Embracing Love (Tainted Love Book 3)
Page 14
He was driving her slowly insane. She needed more, and mewled, low and desperate, as though she’d been given a sweet release from pent-up frustration.
A release only he could give her.
Not Vincent, not Luc, not anyone else.
She leaned her forehead against the cold door and felt relief when it cooled her hot skin. She could feel herself giving into the spell of his slow seduction. It was all that she wanted.
“More,” she pleaded, surprised to hear her thoughts become words. His lips grazed her neck and moved to her jaw, light, soft kisses. Not-enough-kisses. She groaned, louder, demanding more, as his hands slipped around her waist, trailed up and down the sides of her hips.
“I could give you more, much more. But only if that’s what you want.” His voice kissed her heart, his hot breath teased her relentlessly. She turned her face to the side, in answer. And he kissed her. His hot mouth, melting into hers, with an urgency that had them both panting.
She moaned as his hand moved from her shoulder to her waist, and his body moved in line to hers so that he fit like a glove behind her. With their mouths still joined she felt his hardness behind her and ground against him. She heard him gasp, and in turn she let out another soft moan when his fingers traced frantically over her jaw, her neck, and below, exploring with as desperate a desire as their kisses.
His hand fell to her breast and his thumb rubbed slowly over her now hardened peaks, drawing low, lazy whimpers from her. They were both still fully dressed and yet the pleasure was unbearable. She needed skin on skin, but he pulled his mouth away, and rested it against her shoulder while they both stopped to catch their breath.
“I want you, Gabriel.”
“Are you sure it’s me you want?”
She’d never been more sure.
“I want you, here, now. Like this.” Her strong sexual urges, a year in waiting, screamed for release. So that when his hand fell to her stomach and lower, she parted her legs a little, widening her stance, and arched her back into his chest as she stared at the ceiling. She closed her eye and sank back, caught up in the magic touch of his fingers.
“Tanya?” his whisper was hoarse, and he pressed into her. It was the sweetest torture, the way his lips and tongue suckled her neck, his hand on her breast, his other hand sliding lower. She felt the pull of her zip as he yanked it all the way down, and then he gently slipped the dress down her shoulders, slowly peeling it off until it settled in a heap on the floor.
She stepped out of it, still facing the door dressed only in her underwear with his thumb poised on the hot skin of her bare stomach, while his fingers rested on the fabric of her panties.
“Please,” she murmured, knowing he could smell her arousal as strongly as she could feel his. She angled her mouth to the side, needing to taste his lips on hers once more. His tongue found hers at the moment his fingers dipped into her silk and they kissed with the reckless abandon of two people whose desire for one another now ignited dangerously out of control.
Knowing she was coming undone, she slowly turned to face him, reaching for his lips, as he grabbed her by the neck and kissed her hard, his need urgent. He took her by the hand and started to lead her to the bed.
She shook her head. “No, here,” she insisted, and turned towards the door. He slid her panties down, adjusted himself, and pushed into her, filling her completely until she screamed out in ecstasy.
Then almost cried with the release that freed her.
Chapter 26
He knew exactly what to do, and how she wanted him to do it, and being with him had more than made up for her years of going without.
She almost shrank back with embarrassment at the noises that had come out of her mouth. At the sounds that might have emanated from Gabriel’s room.
No matter how hard she’d tried to contain her cries of ecstasy, she was sure some tell-tale sounds had seeped out into the hallway. She’d come easily and quickly and had fallen apart in his arms when he’d carried her, wasted and spent back to his bed.
“Now we do it my way,” he told her, his voice raspy, his face flushed. She’d been tired, over exhausted, beautifully spent, sated and content. In a state of pure ecstasy.
And he was going to take her there all over again.
He flung off his shirt and her mouth fell open, drinking in his hard, taut, muscled body. And then he’d made love to her slowly, so slowly, she could only admire his reserve as he kept his gaze locked on hers, taking her to another level of intimacy, as he came apart inside her.
Afterward, they’d lain together in each other’s arms, and he’d kissed her face and her lips before fitting into one another, her face on his chest, lying quietly, while the smell of sex permeated the room.
He’d had protection, which made her wonder if he was always ready for an encounter or whether he’d come especially prepared for this. For her.
She had too, in a way, with the dress she’d chosen, and the silk underwear that had quickly come undone with a flick of his fingers.
“We could have done this yesterday,” she sighed, lamenting on this their last night together.
“We can make up for lost time,” he replied lazily, running his fingers through her hair. Her heart jolted. She didn’t know where this might end up, had no idea how things would move forward from this point on.
But if she could only have this, it would be enough, for now. She lifted her head and gazed up at him, thinking how odd it was to be lying naked here in his arms.
For a long time he’d been the arrogant Gabriel Valois, head of marketing, always smartly dressed in a suit, so formal and business-like. Of course there had been a couple of times in meetings when she wondered what lay beneath the clothes…and now she knew. Now she had felt, had enjoyed, had been taken to the brink of nirvana by him and had lost herself in his touch, his caresses, his kisses.
And she wasn’t done with it by any means. The addiction had only just begun.
“I’ve been thinking of you for a long time, Tanya.” He said, his eyes riveted on her face.
“How long?” She needed to know, to compare.
“Ever since that time I kept you waiting, when Vanessa marched in ahead of you.”
“Then?” she said softly, remembering the time well.
He closed his eyes and tilted his chin, a silent confirmation. “What was it about that time?” She wanted specifics.
He scooted down a little, putting an arm around her naked back while his fingers traced a line over her lips. “You were calm. And she was so angry and confrontational.” His brows knit together. “I’d just found out that the mother of my son was moving to Australia, taking our son with her. It was a difficult time. Vanessa was being difficult. Russell wanted things done a certain way. My son was going away. You grounded me.”
Tanya looked up, surprised. “I did?”
“You did.”
She reached out and drew a circle on his chest. “I remember that day well.”
“You were still calm, when I’d been so rude. And still I made you wait, I dealt with Vanessa and made you wait even longer. But you were still as gracious as ever.”
“I was gracious for a reason.”
“You were?” he asked, surprised. She kissed his skin again in answer. Perhaps now was the time to tell him why she’d been so sweet and so ‘calm’ that day. “That day, I was as mad as hell at you.”
His eyes grew wide in interest.
“Michael had taken me to task because he’d heard that I walked out of our first meeting. I needed this assignment, my role in Paris was important, as I’ve already told you. Michael ‘somehow’ heard from Russell Trent…from you perhaps…” she looked him directly in the eye, “that I’d walked out of our meeting. I hadn’t told him. So by my deduction it could only have come from you. He instructed me that this campaign had to work.” She stopped to observe Gabriel ’s reaction as the news sunk in. “You could have kicked me out that day and I would have smiled back at you and t
aken it.”
She moved her head off his chest as Gabriel lifted himself up onto his forearms. He held her face in the palm of his hand, stroking it delicately, as though her skin was made from delicate petals. “I didn’t know, and I am so sorry.” He looked embarrassed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what? I needed you to agree to the campaign. I had to be nice to you, not provoke you further. I was desperate to make you want to work with Flight. That account means so much to the company.”
He hung his head in shame. “Russell asked me how the Flight campaign was coming along and I—” he wiped his hand over his face. “I told him you’d come for a meeting but that you’d left.”
“I suppose you forgot to tell him you’d been on a phone call while I waited?”
“I’m sorry, Tanya. I had no idea that it had blown out of all proportion. It was stupid. A small thing, I didn’t think anything of it. But I can see how it spiraled out of control, going all the way to the top and back down to you. You must have hated me?”
She smiled, remembering how mad she’d been. “I did.”
“And yet you did a great job of covering up your feelings. You were so sweet and nice to me. I must admit, I did think something wasn’t quite right. But I couldn’t put my finger on it.”
“I am nice.” She insisted, sitting up and covering herself with the sheet. “We got off to a shaky start. That’s all.”
He laughed. “You remember that first day?”
“Each and every detail.”
“All that, and still you remained calm. You hid it well. And that’s why I—that’s why you interest me even more.” He leaned in toward her and kissed her on the lips, long and soft, and awakening her desire once more.
“Come here,” he said, and she moved up alongside him, sitting in between his legs, her back to his chest. He pulled the sheets up around them both. “You amaze me,” he whispered, kissing the skin on her shoulder. “Anyone else would have slapped me.”
“I was tempted to, believe me.”
He laughed, and she felt the hairs of his chest against her naked back. But being held in this way, so secure, as though she belonged there forever, felt right. He made her feel special. To be with him was to feel wanted, and cherished, and no man had made her feel that way for years. She wanted to savor the moment forever, fearful as always that this would be fleeting and could never last.
She had to enjoy this night for what it was.
“I’m lucky to have you.” Gabriel whispered.
No, she thought. I’m the lucky one and she arched her back as his hands slid further down her stomach and he made her moan all over again.
He made love to her for what seemed like hours, and by the time she closed her eyes, the birds were already singing their wake up call. Tanya looked over and saw that Gabriel had at last fallen asleep.
She needed to slip out now, to get back to her room before she ran into anyone. Like Zimmerman, or Nadine. She didn’t want news of her rendezvous to get out. She didn’t want to be known for slipping into a man’s bed so easily.
This night with Gabriel had been more than she could ever have imagined. Could it go on? She had no idea. She wanted it to. But she wasn’t sure and she had no idea what he wanted, nor did she want to raise her hopes beyond the night they had shared.
She would settle for whatever he could give her.
Quietly, she slipped to the edge of the bed then hopped around once she had located her clothes. With her underwear back on, she slipped her feet through her dress.
“Where are you going?” Gabriel asked, and flicked on the lamp so that she was now bathed in soft light. He crawled out of bed before she’d managed to pull the dress up to her waist. Instantly, her stomach tightened as he walked toward her completely naked.
Her body readied in anticipation for more. He grasped her hands, so that the dress still hung around her waist.
She laughed lightly, “I should go.”
“It’s late.”
“It’s early.” The clock radio showed 4.20am
“You know what I mean.” If she slipped out now she could get back to her room undetected.
She still wore the clothes from last night, and goodness knew what her face and hair looked like. She didn’t want to risk anyone knowing she’d spent the night with Gabriel. She didn’t want her business to be anyone else’s business.
He pressed his chest into hers and she fought the urge to give in to him. She could easily spend another night, day, week with him.
But she had to think straight.
Which was impossible given his proximity. And nakedness. And his sign that he wanted her again. His hands hugged the curve of her back, almost teasing her bottom. “Why do you have to go?”
Because I had an affair with Zimmerman once, and I very nearly slipped into bed with Luc and because I haven’t had anyone to share my body with for so long. And because sometimes I am desperate for intimacy, and company, and love….
“I’ll see you at breakfast.” She smiled, hoping he would listen to her but she could tell he didn’t like her decision.
“Do you regret this night?” he asked, concerned.
She shook her head, put her finger to his lips. “No, never. I wanted this more than you’ll ever know.”
Reluctantly, he let her go. “I’ll see you at breakfast?”
“Of course.” She lifted her head and his lips sunk onto her mouth. Breaking apart was painful, and leaving his room when they needed each other, hurt like hell.
Chapter 27
“You look a little peaky today, buddy,” Russell commented, “Didn’t you sleep well?”
“Too much good food and wine, I think.” Gabriel replied, looking around discreetly for Tanya. He’d come down, tired and hungry, just after nine. He’d not been able to get to sleep once Tanya had gone.
The night had been a feat of physical endurance and this morning he felt a little worse for wear.
He saw Ethan and Nadine in the corner and kept his eyes fixed on their table assuming that Tanya would naturally gravitate to them when she showed up. He hungered for the sight of her. If he could have it his way, he’d spend today with just her. But he understood, perhaps part of the reason she’d been so insistent on leaving early in the morning was because she had to keep this quiet. After all, she’d told him how important this account was to her and how important his company’s business was to the Zimmerman Group. And he was the client.
The last thing he wanted to do was to ruin things for her.
The smile on Gabriel’s face abruptly fell away when Russell announced that they were going to travel back to San Francisco shortly after breakfast.
“So early?” he replied, taken aback by Russell’s suggestion. He wasn’t ready for setting off soon after breakfast.
“I want to take you out this evening, show you the sights and maybe grab a dinner at this place I know you’re going to love.”
Gabriel tried to look enthusiastic, Russell seemed so excited to show him a good time while he was here. It was so unfair.
But he kept a brave face, decided he’d have to make the most of it. There was nothing he or Tanya could do right now, not surrounded by all the Zimmerman employees. “I’m all packed up. We can leave when you’re ready,” he replied, as Michael Zimmerman walked past. “Good morning, how are you both doing this morning?”
“Great,” Russell replied for them both.
“We’ll be sure to meet up in San Francisco next week. Dorothy and I are heading back later this afternoon.”
“Of course,” replied Gabriel. He was hoping to run into Tanya during his week here. He assumed she’d be spending some time here in the US now that she’d made the long journey over. Russell wouldn’t need to see him night and day. Instantly, his mood brightened at the prospect of having a whole week with her.
While Russell and Michael made small talk, Gabriel discreetly scanned the dining area for signs of Tanya.
“You’re both free to enjoy the amenities for the rest of the day,” Michael began.
“Thank you for all the gracious hospitality, Michael. But we’re going to head off now. I’ve got a few places I want to show this guy back home.”
“Thank you for an amazing weekend,” said Gabriel.
“Glad you enjoyed it.” Michael said, before heading to the breakfast bar.
Gabriel looked to the entrance of the dining area, a clawing feeling biting his insides. Where was she? He worried that she might regret last night. He did not. He wanted to see her again and he couldn’t leave without at least talking to her.
“What do you say? Gabriel?” asked Russell. “Ready for breakfast?”
No, he wasn’t ready. But he had no choice. What could he say? “Shall we?”
Russell started to walk towards the breakfast bar, when in the periphery of his vision Gabriel caught sight of Tanya. “I’ll be a minute,” he called out, then rushed to meet her as she stood awkwardly at the entrance.
“I’ve been waiting for you.” He said in a hushed voice, as some familiar faces passed them. He wanted to kiss her and touch her all at once. She looked flushed, happier, casual and relaxed in her beige Capri pants and black top. He didn’t have to imagine anymore, knew exactly each and every contour of her body like the back of his hand. He fought to keep his hands off her, and put them into his pockets instead.
“Sorry. I slept in longer than intended. This might be a bit—” she looked around and he knew she didn’t need to spell it out for him.
“Difficult. I know. I understand.” He said, keeping his distance, as hard as it was. They stood apart, trying to act like mere friends.
“I’m leaving now.” He told her.
“Russell wants me to drive back with him. How long are you here for?”
“I fly out tomorrow.” The shock of her statement sent him reeling. He’d been expecting her to tell him she had plans to be in San Francisco for another few days at least. His newly made up plans for them disappeared.