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The Dreamweaver

Page 14

by Nancy Joseph Peterson

  Andy drove them to their mother’s house. They’d left their mother resting comfortably in a room near their Father’s. Alex had given her a sedative and had assured them she’d get some sleep. The last thing she’d said to Anna before they’d left was tragic and sweet, she’d whispered to Anna, “I love him, honey. We’re getting back together.”

  Anna sighed, “Andy, I’m sorry I haven’t told you about Emrys before tonight.”

  “It’s okay, Anna. I’m the last guy to criticise anyone about dating. But you, you’re the one who never does anything without about a year of thinking about it first. You gotta know this is totally out of left field for you.” He reached out to squeeze his sister’s knee.

  Anna smiled, “I know. I know, right? It is hard to explain, Andy. We met, and it was…” she shrugged, “just undeniable.”

  “Well, it must have been fast, and he must be great, ‘cause you wouldn’t feel like that about a mug.” Andy pulled into the driveway. “Once all this is over, I want to have a talk with your Emrys.” Andy said as he walked to the front door with Anna.

  “Oh, no. You’re not giving Emrys the ‘eye.’ He’s a really a good man, Andy. I need you to trust me on this. You know I’m not a flirty kind of girl, he’s the one for me, I’m in love with him.” Anna said in a soft voice.

  Andy shut the door behind them, “Wow. Anna, I don’t know what to say.” He hugged her, “I am so happy for you. I do want to get to know him. Does he feel the same way?”

  Anna smiled, grateful that Andy was taking it so well, “Yes, he does. He hasn’t had many…relationships, he’s kinda like me in that. Emrys is a serious type person, you’ll see when you talk with him. He does love me, Andy. I know.”

  “He hasn’t…tried anything with you, Anna?” Andy asked quietly.

  “No, in fact he wants us to wait. He wants that part of our life to be right, I feel the same. Not that it’s any of your business.” Anna replied with a little annoyance.

  Andy blew out a breath of relief, “Sorry little sister, I can’t help it. You’re my baby Sis…always will be.”

  “I know, I love you too, big Bro.” Anna said starting up the stairs to her room, “Ill set my alarm for six in the morning, Andy. We need to be at the hospital by seven sharp.”

  “Okay, no worries, Anna. I doubt I’ll sleep much tonight anyway. I’m glad you’re here…I was scared tonight.” Andy followed, heading to his room.

  Anna turned to give Andy a tight hug, “I know, me too, but Alex says he’ll be okay.”

  Andy nodded, “Goodnight, Anna. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Anna closed her door.

  Anna turned on the little light that sat on her bedside table. Just as Emrys had promised, a sachet of herbs rested against a glass of water for her.

  She smiled, touching the packet with her fingertip, missing Emrys already. Anna mixed the herbs with the water and drank it down in one gulp. Not bad, she mused. Sort of thyme-lavender taste.

  Anna got ready for bed quickly, and snuggled into the duvet, her mind whirring with worries and thoughts. Finally, turning onto her tummy, she drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

  The alarm rang on her phone, 5:45am. Anna opened her eyes, yawning and still exhausted. Emrys was right about one thing, she didn’t dream…but she didn’t really sleep either. Between whatever was in the packet of herbs Emrys had left, and worrying about her father, the night had been a long one. She kicked off the covers, opened her door to yell, “Get up!” towards Andy’s room and headed for the shower.

  Forty-minutes later the two bleary-eyed siblings were on their way to the hospital after one quick, much needed, stop at Starbucks.

  “I didn’t sleep.” Andy announced as he balanced his grande-triple-shot-nonfat-no-foam latte on his knee. “I couldn’t stop thinking about Dad. I don’t know what life would be like without him. He has always been so healthy and active, it just never occurred to me that he’d get sick.” Andy’s red rimmed eyes told the truth of his exhaustion.

  Anna nodded, “I know, he’s always there for us. Dad just seems so solid, like nothing would ever stop him.” Anna paused, “Mom told me she loved him last night and that they were getting back together. What would she do if anything happened to him?”

  Even though they were divorced, Anna knew they had remained close. Like Emrys had said; genuine love doesn’t stop.

  “Yes, I heard Mom. I sorta knew it was going that way. I was still pretty angry with him for cheating on her.” Andy admitted, “I even told Mom I didn’t think it was a good idea to take him back a few months ago when she hinted about it. But after seeing them together last week at dinner, I sorta changed my mind. Elle helped too, she told me to stay out of it, that she could tell they still loved each other.”

  Anna was liking Elle more and more, “I’m glad you changed your mind, Andy. You know even though Dad was the one who cheated, Mom knows she shared a little of the blame of their marriage failing. It must be easy to sort of get lazy when you’ve been together for such a long time. I think, as crazy as it sounds, they’re actually better now then before Dad cheated.”

  “Maybe so, but its still a crap way to repair a bad marriage.” Andy said frowning, “I love Dad, and I forgave him for what he did to Mom, but I want you to know I’ll never think cheating is right.” Andy white-gripped the steering wheel.

  “I agree, I just wanted to make the point that both of them did stuff to make their marriage fail. Dad shouldn’t have cheated, and Mom maybe could have paid more attention to Dad, I think she was too focused on us and the house.”

  “Okay…we’re in agreement.” Andy reached out to muss his sister’s hair like he used to do when they were children as they walked into the hospital.

  “Stop that! I look terrible as it is!” Anna batted his hand away.

  Mom was back in the waiting room, this time waiting for them. Anna gave her the little bag of necessities that she’d asked for, and a hot cup of coffee from Starbucks.

  “Thanks, honey. Dad’s awake if you want to go say good morning. They’re going to take him to surgery in about fifty minutes. I’ll meet you in there after I freshen up a bit.” She smiled wanly, “Are you kids okay? You both look exhausted.” She laid her hand on Anna’s cheek, “Don’t worry sweetie, he’s going to be fine, I’m positive.”

  Anna nodded, and she and Andy walked down the hallway and into their Father’s room.

  Surprisingly his colour looked good, “There you two are!” he said in his typically chipper voice, “I saw Alex about an hour ago, he’ll be back in here before they take me. Sit down, you both look worse than I feel!” he chuckled.

  Andy’s eyes grew large as he took in the many monitors and tubes leading to and from his father.

  “Dad you scared us. What happened?” Anna settled into the chair next to his bed with Andy on the other side, holding his Fathers hand.

  “It was really weird, I was sitting in my office, just sitting — and my arm and neck started to get these strange, tingling, shooting pains. It didn’t stop and then my chest hurt like someone was jumping on it. It just got worse and worse, and finally I buzzed Jane, my secretary, and she called 911.” He sighed, “I guess all those gym memberships didn’t help all that much.” He joked, smiling bravely.

  “Thank God Jane called 911, if you’d been somewhere else or in your car…” Andy’s voice trailed off meaningfully.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m gonna give Jane a raise if I get out of here.”

  “Dad! Don’t even joke like that, you’re going to be fine! Alex and Mom said so, and you so don’t want to go against the two of them!” Anna squeezed his arm, “I love you, Dad, this was just a warning, maybe you should lay off the butter and bacon.”

  “I know.” He patted Anna’s hand, “I love you kids, and your Mom more than anything, look,” he said as he tried to sit a little straighter, “I was going to talk with the three of you next weekend, but I want to say this now. Your Mom has forgiven me. I was an idiot
, I will regret what I did for the rest of my life, but your Mom still loves me, for some crazy reason, and I’m getting a second chance. I want you both to know I won’t blow it this time.” He eyes shone with sincerity.

  “And we’re going to have a very big wedding,” Joanne said from the doorway, “and an even bigger honeymoon.” She smiled, coming to sit at the foot of her ex-husband-finances’ bed.

  Anna looked at the two of them, with the love shining in their eyes. It was truly beautiful, and somehow comforting that love like that could survive something so hurtful, and go on to a new beginning.

  Andy’s eyes had filled too, he excused himself to go find the men’s room, but Anna knew better. She smiled, he was really a big softy.

  “I need to go and call my work, Dad I’ll only be a few minutes, I’ll be back before you go.” Anna kissed his cheek and squeezed her mothers arm.

  The conversation Anna had with human resources, and then Mr. Alexander, on the hospital’s terrace was not good. The more she thought about it the more angry it made her! A heart attack. Her father had a heart attack. What kind of employer wouldn’t understand that she needed to be with her family during her father’s heart surgery?

  Even though Anna had given all the details to her team as where to find her files, and had taken the time to give them as much information as she could, it still hadn’t made Clem happy. Anna was so angry, she’d worked there for over two years and had only taken off one sick day in all that time. It didn’t matter, Anna was not leaving the hospital until her father was out of danger. Clem could get stuffed, and if he didn’t like it, well damn him, he could fire her!

  When Anna returned to the room her family was all present. Alex was just going over the procedure, explaining everything in graphic detail. It made Anna feel both proud of Alex and fearful for her father at the same time. She was comforted that Alex was impressed by their father’s heart surgeon. Alex explained everything, giving his family ‘insider’ doctor treatment. She knew other families were sort of at the mercy of a hospital and their staff, having Alex as a go-between was really reassuring.

  The orderlies came into the room with a gurney, checking his chart and verifying that it was Michael L. Stewart, they took him away. Anna’s mother’s eyes were glassy as she watched him go down the long white hallway.

  Anna and her brothers sat with their mother waiting, for what seemed like an eternity. It occurred to Anna, no matter what a person’s age, your parents remain your parents as an indeterminable and ever present source of security and love. Facing the potential of one of them dying transports even the most secure adult, back to being a helpless child again. In the small, too bright waiting room, it was their mother who comforted them all — just like she had when they were small children.

  They talked about life; about their childhood, about their dreams, their jobs, their aspirations and yes…their love lives. All eyes turned to Anna as the conversation turned to her recent shock news of Emrys.

  Anna sighed, she’d known this was coming, “We both shared an interest in medieval history, Arthurian legend and Welsh fables. He’s an academic. Emrys has an amazing wealth of knowledge, I was captivated and one thing led to another, we’ve spent hours and hours just talking.” Anna explained truthfully, but leaving out the down-the-rabbit-hole stuff.

  “I checked on him, Anna.” Alex said quietly, “He gave his business card to the ER duty nurse; cranky old Lea Newell.” Alex frowned, “Sorry she was hard on you, Anna. Anyhow, she gave me Emrys card. So I Googled your Emrys M. Caledon, II; he has a Phd in research medicine at Oxford and a second Phd in physics at Cambridge. There was another Emrys M. Caledon, II, but it must have been your Emrys grandfather, because that Emrys M. Caledon was a fellow at both the same schools, and wrote the eminent physics texts in the 1920s that students for astrophysics still use today. He, and I'm only guessing it was Caledon Senior, donated millions to build the best research physics facilities all over England and Wales. Your ‘boyfriend’ has quite an understated ego. His permanent address is listed in Wales, England by the way.”

  Anna was dumbfounded. Both at Emrys impressive credentials and at her brother’s detective work, “I can’t believe you checked up on him, Alex.” She said quietly.

  “What do you expect, Anna? A week ago we didn’t know anything about a ‘boyfriend’ and then you show up here with him announcing he’s your guy. I’m just really surprised, that’s all.” Alex’s piercing blue eyes didn’t give an inch, “Anna, I love you. We all do, you’re just not the kind of girl who falls in love within the space of a week. I really think you should slow down a little.”

  Anna felt her cheeks getting hot, a sure sign she was on the edge of saying something she would regret later, “Alex. I’m not ‘that kind of girl,’ and that alone should make you realise I wouldn’t do something silly or frivolous. I don’t mind telling you the truth, I have never lied to any of you.” She looked meaningfully at each of them, “I love Emrys. I am sorry if it doesn't fit in with a prescribed time frame for you, it happened and I am grateful to have found him, I don’t see any sense in pretending it’s not love until all of you think it’s been enough time.” Anna’s face felt hot, she knew her reddened face was a give-a-way to her family.

  “Oh Anna, I’m sure he’s wonderful!” Anna’s mother gave Alex a reproving look, “From what Alex has said, he sounds like an amazing man. If you love him, then I know we will too. We just need to get to know him, honey. When all this is over we’ll have him over for dinner. Maybe Elle can come again too?” She looked at Andy who nodded, “Good. That’s settled, Alex give your sister a hug and tell her you’re sorry.” There was no mistaking their mothers tone of voice, she expected to be obeyed.

  Alex stood and came to sit next to Anna and hugging her, he said with sincerity, “Baby, I love you. I just wanted to be sure he was good enough for you. I didn’t really doubt you, I just am shocked someone like him would run in your circles. Emrys must be some sort of a genius to have that many degrees at his age.”

  “Alex, I am going to over look your implication that ‘someone like him’ wouldn’t ordinarily want ‘someone like me’… for now. I know you meant well, I love you too.” Anna smiled but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  “I didn’t mean it that way, Anna. If you really are in love with him, he’s the lucky one. I just meant from what I’ve learned, he doesn't socialise much.

  Andy just smiled, happy that someone else was under the family ‘love microscope’ for once.

  Anna looked at the clock; nearly two-o'clock in the afternoon…hadn't Emrys said he'd be back before her father's surgery was over? Anna began to pace, worrying about her Dad, and Emrys.

  Four hours later, Anna, her two brothers and her mother were met by the surgeon. The news was as good as they’d hoped, everything went to plan and Dad would be home within a week, but Emrys still hadn't shown up.

  Anna's stomach began to twist, what if something had gone wrong? She'd never even know what had happened because it would’ve occurred nearly fifteen hundred years ago.


  Cath Bodva

  Returning to his crannog, Emrys strode up the stairs to his workroom purposefully. He lit the oil burners in the room to illuminate his books and desk. Pulling down a greyish tome from one of the upper most shelves, he sat down to read at his desk.

  What ever the problem or situation, Emrys had learned the answers could be found by research and quiet contemplation. He gazed thoughtfully out his window; judging by the moon, he figured he had about four more hours before the men would arrive. By that time he hoped to have a plan that would help minimise the danger and maximise the best results. That was the plan anyway.

  Ninety minutes later, Emrys slammed the latest book shut and began to pace. What he’d found in the twenty or so books he’d breezed through was not good. The dark druids were dangerous, that he already knew. But if what he’d just learned were true, they posed an even greater risk, not jus
t to the villagers but the entire realm as well.

  The moon would be at its zenith tomorrow night, which meant the druids would in all likelihood stage another of their dark rituals, and with the children missing, Emrys concern was magnified.

  The vat in the corner bubbled, drawing Emrys attention. The dark arts were dangerous, even more so for the already darkened soul of a sorcerer as experienced as he. Emrys smiled wryly as he considered his potentially demonic genes — he couldn’t afford to sacrifice too much more of the already questionable light of his soul.

  Emrys sighed and murmured to himself as he again thought of the missing children, “There’s nothing for it, I have no choice.”

  The powerful magick for summoning required some preparation. Carefully locking his workroom door, Emrys removed his clothes and donned a white robe. From a clay jug he poured his purest olive oil into a mortar. To the oil he added ground myrrh, two crushed sticks of cinnamon, a pinch of fragrant cane, and a measure of cassia. Using the pestle, he ground the ingredients together until they formed a smooth, amber coloured lotion.


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