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Duke (Aces MC Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  I walked towards the door which Spike was standing in front of. He looked at Diesel asking a silent question and Diesel nodded indicating that he could move aside to let me through.

  I glanced at Diesel, “I’m genuinely sorry, not about hitting her but for bringing shit to your door.” I left the room closing the door behind me with a bang. What a bloody morning!

  Fifteen minutes later I walked into the salon and sat on the leather sofas in the reception area. It was Sunday so the salon wasn’t open but I needed a few minutes to sort my head out and get ready for lunch with Duke. That’s if he was going to turn up, once he’d heard about my antics at the gym earlier.

  Once I’d finished my tea to steady my nerves, I took a hot shower to relieve some of the stress and cleaned the blood off my now swollen knuckles. I dressed in a pair of jeans and a grey light weight fleece jumper and pulled my long hair back into a simple ponytail. I assessed myself in the mirror, not as hot as last night but it would have to do.

  I walked to Amy’s cafe hoping that she was working today. I didn’t have many female friends and although I’d only met her the once, she seemed nice enough and to be honest I just needed a female my own age to talk to. I pushed open the heavy door and entered the cafe to a smiling Amy.

  “Hi Taylor, how you doing?” She greeted me as she finished wiping down a table and returned behind the counter.

  Sitting on the high stool opposite her, I let out a loud sigh.

  “Oh baby girl, what’s up?” She asked sympathetically leaning over the counter placing her hand on my arm. I was about to answer when a large group of people entered the cafe. “I’II just take their orders and then I’ll be with you.” She said before greeting her customers and directing them towards the tables outside in the last of the September sunshine.

  As I sat there I noticed that she was inundated with orders.

  “I’m not a very good cook but is there something else I can help you with?”

  Amy looked at me as a smile spread across her face. “Thank you, could you sort out their drinks?” That seemed easy enough even for a novice like me. I took the list from Amy and worked my way through the list of teas, coffees and soft drinks. Once they were made, I took them out to the party of eight as they waited for their food. Amy made their orders and I continued to play waitress for her to relieve some of the pressure.

  Amy was still busy when my stomach rumbled so I decided to make my own lunch as I waited for Duke. I fancied a cheese and ham toasty like Amy had made the other day and thought it couldn’t be that difficult. I found the sandwich maker and turned it on to warm up and went about making my sandwich. A customer interrupted me as he wanted two teas to take away. Amy was still busy with the other customers so I took it upon myself to make them. As the customers left the building the smoke alarm went off. I turned to see black smoke coming out of the sandwich maker, I ran over to the counter wafting a tea towel around trying to clear the smoke.

  “Fucking hell, what you trying to do woman?” Duke said as he came around the counter, turning the sandwich maker off at the mains and throwing the burnt food into the bin. I stopped wafting the tea towel and stood still biting my lip not knowing what to do.

  Amy came in and casually propped the door open. She walked over to the windows and started to open them to get rid of the smoke without a fuss.

  Duke turned to Amy, “What you doing putting ‘Ash’ in charge of cooking?” He said with humour in his voice.

  Amy laughed, “She did actually help me out, whilst I was rushed off my feet.”

  I cleared my throat, “Erm, I am actually here!” I said putting my hands on my hips in a defensive stance.

  “Take a seat and I’ll make you some lunch.” Amy strolled into the kitchen area with authority but with a slight smirk on her face at the interaction between Duke and myself.

  We sat at the table near the window again. It gave a perfect view of the street and I loved to watch people go about their everyday tasks without realising they were being watched. It was one of my favourite hobbies.

  I took a sly glance at Duke to see that he was wearing faded jeans, a check shirt and his leather cut. He looked edible and I unconsciously licked my lips in appreciation.

  Duke leant on the table leaning his chin on his steepled fingers, looking directly at me with his piercing eyes. “I hear you’ve had an eventful morning.”

  Shit! I rubbed the back of my neck, “Look Duke, she asked for it. She was disrespectful and I didn’t appreciate her mouth.”

  He sat back in his chair, rubbing his chin, “She won’t be pressing charges.”

  I let out a loud sigh of relief. Thank god, I’m sure being arrested wouldn’t be good for the salons reputation.

  “What did she say to annoy you?” He asked narrowing his eyes.

  Our conversation was halted briefly as Amy placed our food and drinks on the table. I smiled and Amy gave me a wink as she walked away.

  I took a deep breath, “Do you like your balls being sucked and your cock being played with at the same time?”

  Duke spat tea all over the table and started to laugh. I picked up my sandwich calmly, not reacting to his amusing response and started to eat as he continued laughing whilst mopping up the mess with a napkin.

  I swallowed my mouthful, “Well, do you?” I asked prompting the conversation as I was now intrigued as to what his answer would be.

  “I’m not in the habit of discussing my sexual preferences, especially on a first date but I’m a man and there isn’t a man alive who doesn’t like that.” He stated with a wink.

  “Ha-ha!” I said dryly.

  “Look Ash,” Duke said leaning across the table and placing his hand on my arm, “Yasmin’s just jealous and was trying to rattle you. It obviously worked!”

  Ash! He was such a smart arse.

  He slowly removed his hand and lounged in the chair as we sat in comfortable silence eating the rest of our lunch. I was relieved knowing that Yasmin wasn’t pressing charges. Duke probably had something to do with that but I didn’t ask him for confirmation. I pushed my empty plate away from me and relaxed back into my chair holding my mug. Duke was looking at me with intense eyes which made my heart race faster.

  I took a sip of my drink, “What’s on your mind Duke? You have that look in your eyes.” I put my mug gently on the table and crossed my arms protectively.

  Duke smirked, “What look?”

  My heart beat continued in its accelerated state and I could feel myself getting aroused so I crossed my legs to try and relieve myself.

  “You look like you have something on your mind. What do you want to ask me?” I unfolded my arms and started to play with my necklace as I needed to do something with my hands.

  Duke rubbed the stubble on his chin as he contemplated what to say, “I’m trying to figure you out.”

  I waved my hand up and down in front of me, “What you see, is what you get Duke. No secrets, no dramas.”

  I was slowly coming around to the English culture. I now drank tea, I enjoyed eating fish and chips and I hated to miss an episode of Downton Abbey but I was also a New Yorker. I’d been brought up to speak my mind and if people didn’t like it then tough. I liked to keep myself to myself but if someone was confrontational I wouldn’t back down. Pam used to say I had the best of both worlds.

  “The thing is Ash, I like what I see and I most certainly like what I’ve had so far.” Duke winked at me, when I heard a clearing of someone’s throat.

  “Duke you’re needed at the clubhouse man, Rev’s arrived early.” Spike said standing with his hands in his pocket.

  “Give me a minute and I’ll ride back with you.”

  Spike waved at Amy across the room and walked out slowly.

  “I’m gonna have to end our lunch early. I’ll make it up to you.” Duke stood throwing a range of different sized notes on the table. He leaned over and looked into my eyes hungrily before taking my mouth by surprise. What started off as a brief k
iss developed into a full on snog as my mouth betrayed me and opened up to him. I moved my hand so that it was at the back of his neck but he pulled away slightly looking into my eyes, as he touched my cheek.

  “I’ll call you.” He said before stalking out of the cafe.

  I watched him leave and ride away on his Harley as I placed my fingers on my lips, still feeling the tingle of his rough kiss.

  “Well, Mitchell’s taken a shine to you.” Amy said sitting down in the chair Duke just vacated.

  I picked up my mug, “One of many I suppose.”

  Amy started to laugh, “Not likely. Mitchell doesn’t do dramas or relationships so this is new to us all.”

  Now it was my turn to snigger. “I assaulted one of his staff members today at the gym, so I wouldn’t say there were no dramas.”

  Amy stood and cleared the plates, “Well, what does that tell you?” she said with a wink as she walked away, leaving me to ponder her words.

  Chapter 4


  We arrived at the club house, parking our motorcycles at the end of a long line of Harley’s. Rev had turned up early and had brought a few of his brothers along, obviously thinking he would be safer with numbers!

  We’d acquired a large quantity of drugs from the Skulls as compensation for Jimmy’s death. The sale of these drugs would be very lucrative for the club but I had to dispose of them quickly, hence the meeting with Rev. He’d been with the club for years and had reliable contacts that I needed otherwise I wouldn’t have contacted him.

  Along with the money for the drugs, we’d be getting Jimmy’s life insurance eventually. All members including Prospects were required to take out life insurance policies and if they died in service, the money would be paid to a member of the club.

  Money wouldn’t bring Jimmy back but life had to move on, harsh I know but that’s the cruel reality of it all. I desperately wanted out of the illegal shit and had two more jobs to complete before the Mother charter could go legit which was something I was looking forward too.

  Because of this goal and the time scale I’d put on it, I’d become a hard bastard especially over recent years, which probably came with the responsibility of being President of the Aces. My brothers looked to me for guidance and I couldn’t be getting attached to anyone or anything that may cloud my judgement especially at a time when the club needed me to be at my best.

  Spike followed me into the club house. “Rev.” I said in a way of acknowledgement. I’d had dealings with Rev in the past when I was VP. He’d been president of our Kent charter for the past fifteen years and Viper, my predecessor, liked the guy but I’ve never really trusted him.

  He made regular payments each month to the club and Justice was happy with his accounts but I made sure that any contact he made with us went directly through either Diesel or Bear. The only positive of having him in the club was the contacts he’d made which I needed in order to get rid of this shit quickly.

  “Duke, how you doing?” Rev asked walking over to shake my hand. “Sorry to hear about the Prospect.”

  I briefly took his hand and slapped him on the shoulder, “It’s been a shit couple of weeks but Jimmy’s funeral is on Tuesday so we can hopefully start moving on.”

  Rev nodded, understanding my situation. He’d lost his fair share of brothers over the years.

  “Can we go somewhere for a chat?” He asked whilst scratching his beard thoughtfully.

  I was unsure of what he wanted to discuss as Diesel and Spike had already met with him regarding the drugs run but I nodded and casually walked through the bar in the direction of my office as we shouldn’t be disturbed in there.

  “What’s up?” I asked sitting at the desk in my office resting my chin on my steepled fingers. Rev sat comfortably on the green leather sofa looking around the room.

  “It hasn’t changed much since I was last here with Viper. You know, just before he died.”

  I could feel myself getting fucking annoyed. I didn’t know if he was purposely trying to goad me but the reminder of Viper and that fateful night was starting to irritate.

  “I’m sure you didn’t come here just to reminisce.” I said in a clipped tone trying to keep my composure.

  “Look, I know you don’t like me Duke and that you blame me for Viper’s death but you need my help over the next couple of weeks,” Rev pulled out his box of Benson and Hedges and took out a fag, “I know what your plans are for the Aces, but the Kent charter doesn’t want to go legit.” He lit his fag and sat back in the chair with a huge smile on his face. “You can either give your blessing or not but we will be dealing.” He stated as a matter of fact.

  I could feel the rage building inside me but wasn’t gonna give him the satisfaction of seeing me kick off. If I’d learnt anything from Viper, it was to keep my cool in the face of your enemy. I sat there quietly composing myself, so that I didn’t have a shit attack and blow any opportunity of shifting the drugs in the time frame I had made for the club.

  “I’ll let you have that outburst and blame it on the emotions this room has evoked regarding Viper,” I stood from my chair slowly, keeping my composure as I perched myself on the edge of my desk, “but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again so it goes into your thick skull. You can continue dealing until I give you the date on which you stop. In the meantime if any shit lands at my door, I will personally take your patch then your life.” My words came out calmly as I folded my arms across my chest and stood in readiness of Rev’s response making sure I kept direct eye contact.

  Rev laughed, “I’ll keep that in mind.” He casually stood, dropping his fag butt on the floor and extinguished it with his boot. Slowly walking to the door, he turned around briefly to give me a wink before walking into the hallway.

  I sat back at my desk, opening the bottom draw to retrieve a bottle of Jack. My hands were still shaking from the adrenaline but I managed to pour myself a drink without spilling the liquid everywhere.

  The knock on the door startled me, “Yeah!” I shouted in response.

  Diesel opened the door wide and entered the room closely followed by Bear.

  “I take it that the pair of you had words?” Diesel asked, stepping further into my office and sitting on the edge of the green leather sofa.

  “That fucking bloke only has to look at me to piss me off. He started to bring up Viper because he knows it fucking annoys me.”

  Viper was my uncle, confidant and President of the Aces until his death five years ago. The club had been on a very lucrative drugs run. It was too much for our Kent charter to handle alone, so Rev had requested support from the Essex charter.

  Rev had established some good connections over the years so it should’ve been a simple drop and run. The problem being I just didn’t trust him. I’d expressed my feelings to Viper on many occasions and he blew me off, stating that we had to have close allies running a business like ours.

  It was in this very room where Rev suggested that I be the one to go and look for Locke. He’d disappeared again on one of his ‘downers’ which had turned into a regular occurrence and still is to this very day. Viper had agreed with Rev, explaining that I wasn’t needed due to this being a normal run and that we’d completed drops like this multiple times before.

  I left that morning, saying good bye to my uncle but it was the smirk on Rev’s face as I left this office that haunts me still to this day. I can’t prove that he was directly involved in my uncles death but I just have this feeling, a feeling that’s been eating away at me for the past five years.

  One thing I knew for sure is that I wasn’t there when the convoy was ambushed because of Locke. Viper’s motorcycle was taken out and he was the only brother to sustain any major injuries. He survived the initial assault but died later in hospital. I got the frantic call from Bear but I hadn’t got back in time to see him before he passed away which plays on my mind often.

  Still to this day my relationship with Locke is tense. I respect him as a brot
her but he has secrets and demons that haunt him. As the President of this club, I’d do everything within my power in order to support my brothers but Locke won’t accept help which frustrates the life out of me. To be honest my brothers would probably say the same about me, if they knew what went on in my head but it’s difficult when you’re at the top because there’s no one to confide in. But like I tell the guys, what doesn’t kill us, only makes us stronger!

  “What the fuck did he want?” Diesel asked sitting further forward on the sofa, resting his chin on his steepled fingers eagerly awaiting my response.

  I already knew what their reaction was going to be. It was a huge decision to turn our club legit. When I first proposed this to the club it nearly split us in two but when they each saw the success of the garage, strip club, gym and cafe, members started to come around to my way of thinking. The majority of us had been inside, for various crimes and lengths of time but we weren’t getting any younger and this club needed a new direction that would hopefully let us live a comfortable life.

  There was no way to sugar coat it, “He wants to continue dealing.”

  Diesel stood angrily pacing around my office. “Are you for real? I hope you told him to fuck off?” Diesel had now placed both hands on my desk and was staring directly at me. I understood his annoyance, I wanted to beat the shit out of Rev myself but it was the right thing to do at this stage. To be honest, I didn’t believe that Rev would be running the Kent charter for long anyway if I could prove my suspicions but I needed to dispose the drugs quickly and Rev had the contacts I needed.

  “I understand your angst Diesel but I gotta let this happen for now.”

  “That’s bullshit and you know it Duke.”

  I stood quickly, knocking over my chair, “When you’re the President of this club, you can happily make all of these fucking tough decisions. Up until that point, fuck off and get out of my face.” I saw the shocked expression on Bears face as I fronted up to Diesel. His concern was evident as he probably thought that we’d have a brawl.


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