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Touch Me Not

Page 25

by Apryl Baker

  “What happened?” Adam growled, getting right up in his face. “You piece of shit…”

  “Look, now is not the time for this,” Nikoli cut him off. “We can bitch slap each other later. Right now we need to find Lily.”

  Adam nodded, but his eyes promised Nikoli a world of pain.

  “How many people do we have sober enough to drive?” he asked.

  “Not enough,” Mike said grimly, “but we can get more here.”

  “We need to all spread out and start looking. I know it’s probably not going to do anything, but at least if we’re out there looking and she’s trying to get away, we might see something, anything that can help us find her.”

  “I’m on it.” Mike took off toward the house, Adam hot on his heels. Less than a minute went by before people started to stream out of the fraternity, some climbing into cars, others on foot, to look for Lily.

  Kade arrived about the same time the police did. Campus security showed up bursting with indignation the police had been called first. Nikoli repeated his story to countless people before he finally got fed up and stalked over to his brother.

  “They have my statement, and they can question me all they want after we find Lily. I’m going to go look for her.”

  “Nik, just slow down. You don’t even know where she is…”

  They both hushed when news of a bra waving out of the broken taillight of an old sedan was reported on the highway. “With me,” Kade said, and they climbed into his FBI issued SUV. Nikoli gave him directions, and before long they were on the highway, breaking every speed limit they came across, sirens wailing and lights flashing.

  It took them twenty minutes, but they caught up with the unmarked car following the sedan. Nikoli spotted Mike and Adam closing in as well. He’d forgotten Mike’s dad had installed a police scanner in his truck. They would have heard the call too.

  The sedan sped up, weaving through traffic, having seen the police lights. Nikoli cursed when the car started to cut in and out of traffic. It was dangerous, too dangerous. He was going to crash. Kade came to the same realization and barked an order for ambulances to start heading their way.

  Mike’s truck was even with the SUV, and Nikoli rolled down his window. “They’re gonna crash!”

  “We know!” Mike yelled back.

  Kade sped up, twisting the SUV in between cars in a way the poor thing had never been meant to. He sideswiped two vehicles to keep the sedan in sight. The old, gold colored Saturn made a sharp turn to the left, and the momentum was too much. It couldn’t stop the force that plowed it into the car in front of it, and then went rolling, landing on the other side of the median where a tractor trailer hit it head on.

  They all stared in horror as the car came to a stop against the guardrail, mangled into a mess of metal and plastic.

  Kade came to his senses first and drove over the median to get to the other side. Nikoli had the door open and was running before he’d even come to a stop. This reminded him of the day Lily had run to him in Miami, but this was so much worse. His wreck had been minor. This was…she could be dead. God, please don’t let her die.

  He skidded to a halt, looking for the trunk. He saw a tiny piece of white material and said a prayer of thanks. His hands roamed until he found the seam of the trunk and pulled. Nothing. It wouldn’t budge. Adam, Mike, and Kade joined him, and together they forced the lid up.

  “Nononononono,” Nikoli whispered, looking at Lily’s lifeless body lying as twisted and mangled as the car. He reached for her, and Mike and Adam grabbed him.

  “Don’t,” Mike said. “We need to wait for the paramedics. We could hurt her more if we move her.”

  “I need to know if she’s alive.” Tears streamed down his face, and he didn’t care. All he saw was Lily, bleeding and so still.

  Kade leaned in and put two fingers to the pulse point on her neck. “She’s got a pulse. It’s weak, but it’s there.”

  They could see more lights in the distance. Nikoli tuned it all out. All he saw was Lily. He knelt down in front of the trunk and prayed. He hadn’t prayed to God since he was a small boy, but he prayed now. He promised God that if he let Lily live, he’d spend every minute of the rest of their lives making it up to her. He promised so many things if only God would let Lily live. He was barely aware of the tears running down his cheeks or the sobs torn out of him. All he saw was his Lily Bells.

  Kade gently pulled him away so the paramedics could go to work.

  “What the hell?” Mike muttered. Nikoli’s head whipped around to see Mike staring at the driver. He went over to see what had Mike so startled.

  Brian Greggory.

  Brian Greggory from the football team.

  A slow rage built in Nikoli, and he ripped the door from the hinges. Kade tackled him before he could grab him.

  “Let me go!”

  “You can’t beat the guy up, Nikoli. You’ll get charged with assault and battery!”

  “After what he did to Lily?” Nikoli shouted, enraged. “They can arrest me!”

  “Lily needs you right now,” Kade reasoned. “What is she going to do when she wakes up and you’re in jail? Think, Nik. Just think for two seconds. What’s more important? Lily, or beating an unconscious guy who won’t even realize the beating he’s getting?”

  Nikoli stalked back over to where the paramedics were loading her into the ambulance. Adam climbed in behind them, and the paramedic said they could only take one passenger. He didn’t argue the point, just headed for Mike’s truck. Mike was waiting for him.

  Mike pulled out behind the ambulance, and they both sat in grim silence as they followed the flashing lights.

  Chapter Twenty

  The wait seemed to go on forever. Nikoli kept staring at the clock. She was in surgery. Three hours. She’d been in surgery for three hours with no word. The nurse said the doctor would come out as soon as they knew anything. Adam had called Lily’s mom and his own parents. They were all on their way. Nikoli had already arranged for a car to meet them.

  His mind kept flashing back to the look in her eyes when she’d seen him with the blonde. It defied words to describe the pain in them. He’d give anything for her not to have seen that. He had been about ready to call it quits when the door opened. No matter who he was with, he couldn’t see anyone but Lily.

  She had to be okay. She had to forgive him.

  He kept remembering all the laughter they’d shared. The times they’d just lounged on the couch watching horror movies, the debates they’d gotten into over food at one of the endless diners he’d introduced her to. He remembered the way her eyes would go sleepy and darken to a shade of black when desire ruled her. He remembered the deep, husky sound of her voice when she gave in to the passion he stirred within her. Mostly, though, he just remembered Lily, the girl who loved her penguin pajamas and books. God, she loved books. He’d build her her own library.

  If she’d just live.

  He was the biggest fool God had ever created. The one person who saw past the front he put up and dug deeper to find the real him, he’d tossed out like she was no better than day old garbage. He’d been given a most precious gift, something that was worth more than all the money he had, worth more than any car he owned, something worth more than his own life…and he’d thrown it away. All because he hadn’t been man enough to accept the risk of getting hurt.

  And now he was hurting worse than he’d ever hurt, and Lily was fighting for her life. All because he was a fool.

  “Can we go now?”

  Nikoli opened his eyes at the familiar whine of Adam’s girlfriend’s voice. She looked irritated and impatient. She’d come to the hospital less than thirty minutes ago, and already she wanted to leave? Selfish bitch.

  “No, we can’t leave yet, Sue. Lily’s still in surgery.”

  “Adam, it’s not like being here is helping her in any way. Let’s go home where you can relax…”

  “Relax?” Nikoli exploded. He stood up, his eyes cold and
mean. Sue took a step back. “You really are the most selfish bitch I’ve ever met.”

  She gasped and looked to Adam for help.

  “You’ve known Boy Wonder what, three years or so? He’s known Lily all his life. She’s his sister, his best friend, a part of his soul. Do you really think he’s going to fucking go home and relax while she’s in surgery fighting for her life? And why the fuck would you ask him that? Other than the fact you’re a jealous, selfish she-bitch. Sit your ass down or go home, but do not say one more word about Adam leaving.”

  He walked back over to his chair and sat. Sue stared at him, her mouth working while she tried to find words to respond. Finally, after a full minute, she turned on Adam. “Are you just going to let him talk to your fiancée like that?”

  “If he were still talking to my fiancée, no, I wouldn’t, but since you and I are done, then he can talk to you any way he wants.”

  “What?” she shrieked.

  “You are a selfish bitch,” Adam told her. “I just ignored it before. But asking me to leave Lily when she needs me? That’s going too far. I’ve put up with your bullshit for a long time, Sue. I haven’t loved you for a long time. We’re done. Before you make a scene, think of where we are. Most of the football team and everyone who loves Lily is here. You’d best get yourself moving without a fuss.”

  Adam stood up and then sat down next to Nikoli. Mike and Janet followed. Nikoli raised his eyebrows. What brought that on?

  “You love her, don’t you?” Adam asked after a long while.

  “Yeah, but I fucked it up. If she’ll forgive me, I’m going to marry her.”

  “You ever hurt her like that again, and I’ll put the barrel of a shotgun between your eyes and hide the body in one of the countless mountain breaks near the coal mines we grew up with. They’ll never find your body. We clear?”

  Nikoli nodded, and they both turned their attention back to the clock. What was taking so long?

  Thirty minutes later, a tired-looking surgeon waded out into the waiting room and called out Lily’s name. Nikoli and Adam pushed to the front.

  “How is she?” Nikoli demanded.

  “Is she okay?” Adam asked, his worry plain in his voice.

  “Are you family?” the surgeon asked.

  “I’m her fiancé,” Nikoli announced and then pointed to Adam. “This is her brother.”

  “I’m Doctor Kerev. It was a bit touch and go. We had to remove her spleen and repair some damage done to her kidneys and lungs. She’s got four broken ribs, a fracture of her left femur, and small cranial fracture.”

  They all gasped at the extent of her injuries.

  “She’ll pull through,” the surgeon hurried to assure them. “We’re going to keep her sedated while her body heals. She needs rest more than anything right now. She’s being moved to the ICU.”

  “We’re staying,” Nikoli said, and his tone brooked no argument.

  “Only immediate family,” the surgeon said. “Everyone else should head home. There’s nothing more to be done for her right now except to let her rest.”

  After much grumbling, the waiting room cleared out, and Mike took Janet home. A nurse led Adam and Nikoli back to the ICU ward and into Lily’s room. She was hooked up to so many machines. She looked helpless and small. They dragged chairs to her bed and stared at each other, just waiting.

  The police came and took both their statements about the car chase. It wasn’t long after that before Kade showed up. He’d been down to see Greggory.

  “How is she?” he asked.

  “Stable,” Nikoli said. “The doc’s keeping her asleep so she can heal.”

  “That’s probably for the best.” Kade nodded.

  “Has Brian woken up yet?” Adam asked, his voice full of the same rage Nikoli was trying to keep under control.

  “I talked to him,” Kade replied. “We thought at first he might be our serial killer, but he’s not. He doesn’t fit the profile, and his apartment confirmed his statement. His place is a shrine to her. He’s been stalking her for years, and I’m guessing she never knew?”

  They both stared at him blankly.

  “It’s not uncommon for a stalker to never make contact with his victim until he’s ready to strike. Or to never confess his obsession, in this case, since he claims they were friends. He saw an opportunity, and he took it. She was alone and upset, no one was around, and he grabbed her. He was taking her to small house he’d purchased with the funds from an inheritance from his grandfather. If Lily wasn’t a smart girl, there is a good chance we’d never have found her. He took her in a dead zone—no cameras, no witnesses, nothing.”

  Fear gripped Nikoli’s heart so hard, he nearly bent over. He’d almost lost her, he would have lost her if that bastard had managed to get her to his house. His hands shook at the thoughts of what might have happened to her.

  “What’s going to happen to him?” Adam asked, his hand clutching Lily’s in a death grip. “He’s not going to get out, is he?”

  “With the charges that boy racked up tonight, there’s not a judge in Boston that’ll give him bail. He’s going away for a long, long time. Especially with the atmosphere now. Women being kidnapped, murdered, and then dumped? That boy will be lucky if he sees freedom anytime in the near future.”

  “Still no luck on the serial killer?” Nikoli asked.

  “I’m not supposed to discuss an active investigation,” Kade said quietly, “but given what’s happened tonight, and we think he’s going to strike at one of the college campuses soon, I’m warning you. Any female you care about, don’t let them out of your sight.”

  “You told me yesterday you guys were wrapping up,” Nikoli said. “When are you leaving?”

  “I’m not,” Kade said. “My supervisor asked me to stay here in Boston until we catch this psycho. I’ll be here until the case is solved.”

  They talked for a few more minutes, and then Kade left, telling them to call if they needed anything. Adam settled down next to Lily, her hand still clutched in his.

  All they could do now was wait.



  Lily hurt, everywhere. She tried to open her eyes, but they were heavy. She did manage to crack one eye partially open and saw Nikoli asleep in the chair beside her bed. He looked tired and his clothes were worn, like he’d slept in them for days. She closed her eyes again when the harsh light started to make them burn. How long had she been out?

  She heard the steady beeping of machines and realized she was in a hospital. Why was she in a hospital? Her memory was foggy, but she vaguely remembered a car crash. Had she been in an accident?

  She opened both eyes this time and looked around. Definitely a hospital. She was hooked up to more machines than she could count. She looked back over to Nikoli. Why was he here? Her last memory of him was all hugged up with some blonde ditz. She’d run from the house and then…then…ohmygod. She’d been attacked and woken up in a trunk. Someone had kidnapped her. She remembered kicking out the taillight and using her bra as a distress signal.

  Then what happened? She thought hard, and her heartbeat started to race when she remembered the car going crazy fast, then they’d tipped over, and something must have crashed into them, but she wasn’t sure. She’d passed out before she could register much.

  She’d woken up here with Nikoli Kincaid sitting beside her bed, asleep and looking like he’d been through hell.

  Her mouth was full of cotton. She needed water. The nurse’s call button wasn’t anywhere to be seen, and besides, she was so sore, she didn’t know if she’d be able to reach it. She let out a tiny sigh, but it was enough to wake up the man sitting across from her. Nikoli’s eyes sprang open, and his worried gaze found her face.

  “You’re awake,” he whispered.

  Lily nodded and winced. Her head hurt something awful. “W…wat…”

  “Water?” he asked, and Lily nodded. He poured water into one of those little plastic hospital cups and hel
d her head up so she could drink. “Just a few sips at first,” he warned.

  The cool ice water was the best thing she’d tasted in her life. It soothed her dry, parched mouth and the burn in her throat. When Nikoli pulled it away, she tried to protest, but he shook his head. “No, Milaya, you must sip it a little at a time or you’ll get sick.”

  He reached over and hit the call button. “They’ll need to check you out, dushka. Just relax and let them work.”

  A few minutes later a nurse came in and smiled. “She’s awake, I see. You’ve had us worried.” She picked up Lily’s chart and nodded. “You’re in luck. Your doctor happens to be the one on call today. I’ll page him as soon as I take your vitals.”

  For the next twenty minutes she was poked and prodded. She’d always hated hospitals, even when she was little. There was just something about the sterile smell that disturbed her. Cleaning fluids mixed with the stench of sickness. The only thing she really wanted to know was when she could go home. The doctor said they’d take it day by day, which caused her to scrunch her nose in disgust.

  Adam came rushing in about the time the doctor left. He made a beeline for her and grabbed her into a hug. All the breath went out of her at the pain that lanced across her ribs. Before she could say a word, Nikoli had hauled him off her.

  “Her ribs,” he said before Adam could open his mouth. “You were hurting her.”

  “Hell, I forgot.” Adam ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, Lils.”

  “It’s okay,” she said, her throat still a little scratchy.

  “I’d have been here sooner, but I fell asleep in the cafeteria and didn’t see Nik’s message until just a few minutes ago.” He grimaced and shot an apologetic look Nikoli’s way.

  Lily frowned. They were acting like friends. Since when were Adam and Nikoli friends? They hated each other.

  “How are you?” Adam turned his attention back to her, walking over and sitting down in the chair Nikoli had vacated.

  “I’m sleepy,” she said truthfully. She was having issues keeping her eyes open.


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