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Irregular Army

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by Matt Kennard

  The Art of War (Sun Tzu), 200, 216

  Aryan Nations, 39–40

  assassinations, 67

  assault, 49–53, 68, 80, 188. See also sexual assault

  Assessment of Recruit Motivation and Strength (ARMS), 127

  ASVAB. See Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)

  atheist soldiers, 189

  Atkinson, Patrick, 167

  atrocities, 72–5, 77, 211

  attacks on civilians, 37, 72–3, 83, 108, 153, 203, 212. See also massacres of civilians

  attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 150

  attrition, military. See military attrition

  Auchey, Jared, 162

  Austin, Texas, 45

  Aziz, Abdullah, 220–1

  Baghdad Zoo, 97

  Bales, Robert, 108

  Banks, Nathan, 130

  banks and banking, 118–20

  “barbarization,” 199, 204

  Barco, José, 37

  Barfield, Scott, 23, 40, 68–9

  Barnes, Arron, 162

  Barrio Azteca, 61

  Bastien, Bruce, Jr., 37

  Battles, Jurell, 60

  beatings. See assault

  Belkin, Aaron, 75

  Bennet, Michael, 107

  Berg, Jacob, 35–6

  Berkley, Shelley, 106

  biker gangs, 59

  Black, Margie, 161

  black Americans. See African Americans

  Blackwater, 9, 41–2

  Blood and Honour (website), 35

  Bloods (gang), 68

  body weight, 10, 11, 130. See also obesity

  Bogan, Daryl, 126

  bonuses, enlistment. See enlistment bonuses

  Boot, Max, 174, 175

  Bostick, Thomas P., 81, 128

  Boxer, Barbara, 109, 122

  Boy Scouts, 153

  Brabazon, Edward W., 114

  brain damage, 116

  Bremer, Paul, 5

  Bressler, Louis, 37

  bribery, 176

  Britain. See United Kingdom

  British National Party, 208

  Britt, Maria, 135

  Broder, Judith, 106

  Brooks, Antoine, 92

  Brownsville, New York City, 219–22

  Burke, Susan, 87

  Burmeister, James, 22

  Bush, George W., 3, 7, 62, 112, 137, 148, 171

  Bushwick, New York City, 154–5, 210

  Bushwick School for Social Justice, 155

  Butts, John D., 163

  Camp Pendleton, 17, 169

  Carpenter, Raymond, 134–5

  Carrington, Stevery, 221

  Casa Alianza, 167–8

  Casey, George, 48–9, 214–15

  Castillo Armas, Carlos, 167

  casualties, Afghanistan. See Afghanistan: UK casualties; Afghanistan: US casualties

  casualties, friendly fire. See friendly fire casualties

  casualties, Iraq. See Iraq: UK casualties; Iraq: US casualties

  Caterpillar, 124

  Celtic Knights, 45

  Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), 171, 175, 178

  Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA

  Ceres, California, 63–4

  Chaney, William, 160–1

  Chen, Danny, 48

  Cheney, Dick, 204

  Chiarelli, Peter, 94, 159

  Chicago, 57, 61, 65

  children, 144–56, 171. See also high school students; orphans

  China, 215, 217

  Choi, Dan, 192

  Chomsky, Noam, 25

  CIA, 167, 181

  CID. See US Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID)

  citizenship, 169–73 passim, 177

  civilians, attacks on. See attacks on civilians

  civilians, massacres of. See massacres: of civilians

  Civil War, 7, 175

  Clinton, Bill, 167, 183

  Clinton, Hillary, 66, 124, 153

  Clodfelter, Mike, 8

  Cloverdell, Harold, 40

  CNA. See Center for Naval Analyses (CNA)

  Cobra II (Gordon and Trainor), 4

  cocaine, 66, 69, 101, 103, 208

  Cockrell, Stephanie, 51–2

  Cody, Richard A., 5

  coercion of minors, 144–6, 151

  Cohen, J. Richard, 42

  Cold War, 217, 218

  Coley, Phylicia, 147–8

  Collateral Murder, 153

  college education, 146–8 passim, 173

  college students, 146–7

  Colombia, 67, 69, 101

  Colorado Springs, 37

  community college, 173

  Concerning Military Matters (Vegetius), 197–8

  Connelly, Mark, 26

  conscription. See military draft

  contract killing, 67

  Convention on the Rights of the Child, 150

  convicted felons. See felons

  Cooper, Clarke, 195

  Copas, Bleu, 181–2, 183

  Copeland, Decquan, 219–20

  Coppa, Selena, 119

  Corley, Kevin, 67–8

  counter-recruitment, parental. See parental counter-recruitment

  courts-martial, 51, 52, 59, 78, 79, 211, 212

  cover-ups, military. See military cover-ups

  Covington, Randy, 161

  Crespo, Carlos, 125–6

  crimes by juveniles, 153–4

  criminal record. See felons; prior criminal behavior

  Curzon, George Nathaniel, Lord, 207–8

  Davis, Jamal Rashad, 60–1

  DEA. See Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 99–100

  Defense of Marriage Act, 195

  Defense Personnel Security Research Center (DPSRC), 19, 46

  dehumanization, 48, 153

  delayed enlistment program (DEP), 144–6

  demonstrations and protests. See protests

  denial of reenlistment, 44

  Denver Lane (gang), 68

  Department of Defense (DOD): DPSRC, 19; drug-related spending, 101; Guidelines for Handling Dissent, 17; on homophobia, 187–8; intelligence testing, 141–4; JAMRS database, 149; lawsuits against, 189, 191–2; on obesity, 131; on “pharmacological landmines,” 102; policy on extremism, 13; privatization, 1–2, 9; “Project 100,000,” 8; Task Force on Mental Health, 109. See also Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy (DADT)

  Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 38–9, 41

  Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 121, 122

  deportation, 172, 173

  depression, 104, 116, 117. See also antidepressants

  De Vlieger, Michael, 104

  Dilling, Russell, 161

  discharge, dishonorable/“other than honorable,” 118, 172

  discharge for drug use, 93, 208

  discharge for homosexuality, 182–3, 187, 190–1, 192

  discharge for misconduct, 44, 76–7

  discharge for obesity, 129, 130

  Dominguez, Michael, 10–11, 12, 81–2

  Donaldson, Ian Stuart, 15

  “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy (DADT), 182–94 passim, 201

  Dooley, Tom, 185

  DPSRC. See Defense Personnel Security Research Center (DPSRC)

  draft, military. See military draft

  DREAM Act, 173–4, 176

  drinking. See alcohol; alcoholism

  Driscoll, John, 123

  dropouts, high school. See high school dropouts

  dropouts, military. See military attrition

  drug abuse and addiction, 10, 93, 103, 107, 221

  drug counselors, 99

  Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), 67–8

  drug-related discharge. See discharge for drug use

  drug smuggling, 100–101

  drugs, prescription. See prescription drugs

  drug trafficking, 63, 65–7, 97–100, 173, 204

  drug use, 78, 82, 89,
97–8, 205, 208–9

  drunkenness. See alcohol and alcoholism

  Dunne, Tommy, 21

  Dupree, Brian, 132

  Eastridge, Kenneth, 37–8

  ecstasy (drug), 101, 208

  education, 133–44 passim, 169, 173, 177. See also college education

  educational waivers, 138

  Eisenhower, Dwight, 166–7

  Elliott, James, 102

  El Paso, Texas, 61–2, 69, 70

  Encore America, 151

  Ender, Morten G., 203

  English language, 169, 175, 177, 178

  enlistees, ex-convict. See ex-convict soldiers

  enlistees, fat. See obesity

  enlistees, gang-member. See gang members

  enlistees, gay and lesbian. See gay and lesbian soldiers

  enlistees, middle-aged. See older soldiers

  enlistees, neo-Nazi. See neo-Nazis

  enlistees, non-citizen. See foreign citizens in UK military; foreign citizens in US military

  enlistees, parent-and-child. See parent-and-child enlistees

  enlistment bonuses, 9, 147

  Esparza, Jaime, 60

  ex-convict soldiers, 72–6 passim, 79–80

  extremists. See neo-Nazis; white supremacists

  Fain, John, 42–4

  Faisal I, 207

  The Fall of the Roman Empire (Ferrill), 199–200

  fat soldiers and recruits. See obesity

  FBI, 29, 39–46 passim, 50–6 passim, 61–6 passim, 204, 213

  felons, 10, 71, 74–82 passim, 173, 203

  female soldiers. See women soldiers

  Ferrill, Arther: The Fall of the Roman Empire, 199–200

  Figueroa, Norma, 131

  Filner, Bob, 119, 120, 172

  financial crisis, 162–3, 216

  firearms. See guns and gun ownership

  fitness, mental. See mental health and mental illness

  fitness, physical. See physical fitness

  Fogarty, Forrest, 13–34 passim, 41–2, 49

  Folk Nation, 60, 61, 69

  Ford, Melvin, 222

  foreclosure of loans. See loan foreclosure

  foreign citizens in UK military, 209–10

  foreign citizens in US military, 97, 165–81

  Fort Bliss, 59, 66, 68, 69

  Fort Bragg, 18, 22, 39, 114, 128, 180, 182

  Fort Campbell, 26

  Fort Carson, 106–7, 115–16

  Fort Hood, 45, 46–7

  Fort Leonard Wood, 94, 111

  Fort Lewis. See Joint Base Lewis-McChord

  Fort Meade, 70

  Fort Riley, 39

  Fort Sill, 60, 68

  Fort Stewart, 20, 22

  Foster, Ronte, 121–2

  Frank, Arthur, 126–7

  Franklin, Lans, 222

  Franklin, Richard, 222

  Franks, Tommy, 3–4, 5

  Freakley, Benjamin C., 178

  Friedl, Karl, 126, 129

  friendly fire casualties, 100, 144, 166

  Frueh, Michael, 120

  Gaddis, Brian, 139

  Gaffney, Charles P., 156–7, 160, 205

  gang initiation. See initiation (hazing) by gang members

  gang members, 10, 11, 23, 49–71 passim

  Gangster Disciples, 50–3, 57, 69

  Gareev, Makhmut, 98

  Gates, Robert, 86, 108, 214

  gay and lesbian soldiers, 181–95 passim, 209

  GED Plus Program, 138–9

  general equivalency degree (GED), 138–9, 143

  Germany, 7, 30, 49–53, 96, 101, 209

  Gibbon, Edward: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, 198, 199

  GI Bill, 147–8, 201, 202

  Giffords, Gabrielle, 204

  Giroux, Henry, 137–8

  Glass, Hunter, 22–3, 56, 60, 63, 80

  Gliebe, Erich, 43

  Gonzalez Galeana, José Daniel, 66

  Gonzalez, Irving, 144–6

  Goodman, David, 149

  Gordon, Michael, 4

  graffiti, 40, 52, 53, 57–8

  Graham, Mark, 107

  Great Britain. See United Kingdom

  Green, Steven D., 72–4

  Greenberg, Neil, 209

  Green Card, 176

  Green Card soldiers. See foreign citizens in US military

  Guatemala and Guatemalan immigrants, 166–70 passim, 178

  Guidelines for Handling Dissent and Protest Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces, 17

  Gulf Cup of Nations, 123–4

  Gulf War, 9, 10, 98, 173, 206

  Gunn, Tom E., 28

  guns and gun ownership, 70–1, 204

  Gurkhas, 209–10

  Gutierrez, José Antonio, 166–70, 178

  Haditha massacre, 155

  “hajji” (word), 47–9

  Hall, Elton, 28

  Hall, Jeremy, 189

  Hammerskin Nation, 22, 26, 29, 34, 45

  Harpham, Kevin William, 205

  Hartford Courant, 114

  Hasan, Nidal Malik, 46–7

  Hassin, Munther Jasem Muhammed, 78, 211–12

  hate groups. See neo-Nazis; white supremacists

  health, 125–33 passim

  health insurance, 113

  Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Training Headquarters (HEALTH), 128

  heat stroke, 132

  Hedges, Chris, 211

  Hempel, Nasser, 76

  Henderson, Tamara, 154–5

  Hensley, Michael, 83–4

  heroin, 97–8, 221

  Hernandez, Ernesto, 177

  Hernandez, Osvaldo, 75

  Herring, Willem, 26

  high-powered weapons. See weapons, high-powered

  high school dropouts, 73, 133–44 passim

  high school students, 147–51 passim, 155, 173, 176–7, 219–21

  Hill, Barron, 133

  Hill, Jerell, 68

  Hiller, Andrew, 187

  Hispanic Americans. See Latinos

  Hitler, Adolf, 26, 37, 47

  Hogg, Jennifer, 185

  Holdbrooks, Terry, 20

  Holmes, Delano, 77–9, 211–12

  Homeland Security Department. See Department of Homeland Security

  homelessness, 121–2, 167, 221

  homicide, 78. See also contract killing; murder

  homophobia, 187–8

  homosexuality. See gay and lesbian soldiers

  House Armed Services Committee, 81–2

  HUD. See Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

  Huerta-Cruz, Arturo, 177

  Hussein, Saddam, 4, 91, 121, 206–7

  Hutchinson, Nancy, 62

  Hutchison, Steven, 158–9, 160

  Hutson, John D., 77

  Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, 173

  illegal immigrants. See undocumented immigrants

  immigrant soldiers, non-citizen. See foreign citizens in UK military; foreign citizens in US military

  Imperial Klans of America, 33

  imprisonment. See prison

  initiation (hazing) by gang members, 49–53 passim, 97

  Inouye, Arlene, 176

  Insurgent, 25

  intelligence testing, 8, 11, 141–4

  Iran, 66–7, 217

  Iran-Iraq war, 206

  Iraq, 40, 112, 121, 123, 167, 205–10 passim, 217–8; atrocities and murders by US soldiers, 72–9 passim, 83, 97, 155, 211; child malnourishment, 124; cost of war, 213; drinking, 95, 96; drug trafficking, 66, 100; gang members in, 50, 57, 70; gay soldiers in, 190–1, 195; Iraqi deaths as result of invasion, 214; neo-Nazi opposition to war, 32, 33, 34; neo-Nazis in, 21–37 passim, 41–9 passim; Obama policy, 202; oil fields, 216; rape and sexual assault by US soldiers, 73, 84–9; September 11 connection (public opinion), 212, 220; Stop the Stigma tour, 116; UK casualties, 208; US casualties, 65, 159, 165–6, 177, 179, 214; US development, 123–4; US invasion/occupation plan, 4–5, 7; US public opinion of war, 156, 212, 220, 222; in video games, 153; weapons
trafficking from, 70. See also Abu Ghraib prison; Gulf War

  Islamic fundamentalists/radicalism, 46–7, 180–1, 212–13, 217

  Israel, 7, 32, 34, 186

  Jacobs, Greg, 87

  Jamail, Dahr, 188–9

  Janabi, Abeer Qasim Hamza al-, 73

  Janabi, Genei Nasir, al-, 83

  Jay, Lisa, 116

  Jefferies, Perry, 79

  Jews, hatred of. See anti-Semitism

  joblessness. See unemployment

  Joint Base Lewis-McChord, 108–9

  Johnson, Daryl, 41

  Johnson, Juwan, 50

  Joint Advertising Market Research & Studies (JAMRS) database, 149

  Jones, Jerome A., 52

  JP Morgan Chase, 118–19, 120

  Jumper, John P., 128–9

  Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC), 147, 150–1

  juvenile crime. See crimes by juveniles

  Karzai, Hamid, 108

  Kenya: US embassy bombing, 1998. See US embassy bombing, Kenya, 1998

  Killeen, Texas, 61

  Kimball, Kyle, 127

  King, Gregory Darnell, 60

  King Faisal. See Faisal I

  Knobloch, Jason, 99

  Korb, Lawrence, 128

  Kosovo, 9, 173

  Kosten, Thomas R., 93–4

  Krepinevich, Andrew F., 5–6

  Krikorian, Mark, 180

  Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 15, 17, 24, 27, 28, 33

  Kunk, Thomas, 157

  Kuwait, 57, 58, 66–7, 165, 166, 177

  LaFeber, Walter, 166

  Lamo, Adrian, 111–12

  Landes, Sarah, 155

  language, English. See English language

  language, racist. See racist language

  Laredo, Texas, 67

  Latin Kings, 56, 57, 67

  Latinos, 144–6, 154–5, 174–9 passim; education, 136, 137; gangs, 56, 57, 64, 67; imprisonment, 81; IQ testing, 142

  lawsuits, 86–7, 88, 113, 118, 119, 189, 191–2

  length of service, 185–6

  length of tour, 108

  Lewis-McChord Base. See Joint Base Lewis-McChord

  lesbian soldiers, 185–6. See also gay and lesbian soldiers

  Leyden, Tom, 34

  Libya, 214

  Lieberman, Joseph, 153

  lies and lying, 144–6 passim, 212

  life expectancy, 161–2

  Lilly, Truitt, 33

  Lindsey, Robert J., 93

  Lissis, Justin, 96

  loan foreclosure, 118–20 passim

  Lockheed Martin, 124

  Log Cabin Republicans, 191, 195

  Lorenzo, Joe, 132

  Loughner, Jared, 204–5

  Lowenthal, A. J., 153

  Lukefahr, Aaron, 40

  lying. See lies and lying

  Machiavelli, Nicolo: The Prince, 200

  Madar, Chase, 111

  Mahon, Dennis, 27–9

  Make the Road, 155

  Maldonado, Victor, 183, 187

  Managing Overweight Veterans Everywhere (MOVE), 131

  Mann, Michael, 218

  Manning, Bradley, 111–12, 188, 210

  Manze, Sal, 117–18


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