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Entrusting Cade (Wildcat Graduates Book 4)

Page 15

by Xana Jordan

  I swear everyone almost loses it when he simply says, “No.” Unphased by his answer, she giggles, swatting his shoulder.

  “You’re always teasing me,” she smiles and leans into his stiff body.

  Bringing my face into Cade’s chest to keep from laughing out loud at his reaction, I can feel his chest shaking underneath mine. Mallory is giggling softly beside us leaving Gavin to clear his throat just as a few of her friends join our group. Their laughter and high-pitched, over enthusiastic voices are making Dillon’s neck twitch when I turn away from Cade. After several minutes of gushing over how amazing this party is, they convince Katie to join them in dancing to the song currently playing, Jump by Flo Rida.

  “Why the hell are you still seeing her, man? It’s obvious you don’t really want to be here with her,” Gavin begins firing off all the questions we’ve been dying to ask.

  “Yeah, what’s up with that? I thought you had no problems in the date department.” Cade’s comment has us all laughing again.

  “Shut up, Dumbass. I didn’t ask her to come tonight,” he says quite defensively.

  “Riiight,” Mallory draws out, smiling widely.

  “Seriously. She just kinda took it upon herself to make the plans, so I let her,” he shrugs, taking another large swallow of the beer he’s holding.

  “You didn’t have to agree to it,” I scold him. “There is such a thing as the word “no”. You know that, right.” Grinning, I wink at him, the exasperation on his face very amusing.

  “No, shit! Really? I didn’t know that! Wait, I just used it,” he shouts back feigning shock and amazement.

  “Then why didn’t you use it with her?” Mallory throws back, her brows raised in an amused expression of her own.

  “Eh. Why not? Besides, it’s just a sorority party anyway. Nothing to get that excited about.” Dillon finishes off his drink, leaving the four of us to look to one another for some sort of explanation for his weird mood. Apparently, we’re all at a loss on that topic.

  Setting our cups down by our chairs, Cade pulls me to dance with him. As we reach the dance crowd, Ed Sheeran’s Photograph begins to play, and he draws me closer so that our bodies are completely connected. The lights aren’t exactly dimmed, so I can see the intensity in his eyes as he draws my arms around his neck while he grips my hips ever so firmly.

  He takes my lips with his and I eagerly open for him when his tongue runs across mine in slow exploration. My hands grip the back of his neck as I lean further into our connection, taking my time to enjoy the taste of him. Pulling away from me just enough to break our kiss, he places his forehead to my own, locking his gaze onto mine.

  We spend most of the song this way. Merely taking in everything that is the other. “You own me. You realize that, don’t you?” His words dance across my lips as he speaks, sending goosebumps down my body. Unable to find the right words to express the same to him, I merely nod, our noses rubbing against each other. “Whatever you need,” he says, drawing back slightly, “I’ll give it to you. Even if it’s just me listening to whatever it is you need to talk about. Anything,” he reinforces, complete conviction and sincerity in his tone.

  Overcome with my own feelings for the man standing in front of me, I wrap myself around him, holding him as closely as possible, my mouth doing the talking for me, pouring everything I have into letting him feel what’s in my heart. He owns me, too.

  We left the party at almost two in the morning, going to eat with Gavin and Mallory at the local greasy spoon, Swaffar’s, where the owner, Jeff, practically knows us like his own, we eat there that often, and always has a table for us. It probably doesn’t hurt that the guys helped him out a few times over the summer when he was short handed. I think Xana said she even waited tables once or twice, too. Wish I could have seen that.

  Entering the living room, we find Noel sitting on the couch watching television with Xana’s head in his lap, sleeping soundly. He nods at us before looking down to move her hair behind her shoulder. “She alright?” I ask, moving closer to them while Cade grabs us a drink from the fridge.

  “She’s good. She just passed out an hour ago.” He looks at her sleeping form as she shifts her position.

  “Y’all okay? Things looked kinda tense between you two tonight?” I look at both of them and don’t miss the pained look that briefly crosses his face before that trademark smile of his take its place.

  “We’re fine,” he reassures me, Cade returning to my side to hand me a bottle of water. Not buying his declaration of romantic stability, I cock my head to the side and stare back at him, daring him to lie to me like that again.

  “It’s the truth,” he says again. “She just wanted to let go and relax tonight.” His explanation sounds right, but I know that isn’t everything.

  “And you let her drink like that? She was downing them faster than I could count,” I accuse, wanting to hear him explain that one.

  “Stace,” Cade warns, grabbing my elbow.

  “Trust me.” He looks me dead in the eyes, all humor gone from his voice. “I. Counted. Every. One.” Now it’s his turn to dare me to challenge his words. “She was never in danger or unattended.”

  “It was all good,” Cade soothes, guiding us to his room. “Night, man.” Noel relaxes his body then turns back to my slumbering best friend, my sister, stroking her hair gently while mumbling words to her I cannot hear or understand.

  “What the hell was that about? Why the fifth degree?” Cade peppers me with questions as soon as he closes his bedroom door. Walking to stand in front of me by the bed, he takes one of my arms, while he tilts my chin until he can see my face, full of embarrassment.

  “I don’t know why I went all bad cop on him. I know he never stops watching out for her,” I admit, not hiding the remorse I feel. Running his nose along mine, he hugs me to him to place kisses my cheek.

  “Let him handle it. If he can’t, he’ll tell us and if she needs something, she’ll come to us, to you, when she’s ready. You know how private they are.”

  Leaning my face on his shoulder, I release a long sigh of acceptance while closing my eyes, “You’re right. Guess I just forgot there for a minute. I don’t know why I felt so defensive about it.” I let myself relax more into his hold, listening to his heartbeat beneath mine, strong and steady as always, allowing myself to get lost in its rhythm.

  Slowly he begins scattering kisses along my cheek and jaw, trekking his way to my neck as his fingers move my long hair out of his path, only to grip my nape.

  “What are you doing?” I breathe against his shoulder, my body coming alive the more he touches me.

  “Bringing you back to me. To us,” his words brush across my bare skin.

  Cade’s free arm slides below my bottom to hoist me up to his waist, my legs tangling around his firm, ripped waist on their own accord. His kisses move torturously slow to the neckline of my top, urging my arms, now around his strong neck, to hold his lips in place against my exposed collarbone. My legs cling to him for dear life, lest I fall from my position against him, and I hurriedly kick off my sandals in order to further dig my heels into his firm ass.

  “Say it,” he commands, but I have a hard time processing his words fast enough as my need for him fogs my brain. Tugging on my hair to gain my attention, he moves his head to look me in the eyes. “Say it,” he demands, voice low, not playing around for one minute.

  “Just us.” My words rush out on a whisper, only to have him tighten his grip in my hair, his eyes silently asking for the rest. “Together.”

  Giving a slight nod, he crushes his mouth to mine as he drops me onto the bed, breaking our fevered kiss. “Clothes,” he growls as he removes his own shirt, knowing the effect his directness has on me. Sitting up, I remove my top and bra as he strips off the rest of his clothes then leans over to help with my shorts, yanking them off in his haste. He brushes my hands away enabling him clear access as he removes the denim from my body, his eyes never leaving mine. The look i
n his eyes nearly takes my breath away, causing me to fumble with my silky underwear. Wasting no time, he rips them by the sides, leaving nothing but shreds of my lavender bikinis. He must be acting purely on instinct, those being his favorite pair of my underwear.

  Leaning his body over mine, he moves between my legs, taking hold of my head with his hands, cupping me gently, as he rests his weight on his forearms. My body begins to tremble as the heat from his body, skin on skin, envelopes my own.

  “What matters when we’re together?” he questions, grinding his lower body into the place I need him most.

  “Nothing.” I reply, barely able to speak as his touch pushes my need further. He presses into me once again, rubbing my clit with a slow, steady pace. Groaning under his touch, I grab hold of his hips in an attempt to guide him to my aching center.

  “I need you,” I moan, needing to feel closer to him.

  Cade leans backward, reaches for the condoms in his nightstand, hurriedly covering his thick girth as he kneels between my thighs. He studies my face intently before slowly sliding his cock into my drenched opening, but halfway in he slams the rest of the way inside until our bodies slam together, completely filled.

  He releases a satisfied groan to say, “You and me,” before devouring my mouth, resuming his possession of me.

  While the two of us explore each other, taking what we need without hesitation, my mind focuses on the two of us, here and now. With him, I feel cherished, loved, and safe.

  Lying in the bed beside him as he sleeps, I feel free to be me without pretense or baggage. Simply, Stacy.

  The college has brought a security company from Springfield, Texas, Orion Securities, here to campus this week to do safety demonstrations and mini classes for the women on campus. The attack Xana and I had before school was out wasn’t the only one they’ve had, the police seemingly unable to get any good leads on who the suspect, or suspects, may be. Orion is scheduled to be here for the entire week in order to make sure everyone has an adequate chance to attend the classes and demonstrations. Everyone is on edge with the way the attackers appear to be so sporadic in their timing of the crimes. Just when you think they’re gone, they pop up again. Xana and I got off really lucky that night, but I can’t help but feel like whomever it is will try to get to us again, and I know she’s not too thrilled about the thought of our attackers still being out there unknown.

  The guys have ball practice this afternoon, as well as a team meeting following, so Xan, Mal, and I are going today to the demonstrations while they’re busy. I know these classes, for lack of a better word, are extremely beneficial for us, but I can’t help but dread going. Reliving that night isn’t something I am particularly looking forward to. Quite frankly, I’m quite shocked Xana isn’t showing more hesitance about going.

  We’re sitting near the front of the auditorium waiting for them to start when Mallory, sitting to my left, leans over to whisper, “Gavin’s dad is pretty familiar with Orion Securities’ reputation. Said they were a really big deal in the security business down in Texas. Seems they were pretty much all highly trained military at some point, and have made quite the name for themselves as civilians. He was really relieved they were the ones coming to campus for all of this.”

  “Really,” I turn to look at her, “I had no idea they were anything like that. This should be interesting, then.”

  “Yeah, even Gav was glad we were coming this afternoon. I bet Noel was, too,” she adds nodding her head toward Xana, on my right, who is flipping through a brochure we were handed at the entrance.

  “He’s actually been pretty reasonable about it from what I’ve heard. I haven’t seen him freak out about it...yet.”

  “Who’s freaking out?” Xan asks, hearing only part of our conversation through all of the noise around us.

  “Noel,” Mal replies, looking around me to see her. “I figured he’d still be over-reacting to all of this,” she gestures to where the demonstration and lecture is going to take place.

  “Well,” she begins, drawing out the word, “he may have insisted I take a few karate classes over the summer. Ones that he may have made me practice for.” She giggles lightly and hides behind her hair as she looks down to her lap.

  “What are you talking about, hooker?” I demand, smacking her on the arm. “Why am I just now hearing about all this?”

  “OW! Stop hitting me, heifer!” She rubs away the offensive sting from my slap, shaking her head, completely ignoring the fact that Mallory and I are waiting for a response. “He insisted I take some karate-type class this summer.” My mouth must have fallen open because she then says, “Oh, don’t act surprised. We both should have seen that coming. He wouldn’t take no for an answer, and I have to admit, taking them did make me feel a lot better about what happened. At least now I have some idea of how to fight back.” Now I understand why Cade kept bringing them up when we talked. I guess I never really heard what he was trying to tell me, never making the connection to self-defense.

  “Woo hoo, now we have our own personal ninja warrior princess, Stace,” Mal teases her, hands clapping excitedly, and I can’t help laughing along with her.

  “Shut up, I’m not anywhere near a warrior, and you guys know it!” She rolls her eyes and continues, “I may have the knowledge to take Noel down, but that does not mean I’m anything close to any sort of ninja. Besides, if it makes him feel better by me having those classes, I’ll take every one of them without an ounce of complaint.” Xana looks at us both, clear she means every word.

  “Seriously?” Mal asks just as surprised as I am. “Wow. I didn’t see that coming, either,” she looks at us both, “but I should have. He’s nothing short of crazy when it comes to you.” We’re caught up in a bout of giggling when the president of the college walks onto the stage, newly covered in what looks like floor mats from a wrestling match, and begins the afternoon’s program.

  “We here at Southern Arkansas University Magnolia campus would like to welcome some very special guests to our campus. Orion Security and Protection out of Springfield, Texas gladly came when asked to help everyone on campus with some simple safety techniques and procedures as we evaluate our own safety measures on campus. Due to the string of attacks and muggings, that have been occurring in the surrounding areas, as well as on campus last semester, we want to ensure that our students and faculty are in the safest place possible, and prepared for any situation that may arise.” He pauses to let the crowd quiet down a tad before continuing, looking around the auditorium while doing so.

  “The college will have several of these presentations and demonstrations throughout the week to ensure that all students have the opportunity to attend when it is convenient for them, and the team will be readily available for any questions you may have. Now, I’m going to turn it over to Mr. Mike Cassiano and Mr. Riley Stanton from Orion,” each of them waving to the crowd in return, “and let them begin their presentation.” He steps to the side stage, while Mr. Stanton, the tall blond one, takes over.

  “I know I’m about to show my age here, but how many of you have seen the movie Miss Congeniality starring Sandra Bullock? Yeah, I know it’s an old one, but there is a scene where Sandra’s character demonstrates what is known as the S. I. N. G. Method. Now, the Commander here,” the tall blond man, named Riley, gestures to Mike, the tall, brooding man to his left they refer to as the Commander, “he’s a pretty big guy. Not as big as my brother Trev over here,” he thumbs in the opposite direction, “but still. Now, I wanna bring someone out to help demonstrate the S. I. N. G. Method. She’s my cousin, and happens to be the Commander’s wife, Lainey Casiano.” Applause sounds as Lainey comes out onto the stage. “As you can see, Lainey is…” he looks at Lainey who is standing just in front of Mike, arms folded across her chest.

  “Lainey is what, Rile?” she asks saucily.

  “You’re short, Tink,” Trevor says, making everyone laugh.

  “And that would be why we call her Tinkerbell,” Riley f
ills in. “So, look, if the Commander were to attack her from behind,” Mike steps up and wraps his forearm around Lainey’s throat, “she is in dire straits here. He’s bigger, he’s stronger, and if she doesn’t act fast, she’s a goner. As Sandra Bullock demonstrates, when grabbed from behind, your first move is to go for the solar plexus. This is a little area below the ribs and above the abdomen. Easiest way, ladies, is to jab back with your elbow, like this.” Lainey jabs back and Mike doubles over, releasing her in the process.

  “Jabbing back in the solar plexus will knock the wind out of your assailant. Next, while he is incapacitated, you strike his instep. Bring your heel down as hard as you can on the top of his foot. Bonus, if you’re wearing heels like Tink is, scrape that heel down his shin as you’re bringing it down to stomp him.” Lainey does as he says, causing Mike to stagger as he shifts his weight to his uninjured leg. “Now, in some cases, the assailant may have grabbed you from behind in such a way that your arms can’t jab back at his solar plexus,” the pair changing positions. “That happens, stomp his foot first. Next step, the nose. In all our self-defense classes, we teach an open-palm strike.” He and Lainey demonstrate for us.

  “Why is this?” he asks the crowd, looking over us for a moment. “Basically, there are just too many ways to make an improper fist that could result in injury to yourself. An open palm gives you the best chance of not incurring an injury. So, right now, Lainey has the Commander doubled over, hobbling on one foot. Her next bet is to use the heel of her hand, and with all her might, shove it up into his nose. The nose is vulnerable. Hit with enough force, you break it. Hit it just right with just the right amount of force, you shove the membranes into the brain and he dies.” We watch as the Commander and Lainey demonstrate these instructions for us.


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