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Trucker and Pup

Page 6

by Drew Hunt

  Arching his back, Kevin let out a high pitched squeak before pumping out a thin stream of ejaculate. Joey was unconcerned at the diminished quantity, because it was obvious Kevin had derived just as much pleasure from this third climax as he had from either of the other two. However, he experienced momentary panic at how limp and unresponsive his partner’s body had become.

  Pausing his thrusts, ready to withdraw, Joey noticed Kevin’s eyes winking open, a blissful and far away expression growing on his face. “You okay?”

  “Uh,” Kevin said dazedly, “blacked out for a minute, but I think I’m all right.”

  Joey smiled.

  “Can’t come again, Sir. I think you’ve fucked it all out of me.”

  Joey grinned. He was determined to get one more load out of his pup before he finished. “We’ll see about that.”

  Kevin groaned.

  Shifting position, Joey moved into top gear, thrusting his lance into Kevin’s now loose hole. “Grip me, Pup, help me to shoot!”

  Taking hold of Kevin’s flagging penis, Joey soon flogged it back to its former stiffness. His final few thrusts caused the headboard to pound against the wall. Three things happened almost simultaneously. A small framed picture dropped from its hook just to the right of Kevin’s bed, falling to the floor, the glass shattering. Kevin climaxed for a fourth time, and with an almighty roar—which probably woke any neighbour who had managed to sleep through all the previous sounds of lovemaking—Joey climaxed.

  “Fuck!” Joey said, descending to his elbows above Kevin.

  Pulling Joey’s face towards him, Kevin delivered a soft kiss to Joey’s lips. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Was I good, or was I good?” Joey asked, a cheeky smile playing on his lips.

  “Um,” Kevin paused before his face betrayed his true emotions by breaking out into a broad smile. “You were the best.”

  Knowing he couldn’t maintain his position for much longer, Joey rolled to the side, and almost fell out of the narrow bed.

  Pulling Kevin onto his chest, Joey lay still, catching his breath. Kevin moved his face to Joey’s chest, and began to lick up the sweat. The feel of Kevin’s tongue on his nipples caused Joey Junior to show signs of life again.

  Lifting Kevin’s head, Joey said, “Much as I love what you’re doing, you’ll have to stop, I’m knackered, and I can’t go another round just yet.”

  Kevin rested his head on Joey’s shoulder; the latter began to lazily stroke Kevin’s rich head of hair. Joey felt so at peace with the world. Normally at this point he’d be itching to get rid of the man in his bed, or if he were in someone else’s, he’d be reaching for his clothes to make a swift exit. But here, with Kevin in his arms, Joey felt he could remain just as he was forever.

  Joey was forced to revise his opinion a couple of moments later however, when his bladder began to send signals that it needed to be emptied. He was also smelling a little ripe. A quick look at Kevin confirmed that he too was in need of a shower, there were innumerable dried come stains on the man’s chest and belly.

  “Come on, time for a wash,” Joey announced just before hoisting Kevin off of his chest and up into his arms. “Where’s your toilet things?”

  Kevin told him, so he made his way over to the indicated cupboard, Kevin still in his arms. Leaning forward, Kevin pulled out a couple of towels, a face cloth and a bar of soap. Joey then made for the door.

  “But I’m naked!” Kevin protested.

  “I’m not,” Joey said, standing by the closed door, waiting for Kevin to open it. The only clothing Joey was wearing was his leather jacket. Before he reached for the lock, Kevin strategically placed the towels in front of his private parts.


  Much to Joey’s disgust, the water wasn’t very warm.

  “It’s late, the water heater will have been switched off,” Kevin lamented.

  The pair showered quickly, Joey insisting sir had the right to wash his pup if he wanted to. Kevin didn’t protest.

  Exiting the bathroom, clad in their towels, the pair received a strange look from one of the other male residents. Kevin turned a deep shade of red and scuttled towards his door.

  Joey, however, was far more laid back. “Nice night for it.” He held his hand out to shake, the shocked man taking it.

  Joey’s towel unknotted and fell to the floor. The guy, whom Joey estimated to be in his late fifties, couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from Joey’s exposed crotch.

  Unconcerned by his nakedness, Joey kept up a conversation with the man, though it would be safe to say the other guy contributed little.

  As he was starting to feel cold, Joey languorously bent to retrieve his towel, giving the guy an extended view of his arse.

  “Bit of a chill in the air, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Um, yeah,” the guy said.

  “Time I should be making a move. Nice speaking to you.” Joey held out his hand again.

  “Uh, yeah, you, too.”

  Joey found Kevin sitting in his chair, his towel wrapped around him.

  “God, I’d never have the balls to do that. You realise that was old Battersby? He’s always slinking around the place.”

  “Thought I’d give him something to see. He’s probably gone back to his room to beat himself off.”

  Kevin grinned.

  “I’ve always said, if you’ve got it, flaunt it.”

  Kevin rose to his feet and walked over to hug his man. “And my sir has certainly got it.”

  “And it’s all for you, Pup.” Joey yawned. It had been a long day. “Mind if I stay the night?”

  Joey thought Kevin would burst with happiness. He wanted to stay but thought he’d give Kevin the option, not wanting to move too quickly and spook the younger man.

  Kevin pulled off Joey’s towel as well as his own, before pressing himself against Joey. “You bet.”

  The bed wasn’t designed to sleep two, but they managed. Joey laid on his back, with most of Kevin’s body on the mattress next to him, his head on Joey’s shoulder. They talked quietly for a while, all the time Joey softly stroking Kevin’s hair. It seemed to calm the rather excited younger man. It had a similar effect on Joey, too.

  Chapter 3

  It took Kevin a few moments to work out why there was someone else in bed with him. When he remembered, his eyes shot open and he lifted his head from its most comfortable pillow of Joey’s broad shoulder, to behold the most amazing sight he’d seen in years. Joey lay on his back, his right arm loosely but nonetheless protectively wrapped round Kevin’s slight form. Kevin swallowed as he took in Joey’s rugged good looks, illuminated as they were by the light that came in through the gaps in his ill-fitting curtains.

  There was a small pool of spittle on Joey’s upper chest. Reaching to his face, Kevin realised to his shame it was from him. The duvet had been pushed down sometime in the night, exposing Joey’s defined chest. Even at rest, Joey’s torso was impressive. Kevin’s eyes swept upwards to take in Joey’s thick neck, then up to a firm, square jaw, and that face. Joey was, well, awesome. Kevin knew from consulting the records at the haulage firm that his bedmate was 35 years of age, but he looked a few years younger.

  Tentatively reaching out a finger, Kevin touched Joey’s stubbled cheek. If the furriness of the rest of the man’s body was anything to go by, he’d have to shave twice a day in order to stay smooth. But despite Joey’s rugged appearance, there was a certain gentleness in that face, something Kevin suspected Joey tried to hide, it not fitting well with his macho image.

  The closed eyelids hid a pair of penetrating green eyes. Whenever Joey stared directly at Kevin, the smaller man found himself held captive, unable to move his limbs or break the stare.

  Next on Kevin’s tour of masculine perfection came Joey’s thin, but seemingly perfect eyebrows, the odd fleck of grey enhancing rather than taking away from the man’s overall appearance.

  Last, but by no means least, came Joey’s head of closely cropped black hair.
Lifting his hand, Kevin allowed the soft but still firm strands to pass under his fingertips, the sensation giving him a powerful erection. He wondered if Joey used any special shampoo to make his hair feel so beautifully glossy and silky smooth.

  Was beautiful the right word to describe Joey? Somehow it seemed too feminine. But handsome didn’t seem to fit, either. Joey was, well Joey was just about perfect. Kevin sighed, sadly. Despite what he’d been told the previous evening, Kevin was under no illusions as to his own plainness. He could never hope to compete with his lightly snoring bed-mate in the looks department.

  Kevin’s mood lifted a little when he recalled the mixture of strength and gentleness Joey had shown him only a few short hours earlier. It was obvious Joey liked sex and was very good at it, having had plenty of opportunity to hone his skill. Kevin shuddered. Had all of Joey’s words of reassurance merely been a ploy to get into his trousers? That had to be it, Kevin couldn’t offer this man—this god—anything. He was damaged, scarred, and not worth Joey’s time. A sob issued from Kevin’s throat before he could prevent it from escaping. Deciding he’d better absorb all the love and warmth he could while it was still on offer, Kevin snuggled back down and pressed himself against Joey’s bulk. He tried to take as many mental snapshots as possible, knowing he could replay them when he was alone and feeling unloved. He knew that as soon as Joey woke up, he’d make some lame excuse to leave, and Kevin would never see him again outside of work. It wasn’t fair, Kevin knew if he was just given the chance to serve someone, maybe a person not as awesome as Joey, then he’d devote his life to that man, leaving him in no doubt he was loved. Kevin’s body was wracked with despair.

  “Pup?” Joey’s eyes blinked open,

  Kevin turned his tear-streaked face away so he wouldn’t betray his misery.

  Joey’s left hand tilted Kevin’s head so the two were face-to-face. “Why are you crying?” he asked, his voice scratchy from sleep.

  “Sorry, Sir, it’s nothing.”

  “Nothing wouldn’t have made you cry like that.” Joey pulled Kevin’s face towards his own, and stuck his tongue out to lick up the tears. This only served to heighten Kevin’s distress, he couldn’t cope with Joey being so kind and gentle with him, because he knew now Joey was awake, he’d be withdrawing it all and heading home just as soon as he could.

  “Hey, hey. What’s the matter? I didn’t hurt you, um, last night, did I?”

  Kevin shook his head.

  “So, why all the tears, then?” Joey asked, starting to rub Kevin’s spine. It felt so calming, he didn’t want it to ever end. “Pup?”

  “I was just being silly,“ Kevin sniffed. “Take no notice of me, I get like this sometimes.” Biting the bullet, he continued, “I suppose you’ll be wanting to get up and do whatever it is you need to be doing. There’ll be plenty of hot water if you want a shower before you go.” Kevin knew he had to hold it together for a few more minutes, then he’d be able to give into his emotions. “I’d offer to make you breakfast, but I don’t have much in. But as I said, you’ll probably need to…” A finger placed on his lips silenced him.

  “So that’s it, you thought that now I’ve had my wicked way with you, I’d haul my arse out of here?”

  Kevin didn’t reply, he couldn’t, he didn’t want Joey to confirm his worst fears.

  “Oh, Pup,” Joey sighed. “Normally, yeah, that’s what I’d be doing right about now.” Kevin made to get out of Joey’s embrace, but the bigger man held him firm. “I said normally, but do you remember what I said last night?”

  Kevin nodded, still not daring to trust his voice.

  “Look at me, Pup.” Joey lifted Kevin’s chin. “I meant everything I said. I don’t want this to have been a cheap one night thing, unless that’s what you want?”

  “No, never!” Kevin said with a touch more firmness than he’d intended.

  “Good. I don’t know where we’re headed, but, “ Joey swallowed, “there’s just something about you which I want to get to know better, I’ve never met another bloke as great as you.”

  Kevin felt himself blush. “I’m nothing special.”

  “Cut the crap, you’re a fantastic little bloke.” Joey treated Kevin to one of his broadest smiles; it warmed Kevin’s insides, causing him to shudder slightly. “I don’t mind telling you that I’ve never felt the same about anyone else, ever. So it’s all really new for me, so I’ll need you to help me to adjust, will you do that?”

  “Yes, Sir, I will,” Kevin said quietly, finding it hard to believe that Joey wasn’t going to cut and run.

  “Now we’ve sorted all that out, where’s my morning kiss?” Joey pulled Kevin on top of him, his lips seeking out those of his smaller lover.

  Kevin soon felt Joey’s tongue demanding admittance; he opened up willingly. Joey seemed to consume him. The kiss wasn’t overly passionate, nor was it tender and chaste. Kevin didn’t know how to describe it, other than it just felt so right for the occasion. It seemed to calm him, excite him, heal him, and confirm Joey’s feelings for him.

  Pulling away, Joey treated Kevin to another broad smile. “Much as I would love to stay here all day, I do need to get moving.”

  Kevin tried not to show his disappointment. Though he was soon distracted when Joey’s tongue licked the tip of his nose.

  “And my pup’s coming out with me. Now come on, shift, I need to piss.”

  Kevin complied, Joey got out of the bed, avoiding the shards of broken glass from the picture frame that had fallen off the wall the previous night. Kevin made a mental note to sweep up; he hated mess.

  Throwing a towel over his shoulder, Joey then picked up a bar of soap and made for the door, unlocking it before calmly strolling into the hallway. Kevin watched the two naked arse cheeks swaying sexily before disappearing from view. God, I could never walk around the place with nothing on. Still as he said, ‘if you’ve got it, flaunt it.’

  As he made to get out of bed, Kevin felt a pain stab through him, coming from his rear, forcing him into momentary immobility.

  “Christ, he’s certainly got it,” Kevin said through clenched teeth. “And boy did he give it to me last night.”

  Picking his way gingerly across the room, Kevin made for his chest of drawers and pulled out a pair of underpants, the pain in his rear mercifully receding.

  * * * *

  “Think this cucumber will be big enough?” Joey growled in Kevin’s ear, as he rubbed the vegetable along Kevin’s arse-crack.

  Kevin went a deep shade of red.

  Joey smiled; he hadn’t had as much fun doing the shopping in ages.

  After he’d showered, Joey re-dressed in his clothes, which were a bit wrinkled, then he’d supervised what Kevin was going to wear. The guy had little or no fashion sense; Joey knew he’d have to take his pup clothes shopping one day soon. Then, as his stomach was beginning to think that his throat was cut, he’d whisked Kevin off to his favourite café for a full English fry up.

  Kevin had protested he couldn’t eat all Joey had ordered for him.

  “Get it down your neck, you’re all skin and bone.”

  “You sound just like your mother,” Kevin had said with a giggle.

  Joey had been about to box his dining companion’s ears, but remembered at the last second, and diverted his raised hand towards the teapot and topped up Kevin’s cup instead.

  “Thank you,” Kevin had said under his breath.

  “I’m not Cal.”

  Kevin had nodded. “It’ll take me time, you know?”

  Once he’d put the teapot back on its coaster, Joey had given Kevin’s hand a brief squeeze. “I know.”

  “Sir?” Kevin’s puzzled face brought Joey out of his daydream.

  “Sorry. Miles away. I think we better buy this cucumber, we wouldn’t want anyone else to get their mouth around something that’s been next to my pup’s arse, would we?”

  “Um, no, Sir.”

  The two continued to shop, Kevin not putting much in the troll
ey, Joey insisting he stock up.

  “I, well, I don’t have much money on me,” Kevin said, staring at a scuff mark on the tiled floor.

  Joey could have kicked himself. Obviously the little guy didn’t earn all that much, nor did he seem to eat enough to keep a sparrow alive. “Sor-right, Pup, I’m getting all this.”


  Joey held up a hand. “You belong to me now. I’m gonna make sure you eat properly, so you stay healthy and strong. You’re my responsibility, and I take that very seriously, okay?”

  “Yes, Sir, thank you.” Kevin still didn’t lift his eyes.

  Joey sighed, “Things are gonna change around here.” He put an arm around Kevin’s waist and gave him a squeeze. “You need looking after, and your owner is going to do it.” Joey felt a bit weird labelling himself as Kevin’s owner, but somehow it seemed to fit. Judging by the wide smile that Kevin sported, he didn’t seem to have any objection to the title.

  “Meat, gotta feed my pup plenty of meat,” Joey said once they’d arrived in the butchery aisle.


  “Haven’t we just been through this?” Joey said testily, Kevin was overdoing the deference bit.

  Kevin visibly shrank, causing Joey to regret his words. Gotta treat him with kid gloves. “Sorry for snapping, Pup, but I wanna do this, and I’m going to do it, okay?”

  “Yes, Sir, it isn’t that. Um, I only have a small fridge and no freezer, that’s what I was going to say,” Kevin told the floor.

  Shit! Joey further chastised himself. “Okay, we won’t get much then. Thanks, Pup, and again I’m sorry. You forgive me?”

  Kevin lifted his head and treated Joey to a shy grin. “Always.”


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