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Tracing Invisible Threads

Page 35

by C. Fonseca

  “I couldn’t.” Alexa tugged Eleanor’s shirt down and gripped Eleanor’s hand in hers. “I didn’t say anything because I couldn’t. You have every right to be confused and angry with me. When I heard you whisper those words, I was paralysed with fear.” She sighed heavily. “I followed my usual pattern and backed off. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” Eleanor’s finger caressed Alexa’s chin, tilting her head up. “But I don’t want you to be scared of my feelings for you.”

  “You’re so sweet, Eleanor. I’m still terrified about how you make me feel.” Alexa kissed Eleanor’s fingers. “My reputation with relationships is appalling.”

  “I’ve heard that.” Eleanor chuckled.

  “Okay,” Alexa said, eyes unblinking. “My family hasn’t had much luck in love. So, the idea of a long-term relationship never seemed a possibility for me.” After a brief hesitation, she continued, “But I want that to change. I want more. And if you’re prepared to give a commitment-phobe a chance, I’m ready to stop running.”

  “Could you repeat that, please? In case I heard wrong.” Eleanor grinned up at Alexa, a rush of happiness surging through her at the words.

  “I’m ready to stop running,” Alexa said, gripping Eleanor’s shoulders and gently pushing her down on the bed. She nuzzled her ear. “I. Love. You. Eleanor Heysen.”

  With a sharp intake of breath, Eleanor buried her face in Alexa’s hair. She’d never get sick of hearing those words. “Love you,” she said softly.

  Alexa’s gaze pinned Eleanor in place as she skilfully unbuttoned Eleanor’s shirt with one hand, easing it off her shoulders before slipping her fingers under the tank top and pulling it over Eleanor’s head. Alexa rolled onto her side, and when she scratched her fingernails across Eleanor’s back, Eleanor’s abdominal muscles rippled with anticipation.

  “So strong. You are amazing.” Alexa urged Eleanor to lift her hips. She tugged Eleanor’s jeans, sliding them over her thighs, and when she dragged a single finger over the front of Eleanor’s briefs, Eleanor gasped.

  She reached for Alexa’s hand, but Alexa was persistent, adding a bit more pressure; she did it again. Eleanor let out a helpless giggle.

  “You like that?” Alexa purred.

  Shuddering under Alexa’s touch and the intimacy in her tone, Eleanor said, “Let me show you just how much.” She grabbed a fistful of Alexa’s shirt and pulled Alexa down on top of her.

  * * *

  “More tests. Another hour or so to wait,” Alexa said, sympathy for her grandmother tugging at her heart strings. “Her patience must be wearing thin. Especially since she’s so much better this morning.”

  “How frustrating.” Eleanor sighed and hit the elevator button for the ground floor. “Another wait for Grace just when she was all ready to leave, perched on the end of the bed with her overnight bag.”

  “What would you like to do to fill in the time? I know I need coffee.” Alexa lifted her arms over her head and yawned. “Oh, sorry.” She placed a hand over her mouth. “Didn’t get much sleep last night, did we?”

  “Nope,” Eleanor said with a wide grin.

  “I’m sorry I dragged you out of bed so early, but the hospital did say Gran would be ready at nine thirty.”

  “It was special waking up with my arms around you.” Eleanor rubbed her thumb over her bottom lip.

  As the lift doors closed, Alexa leaned into Eleanor, pinning her body against the lift wall. Sparks crackled between them. Alexa absolutely had to taste those lips again now. She dipped her head to give Eleanor a long, lingering kiss that awakened vivid memories of just a few hours ago.

  When they came up for air, Alexa said, “You’re a real snuggler.” Opening her eyes this morning to Eleanor’s loving gaze had sent a frisson of happiness rippling through her. At last, she’d found someone who didn’t make her feel suffocated when she woke with their body draped around her.

  “I am.” Eleanor waved a hand at the security camera. When it failed to move in response, she took Alexa’s face in her hands and they began the kissing all over again, heat beginning to build within Alexa.

  They sprang apart when the elevator reached the ground floor, and the door opened with a loud ping.

  “How about the Grub Café for breakfast? It’s a short walk just around the corner in Fitzroy.” Alexa reached for Eleanor’s hand.

  “The Grub Café? I haven’t heard of that before.” Eleanor swung their clasped hands together as they strolled along.

  “I’m sure you’ll like it.” Alexa laughed, happiness bubbling inside her. “It has a great leafy courtyard with garden gnomes and a ping pong table. The coffee and food are damn good.”

  After placing their orders inside, Alexa chose a secluded table in the courtyard that allowed her to enjoy Eleanor all to herself.

  Eleanor filled two glasses from the water carafe and handed one to Alexa. “How are you doing? You must be so relieved about your grandmother.”

  “She’s always been the strongest woman I know.” Alexa bit the inside of her cheek. “I am very relieved, but it makes you wonder…doesn’t it? How long I have left with her?”

  Eleanor squeezed her hand. “All the more reason to enjoy each moment.”

  “I cherish every moment with her.” Alexa rubbed her forehead. “And to give Granny piece of mind I’d like to clear Mei-Li’s name. As I’ve said, I must get back to the investigation.”

  “What’s your plan?” Eleanor asked immediately.

  “Gran’s bound to kick up a fuss, but I have to stay with her for the next few nights. While she’s resting, I’ll take another look at the information we have and go on the hunt for more. With all that’s been going on at work, I’ve put things on the back burner, but I need to do something now, and the Trove database will be a good start.”

  “Trove? I have heard of that. Isn’t it the online search engine of the Australian National Library?”

  Alexa nodded. “It is a brilliant resource. Virtually every page of every single newspaper is digitalized and available online for everyone to use. Unfortunately, that only applies to everything published before 1954 because that’s when copyright laws changed.”

  “Perfect. We’re in luck. Mei-Li’s trial was in 1926.” Eleanor tapped her chest. “What do you want me to do?”

  “I’m really grateful you’re willing to help. I’ll show you how to access Trove.” Alexa caressed Eleanor’s forearm. “As you’d know, the Public Records Office holds transcripts from Victorian court registers and can access trial briefs and correspondence. We should email them about the case.”

  “Good idea, but because Mei-Li’s trial was eventually dismissed due to lack of evidence, there is a high probability the Public Records Office won’t have kept anything.” Eleanor drained the last of her coffee. “If there wasn’t enough evidence against Mei-Li, the judge shouldn’t have taken it to trial. There would have been no case, so why did he? The case should have been struck out.”

  Alexa frowned. “As we’ve said before, probably just because she was a middle-aged Chinese woman.”

  Eleanor scowled. “More than likely.”

  “I really do need you to interpret the legal jargon. That law degree of yours can be put to use.” Alexa bit greedily at the corner of her gruyere-filled croissant, chewed, and licked her lips. She was hungrier than she’d realised.

  “I’m glad to be of service,” Eleanor said with a cheeky grin, handing Alexa a paper napkin.

  “Why are you staring at me?” Alexa asked, taking hold of the napkin. “Oh. Have I got cheese dripping down my chin?”

  “There’s something so sexy about the way you eat.” Eleanor reached under the table and ran her hand along Alexa’s thigh.

  Alexa dabbed her mouth. “Hmmm,” she murmured as her cheeks flushed. “What about you? You haven’t touched your breakfast. Not hungry?”

; “Too busy watching you eat.” With her hand still on Alexa’s knee, Eleanor stuck her fork into the toasted brioche overflowing with creamy mushrooms. “I actually do have quite an appetite this morning.” She loaded her fork and took a large bite. “How else can I help?” she asked after a few seconds. “What can I do, apart from interpret legal mumbo jumbo and start looking at Trove?”

  Alexa smiled. “On the way to Gran’s house, can we detour to my place so I can pick up some essentials? My laptop and the portfolio. Once Gran is settled, we can make a start. If you have time?”

  “Yes, I do,” Eleanor said warmly, squeezing Alexa’s knee. “I’m free all day.”

  “To tell you the truth, I’d love your company.” Alexa bit back a sigh and smiled. She reached for Eleanor’s hand under the table, grabbing her wandering fingers. She wasn’t ready to let Eleanor go.

  Eleanor’s lips parted in a dazzling smile. “What about tomorrow? Leo, Stella, and I are having brunch, but I can come over later if you need me.”

  “Stella Wright, right?” Alexa looked at Eleanor with a raised brow. “Weren’t you in trouble for missing a lunch your mother organised so you could meet her?” A slight growl escaped her lips. “Sounds like she’s still keen to meet you?”

  Eleanor shook her head sharply. “No. Well she was, and she wasn’t; it’s a long story.”

  Alexa traced her fingers lightly over Eleanor’s sun-warmed skin, feeling the little band of muscles in her forearm. She’d never thought of herself as a jealous person before, but when Eleanor even mentioned another woman, her kitty claws came out. Alexa swallowed the lump in her throat. “Tell me more.”

  “Well, she’s apparently a fan of my work, but it’s Leo who’s taken her fancy.”

  “Leo?” Alexa tilted her head in question. “Ah…I see. And does Leo fancy Stella?”

  “So, it seems.” Eleanor gave a strained sigh and tucked her hands under her thighs. “That lug of a brother thought it was hilarious, letting me believe Stella was interested in dating me. I bet she was pretty amused by his joke, also.”

  A small chuckle escaped before Alexa could suppress it. “Leo’s wicked. Your mum must have got the wrong idea. Unless Stella swings both ways?”

  “Obviously Mum thinks so.” Eleanor twitched an eyebrow.

  Alexa let out a long, exaggerated exhalation of relief. “Anyway, thanks to Leo, I don’t have to fight her off—we were meant to be.”

  Eleanor’s eyes shone with pleasure. Inclining her head, she leaned across the table until her face hovered just a breath away.

  “Her loss,” Alexa whispered. She easily closed the distance and took advantage of Eleanor’s open, smiling mouth. She slid the tip of her tongue along Eleanor’s teeth and when Eleanor’s lips parted further, she explored her warm, silken softness.

  Before Alexa got totally lost in the wonders of their kiss, Eleanor pulled away, and Alexa opened her eyes with a start.

  Eleanor shook her head and let out a shuddering breath. “You really shouldn’t do that to me in public.” She sat back in her seat.

  Alexa’s heart thrummed loudly at the tremor in Eleanor’s voice. “I’m sorry. As far as I’m concerned, there’s nobody here but you.”

  Eleanor squeezed her eyes shut. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  “That’s hard to believe,” Alexa said with a grin. She lifted Eleanor’s hand to glance at her watch.

  “Is it time we headed back to the hospital?” Eleanor asked.

  “Yes indeed,” Alexa pushed aside her empty plate. “Granny will create a riot if they keep her there much longer. And we mustn’t keep her waiting.”

  Just over an hour and a half later, Gran was fussing over Bruce, who meowed repeatedly, brushing against her trouser-clad leg. “I missed you too, my boy,” she crooned. “Did Patrick feed you enough last night? Mind you, I’m sure you fared better than me, trapped in that sterile hospital room. At least you slept in your own bed.” She huffed. “What a lot of fuss about nothing. I thought they’d never let me out.”

  “You are safely home now, Granny,” Alexa said in a soothing voice. She heaved a sigh of relief. “And don’t worry about Bruce. If anything, he’s overfed.”

  Bruce lifted his big orange head and glared at Alexa as if she was his next meal.

  Alexa glared back and shook a finger at him.

  “You and Eleanor are my angels,” Gran said, nudging Alexa aside. She placed three teacups and saucers on a tray. “But I’m going to be just fine from now on.”

  Alexa gently nudged her back. “I’m here for a few days. Get used to it. Even though you’ve been given a clean bill of health, I’m not going anywhere yet.”

  Gran batted her eyelids at Eleanor. “See how my granddaughter bosses me around?” She shuffled closer to Eleanor, who was methodically arranging a circle of gluten-free shortbread onto a serving plate. “Just be careful she doesn’t try it with you.”

  Eleanor flashed Alexa a knowing grin. “Oh, don’t worry, I will.”

  When Eleanor looked at her like that, her smile turning confident, slightly pleased with herself, Alexa wanted to drag her somewhere private and kiss her senseless.

  Gran pulled out a chair and made herself comfortable at the kitchen table. “Ah…home sweet home.” She sighed softly.

  “This is just where you belong.” Alexa gulped. Yesterday afternoon when Gran hadn’t answered her phone, Alexa had immediately dropped everything and raced over to her house. What could have happened if she hadn’t found her in time? Alexa’s hands trembled at the thought of her grandmother collapsed on the floor all alone for hours. The china cups clinked on their saucers as she set the tray in the centre of the table and settled in a chair beside her grandmother.

  Eleanor placed the biscuit plate beside the tea tray. “There’s no place like home,” she whispered, putting her hands on Alexa’s shoulders.

  Alexa almost whimpered as Eleanor’s thumbs kneaded the knots between her shoulder blades. Her hands against Alexa’s tight muscles were firm yet comforting, and Alexa soon relaxed into her soothing touch.

  They sipped tea, snacked on biscuits, and chatted until Gran yawned and mumbled through her hand, “What are you two up to this afternoon?” She yawned again. “I do apologise. Maybe I’ll take the doctor’s advice and have a lie down. You can join me too, mister.” She leaned down to caress Bruce, who stood next to her chair like a security guard with alert ears and flashing eyes. “Let us give the girls some time alone. The way they ogle each other, looks like they need some privacy.”

  Eleanor raised her dark lashes, gazing up at Alexa.

  Alexa winked. “We have to do some research on my laptop.”

  Gran chuckled. “Research? Is that what they call it? Alexa, surely you have a fair idea of what to do by now?”

  “Nice one,” Eleanor whispered.

  Alexa was relieved that her grandmother’s sense of humour was unaffected by her visit to the hospital. She shook a playful finger at her. “Granny, you are naughty. We really do have work to do.”

  “Yes, we really do.” Eleanor nodded to Gran and subtly nudged Alexa with her elbow. “Don’t forget the sketchbook,” she whispered.

  “Thanks for reminding me,” Alexa said, “With your permission Granny, I’d like to show Mei-Li’s little book of poetry to Eleanor before she goes home later this afternoon.”

  “Oh, tosh. If you insist on staying with me, Alexa, then Eleanor can keep you company tonight. You know where the sketchbook is. I’d be delighted for Eleanor to see it.”

  Alexa glanced at Eleanor and lifted her shoulders in question.

  Eleanor turned immediately to Gran and said, “Thank you, Grace. I’d love to stay.”

  Alexa flushed at the thought of sleeping with Eleanor in her grandmother’s house. She did a calculation in her head. They’d had sex three times
in three different locations: once at the cottage, once at Alexa’s loft in Abbotsford, and once at Eleanor’s studio. They’d also made out once at the library and kissed wherever and whenever possible.

  This was completely different; a huge step. Alexa would never have brought any other woman to spend the night at her grandmother’s home, and she still couldn’t imagine making love with Eleanor for half the night, in the bedroom she’d used since she was a child—the bedroom directly above her grandmother’s room. Then rolling out of bed in the morning, heading downstairs, and sitting at the breakfast table with Granny. Really? No.

  Alexa rubbed the back of her neck. They’d have to practise some restraint tonight. Otherwise she’d be marching Eleanor down to sleep on the couch.

  Eleanor cleared her throat, and Alexa looked up just in time to catch her lick biscuit crumbs from her lower lip.

  Alexa ran a trembling hand over her face, swiping back a few strands of hair. Damn. Eleanor wasn’t going to make this easy for her.

  Chapter 29

  Exposed hand

  It didn’t surprise Eleanor that Alexa was late. Grace had delighted in telling her that when her granddaughter was a schoolgirl, she and Eloise would set the house clocks several minutes fast, tricking Alexa into being on time. Eleanor always tried to be punctual, but that was just her thing—she wouldn’t want to change the spontaneity that made Alexa, Alexa.

  Eleanor found an empty desk, plonked down in one of the two chairs, and set her bag underneath. The Newspapers and Family History Reading Room where she’d been instructed to wait was as long as a basketball court and half the width. Even though all the white with its reflected bright light made it difficult to capture the finer details, she couldn’t resist pulling out the Leica and taking photos of the grand, curved, pristine white ceiling with its recessed panels and skylights. It was an awesome room with state-of-the-art digital technology set inside a building with significant architectural heritage.

  “I’m here at last. The email just arrived, and I rushed hotfoot to meet you.” Alexa deposited her laptop on the desk and leaned forward to brush her lips chastely across Eleanor’s cheek. Her mouth was firm and cool against Eleanor’s skin. “Thanks for coming to meet me,” she said quietly, squeezing Eleanor’s shoulder affectionately. “We’ve got about twenty-five minutes before I’m back to the salt mines, stacking the shelves.”


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