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The Dreamweaver

Page 13

by Nancy Joseph Peterson

  He backed up a pace, "We tried human sacrifice, it tapped into the power of the Sidhe, but even it couldn't effect the transformation you’d need.” He said turning so he wouldn't have to look upon her wasted face and ravaged body.

  "That is so, Acclon, and sacrificing the children you've captured for me won't affect the change either.” She said while sidling ever closer to him, "But, there is another way; I can still wield the Charm of Making, Acclon. I can mask your appearance and you can bring me a maiden from another age whose soul is pure, and whose heart is alight with true love. It is her sacrifice that will restore my beauty to you for all time." Nivane shuffled nearer him, reaching out to grip his forearm with claw-like fingers.

  Acclon flinched involuntarily at her touch, “I know of the magick you speak, and you're right, the children may be innocent but are not what the druid elegy requires.” He stared off into space remembering the complex spell, "The Druid Elegy of Transference will only work with a sacrifice of one whose beauty is as perfect as your's once was, and she must be truly in love, with her maidenhead intact.”

  Nivane nodded vigorously, her sagging skin bouncing with the movement, “Yes, Yes! Just so!”

  He thought, remembering the very exacting words of the ancient spell;

  With beauty that runs deeper than youths spring flush, purity surpassing the virginal maiden's tender blush,

  With an open heart where flows the gift of true love, and the gentlest nature of the purest tender dove,

  These jewels placed within the crown of a glowing soul, to shine with a light to brighten and make whole,

  Exchange for the soul; evil flesh withered with age, a blackened heart, a life spent as the darkest mage,

  This dove of light, whose gentle wings with breeze blows the breath of life, into aged flesh, fresh youth shall glow,

  The death of the bright; the light and pure,

  Gives rise to the night; the dark will procure,

  An eternity of life, from the dove, her light thus stole, and taken in death by the mage; her youth now made whole.

  He pushed Nivane’s grasping fingers away, "Such a creature is as rare as your beauty once was — in any dimension or age. You may as well seek to sacrifice a Sidhe Unicorn." Acclon concluded dryly, dismissing the idea as an impossible task.

  As Acclon brushed past her, with his own agenda to attend, Nivane smiled inwardly. Yes, she knew of such a creature. Even better, her plan would fulfil her two greatest desires; her final revenge on Myrddin and the return of her human beauty for all eternity.

  The Welsh called them 'dyn hysbys,’ and most sects of druidism and their disciples were peaceful keepers of nature. They were not feared by neighbouring villagers, but seen as teachers, healers, seers and wizards. Indeed, young Merlin Emrys had been one of their prize apprentices and still considered himself one of them in many ways.

  With an objective to live in harmony with nature and as her protector, dyn hysbys were of benefit to all and their passive lifestyle made them benign to both nature and any neighbouring villagers.

  But living in the shadows, away from the good people of Caerfyrddin and the simple lives of the dyn hysbys, an impious and malevolent sect of dark druids were not as compatible with either nature, or humanity as their gentle counterparts. Secretive and calling upon dark forces to affect their magicks, they worshiped the shadowy side of life. The underbelly of nature; the cruelty of creatures killing for joy instead of food — the harsh, and often cold-blooded fate nature dealt the innocent, this was the dark druids pleasure and their deity.

  The gloaming, that time between the death of the light and the birth of the dark, was their time and when their strongest dark magicks were performed.

  On the Northwest edge of Caerfyrddin, near a cave in the darkened shelter of a glade of dense fir trees, a group of six hooded figures stood around a blood stained altar of limestone. The altar itself was surrounded by a fairy ring of red and white Amanita Muscaria mushrooms, and upon the altar a trembling dove lay bound with twine, flailing helplessly.

  The six cloaked figures stood silently, ignoring it’s struggles. Standing with their heads bowed, they waited.

  From the darkened interior of the cave, a bluish light, at first faint and barely distinguishable from the fading daylight, became stronger as a figure cloaked in a blood red cloak of scarlet, emerged holding a candle surrounded by a blue-green bunch of clary sage.

  The six began to sway and softly chant;

  “Anál un o` r tylwyyh teg’ dnáos’s llywodraeth, Tylwythen deg Grymuster do chél dénmha.”

  Pushing his hood back, Acclon moved to the dais, his handsome face twisted into a dark smile. With a raised voice he began an ancient incantation,

  “As the light fades, the dark invades, six rejoice the days dying voice.”

  The six hooded men repeated the chant in the old language;

  “Anál un o` r tylwyyh teg’ dnáos’s llywodraeth, Tylwythen deg Grymuster do chél dénmha.”

  Acclon continued, “Now hear our pleas! The shadows our keys, to open this earth, from depths shall birth!”

  The six druids voices raised to a demand;

  “Anál un o` r tylwyyh teg’ dnáos’s llywodraeth, Tylwythen deg Grymuster do chél dénmha!”

  “The power of fairy, with boughs of clary, the command of nature, I doth demand!” Acclon raised the bough of clary sage above his head and set it alight with the candle. As the sage began to smoulder, he waved it slowly from side to side, allowing the acrid smoke to envelope the altar and the bowed heads of the now silent men.

  Acclon repeated his last command, “The power of fairy, with boughs of clary, the command of nature, I doth demand!”

  Throwing the burning sage into the centre of the altar, Acclon brought a dagger from beneath his cloak, slicing the dove’s neck in one quick movement, and using her blood to extinguish the burning sage, he stilled, waiting. The surrounding forest seemed to hold its collective breath; not a sound from man nor bird nor beast could be heard.

  The fairy ring began to glow softly as a watery green mist began to flow from the base of the mushrooms. Taking on the form of a serpent, it twisted, slithering among the men seeking the one who’d called it.

  Acclon raised his blood stained hands, beckoning the mist to him, as the smoky serpent approached, it raised its insubstantial head, and with misty fangs extended, it struck. Acclon staggered from the metaphysical impact, his forehead briefly bearing the mark of a Sidhe fairy rune before it faded, sinking into his flesh and bestowing it’s unholy power.


  Anna's Family

  Anna and Emrys sat silently in the back seat of the taxi, his arm around her trembling shoulders, she looked out the window at the passing traffic as the driver sped towards the hospital.

  Emrys had paid the driver an exorbitant amount to assure they would arrive quickly, the taxi driver dodged traffic, doing his best to make good time.

  Anna sighed, leaning back onto Emrys shoulder, “My Dad and Mom are divorced.” Her hands were icy cold in Emrys warm ones, “Dad did something stupid, he regretted it, but when Mom found out, she just couldn’t forgive him. So, they divorced about four years ago. I think they still love each other, Emrys.” Anna voice trembled remembering the recent family dinner, “They seemed to be heading towards something, maybe even getting back together.” She sighed sadly.

  “People make mistakes in judgment, do silly things they regret. But real love, at least what I’ve begun to learn about it, doesn’t stop. If your mother is anything like you, I am sure your father would do anything to fix the damage he did.” Emrys kissed her forehead.

  “My bothers will be at the hospital; Alex and Andy, this is not a great way to meet, but I don’t know how I could’ve done this without you, Emrys. I am sorry you have to meet them all like this.” Anna whispered sadly, wiping away a tear before it ran her cheek.

  Emrys tilted her chin up so he could look into her eyes, “Anna, I wouldn’t
be anywhere but here with you tonight. Everything will be okay, I’ll just be near in case you need me. You can introduce me however you want, or not. What ever you need, just let me know, I’ll follow your lead.” He said understandingly.

  Anna nodded, and resumed looking out the window miserably. The forty-five minute drive seemed to take hours. When they finally pulled up to the emergency room entrance, Anna opened her door, jumping out before the taxi came to a full stop.

  Emrys paid the driver, and followed. The stark white calamity of the emergency room assaulted him the minute he opened the doors. He knew the environment well, but had never been patient with the cold treatment families were often given during times of such great stress.

  Anna was speaking to a nurse who sat at a desk behind a thick glass wall, and the way her shoulders tensed, Emrys could tell she was having trouble.

  “Ms.…” Anna squinted trying to read the nurses name badge, “Newell, my Dad was admitted a little over an hour ago with a heart attack, I just need to know where he is.” Anna was trying to stay calm, her words carefully spaced for clarity.

  “And as I said young lady, you’ll just have to wait until my computer system comes back on-line. I can’t find anyone without it.” Nurse Newell’s expression showed no empathy, her voice cold and perfunctionary.

  Emrys face was a stony mask as he walked up to stand next to Anna, “Ms. Newell, my name is Doctor Caledon, I am with this ‘young lady’ and if you do not let her know where her Father is within the next ten-seconds, I promise you will not be employed here tomorrow or at any hospital in the Western world.” Emrys slid an officious looking business card under the glass.

  Nurse Newell looked at his card and blanched, “Oh, Doctor…I didn’t know, I’ll just go and find out…now.” She hastily jumped up and moved as quickly as her sizeable bulk would allow.

  Within a few moments, Andy came running down the hallway, “Anna!” He grabbed her in a tight hug, “Dad’s going to be okay, he had a pretty serious heart attack, and there was some damage, but Alex says it’s repairable.” Andy glanced curiously at Emrys who followed behind them as they moved into an elevator.

  Andy punched the third floor button marked ‘Intensive Care.’

  “How’s Mom? Is she okay?” Anna asked as she reached to hold Emrys hand, pulling him closer to her.

  The corners of Andy’s mouth turned down slightly, “She’s okay. Scared, but okay.” Andy looked at their entwined hands, his brow raised questioningly.

  “Andy, this is Emrys, my…boyfriend. I couldn’t come alone.” Anna stammered, “He brought me here in a taxi.” Anna said meaningfully.

  Andy extended his hand to Emrys, “Nice to meet you, I didn’t even know she had a boyfriend.” Andy avoided Anna’s eyes as they left the elevator, “Thanks for getting her here so quickly though, I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem, Andy, I was just glad I was with her when your mother rang, and just so you know, it was my decision to wait a while before meeting Anna’s family, it’s not her fault. I travel quite a lot, and wanted to do the family meeting properly when I was free.” Emrys explained, trying to get Anna off the hook.

  Andy nodded, “Sure, no problem, and seriously, thanks for getting her to us quickly. It means a lot to us.”

  They walked down a corridor and into a waiting room, where Anna’s mother sat motionless, a styrofoam cup of cold coffee clutched in her hand.

  “Oh Anna, I am so glad you’re here.” Anna’s mother jumped up when she saw her daughter, her eyes were red-rimmed as Anna hugged her tightly.

  “Mom, what have you heard? Andy said Alex was here…what did he say about Dad?” Anna sat next to her mother pulling her close and putting her arm around her trembling shoulders.

  “Alex is in with your Father and they’re talking with a heart surgeon now. They told me he has three areas of damage…” Her voice caught for a moment, “He is going to have open-heart surgery, Anna.”

  Anna looked at Andy who was sitting on the other side of their mother, he confirmed with a nod and said, “Alex told us Dad is strong, Anna. He should be okay, but its’ heart surgery and that makes it serious enough.”

  Anna’s mother looked up, and noticed Emrys sitting across the small room, she turned to Anna questioningly.

  “Mom, sorry… this is Emrys. I’d hoped to introduce him to you next week…” Anna squeezed her mother’s hand and smiled nervously, “Emrys is my boyfriend Mom. He got me here much faster than I could’ve on my own. I don’t know how I would’ve managed without him.” Anna looked at Emrys appreciatively.

  Emrys stood and crossed the room, kneeling near Anna, he reached out to cover Anna’s mother’s hand with his, “I hoped to meet you under better circumstances, Mrs. Stewart. I just wanted to get Anna here as soon as possible, I don’t want to intrude. I’ll just stay near in case any of you need anything.”

  She smiled weakly, “Please call me Joanne, Emrys. Thank you for getting Anna here, I know her Dad would thank you…” her voice broke into a sob, “Excuse me…” she dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.

  Emrys nodded as he patted her hand and rose to sit across from them again.

  Anna smiled at Emrys and mouthed ‘thank-you.’ He nodded.

  Alex strode into the room, his family quickly gathered around him as he spoke, “The surgeon is Dr. Marcus Bridgestock. We are lucky to have him, he’s one of the best. He is a specialist here from Boston and wouldn’t ordinarily be available, but he’ll do Dad’s surgery. I trust him, Mom. Dad’s going to be okay.” Alex’s eyes were lined with concern, “Mom I’m arranging a room here for you to be near Dad - one of the perks of being a doctor.” He smiled wanly.

  Turning to his sister, he added, “Anna, maybe you could stay at the house tonight. The surgery is scheduled for early tomorrow morning, and I know you’ll want to be here.” Alex’s voice carried authority, he was acting as both a doctor as well as the head of his family.

  Anna nodded, and looked over to where Emrys was sitting, “Alex, I want you to meet Emrys, my boyfriend.”

  Alex stepped back, surprised, “Anna, I didn’t know. When did this happen?”

  Emrys stood and moved to stand beside Anna to save her from having to answer, “I’ve looked forward to meeting you Dr. Stewart. Anna has talked about you often, I am sorry to meet under such stressful circumstances.” Emrys extended his hand.

  Alex shook it, “Please, call me Alex. I’m sorry…Emrys is it?” Emrys nodded. “I assume you came with Anna from the City?” Emrys nodded again. “Well, there is plenty of room at the house, Anna you can give him my room.”

  Anna rolled her eyes at Alex’s ‘big brother’ assumption that they would need separate rooms, but before she could say something sharp, Emrys answered, “Thank you, but that won’t be necessary, Alex. I’m afraid I won’t be able to stay tonight. I will try to return in the morning to wait with Anna during the surgery.”

  Alex nodded, turning to take his Mother to speak with Dr. Bridgestock privately.

  Emrys pulled Anna away for a moment to have a private word, “I will leave the herb packet beside your bed at your Mothers house, Anna. Take it with a glass of water, and don’t worry it will just prevent creative type dreams. Oh, and don’t worry about Py either, I’ll leave him some kibbles before I go.”

  Anna nodded, “I wish you could stay, Emrys. How long do you think you’ll be away?”

  He smiled, tugging her nearer for a tight hug as he whispered, “You know I won’t be long, my love. Only a few hours and I’ll be back with you. Long before the surgery in the morning I hope.”

  Anna buried her face into his chest for a moment of comfort, “Oh, right…I forgot for a minute, the time-thingy. You’ll be careful? I know you have to go to Caerfyrddin and help them, but it sounds dangerous. What if that Nivane finds you and traps you again? I can’t lose you now…” Her voice quivered with fear.

  “Don’t worry, Anna. There is nothing and no one that could keep me from you. I am far
stronger than Nivane now, and even with the help of her dark druids, she couldn’t defeat me.” Emrys walked with her into the corridor, just out of sight of her family.

  He kissed Anna deeply and whispered, “I love you, Anna. When I get back, and your father is out of danger, I want to ask your parents for your hand in marriage. I am not sure I like just being your ‘boyfriend.’”

  Anna blushed, resting her head against his chest briefly, “I didn’t know how to introduce you, Emrys. They would’ve been even more shocked if I’d called you my fiancé, but I think they won’t be too surprised now.”

  Anna’s family turned the corner and stopped, seeing Anna and Emrys locked in a tender embrace, they waited, looking a bit uncomfortable, at a distance.

  Emrys kissed Anna on her cheek, and nodded to her family respectfully, before turning and striding down the hallway and onto the elevator before leaving Anna’s dimension.


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