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Trucker and Pup

Page 5

by Drew Hunt

  “Oh, um, yeah. No problem.”

  As he watched his friend work, Joey realised it was no good, he just had to tell him how he felt. When Kevin handed him the warm mug, Joey opened his mouth. “Pup, I…” Joey took a swallow of coffee before resuming. He then patted his knee. “I’ve got something I need to tell you.”

  Kevin hesitated. “Um, Joey, I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

  “Huh?” Joey was stunned, especially because Kevin had used his name, and not ‘sir.’

  Kevin shifted uncomfortably. “I’ve been mulling it over this evening, and for my own sanity if you like, I’ve gotta say it. When I saw you all dressed up earlier this afternoon, I thought you were…” Kevin dropped his eyes to the carpet. “Well I thought that maybe you were gonna take me out somewhere.” He held up a hand to stop Joey from speaking. “I know I had absolutely no right to think that, even though I thought…” Kevin shuffled over to his bed and sat down, but still couldn’t look at Joey. “I thought that we were, we had been getting on okay. But when you just left me at the kerb and rode off, well,” Kevin swallowed, “it hurt.”

  Joey’s heart sank.

  “Like I said, I had no right to expect you to take me out or anything, but it just made me realise that I’m just not up to having the sort of friendship you want to have.”

  Joey didn’t respond.

  “It’s not your fault,” Kevin filled the silence. “It’s mine. Cal, he hurt me so bad, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to trust anyone like that ever again.”

  Joey found his voice. “But, I—”

  “I’m sorry,” Kevin interrupted. Lifting his face he bore his eyes right into Joey’s. “And if it comes down to it, I think you leaving me like that was for the best. I’m not strong enough for a relationship, especially if it's…” Kevin swallowed, his hands picked nervously at the blanket, “Especially if what you’re wanting from me is a fuck buddy.” Kevin’s head dropped to his chin.

  Joey felt like shit.

  “I’m usually not brave enough to speak up like this.” Kevin’s voice was so quiet Joey had to strain to hear it. “But I’ve got to because I’m so afraid. I’m scared that I’ll let you in, and then you’ll walk away, and that, well it’d kill me. I can’t, I just can’t go there.” Kevin pulled his knees up to his chest, rolled onto his side and began to rock himself.

  Joey felt panicked, he had to leave. Getting swiftly to his feet, he made for the door. All this shit was just way too heavy. Though when he touched the handle, he froze. What the fuck are you doing Joey Goldman? That bloke is exactly what you need, if only you’d open your fucking eyes. He knew then he’d have to bare his soul, reveal the things that most scared him. He’d never been open with anyone before, just in case they used it against him, but he had to speak up, he knew he’d regret it if he didn’t.

  Joey turned from the door and slowly walked towards the bed. Dropping to his knees, he reached out a hand and rubbed Kevin’s back. He could feel the smaller man’s body quivering, it broke his heart.

  “Pup.” Joey’s voice sounded hoarse. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I hurt you. I know what you said was hard for you. What I’m about to say isn’t easy for me either.” Joey took in a deep breath and launched himself into the unknown. “Pup, I’m fucking scared. I mean the feelings I have for you scare the crap out of me. I’ve never felt like this before about anyone. You, well, you’ve stolen my heart. Truth is I didn’t even think I had one to steal.”

  “That’s why I dropped you off and sped away. I needed to go for a long ride to clear my head. Then I planned on heading to the pub to pick someone up, go back to his place and fuck his brains out.” Joey felt Kevin stiffen under his touch.

  “I couldn’t go through with it. I kept seeing your face.” Joey had to pause, his mouth felt dry. “I know you’ve been hurt so bad by that bastard, and I can’t guarantee that I won’t ever hurt you, emotionally I mean. But one thing, I’ll never hurt you intentionally.” He could feel a bead of sweat running down his back. His heart was beating heavily in his chest; he could hear the blood pounding in his ears. He’d never spoken so openly of his feelings before. Hell, he’d never experienced such feelings. “I…” He swallowed and tried again. “if you’ll have me, I’m yours, I won’t go out looking for other men.” Joey’s knees were starting to ache. “I promise I’ll do my best to make you happy. Kevin, please let me in.”

  Kevin slowly unwound himself and cautiously looked up. Joey tried to put as much sincerity into his expression as he could.

  “You mean it?” Kevin asked so softly, Joey wasn’t sure he’d heard.

  Joey nodded.

  Kevin lifted up his arms. Joey sprang to his feet, picked Kevin up and wrapped him in a bear hug. “Thank you, Pup. I’ll be the best man, the best sir for you that I can.” Joey kissed Kevin all round his face, each kiss more passionate than its predecessor. Joey was rock hard, something he hadn’t managed to achieve with the twink in the toilets. Pulling back and drawing in a much-needed breath, Joey stared at Kevin, “Will you let me fu…um, make love to you?”

  Kevin shuddered.

  “Sorry, shouldn’t have asked. It’s too soon. But will you let me do everything else? Will you let me show you how much you mean to me?”

  Kevin nodded. He didn’t seem all that sure, but Joey would do his best to demonstrate how he felt.

  Joey laid a trail of kisses on Kevin’s neck, but the man’s T-shirt was starting to get in the way. Setting Kevin on his feet Joey began to pull at the offending garment. Kevin held his arms stiffly at his sides; it took Joey a few moments to comprehend Kevin’s reluctance.

  “I’ve seen you naked before, remember?” Speaking as softly and tenderly as he knew how, Joey continued, “Your scars don’t bother me. They’re what make you what you are.”

  Kevin managed a weak smile before lifting his arms. Joey pulled off the T-shirt and resumed his kissing and licking. He could tell the younger man was getting into it, because he began to return the favour by picking at Joey’s shirt buttons. Once he’d undone the last one, Kevin slid his arms between the shirt and Joey’s skin, caressing the older man’s flesh as he went.

  Joey’s dick was leaking into his leather trousers, but he did his best to ignore it. This was about his pup, not him. After laying Kevin on the bed, Joey knelt astride him and slid his tongue down Kevin’s smooth, hairless chest. He spent a couple of minutes laving the navel; this seemed to excite the smaller man, because he started to wriggle as well as letting out a series of satisfied moans.

  The next encumbrance was Kevin’s boxer shorts. Joey grasped the waistband but looked up at Kevin’s face for any negative reactions. Kevin lifted his bottom, allowing Joey to slide the shorts off more easily.

  A smile played across Joey’s lips when he caught sight of Kevin’s erection. He’d previously seen the thing soft, but it was now standing up true and proud. Joey thought it was perfect, Just like the rest of my pup, he thought. Deciding to leave Kevin’s dick until later, Joey went down on Kevin’s balls, licking and sucking them, pulling them one by one into his mouth. Joey’s hands were brought into play when he began to caress Kevin’s inner thighs.

  When Joey’s tongue moved to lick at Kevin’s perineum, he thought his lover would leap off the bed. It made Joey’s heart swell with pride that he was able to bring pleasure to a man who probably hadn’t often experienced it. Though he’d rarely performed oral sex on his bed partners, Joey had had it done to him enough times to know what felt good and what didn’t.

  Lifting Kevin’s legs, Joey dove for the now exposed brown rosebud. He didn’t think that bastard Cal had ever done this, so he determined to make it good. Kevin soon relaxed his sphincter muscle, allowing Joey to sink his tongue into the warm cavern as far as it would go. Joey continued to lick and suck for a couple more minutes until Kevin’s legs stiffened and he let out a scream. Joey was surprised that Kevin had shot so soon.

  Withdrawing his mouth from his partner’s moist anal lips,
Joey saw a rope of pearly white semen on the man’s face. The next gob flew out and hit Kevin’s chest. A series of much weaker ejaculations followed, resulting in a miniature lake of come accumulating in the supine man’s navel. Joey couldn’t help the self-satisfied smirk on his face. Though his expression soon fell when Kevin began to shake, repeatedly saying that he was sorry.

  What the fuck had he to be sorry about? Joey wondered. “Pup?” he tentatively asked. “Did I hurt you?”

  Kevin shook his head and repeated the fact that he was sorry.

  “I don’t understand.” Joey rubbed Kevin’s thigh.

  It took Kevin a couple of moments to calm down sufficiently to answer. “I came without permission, please don’t hurt me.” He then curled himself into a protective ball.

  “Permission?” Joey was nonplussed for a few moments before the penny dropped. That fucking bastard, Cal! Battling to keep a lid on his temper, Joey spoke, “I’m not Cal. I wanted you to come, I don’t ever want to stop you from coming, so long as it’s me who’s making you do it.” Joey rubbed Kevin’s scarred back, hoping it would calm his friend. “I’m not Cal, Pup. Please remember, I’m not Cal.”

  The steadiness and reassurance in Joey’s voice must have gotten through, because eventually Kevin began to relax his posture.

  Looking pleadingly up at Joey, Kevin said, “Sorry, it’s just that Cal would get really angry and start hitting me whenever I came without his say so. So when you…” Kevin rubbed his nose with his hand. “…did what you did, I got scared.”

  “Don’t need to ever be scared with me.”

  Kevin didn’t reply. Joey knew it would take a lot of time and patience before Kevin would begin to trust him.

  Joey thought lightening the mood would help cheer his man up. “So, how’d I do? With the rimming I mean? Better than Cal?”

  Kevin let out a hollow laugh. “He never did anything like that to me. He’d just take his pleasure and wasn’t interested in mine.”

  Kevin’s words struck an all-too familiar note within Joey. He knew in the past so long as he got his own rocks off, he didn’t much care what happened to the other guy.

  Wishing he’d not brought up the subject Joey asked, “So why did you stay with him for as long as you did? I mean, it doesn’t seem to have been fair on you.”

  Kevin sighed. “I accepted my role in life a long time ago. I gave Cal my body, in return for his protection.”

  “Some protection,” Joey said, touching one of Kevin’s scars.

  “Yeah,” Kevin said sadly. “That was why I had to get out, but it wasn’t easy. I still loved him, despite what he did to me. If it hadn’t been for my friend Peter forcing me to see what Cal was really like, I’d probably still be with him, either that or in hospital.”

  Joey pulled Kevin into his arms. He just couldn’t understand why anyone would put up with physical abuse, but remembered he’d done so himself with his father. Kevin had a different personality to his. That was probably why he’d stuck it out with Cal, hoping if he gave Cal enough love, somehow it would change the dominant man’s behaviour. And why was Kevin still working at Parker’s where Cal worked? That couldn’t be easy, seeing that bastard every day. Still, Joey knew it wasn’t easy these days to find other jobs.

  “Sir?” Kevin spoke into Joey’s shoulder.

  Joey smiled. He’d obviously been reinstated. “Pup?” he whispered in Kevin’s ear before licking it, causing Kevin to squirm.

  “I think I’ve changed my mind.”


  “Us. Would you, um, would you make love to me?”

  Lifting Kevin’s head so they were face to face, Joey stared into the man’s liquid brown eyes. Using his free hand, Joey ran a finger down Kevin’s cheek. “You sure? Are you ready? It’s a big step.”

  “I know it is, but I wanna do it. I, well I need to. You know?”

  Joey nodded. His dick, which had softened during the past few moments, sprang back to attention. He continued to trace patterns on Kevin’s cheek. When his index finger came close to Kevin’s lips, the latter gently took the digit into his mouth and sucked it. Joey thought the gesture was very erotic, as well as giving him a sense of power. His emotions were so heightened, he knew he wouldn’t last more than a minute if he fucked, um, made love now.

  “I think I better wank myself off first, otherwise I’ll be firing too soon.”

  “Please, let me do it,” Kevin said, reaching for Joey’s leather trousers.

  Joey rolled onto his back to allow Kevin better access. “Yeah, get Joey Junior out of there. He wants you to play with him.”

  Giggling, Kevin pulled down the zipper. As usual Joey wasn’t wearing any underpants, so his dick sprang out, catching Kevin on the nose.

  “Wow, he packs quite a punch.”

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet, Pup,” Joey growled.

  Kevin giggled some more.

  True to his word, it didn’t take Joey long to reach climax. At the last moment Kevin dove down and sealed his lips over Joey’s spurting cock head, though a small amount of semen still managed to leak from the corners of his lips.

  Once Kevin pulled off, Joey scooped the errant fluid onto his index finger and fed it to his pup, who eagerly lapped it up. Joey thought he could get used to Kevin sucking on his fingers; he’d never considered it to be such a turn on before.

  Joey bent down and replaced his finger with his tongue. This man was stealing his heart. He’d been cold and shivering only a few moments earlier, but now he felt warm and snug. Joey didn’t think he’d ever felt happier.

  Withdrawing his tongue, Joey looked deeply into Kevin’s eyes. “I’m going to take you and claim you, make you mine. Okay?”

  The heartfelt words caused Kevin to blink rapidly.

  It only took Joey a few moments to remove his clothing, though as he did so, he kept shooting brief glances Kevin’s way. Picking up his leather jacket again, Joey pulled a condom and a couple of sachets of lube from one of its pockets.

  “Sir?” Kevin asked softly.

  For a brief moment, Joey thought Kevin had changed his mind.

  “Would you, um, would it be all right if you, um, put your jacket back on?” Kevin went a deep shade of red, the colour soon spreading over most of his body.

  “You kinky bugger.” A huge smile broke out on Joey’s face. This is your night, Pup, anything you want, you can have, Joey told himself.

  Kneeling on the bed, Joey looked down at Kevin, who seemed to have decided he wanted it in the missionary position. Normally Joey preferred his sex partners to be facing away, because he found it too distracting to look at their faces. Also if they faced away, they couldn’t kiss him easily. However, he was secretly glad Kevin wanted to make love face-to-face.

  As soon as he’d torn open one of the packets of lube, Kevin had his legs up in the air. Usually, Joey took as little time as possible in greasing up the other guy, but not this time. He spent over ten minutes inserting one, then two, and finally three fingers. All the while he kissed, caressed and generally did all he could to Kevin to make him feel good. Joey’s eyes hardly ever left his pup’s, watching for the least sign of pain. Fortunately Kevin soon accommodated the stretching digits, so Joey withdrew them, wiped his fingers and donned the waiting prophylactic.

  Pausing with his steely hard sex at Kevin’s opening, Joey asked, “You sure, Pup?”

  “Please, Sir, I need you so bad.”

  Summoning every ounce of restraint he possessed, Joey held back his urge to plunge into Kevin in one long thrust. Even though he took it slow, Kevin grimaced when Joey was halfway in.

  “You okay? I’ll stop for a minute.” Joey saw that Kevin had come out in a light sweat. As he knelt, poised half inside his partner, Joey leaned forward and wiped Kevin’s face with the corner of the sheet.

  “Okay now?” Joey asked.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Joey resumed his inward journey, occasionally reversing direction.

  When Kevi
n moaned, Joey froze, fearful he was going too fast, despite all his efforts.

  “Oh, wow!” Kevin said, treating Joey to a smile.

  Joey was relieved; he smiled back, resuming his motions.

  Once fully inside, Joey leaned towards Kevin’s mouth and gave him a deep tongue-filled kiss. “You’re so tight. I love how you’re gripping my cock.”

  Kevin flexed his anal muscles, sending waves of pleasure coursing through Joey’s body. Sex had never felt so good, and he’d only just started.

  Determining to try and prolong things for as long as he could, Joey pulled almost completely out, then slowly sank back into Kevin’s depths. From the way Kevin was twitching, Joey wasn’t sure his bed partner would last long.

  Remembering the last time Kevin climaxed, Joey smiled down at his lover and said, “Come whenever you need to. Come for your sir.”

  Kevin’s twitching increased; Joey was soon rewarded by a second ejaculation. The volume wasn’t as great as Kevin’s first effort, but was still quite impressive. Maintaining his slow rhythm, and without missing a stroke, Joey scooped up some of Kevin’s nectar onto his fingers, and fed it to his lover. When he collected a second load, Joey decided to see what Kevin tasted like. He’d never sampled anyone else’s come; in fact he couldn’t recall what his own was like. Licking his fingers, Joey ingested a small quantity of the bland, slightly bleachy viscous fluid. It was okay, but he didn’t think he would ever become addicted to the stuff.

  Deciding to pick up the pace, Joey pumped a little harder, but he knew he was still some way off climaxing.

  “Oh, God, Sir.” Kevin waved his head from side-to-side.

  Joey was amazed that because he was concentrating more on giving pleasure to his partner, rather than just taking it for himself, he was being rewarded with a much higher level of ecstasy.

  “You okay, Pup? Want me to go any faster?”

  Kevin let out a lusty groan. “Please, Sir, please fuck another load out of me.”

  Eager to comply, Joey stepped up another gear. Sweat was beginning to form on his chest; he could feel it running down the inside of his leather jacket. It wasn’t the most practical of garments to make love in, but Joey knew it was adding to his pup’s pleasure, so he put aside his own discomfort and carried on pumping. The bed was starting to creak loudly. Joey grinned inwardly at the thought of Kevin’s neighbours being treated to a real show. Feeling Kevin’s anal muscles tightening, Joey urged his lover on. “Come, come for me, Pup.”


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