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Duke (Aces MC Series Book 2)

Page 3

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  The walls were black but everything was accessorised in shades of purple which made me think of my salon. On closer inspection there were flower arrangements strategically placed around the club and the black leather sofas and purple drapes almost made the place feminine which surprised me.

  “Follow me.” The broad dark haired man said walking towards the bar. I strategically sat on a barstool so that I could observe the activity in the club, taking in my surroundings.

  “What can I get you darlin?” An attractive brunette asked from behind the bar.

  “A coke with ice and lemon please.” I rummaged in my bag and handed her £10.

  “It’s on Duke, put your money away.” The man said coldly.

  I quickly put the money back into my purse and turned to face him.

  “Look, I don’t know why you’re being so rude? If I’ve offended you in any way I apologise.”

  He was a little taken aback by my outburst and started to snigger. “I’m sorry Taylor. It’s just been a really shitty day. I’m Locke.” He held out his hand and I took it shaking it firmly, trying to keep my composure.

  I was relieved that my outburst had broken the ice somewhat and we chatted for a while. I surprisingly found him easy to talk to and briefly discussed my life in New York and the reasons why I’d moved to England. He seemed to appreciate the fact that I was close to my family but he didn’t offer any information about himself although he was a good listener.

  As we sat there talking I noticed a flurry of women walking around the club and disappearing out the back with various men. I assumed that they were giving private dances but I started to wonder if they also gave extra’s. Not that it would affect my decision about working here but I wanted to know what I was letting myself in for. I also noticed that every fifteen minutes, one of the ladies would walk around the club with a pot asking each punter for a £1. Once they’d collected their money, they would perform on stage. These women could earn serious money!

  I was well aware that time was quickly ticking by and as much as I was now enjoying talking to Locke, I had plans this evening. I glanced at my watch, “Do you know what time Duke will be joining us? It’s now 6.35pm and I don’t appreciate being kept waiting.”

  I glanced at Locke as a smile spread across his face. I heard someone clear their throat directly behind me and turned to see Duke with an unreadable expression. He was wearing his standard leather cut, black t-shirt and jeans and smelt delicious.

  I unconsciously licked my lips and started to feel my body flush all over as I quickly found myself grateful for the dimly lit room to shield my arousal.

  “I’m sorry to keep you waiting but I had important business to attend to. Join me at my table.”

  Duke held out his hand for me to take. I glanced at Locke who looked almost shocked at Duke’s gesture. Returning my gaze to Duke he looked at me almost goading me to say no but I hesitantly placed my hand in his. He grasped it lightly as a smile lit his face and pulled me gently through the club until we were sitting at a private booth in the corner. I went to sit opposite him but he pulled me gently so that I was sitting next to him on the black leather sofa. Duke entered the booth behind me so that I was wedged tightly between his body and the wall.

  “What do you think of the club?” He asked as a waitress placed drinks on the table.

  I looked around taking everything in, “I’m pleasantly surprised. I’ve only ever been to one strip club before but it was a little seedy. What you’ve done to this place is exquisite.” My comment surprised him and I could see him looking at me contemplating something.

  The music suddenly changed and the punters got louder, clapping and cheering as a masked lady strutted her stuff on the stage. I followed Duke’s gaze as he watched the star attraction mesmerise the leering men. She worked the crowd well, getting the punters excited as she teased them. She eventually took off her mask seductively and that’s when I realised it was Savannah. I felt like such a fool. I was sitting here all dressed up hoping that Duke would pay me some attention when he had a girlfriend and a fucking gorgeous girlfriend at that. What was wrong with me? I took a sip of my drink to give me a moment to compose myself.

  “I forgot to say how beautiful you look tonight.” Duke turned to me and stroked my cheek with his thumb. I was so taken by surprise that the drink went down the wrong hole making me cough and splutter. His concern was evident as he patted my back trying to get me to breathe. The coughing slowed and I finally gained my composure returning my breathing back to normal. Duke passed me a napkin so that I could wipe my mouth and looked at me intently as he placed his hand on my knee as the cheers and clapping died down and the music changed to a more upbeat number.

  “Hi, what did you think of my routine?” A slightly out of breath Savannah said as she sat opposite us in the booth. She was even beautiful after a three minute high tempo routine around a pole!

  “You looked great out there Savannah. Do you create your own choreography?” I asked generally interested.

  Duke started to move his hand up and down my thigh and I could feel the thumping in my chest as my heartrate increased. I didn’t want to make a scene in front of Savannah so I sat still praying that she wouldn’t see how much Duke was affecting me.

  “Yeah, I watch plenty of ‘You Tube’ clips and put together all of the good bits. It’s fun coming up with new routines. Anyway I just wanted to say hi, I’ll leave you two to it, I’m gonna grab a quick drink before my next routine.” I smiled as she left the booth heading for the bar.

  I looked directly at Duke placing my hand over his which was now mid-thigh at the top of my stockings.

  He slowly leant closer and whispered into my ear, “She’s not my girlfriend. You got that all wrong yesterday.”

  He kissed my cheek lightly as he slowly moved his hand further up my thigh. I became flushed all over as he continued his pursuit until he cupped my pussy. My breathing was laboured as I became aroused. Duke placed feather like kisses down my cheek but as he moved towards my neck these became rougher with more urgency and I knew he was getting excited.

  He gently moved my panties to one side and started to feel my slit with his finger, clearly feeling my arousal. I slowly opened my legs wider allowing him better access and felt his smile against my skin as he continued to kiss my neck. Duke slid a finger into my moist hole slowly and I let out a sigh at the contact, releasing some of the pent up sexual frustration from the past six months. He rhythmically moved his finger inside me as I pushed myself forward on the sofa, to try and get some relief. Seeing my excitement he slid in another finger and started to assault my clit with his thumb.

  Duke eagerly took my mouth and I could feel myself building, higher and higher as his expert fingers worked their magic. He placed his other hand in my hair at the base of my neck as he kissed me harder which was my undoing and I came apart on his fingers. I closed my legs around him trying to get some extra relief as I gripped the edge of the leather sofa with both hands. Duke stilled his fingers as I came down from my natural high but I suddenly started to feel exposed and aware of my surroundings.

  Duke slowly removed his fingers from my now sensitive hole. I turned my head towards Duke as I witnessed him putting his fingers into his mouth sucking my juices. He must have seen the shock on my face because he smiled and leaned in close, “You taste exquisite babe.” With those words he leaned even closer and kissed me so that I could taste myself. I pulled away shaking my head, this wasn’t me, I didn’t do things like this. What was I doing? He must have seen my distress because he pulled me into his embrace and gently directed my head to kiss me again, encouraging me to taste myself for the second time. Fucking hell this was hot!


  I heard the clearing of someone’s throat behind me as I continued to kiss Taylor. Although she was initially shocked by me making her taste her arousal, she was now becoming putty in my hands and was lucky that someone was interrupting us otherwise I think I would’ve taken her o
n the sofa for everyone to see. I broke the kiss and slowly turned to see Diesel and Spike waiting patiently, with grins on their faces.

  “What?” I asked in a forceful tone.

  Diesel sat down opposite us and I could see Taylor fidget out of the corner of my eye. “What’s up babe?” I asked turning towards her.

  “I need to go to the bathroom.” She whispered clutching her bag.

  I moved out of the booth so that she could pass. “It’s across the bar and through those doors.” I said pointing in the direction of the bathroom. “If anyone gives you shit, tell them you’re with me.”

  She glanced at me and I could see her blush slightly before she walked into the crowd.

  I clocked Yasmin and indicated that we all needed drinks. I casually sat back on the plush leather sofa joining Spike and Diesel, ignoring their questioning looks.

  “What’s so urgent that you had to interrupt me?” I asked leaning on the table between us.

  “We’ve just left Rev. Everything’s in place for the delivery next week.” Spike said pulling out a scrap of paper from his wallet and sliding it across the table towards me. “That’s where we’re meeting next week but Rev said he’ll come and see you late tomorrow evening as he wants to discuss something with you.”

  I took the note and nodded as I slowly moved my arms off the table so that Yasmin could place our drinks. She purposely stuck her chest out then stood with her hands on her hips.

  “Do you need anything else Duke?” Yasmin asked as she continued to linger, folding her arms tightly around herself so that her cleavage fell out of her top waiting for me to respond.

  “No, he’s good baby doll but I could do with another coke.” Taylor stated as she joined us at the table.

  We burst out laughing as an outraged Yasmin stomped away obviously pissed at Taylors comment. I continued to chuckle as I lifted my arm, inviting Taylor to join me which she did without hesitation. Good, she was learning quickly!

  “Spike, Diesel, this is Taylor.” I said introducing them. “She owns the new hair salon in Epping and will be styling the girls hair on Friday and Saturday evenings.”

  The guys nodded as she held out her hand politely for them to shake.

  “Let’s get this straight,” she turned towards me, “I haven’t agreed to anything yet. You still need to show me around and I need to agree terms. I’m not cheap!”

  Diesel and Spike started laughing, “Oh, I like her.” Diesel said pouring himself another drink. I raised my eyebrows as I glanced at them, fucking drama!

  I held Taylors hand firmly as I walked through the club and into the back rooms where the girls’ dressing areas were. They were spacious and the majority of the girls had their own personal space consisting of a desk, wardrobe, mirror and locker. I believed in looking after my employees so that they were happy and gave their full commitment. All of my employee’s sign contracts that allow us to perform regular drugs tests and health checks including STI’s. I couldn’t have a girl contracting something and then pass it on to one of the punters. It would be devastating for the clubs reputation.

  I watched as Taylor looked around the room taking in the minimalist decor.

  “Taylor this is Rachel, she’s been with us for two years.” I introduced her hoping that she would see what I was trying to achieve.

  “Are you the hairdresser?” Rachel asked, looking her up and down. Taylor nodded with a little apprehension. “Savannah said you did a wonderful job on her hair. I’d like to book an appointment for next Friday.” I saw Taylor contemplate something.

  “Well I’ll be coming to the club every Friday and Saturday evening so I can do your hair then if you want?”

  I was taken aback by her statement but I grabbed her waist and swung her around, kissing her on the lips, forgetting myself and where I was.

  “Thank you,” I said between kisses, “You won’t regret it.”

  Taylor started to snigger, “I better not!”

  I walked Taylor out into the car park, holding her hand firmly. I didn’t do the hand holding thing but fuck it, I was feeling horny and would take what I could get at this moment in time. She was fucking fit and I wanted her. I pushed Taylor up against her car as I pressed my body against hers. She closed her eyes and parted her lips slowly as I held her wrists pinning her to the car. When she opened them again, I saw the desire burning inside her and I couldn’t resist taking her mouth like a starved man, wanting to lay claim to her. She struggled to try and free herself from my grasp to gain some control but I continued to add pressure taking the lead, making her desire me further. The kiss came to a natural end and I let go of her hands, moving mine so they were positioned either side of her head, resting on the roof of the car.

  “Can I see you again?” I asked hopefully as I needed to have her.

  A smile spread across her face and I felt a little relieved. “I’m busy tomorrow evening but I can do lunch. What about 1.30pm at Amy’s?”

  She was eager, I liked that. I had obviously affected her like she had me. But where was she going tomorrow evening? I couldn’t ask but I was annoyed that she had other plans.

  “I’ll be there.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek and I stepped back, giving her room to slip into her car. I watched her drive slowly out of the car park and turned to whoops and cheers from the guys that had congregated outside.

  “Stop gawking, we’ve business to discuss.” I shouted as I stomped past them into the club.

  Chapter 3


  I ran on the treadmill listening to music on my phone. I was feeling restless and wanted to put in a good stint at the gym this morning but thoughts of last night’s events at the club were invading my mind and I couldn’t concentrate. I wasn’t a prude by any means but I’d never done anything like that before. I shook my head and started to smile as I thought about the way Duke brazenly touched me. He was dangerous, he made me lose my inhibitions which I’m sure would get me into trouble but fuck it, Pam said I needed a little fun in my life.

  I slowed the treadmill to a walking pace to bring my heart rate back to normal and removed my earphones, gently moving my neck in a circular movement as it was a little stiff, especially because of my ear ache.

  I was aware of someone using the treadmill beside me to my right and as I turned I saw the barmaid from the club that I’d upset last night, dressed in a pink Lycra outfit that didn’t leave anything to the imagination. I didn’t want any animosity between us so I smiled sweetly and continued to walk at an even pace.

  “You know it won’t last.”

  I turned my head slightly so that I could see the floozy. “Sorry, are you talking to me?” I asked nonchalant, trying to keep my composure but slowly getting annoyed that this skank would purposely invade my space.

  “You know it won’t last with Duke,” she smirked at me, “He’s had more club pussy than you’ve had hot dinners.” She tossed her hair as she started to move faster on the treadmill.

  I could feel the anger build inside me so I tried to steady my breathing. I wasn’t Duke’s girlfriend, I was a quick fumble last night and I didn’t suspect that it would happen again but I didn’t want some slut informing me about his antics and getting in my business. It had fuck all to do with her.

  I slowed my machine further and ignored her, continuing with my work out.

  “Just a word of advice, he likes his balls sucked as you play with his cock.”

  I continued to ignore her and tried to be an adult about the situation by turning off my machine and collecting my belongings. I couldn’t listen to this shit any longer, I needed to move to another machine or leave quickly before I totally lost it.

  “Slut!” She said under her breath.

  I threw my phone and towel on the floor grabbing the bitch by her cheap extensions. The movement of the treadmill and the force in which I grabbed her, made her fall off with dramatic effect. I jumped on top of her and smashed her in the face repeatedly as I heard her cries. I wasn�
��t a violent person but I wasn’t having some whore, shout insults at me and I knew I had to stand my ground to earn some respect.

  I was quickly pulled off of her by a pair of strong arms as I continued to try and take a swipe.

  “Taylor, that’s enough you’ve proved your point.” I turned to see Diesel glaring at me angrily and the fight slowly left my body as he carried me into an office. He closed the door gently behind him after putting me on the floor and folded his arms across his huge chest staring at me intimidatingly.

  “Do you wanna tell me what that was about?” He asked lifting his left brow slightly. I felt like I was being told off by the Headmaster.

  I looked down at my hand to see a clump of the slut’s hair, which made me snigger. Diesel shook his head holding the bridge of his nose trying to keep his composure. There was an urgent knock on the door and Spike walked in with blood down his t-shirt.

  He looked at the clump of hair in my hand and then directly into my eyes, “Goddamnit Taylor, you’ve broken her nose.”

  My giggles continued as I filled the room with laughter. I was like a crazed woman, I couldn’t help myself. Before I knew it I was laughing uncontrollably with tears streaming down my face.

  Diesel and Spike looked at each other and then back at me confused by my outburst. I slowly started to compose myself, breathing slowly as I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

  I stood putting my hands on my hips and took a long deep breath, “Look I’m sorry but I wasn’t having that bitch come up in my face, chatting all kinds of shit about Duke.”

  Diesel started to snigger, “That’s sweet, were you defending his honour?”

  I pinched the top of my nose trying to control all of the emotions bubbling inside of me. “Yeah, something like that. Look if she presses charges can you send the police to the salon. I’ll be there for the next hour.”


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