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Entrusting Cade (Wildcat Graduates Book 4)

Page 16

by Xana Jordan

“That is rarely going to happen with a woman hitting a man, but she can hit hard enough to inflict enough pain to cause his eyes to water. Another way is to use the back of the hand against the nose. I prefer for women, the use of the heel of the hand to the nose because that means she is facing him, having a better chance to use greater power. Last step is the groin,” all the guys in the audience groan, “that’s right, guys, this is where we are most vulnerable and ladies, this gives you your best chance of getting away.” The ladies in the crowd, including the three of us, giggle as the various boyfriends and single guys groan in phantom pain. I bet Dillon would be making the most noise over this part. He’s such a girl.

  “Now, you can punch him there, but face it, girls, most of your power is in your legs. Haul off and kick him. He’s already weakened, he isn’t going to be thinking about protecting that area at that moment, kick the crap out of him and then you run like hell. As you are running, you are screaming FIRE the whole way. Screaming fire has been proven to draw more attention than if you just scream help.” Lainey and the Commander demonstrate what he is explaining, making us all laugh as she smiles brightly, and the Commander just scowls.

  “Okay, my team is going to split up in groups and give you some practice with the S.I.N.G. method. My brother, Trevor, and his guys will be over at the gym to do groups with some of you, while the Commander and I do demonstrations here.” Riley Stanton looks down at his watch then continues, “I’ll give those of you going to the gym thirty minutes to head on over there and take a quick break before getting started. Those of you staying here, we’ll resume in fifteen.”

  The Orion team members talk to one another for a minute before checking over the equipment needed for the demonstrations - mats, pads, and other miscellaneous items I can’t see.

  “I’ll be right back,” Xana stands, “bathroom.”

  “I’ll go with,” Mal replies, following her down the aisle. Giving them the thumbs up, I lean back in the auditorium seat then close my eyes, thinking about the presentation we just observed.

  Those Orion guys are very tall and muscular, they made everything they talked about seem easy. Even when the small woman named Lainey participated, she made it look like a breeze. They probably had her practice that a hundred times and took it easy on her. It can’t be that easy to take a man like the Commander out that easily. He’s kinda scary.

  “Did we miss anything,” Xan asks as she and Mal sit on either side of me. Looking up at the stage I notice the speakers standing in a line looking out at the crowd. Before I can respond, the dainty Commander’s wife speaks.

  “Thanks all of you for staying with these big guys,” she one thumbs at them over her shoulder, “and not deserting them for the younger group over in the gym.” Her smile makes us laugh as Riley shakes his head and the Commander scowls again at her. He seems to do that a lot, but they really are cute together, the way they tease one another.

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Tink,” her cousin, Riley, jokes as he wraps an arm over her shoulder.

  She elbows him in the side and continues, “As we break up into small groups for those wanting some hands-on practice, Lily-Grace and I will be walking around in the crowd in case any of you have questions you’d like to ask the guys.”

  “After the individual sessions, I hope that you will continue to practice what you’ve learned here today. Just as a reminder, on your confirmation email for this class, you have my contact info. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, or if you would like to arrange more training. We’ve also included Lainey Casiano’s contact info. She is a family and crisis counselor. She is always willing to talk and to listen. And if you’d like to talk to any of us, we are going to be here for most of the week. Don’t let the Neanderthal over there,” Riley motions to a giant of a man with curly, dark chocolate hair, “or the Commander scare you.” He waves his hand at all of the team members across the stage, “We’re all here to help.”

  Lainey smiles, clasping her hands together to take charge. “Now, you’ll be provided with the same protective gear the Commander has on, so suit up, and ladies, give ‘em hell.” She exits the stage, walking to the floor area, mic in hand, leaving Riley to begin the class.

  “The Commander and I will each take about twenty-five of you at a time,” he adds, “while the rest of you are welcome to gather around to observe, or talk with Tink and Lily Grace as you wait. If some of you need to leave for work or classes, just remember we will have a few more of these practices throughout the week, here and down at the gym.”

  “Let’s get this over with,” I smile at the girls as we make our way to the area set up. The Commander and Riley, who reminds me of an older, sexy Noel, are dividing us into two groups while the remaining people stand by to watch up close. I’m in a group with the Commander and his son, who is as handsome, with black hair and ice blue eyes, and just as intimidating as his father, while my friends are in the other group.

  The two intimidating men go over some basic holds and scenarios before telling us to take turns trying them out. Watching as several girls go first, I can’t help but wonder if any of these moves would have really helped when we were attacked in that parking lot last semester. Everything they’ve shown us so far seems like it’d be very helpful, but I’m still skeptical. These girls know it’s coming. We didn’t.

  When it’s my turn, the Commander’s son, Ridge, as he’s been introduced, plays the part of the attacker, grabbing me from behind. One arm wraps around my waist as the other goes to my neck. Everything begins to blur and I am unable to move my stiff body. He begins saying things beside my ear, and I hear far away voices that I am unable to understand.

  “Hey, baby doll. You can stay up late with me. We won’t tell Mommy. It’ll be our little secret.” The tall man pulls a little girl from a room, guiding her into a living room to sit on the couch with him.

  “Here, come lay beside me,” the man says, tugging her down beside him on the couch. As soon as she lies down, he begins talking to her in a low voice. No...

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” a woman’s voice says somewhere in the room. “You’re fine, but you need to breathe.”

  I hear more voices that I can’t place as I notice I’m being carried somewhere. As I’m placed on a chair of some sort, the room begins to fade allowing me to notice there are a few people standing around me, the Commander and Lainey being among them. Slowly, my vision returns enough that I realize I’m sitting backstage on one of the prop chairs. Looking around me, I’m suddenly slammed with memories of the attack along with memories from my childhood. Things I wish I’d never remembered. Ever. I have to leave before I lose it.

  “Stacy, honey, just calm down,” Lainey tries to soothe my frightened attempt to run away.

  “No, I need to go now. I have to go for a run.” I look around, searching for a way to escape, but find nothing that doesn’t involve breaking through a crowd of people. I have to get out of here before I lose it. My heart throbs so intensely in my chest, I’m afraid it will stop altogether.

  Lainey turns to the Commander hovering near me and nods, letting him know to leave us alone. He stares at us for a moment before leading the few bystanders away from us. My lungs burn as my breathing pushes its limits on them. It feels like they’re going to explode at any second.

  “Sshh, it’s just the two of us now. No need to panic. You’re safe right here, okay?”

  I stare back at the Commander’s wife, trying to calm down, but the memories that were just unleashed won’t let go of me. “I can’t make them stop,” I explain with strangled words, praying for her to understand.

  “Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. There ya go, one more. And another. Sssh,” she coos to me, brushing my hair away from my face the whole time. “What won’t stop?” She asks, holding onto my hands while keeping my gaze, my throat feels constricted, my chest aching, as I debate whether or not to confide in her, but I can’t help myself.

  “The memories
of what my dad did to me,” I whisper, feeling a little relieved to tell someone, yet ashamed at the same time. She pulls me into her arms to hold me as I cry on her shoulder, letting go of everything.

  I have no concept of time as I let her hug and comfort me as I tell her what I’ve remembered, about the dreams I’ve been having, and how Xan and I were attacked that night at the library. She listens to me talk about Cade and my grandparents, never once saying a word. Rubbing my back, she smoothes my hair as I talk until I’ve calmed down.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve just unloaded a whole crapton of baggage on you. I’m such a mess,” I tell her through the remaining tears as I pull away from her embrace.

  “There’s nothing to apologize for. You needed to get all of that out. I know we’ve just met, but I’d like to help you through this, give you someplace to talk about everything so it doesn’t get all bottled up. Would you be willing to do that with me? Have a few therapy sessions with me as your counselor?” She looks at me hopefully, and for some strange reason, I trust her.

  Before I am able to respond, the very intimidating Commander joins us. The hard expression I’ve only seen him wear is gone, a gentleness having overtaken his demeanor. That is almost just as unnerving.

  He smiles at me before looking toward his wife, “How is everything, Cara?” His sexy Italian accent only makes his voice more overwhelming.

  “We’re just fine, Commander. Aren’t we, Stacy?”

  Nodding as I gather my thoughts, I stand and say, “Thank you for helping me out there. I’m still not sure what happened.”

  “When Ridge grabbed you, you began to have a panic attack, so he carried you back here so we could help you,” he explains, leaving a heat-filled embarrassment to sweep over me.

  Holding his hands up in front of me in assurance, he says, “Not many realized what was happening before we brought you back here. Riley told your two friends you were practicing a little longer with our group and would meet them in time for dinner.”

  Relief fills my mind as I take in his words, “I can’t thank you enough for that.”

  “The red-head wasn’t pleased,” Riley grins as he joins us. “Just be warned; don’t think she really believed me,” he laughs along with the Commander and Lainey.

  “Sorry, she can be a little stubborn,” I apologize, only to have it brushed aside.

  “Don’t worry about me. My niece, Keeley Rose, is just like her, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” His pride in family is obvious.

  “It’s a Stanton thing, for certain,” the Commander grumbles, grinning as his wife smacks his arm, throwing him a look of warning. His pretending to be hurt by her hit makes me giggle. That felt really good.

  “There’s that smile,” Lainey sings before pushing the two men toward center stage. “We’re almost done here, and we’ll meet you up front.”

  Her husband sends her a stern glare over his shoulder. “Five minutes,” he states, not allowing for negotiation, then walks away with Riley.

  “You don’t have to stay for me,” I try to protest but she shakes her head.

  “He’s fine,” she tells me while beginning to look through her purse. Finding what she needs, she hands me a business card with her information on it and smiles. “I know it can be hard to talk to those that are closest to you about what’s happened. I’d really like to help you deal with what you’re remembering. I’d be glad to do Skype sessions with you whenever you have the time.” Her offer is sincere, heartfelt, leaving me more emotional than I already was.

  “I don’t want to intrude on your busy schedule,” I reply, but am cut off.

  “Nonsense. You call me at this number, anytime, and we’ll get it all sorted. I mean it. Anytime, day or night.” We look at each other for several moments before I relent.

  “Okay, I’d like to talk to you.” My voice much quieter, I can feel tears begin to form. “Thank you.”

  “Good. Now, let’s get out of here before my Commander gets all out of sorts.” We laugh at her teasing, making our way out of the auditorium.

  “He scares the crap out of me. How do you do it?” I ask, honestly curious about their relaxed relationship.

  Laughing more, she says, “Oh, he’s scary, alright, I’m just scarier,” she winks at me, as we reach the outside of the building. These people really are something.

  “We’ll walk you back to your dorm on our way to the gym,” Riley says, ending his call before turning to his friend. “Trevor needs a few extra hands.” The Commander nods, motioning with a jerk of his head for his son and the remaining team members to head to the gym.

  Walking me to the dorm, the three begin to ask me questions about campus, when it suddenly dawns on me, “Keeley Rose is your niece,” I say to Riley, shocked I didn’t catch it earlier.

  “Yes, she is,” he chuckles. “She’s Trevor’s daughter.”

  “We love her music, especially when she sings with Gabe. The guys love him for his baseball skills, though,” I reply, a little awestruck to be this close to someone related to one of my favorite singers. “We’re hoping to be able to attend one of her concerts sometime.”

  “I’ll tell her you said that. She’ll be thrilled,” he says as we approach the building. “Your friend reminds me a lot of Keeley, the red headed one,” he chuckles.

  “Yeah, she can be stubborn when she wants to be.”

  “Oh, I have no doubt about that! My wife is a redhead, too, so I know all about it,” his deep laugh makes me smile. We stop on the front steps, Lainey leaning in to give me a hug, and say our goodbyes.

  “You’ve got my number, so I’ll be expecting a call soon,” she tells me, her voice stern, yet full of love.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll call you soon. Thank you again,” I reply, holding her tightly.

  “Anytime, sweetheart. You take it easy for the rest of the day and let your friends take your mind off everything while you process things.” Nodding, I leave them and head to my room, suddenly feeling like a shower will make me feel better.

  Xana must be with Mallory since the room is empty, so I send a quick text to Cade to let him know where I am and when I’ll meet them for dinner. I’m not ready to face anyone right now and this small break is much needed, because I have no clue how to act with all of these horrible memories running through my head.

  It’s been three days since I attended the safety class at the auditorium. Three days since these horrific memories came to light to totally rock my world. I called Lainey and made my first appointment to Skype with her tomorrow after my classes were over for the week. We decided it would be the best time to talk, giving me enough time over the weekend to deal with my feelings about them. I haven’t told anyone what happened to me, not yet anyway. How can I explain something that I really don’t have all the answers for myself?

  Xana, Mallory, and I are over at the guys house right now. The seven of us, Gavin and Dillon included, are going to watch television after the boys’ practice is finished for the day. It’s a late one compared to the practices they usually have on Fridays. Xana and I are going over parts of our flag routines for the band’s performance tomorrow afternoon while Mallory makes fun of us while she watches our practice. She must get her heckling skills from her older brothers, because she can really lay it on thick.

  “Together! You two look like agitated octopi waving your flags around like that. Get it in sync! What are you, a pair of sloths?” Xana jerks her head in Mallory’s direction and glares, throwing the flagpole down in the process.

  “Shut up, wench! I can’t hear the music over your needless bitchin’.” She walks toward the back door to sit back on the patio lounger, eyes closed and arms crossed.

  The two of us stare at her, mouths wide open, speechless. Is she really that pissed off? Opening one eye, Xana gives us a sideways grin, “Gotcha,” she giggles so we join her.

  “Very funny, Hooker,” Mal says throwing an empty water bottle her way. Laughing like this feels good, and after a mostly sleeple
ss week, I welcome it.

  “I’m tired of practicing for today,” she says picking up the thrown bottle, playing with the label. “When are the guys going to be out of practice?”

  Looking up at the patio clock, I answer, “An hour, maybe two. They had a lot to work on. Cade said to meet them at the dining hall around seven so they should be finished by then.”

  “Y’all wanna go grab some food and snacks for later? I noticed the guys haven’t gone grocery shopping yet when I checked the fridge for something to drink.” Mallory stands to pick up her textbooks.

  “Sounds good to me,” Xan and I agree.

  “We watched their movies last time, so they can suck it up and watch whatever we pick out tonight,” I declare as we head inside, locking the patio doors behind us.

  “No kidding,” Xana groans. “War games and sports movies are never my first pick. Ever. Unless it has Chris Hemsworth or Charlie Hunnan. Even that Robert Downey Jr. or Johnny Depp would do.”

  “We can all agree on that one,” I add laughingly as we lock up and pile into my car.

  “Girls movie night,” Mallory shouts as we leave for the other side of town, laughing and joking with one another.

  Dinner, consisting of spaghetti, green beans, and french bread - all of which was eaten - was hours ago, and we’ve been hanging out in the living room watching movies and random television shows ever since.

  “We’re going to head out,” Gavin stands from the couch, pulling Mallory with him. “Gotta get this one home before she starts snoring.” He nods toward her with a wide smile.

  “Whatever,” she rolls her eyes as she yawns. “Take me home and quit yapping,” she hits his stomach, making him flinch then rub the offended area.

  “Ow! Damn brothers,” he mutters as he pulls her towards the door, Mallory waving at us on their way out.

  “Later,” Noel and Cade respond in their usual manner.

  I hear the door close behind them, and Cade gets up to make sure it’s all locked up for the night. It’s midnight and Xana has been falling asleep for the last hour, refusing to admit she was tired. So stubborn.


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