’d been known to him at the time. His love had been as genuine and deep a love as any man had ever spent upon a woman. Acclon's sad eyes turned to the creature that was now sidling nearer, smiling horrifically as she coyly twisted a greasy strand of hair around a bony finger.

  "Do you still love me, dear, dear Acclon?" Nivane entreated in a simpering voice, having seen the love in his eyes as he'd looked upon her former beauty, "I know you want to help me, now that I've found a way to return to you... my one and only love." She lied effortlessly, for a heart as blackened as her's could no more hold love within it's twisted chambers than a fist could hold water.


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