Page 34
Cambridge University, 31
Canada, Geoffrey, 237–38
Carnegie Mellon University, 31, 33
Carroll, Pete, 74
life philosophy of, 61–62, 64
Seahawk culture and, 243–44, 251, 261–68
Caslen, Robert, 258–61
Cervantes, Miguel de, 75
Chalmers, Thomas, 76
Chambliss, Dan, 36–38, 39, 81, 245–47
Character, 273–74
Chast, Roz, 69
Chatman, Jennifer, 183
Chatterton, Thomas, 76
Chicago Public Schools, 11
Child, Julia, 57, 99–101
Child-centered approach to parenting, 201, 211
Child Genius (television program), 31
Christensen, Ulrik, 122–23
Chua, Amy, 106
Cider House Rules, The (film), 44
Cinnabon bakery chain, 163, 164
Clarkson, Kelly, 187
Clinton, Bill, 35–36
Clinton, Hillary, 35–36
Close, Kerry, 125–26, 137
Coady, Chantal, 96
Coates, Ta-Nehisi, 275–76
Cobden, Richard, 76
Cognitive behavioral therapy, 176, 193, 310n
Cohen, Geoff, 218–19
Cole, Kat, 163–65
Coleman, Cody, 220–22
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 76
College education, 11, 230–32
Columbia University, 226, 257
Communication, 253, 256
Community colleges, 11
Compass metaphor, 60, 63, 67, 90
Competition, 262–63, 265–66
Competition Wednesdays, 262
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 75
Corresponsive principle, 233–34, 246
Cost-benefit analysis, 248, 250
Côté, Jean, 107–8
Cox, Catharine, 74–78
Crossword puzzle design, 95, 108–10, 111–12, 115
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 128–31
Culture, 243–68
categorical allegiance to, 245
defined, 244
generational differences and, 85–86, 89
identity and, 247–50
organizational, 252–58
Cuomo, Mario, 49
Currey, Mason, 139
Daily Rituals (Currey), 139
Damon, Bill, 162–63, 167
Danton, Georges J., 76
Darling, Nancy, 213
Darwin, Charles, 20–22
Davy O’Brien award, 203
Dear Abby, 193
Deierlein, Tom, 248–50, 260
Deliberate practice, 120–42
applying principles of, 123–24
author’s experience of, 133–35
effortfulness of, 127–28
feedback and, 122–23, 132, 134
flow and, 128–32, 137
getting the most from, 137–42
as a habit, 139–40
positive experience of, 135–37, 140–42
science of, 137–39
stretch goal in, 121–23
Demanding style of parenting, 201–7, 211
Denver Broncos, 243
Depression, 173, 174, 176, 193
De Sena, Joe, 319n
Developmental model, 259–61
Díaz, Roberto, 121
Dimon, Jamie, 252–54, 256
Divine Fury: A History of Genius (McMahon), 288–89n
Dogs, experiments on, 171–73, 187
Dorrance, Anson, 254–58, 262
Dorsin, Neil, 286n
Dropout rates
college, 11, 230–32
West Point, 3–4, 259
Drucker, Peter, 124
Duckworth, Angela
daughter Amanda, 134, 240, 241, 242, 271
daughter Lucy, 87–88, 134, 223, 240–41, 242, 271
father of, xiii–xv, 96–97, 98, 107, 159, 167, 277
Grit Scale scores of, 57
Hard Thing Rule and, 241–42
IQ test scores of, 34
longitudinal study conducted by, 230–32
MacArthur Fellowship awarded to, xiii–xiv
at McKinsey, 15, 18, 27–29
mother of, 167
neurobiology class of, 169–71
neuroscience degree of, 15
psychology of achievement theory of, 40–42
purpose experienced by, 157–59
teaching career of, 15–20, 117, 157–59, 177–78
TED talk of, 133–35, 220, 244
DuPont, 86, 97, 245
Durant, Kevin, 121–22
Dutton, Jane, 166
Dweck, Carol, 178–81, 183, 184, 192
Dyslexia, 15, 45
“Early years,” 107–8, 144
EDGE (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education) Program, 194
Education. See also Teachers
college, 11, 230–32
dropout rates in, 11, 230–32
graduate-level, 11, 194
KIPP program and, 181–83, 245
talent vs. grit in academic success, 15–20
Educational Testing Service (ETS), 227
Effort, 34, 35–51
academic success and, 17–18
ambivalence toward, 23–25
consistency of, 50
deliberate practice and, 127–28
KIPP and, 181
musical ability and, 23–24
Nietzsche on, 38–40
swimming and, 36–39
talent and skill interaction with, 42–44, 50–51
Treadmill Test of, 46–50, 256
writing and, 44–46
Eisenberger, Robert, 238–40
Emulation (of parents), 214–16
Encouragement and support
asking for, 193–95
of interests, 105–6, 107, 109–11
from parents, 207–10, 211
“Energies of Men, The” (James), 22–23
Enigmatology, 110
Enron, 30–31
Entrepreneurship, 24
Environmental influences/experience, 79–83, 296n
Ericsson, Anders, 118–21, 124–31, 135, 138
Eskreis-Winkler, Lauren, 138
Eudaimonic happiness, 146–47
Eulogy virtues, 274
Excess of grit (lack of evidence for), 271–73
Experience. See Environmental influences/experience
Extracurricular activities, 223–42
benefit transfers from, 238–40
excessive, rarity of, 225
follow-through importance, 226–36
long-term benefits of, 225
low-income children and, 236–38
Fame (film), 71
Faraday, Michael, 75
Farhi, Nicole, 96
Feedback, 122–23, 132, 134, 218–19
Feinberg, Mike, 181
Ferguson, Ron, 218
Field, Colin, 96
Financial Times, 96
Finland, 250–52, 253
Fitzsimmons, Bill, 234–36
Fixed mindset, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185–86, 190, 191–92
“Fleeting Interest in Everything, No Career Direction” (Reddit post), 101
Flow, 128–32, 137
Flynn, Jim, 83–84, 263
Flynn effect, 83–84, 85, 296–97n
Fonte, Aurora, 161–62
Fonte, Franco, 161–62
Football. See Carroll, Pete; Seattle Seahawks; Young, Steve
Fortune magazine, 27, 30
Fortune 1000 companies, 183–84
Fragile perfects, 190
Franklin, Benjamin, 123–24
Freud, Sigmund, 147
Gaines, Rowdy, 38, 100, 103, 107, 121, 132–33
Galloni, Antonio, 145–46
Gallup polls, 98
Galton, Francis, 20–21, 286–87n
Gardner, Margo, 226
Gates, Bill, 230
Gates, Melinda, 230
Gates Foundation. See Bill an
d Melinda Gates Foundation
Gawande, Atul, 124
Gemmell, Bruce, 136–37, 141
Genetics, 79–83, 296n
Genius, xiii–xiv, 277, 288–89n
Gervais, Mike, 265–66
Gettleman, Jeffrey, 58–60, 61, 70, 86
Gladwell, Malcolm, 30
Goal hierarchies, 62–74, 294n
abandoning low-level goals, 68–74
coherent goal structures in, 64–66
common purpose of goals in, 68
conflict of goals in, 65–66
levels of goals in, 62–63
prioritizing goals in, 66–68
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 76
Golden, Jane, 112–13, 145
Goodness, 273
Google, 166–67
Graduate-level education, 11, 194
Graham, Martha, 119, 127, 135
Grammy Awards, 46
Grant, Adam, 166, 272
Greatness, 38, 39–40, 273
Green Berets, 11–12, 70
Grit Grid, 231–32, 235, 237
Grit Scale, 9–14, 54–58, 77, 78, 131, 194, 272–73
age and scores on, 84–86
development of, 9–10
fakeability of, 229
happiness correlated with scores on, 270
on interest consistency, 113
purpose correlated with scores on, 147–48
spellers tested on, 125
taking and scoring, 55–56
Tar Heels tested on, 255
teachers tested on, 177
twins tested on, 82
West Point cadets tested on, 9–10, 54, 259
Growth mindset, 180–86, 190, 192, 251
benefits associated with, 181
language importance in, 182
qualities associated with, 180
role modeling, 182–84
Habit formation, 139–40
Hall of Fame, 63, 226
eudaimonic vs. hedonic, 146–47
grit correlated with, 177, 270–71
Hard Thing Rule, 241–42
Harlem Children’s Zone, 237–38
Harvard University, 25, 46–47, 48, 49, 86, 234, 237, 256
Haydn, Joseph, 76
Hazing, 258–59
Hedonic happiness, 146–47
Height, nature-nurture interaction in, 79–80, 82–83
Hershey, Milton, 190, 312n
Hitler, Adolf, 148
Hoff, Syd, 71
Hooters restaurant, 163–64
Hope, 91–92, 169–95, 269
control and, 188–90
defined, 169
language of, 182
mindset and (see Fixed mindset; Growth mindset)
neurobiology of, 189
optimism and (see Optimism)
Hopkins, Mike, 104–5
“How to Solve the New York Times Crossword Puzzle” (Shortz), 115
How to Spell Like a Champ (Kimble), 125
How We Do Business (JPMorgan Chase manual), 254
Hughes, Rhonda, 193–95
Human genome, 82
Identity and culture, 247–50
Il Viaggio Di Vetri (Vetri), 106
Imitation (of parents), 214–16
Indiana University, 95, 109–10
In-groups, 245
Intellectual dimension of character, 273, 274
Interest, 95–116, 269
beginners and, 106–8, 114
benefits of following, 97–98
consistency of, 111–14
constraints on choices and, 96–97, 98
deepening of, 103, 113–14, 116, 153
development of, 103, 104–6, 107, 115–16, 153
discovery of, 103–4, 107, 114–15
experts and, 113–14
exploring, 100–101
play and, 106–8
in three-phase progression model, 143
Interpersonal dimension of character, 273, 274
Intrapersonal dimension of character, 273–74
IQ/intelligence, 32, 33
author’s scores on test, 34
of high achievers, 75–76
increase in, 83–84, 192, 297n
mindsets on, 180
of spelling bee participants, 13, 14
updating beliefs on, 192–93
Irving, John, 44–46, 87
Ivy League undergraduates, 14
James, William, 22–23, 98, 116, 140
James Beard Award, 100
Japan, 118
Job crafting, 166–67
JPMorgan Chase, 252–54
Julia & Julia (film), 99
Julliard School of Music, 25, 138
Jürgen (mentor), 217
Kagan, Jerry, 5
Kageyama, Noa, 138
Kaizen, 118
Kashyap, Anurag, 14
Kaufman, Scott Barry, 31–34
Kimble, Paige, 13, 125
King, Philip, 157–58
KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program), 181–83, 245
Kopp, Wendy, 176–78
Lacey, Hester, 95–96, 104, 118, 175
LaGuardia High School of Music and Art, 70–71
Lahti, Emilia, 251–52
Lakeside School, 88
Lamennais, Hughes-Félicité-Robert de, 76
Lang Lang, 96
Language, importance of, 182, 256, 265
“Later years,” 108, 144
Laughlin, Terry, 140–41
Leach, Bernard, 105
Leader, Joe, 153
Learned helplessness, 171–73, 188, 193, 240, 309n
Learned industriousness, 240
Learned optimism, 173
Learning to Cartoon (Hoff), 71
Ledecky, Katie, 133, 136–37
Leong, Deborah, 141–42
Levin, Dave, 181, 183
Life philosophy, 61–62, 64
Lomax, Michael, 289–90n
Longitudinal studies
on extracurricular activities, 225, 226–29, 230–32
on interests, 103–4, 107
on parenting impact, 213
on personality change, 86, 233–34
Lowell High School, 18–20
Loyd, Sam, 109
Luong, David, 18–20
Luther, Martin, 76
Lütke, Tobi, 217–18
Lynch, Marshawn (“Beast Mode”), 264
MacArthur Fellowship, xiii–xiv, 275
MacKenzie, Warren, 42–44, 105
Mackie, Susan, 184
Maier, Steve, 171–73, 178, 188–90, 200n, 240
Mankoff, Bob, 69, 86
March, James, 248
Martinez, Alex, 207–10
Martinez, Francesca, 201, 207–10, 211, 215
Martinez, Raoul, 208
Martinez, Tina, 207–10
Mathematics, 16–20, 117, 193–95
Matthews, Mike, 6–7, 9
Maturity principle, 86–89
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 76
McDonald, Duff, 30
McKinsey, 58
author’s career with, 15, 18, 27–29
talent emphasized by, 26–30
McMahon, Darrin, 288–89n
McNabb, Bill, 185–87
Meaney, Michael, 296n
Mega successful people, 96, 104, 118
Mentors, 107, 116, 194, 217
MetLife insurance agents, 174–75
Microsoft, 230
“Middle years,” 108, 144
Mill, John Stuart, 75
Milton, John, 76
Milton Hershey School, 190, 312n
Mindfulness, 155–57
Mindsets. See Fixed mindset; Growth mindset
Mistakes, responding to, 141–42, 183
MIT, 220, 221–22
Montana, Joe, 203
Most Valuable Player award, 202
“Mundanity of Excellence, The” (study), 36
Mural Arts Program, 112, 113
Murat, Joachim, 76
Music, 2
3–24, 26, 32–33
Myelin, 193
NASA, 104–5
“Nasty Nick” (obstacle course), 12
National Book Award, 44
Naturals, 23–25, 31, 36, 37, 51
Nature, 192
Neglectful parenting, 212
New England Patriots, 61, 264
Newton, Isaac, 75, 76
New Yorker cartoons, 68, 69, 71–74
New York Times, 58, 60, 70, 251
New York Times crossword puzzle. See Crossword puzzle design
New Zealand, 233
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 38–40, 187, 199–200
Noe, Bernie, 88–89
Novelty, 112, 114, 116
NYC Transit, 153
Oates, Joyce Carol, 140
Observer, 207
Oettingen, Gabriele, 65
Olympics athletes, 38, 100, 114
optimism and, 175
practice and, 118, 121, 132, 133, 138, 140
Optimism, 173–75, 190, 193
growth mindset and, 181, 192
learned, 173
in teachers, 176–78
Oscar, Daniel, 286n
Outliers, 20–21
Outward Bound, 187
Oxford University, 15, 58, 59, 60
Palin, Michael, 96
Parenting, 199–222
authoritarian, 200, 203, 211, 212, 213
child-centered, 201, 211
contiuum of views on, 199–201
demanding style, 201–7, 211
emulation by children and, 214–16
encouraging/supportive, 207–10, 211
neglectful, 212
by non-parents, 216–22
patterns of successful, 210–13
permissive, 209, 212, 213
wise (authoritative), 211–16
Park, Daeun, 183
Parker, James, 12
Passion, 8, 56–60, 61, 64, 68, 261–62
age and, 86
consistency of over time, 57–60
fostering, 99–101
genetics and experience in, 82
Grit Scale measures of, 9, 56–57, 82
high achiever indicators of, 77
identity and, 248, 250
intensity not correlated with, 57, 60
interest and, 91, 95–101, 103, 116, 143
practicality vs., 96–97
purpose and, 91, 143
Paunesku, Dave, 166
Peabody Conservatory, 25
Peanuts (comic strip), 140
Permissive parenting, 209, 212, 213
Perseverance, 56–57, 91, 261–62
age and, 86
flexibility and, 69–74
genetics and experience in, 82
Grit Scale measures of, 9, 57, 82
high achiever indicators of, 77
identity and, 248, 250
Persistence of motive, 77
corresponsive principle and, 233–34, 246
maturity principle and, 86–89
Personal Qualities Project, 226–29, 234–35
Pessimism, 174–75, 177, 178, 191–92
Phelps, Michael, 37, 38
Pitt, William, 76
Positive fantasizing, 65
Positive Psychology, 40
Post-it note experiment, 219
Potential, 14, 22–23, 51, 236
Potter’s Book, A (Leach), 105