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Dream Keeper

Page 4

by Storm Savage

  “I think Ciara deliberately dumped that drink on me. And she definitely has the hots for you.”

  “You think?” He sounded mildly surprised. “I’ve always known she’s a bit loose, but she’s never made a move on me.”

  “How is it that the men are always unaware of another woman moving in?”

  He tilted his head in an adoring way to look into her eyes. “I can’t speak for other men. But as for me, my eyes are on only you. So maybe that’s why I wouldn’t notice another woman’s interest unless she came straight on to me.”

  “I don’t know your friends because we’ve just met, but one thing I do know is that Ciara is cold. We almost got into it in the kitchen. She has a very callous attitude.”

  “I know, love. She’s a whore. Nevertheless, as long as Reece wants her around and she doesn’t break our violence rule, I won’t force her to leave. Reece has been my good friend for over thirty years. He’s a good mate and deserves to be happy.”

  “Oh, I’m not suggesting you do anything of the sort. It’s not my place. I can handle her just fine. Perhaps I should keep my female issues to myself.”

  Tenderly he took her face between his hands. Striking blue eyes penetrated her soul, making her shiver.

  “Baby, you can talk to me about anything. Dunalino can be a wild place. I’ll do my best to help you understand our ways.”

  She nodded submissively and accepted his kiss. He eased her back onto the soft quilt as his tongue explored her mouth. Smooth and sensual, his gentle dominance conquered her in the most pleasing manner.

  “Mon Coeur…” he purred low and soft, stirring flutters in her soul.

  His towel fell away as he loosened the tie at her waist. Strong yet gentle hands swept over her, caressing her breasts, tantalizing each nipple with feathery touches. She inhaled sharply when his lips began moving downward. First, leaving kisses along her neck, then pausing to swirl his tongue around a now hardened nipple. He continued gliding lower and his silky hair brushed her stomach, sending shivers all over. Easing into position between her trembling thighs, he gently lifted her legs so that her feet draped over his shoulders.

  “Ohhh…” She let out a quivering sigh as his warm mouth met the tingling flesh of her sex.

  “I’ve wanted to taste your sweet essence since we got off that plane.” His soft voice, laden with open desire, turned her on even more.

  “That feels so good…” Angel thought she was floating, suspended somewhere between reality and fantasy. Vivid color swirled beneath the lids of her closed eyes. Her hips sank into the bed while his tongue dipped repeatedly between the wet folds of her sex. “So very good…” She let herself get lost in the mind-blowing pleasure of his mouth sucking her, tantalizing her. A rush of heat washed over her, taking her higher—higher—until everything disappeared except him.

  “You taste fantastic,” he murmured. His softly spoken words floated around her in the mystical haze he’d created.

  Her back arched, silently begging for more. With her hands tangled in his silky hair, she spread her thighs wider, then heard him groan seconds before his tongue went deeper.

  “Oh, yes…” she cried out.” Yes…yes… ohhhh…” Overpowering contractions seized her, rippling throughout her entire body in a wash of incredible sensations. He didn’t let up. Ravenous lapping with his hot tongue triggered a second wave of orgasmic spasms up her spine, then all the way down to her toes. Captured by his superior skill as a lover—she never wanted to be free.

  Easily he moved back into position above her, staring down into her heavy eyes. She could barely hold them open and felt as if she’d been drugged. Affectionate kisses rained over her face, neck and ears. He kissed the corners of her mouth, then covered her lips in a deep and heady kiss. The taste of her sex was strange at first, then erotic as his tongue swept through her mouth.

  He lifted his head to gaze at her again. “See how sweet you taste?” He sounded unbelievably sexy. That he enjoyed her so much simply blew her away.

  “You’re amazing.” Her voice was but a whisper.

  A deliciously wicked smile touched his face moments before his head dropped to her neck.

  “Oh…fuck…” She gasped when his teeth bit down at the same time his rigid cock pushed between her legs. He took her hard, thrusting deep while drawing fervently at her neck. She hadn’t even begun to come down from the second climax before he took her up yet again.

  Her pussy ached, throbbed and tingled all at once. Every thought in her mind vanished under his spell. His cock slid in and out while his sharp teeth remained latched onto her tender skin. Sucking her blood while fucking her madly—it was simply unreal.

  Clouds drifted past as if she were above them looking down from within a red sky, soaring through the universe in a strange and supernatural mist. She traveled beyond sexual pleasure into another realm of ecstasy. Her body responded to his once more in an explosive orgasm that nearly rendered her unconscious, as if she would swoon. She felt the rush of hot liquid from his cock fill her, warm her, sweep her away into paradise.

  Loud buzzing from the utility room woke them as they lay entwined in a lover’s embrace.

  “I’ll get those,” he whispered, slowly untangling their bodies. “You just lie here looking beautiful until I return with your clothes.”

  Rolling onto her stomach, Angel buried her face in his pillow, inhaling the lingering scent of her man and clinging to every moment of their mystical lovemaking.

  Her first day in Savaant’s domain on Dunalino Island had indeed been exciting. He’s right. She smiled with a contented sigh. It certainly can be a wild place.

  The way he made love to her was like beautiful art. Though she’d never known another man intimately, she had no doubt that any could compare to him. His skill as a lover mesmerized her—snowed her under with inconceivable pleasure. Surely she’d become addicted to him in every sense. Every breath she took lured her deeper into his charm. Each time his scent floated over her, whether from a light touch or his just walking by, it heightened her need to join with him. Simply breathing in the heady light musk aura from his clothes or bedding aroused her.

  She turned over and looked up when he breezed back into the bedroom wearing nothing. He is so gorgeous! The sudden urge to bite him—to swallow his blood—hit her like an unexpected tidal wave. She licked saliva from her lips, brushing a hand across her forehead to wipe her damp brow. Heat welled up inside, making her ache with an undeniable need that was more compelling than she’d ever felt it before. Is it because I’m in his home?

  He stopped abruptly upon observing her intense expression and physical indications. Dark blue eyes shimmered with desire. Moist luscious lips were slightly pouted and ready to suck his blood. Beads of sweat covered her satiny, ivory skin, making her virtually sparkle in the candle-lit room. Her body, barely concealed by a satin sheet, trembled with evident hunger. He felt her crushing urge—her need to bite.

  Their gazes locked for a silent exchange of thought. He laid the freshly cleaned clothes carefully at the foot of the bed, then swept her into his arms. Immediately her mouth went to his neck. She nipped and sucked, creating a tingling sensation that permeated his soul.

  “I’ve never felt this way.” He sighed heavily.

  “I want…I need to bite you. Please…”

  He could barely hold back. Her teeth grazing his neck, seeking a place to latch on, drove him mad with staggering arousal.

  “Please…Sav…” Her breathing had become ragged, signaling the rampant craving taking her down.

  The desperation in her voice made him realize she was about to lose control. He used every ounce of self-restraint to peel their bodies apart. His every nerve prickled as if tiny pins and needles were piercing his skin all over all at the same time.

  “No…” She clung to him, clutching his hair. “I can’t stop.” Her teeth found his neck and began to bite down as she locked a silky leg around his waist.

  Fire raced through hi
s veins. He was poised to take her right then and there, more than ready to receive her long-awaited bite. She had positioned herself perfectly for his entry and for her bite. He hovered between ecstasy and anguish, teetering on a dangerous precipice.

  He slid one hand into the thick of her lustrous mane to gently pull her head back. Tears pooled in her eyes at his refusal to let her continue. One of them had to stop. To become his Senhora Do Sangue, a ritual with witnesses was crucial. He could never allow any room for doubt concerning her new status.

  He could barely breathe while staring at her through half-closed eyes. “I’m sorry, my sweet. Your first bite must take place as part of a ritual.”

  She didn’t say anything. Silent tears slid over flushed cheeks. He felt her suffering—the hellish torment of longing to bite with no recourse. Lovingly he kissed her tears away then held her close, cradling her head to his chest until the agony subsided.

  “Tomorrow, love,” he whispered. “You are now strong enough to take my blood. Your physical symptoms and the way you made me feel are…indescribable.”

  “We will seal our blood tomorrow?” She tilted her face upward, eyes lucid with hope.

  “Yes. Tomorrow you will become my Senhora Do Sangue.”

  “Will you let me keep the clothes even after the ritual?”

  “Of course.” He smiled in adoration. “You are too sweet. The way you love me is sincere.”

  “You are the only real love I’ve ever had.” She looked down at the white garments lying on the bed. “I see the stains came out, but they will no longer carry your scent. I will miss that.”

  “I can put them on again if you like.”

  “Yes! I like.” She snatched the vest off the bed, then gave him a mischievous smile. “Put them on just as you are…no underwear.”

  He laughed. “You’re such a vamp!” He pulled the jeans on, then buttoned the fly. Her hungry eyes stimulated him. “They’re a bit tighter tonight,” he teased, adjusting his erect cock beneath the denim. Her sudden onslaught had made him rock hard again. Taking the vest, he slipped into it.

  “Mm, you look wicked hot.” She straightened the single collar around his neck, then clutched the wide lapels to draw him close. “I wanna taste you.” Her hands dropped to his waist before gliding over his backside. “You have no idea how I’ve longed to touch you in this outfit.”

  His head dipped to seek a kiss, filling her mouth with his seeking tongue. She isn’t the only one craving a taste! But she is the only one undressed. In one move he gripped her thighs and lifted her off the floor while they kissed wildly. Her stronghold on his hair thrilled him. Fiery and feral—she curled around him like a python taking its prey.

  They fell onto the bed, heating up for another round of passion.

  Just as she began tugging his clothes off, the doorbell rang.

  “Ah…fuck,” he growled between jagged breaths. “Who the hell can that be?” He glanced at the clock to see the time was just past midnight.

  “Ignore them,” she said between gasps. “Maybe they’ll think we’re sleeping.”

  No sooner had the words left her mouth than loud rapping sounded on the door downstairs.

  “Doesn’t sound like they’re going away.” He took a deep, calming breath before making a move to reluctantly slide off the bed. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”

  He gave her a promising wink, then kissed her stomach. She playfully messed his hair before letting him get up. After zipping his jeans, he pouted his lips and with a slight, upward tilt of his chin kissed the air while gazing at her.

  Fluttery sensations filled her stomach. He’s so damn sexy! She watched him slip out the door and close it behind him, then listened to his footsteps going down the stairs.

  Tomorrow! I can’t wait! Tomorrow our union will be consummated! She flopped back on the bed, eagerly awaiting his return.

  Muffled voices could be heard on the lower floor. Angel thought the nighttime visitor sounded like Blade. Slipping into her robe, she padded to the bedroom door, curious about who had come to call and why. In any case, she wouldn’t leave the room. Savaant had told her to stay here and she certainly didn’t want to offend him on their first night together in his house.

  At the door she made out bits and pieces of the conversation taking place below. It is Blade! What does he want? She strained to hear.

  “Why are you here? It’s late and you know Angel had a tiring day.”

  “Sage has a horrible migraine and we’re all out of her medicine. I can’t find my key to the pharmacy. Can you lend me yours?”

  “Yeah, but if you don’t find your key let me know. We’ll have to change the locks.”

  “Aye, sorry about this, mate. I’m sure it’ll turn up. I didn’t want to prolong her suffering while I search.”

  Angel pressed her ear to the door, waiting to hear Savaant coming back up the steps. Out of nowhere hands grabbed her from behind and clamped down over her mouth, then quickly bound her wrists and ankles. She tried to scream, but they had a secure hold that kept her from calling out. Someone tied a blindfold around her eyes. Then a strange odor filled her nose. Panic welled up inside. Savaant is wearing my clothes! He won’t hear my silent cries!

  She felt a soft cloth cover her face—then nothing.

  Chapter Five

  Savaant slanted a curious look toward Blade upon hearing scuffling upstairs. Immediately he sensed trouble and made a mad dash for the second floor. Bursting through the bedroom door, he felt his heart sink when he saw that Angel was gone.

  Blade ran into the room behind him.” What the hell is wrong with you?”

  He whipped around, grabbing Blade by the throat. “Where is she? What have you done?”

  “Hey!” Blade threw his hands up in a gesture of innocence. “I was with you. How would I know? We best launch a search party. Not safe for a woman of her caliber to be out at night.”

  “You know bloody well she didn’t just wander off.” He didn’t take time to change his clothes. He had no idea of who Blade had enlisted to carry out his dirty work and he wasn’t about to leave her charmed clothes unguarded.

  “Why are you wearing those rags again? I thought you gave them to Angel.”

  “Since when did you become interested in my wardrobe?” He pushed past him, nearly knocking him down on his way out the door. “If I can prove you had anything to do with this you’ll be a sorry man.”

  Blade trotted along behind him as they headed outside. “As soon as I give Sage her medicine, I’ll be out to help you look for Angel. You might not believe me, but I don’t want anything to happen to her either.”

  “Oh, I believe you all right.” Savaant stopped, placing one hand over his brow to scan the coastline. “Stay away from her…stay the fuck away.”

  He didn’t look back as he started jogging along the moonlit beach. Angel’s words haunted his thoughts of how Blade wanted him out of the way. He had no reason to question her insight. The fact that she’d asked about an old grudge proved that her telepathy, though murky as she modestly put it, was more accurate than she’d realized. She had only been on Dunalino for a little over twenty-four hours, yet had already pegged Ciara and Blade fairly well.

  Blade’s desire to steal his power came as no surprise. He’d always commanded the spotlight. But that he wanted Savaant out of the picture altogether felt like betrayal. He wondered how to deal with his band mate’s unresolved anger.

  He couldn’t even begin to sort through Ciara’s drama. He assumed she had been happy with Reece and that her extracurricular activity whoring about on the island kept her satisfied. He’d never given her behavior much thought until tonight.

  He struggled to clear his mind in order to locate Angel. Anger, worry, sadness—these emotions would block his telepathy. Without the connection of his stage clothes, his focus would have to reach a deeper level in order to create a new supernatural pathway.

  He’d said it to her several times. No fear. And taught he
r how to control her telepathy.

  Mon Coeur…my heart…reach out to me.

  Angel forced her eyes open against the throbbing in her head. What happened? Where am I? She grappled with her thoughts, trying to recall the last thing she’d seen or heard. Hands—many hands grabbing and pulling. Then suffocating darkness before everything went blank. At least they’ve removed the blindfold.

  Glancing down at her attire, she saw that her robe was still tied and didn’t appear to have any damage. As the fog began to lift, she did a mental and visual inspection of her body. Her hands and feet were still secured by nylon rope. Other than the sting of rope-burn and a massive headache, she didn’t feel any signs of invasion. Thank God they didn’t rape me!

  Lifting her bound hands to her neck, she stretched a finger to feel for fresh bite marks. Surprisingly, only the vague soreness from Savaant’s most recent bite remained. They didn’t bite me either. She sighed in relief. What do they want then?

  Gazing around at her surroundings, she noted they had left her in a cave of some type. Sunlight streaked through an opening about a hundred feet away. I must’ve been out cold all night. Was it just one night? She had no way of knowing but didn’t think her captivity had been very long. Her stomach wasn’t rumbling with hunger yet, though she did feel thirsty. There would be no point in screaming only to drain her energy and make her already parched throat worse.

  Shadows filtered into the sunlight as several beings entered the cave. Fear crept into her soul. Are they coming to carry out their plan now that I’m conscious? As they drew closer Angel noticed one of her captors appeared to be female.

  “Well, well, you don’t look so impressive now. Not exactly the image I had in mind for Savaant’s Senhora Do Sangue.”


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