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Duke (Aces MC Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  I had to get out of here, it was fucking stifling me. I stalked past them and out of the office, slamming the door behind me. I was so furious that I wanted to smash something or someone and if I stayed there in the office any longer, it would be Diesel’s face.

  “Pres, are you okay?” Spike asked as I eagerly left the building.

  “Only contact me if it’s an emergency.” I shouted as I mounted my ride before speeding out of the compound.

  I needed to get a grip of my emotions. So much was riding on the up and coming drug deals. I felt under pressure for everything to run as smoothly as possible and I didn’t need people pulling me on my shit. I rode for twenty minutes but my anger wasn’t dispersing. There was only one thing that would calm me down and I was on my way to get it.


  It had been an eventful day. I looked at my still bruised knuckles and placed a damp cloth over them again. The swelling had already come out but it was the shear embarrassment that made me want to cover them. What was I doing acting like an adolescent fighting over a guy?

  I had planned on taking Pam shopping this afternoon after seeing Duke but she cancelled after having a better offer, so I was now sitting at home alone.

  I plumped my pillows, sitting up comfortably against the headboard and flicked through the television channels trying to find something interesting to watch, when there was a loud knock on the door. I turned the television off and put the remote on the bedside cabinet.

  “Alright calm down, where’s the fire?” I shouted as I opened the door. Duke had his back to me with his fists clenched in a defensive stance. “Duke, what’s up?” I asked concerned.

  He turned and I saw an array of emotions in his eyes. He stalked towards me and took my face in his large hands, pushing me back inside as he slammed the door behind him.

  Thoughts ran through my mind as I allowed him to deepen the kiss. He was obviously dealing with things I was unaware of, this was raw emotion and he wanted to vent his anger but in a sexual way. He needed this to help with whatever demons he had and I wanted him to give me what I so desperately needed.

  He lifted my vest top and broke the kiss just long enough to pull it up and over my head, dropping it on the floor beside me. My nipples reacted instantly to the cold air and he hungrily took one into his mouth as I ran my fingers in his short hair encouraging him to take it harder.

  “Ahhhh!” My eyes rolled into my head as I savoured the feeling of his expert tongue.

  Duke pulled away slightly, “Where’s your bedroom Ash?” He asked breathlessly as he paused looking deep into my eyes.

  I could feel the familiar tingling between my legs from my excitement and quickly took Duke by the hand as I led him eagerly up the stairs into my spacious bedroom. He came up behind me, placing his big hands over my breasts as he roughly squeezed my nipples, rolling them between his thumb and forefingers. I could feel his arousal poking me in the lower back which heightened the sensation and the pressure was mounting between my legs.

  He walked me over to the bed and bent down behind me, slowly pulling down my pyjama shorts so that I was naked before him. My senses were heightened and every touch was like an electric charge raging through my body.

  Duke spun me around and breathed in my scent, leaning closer towards my mound. “Let’s see how wet you are.” Duke slipped his index finger roughly between my folds and I let out a cry of pleasure at the contact. As quickly as he inserted he pulled it out again, “Get on the bed Ash.” He ordered.

  I quickly opened the bedside cabinet, retrieving a condom and handed it to him before I moved over to my bed. I slowly turned to get comfortable, “No, on all fours.” He commanded.

  I excitedly obliged and as I turned around I heard the sound of Duke removing his clothes and the packet opening as he sheathed himself.

  He came up behind me positioning his long length, before taking me quickly from behind. My pussy stretched as it fought to accommodate his ruthless invasion. He didn’t give me time to acclimatise as he pulled back and roughly pushed inside me again. Duke steadily built a rhythm and I met his pace pushing back on him to try and get some release. The slapping sound of skin against skin filled the room from his vigorous pounding. I reached for my clit to try and ease the mounting throbbing but Duke pulled out abruptly and turned me over so that I was now lying on my back. The second he pulled away, my body surprised me by yearning for him to come back and fill the void he’d left.

  Duke’s eyes were dark, somewhat menacing, he was totally focussed on the job at hand and it felt great to surrender control to him and be taken by a real man. He bent down and his muscular body covered mine as he claimed my mouth again. I met the thrusts of his tongue with an eagerness that seemed to surprise him, moaning against his mouth. Duke took my wrists and roughly pulled my arms so they were above my head, holding them firmly in place with one hand.

  “Please Duke, I need you inside me!” I screamed, bucking my hips and almost pleading with him to fuck me. A brief smile flickered across his face as he positioned himself at the opening of my pussy and he took me deeply with force.

  “What like that? Do you like that Ash?” He asked as little grunts came from his mouth which became louder and louder with every thumping push he made.

  “Yes, like that Duke.” I begged.

  He was fucking me now with an almost frenzied urgency that released a primal response. The sensation sent jolts of erotic pleasure through my whole body and I was grinding my hips trying to find my release.

  “I want to come Duke, I need to come!” I screamed thrashing around on the bed.

  Duke moved his hand closer to my pussy and rubbed my juices on his hand, then slammed back inside me keeping his steady rhythm. With no warning, Duke slid his thumb into my puckered hole. The combination of sensations drove me wild, he must have noticed my reaction as he increased his tempo and hammered me with purpose, driving back and forth in both my passages.

  He shuddered and slammed into me one last time, sending me over the edge as I screamed his name and my body convulsed around him. My eyes were open long enough to see Duke gritting his teeth as he emptied his seed inside me.

  The room was now silent apart from the sound of our ragged breathing as we lay in the dimly lit room catching our breath. I suddenly felt a little self-conscious and pulled the quilt over my body to hide my nakedness. Without saying a word, Duke casually got out of bed and stalked to the bathroom. As he did, I took the opportunity to take a sneaky peek at his marvellous physique. Silly I know as we’d just had animalistic sex but I didn’t have time to appreciate his body, I was too busy experiencing pure pleasure.

  Duke returned shortly after and got into bed. He laid next to me in all his glory, placing both arms behind his head as we lay there in comfortable silence whilst our breathing returned to normal.

  I wanted to ask him a million questions but he was obviously deep in thought as I watched the contours of his face move as he stared at the ceiling.

  I needed to touch him I hadn’t acquired my full fix of Duke. I slowly reached out in a comforting gesture to touch his cheek, gently stroking the side of his face. He closed his eyes briefly and leaned into my hand. I softly moved my fingers along his jaw and down his neck as he took in a sharp intake of breath. I continued to softly caress him but I could feel my arm getting heavier as I started to feel tired. I removed my hand so that I could cover my mouth as I yawned and felt my eyes slowly droop as sleep took hold.

  I didn’t know how long I was asleep for but I woke to find Duke kissing my neck and caressing his way slowly down my body. I eagerly opened my legs for him so that he could position himself comfortably between my thighs. Duke gently positioned my hands so that they were placed either side of my head but this time I noticed it wasn’t with the earlier force of our first encounter. His enlarged length found my entrance easily and I felt him shudder at the first contact.

  We moved rhythmically and I wrapped my legs around his back to allow hi
m to go deeper. Duke kept eye contact the whole time and I could see an array of emotions in his eyes that were softer than what I saw earlier. He shook his head from side to side and closed his eyes briefly, “I’m sorry.” He said tenderly before he quickened his pace a little.

  What could he possibly be sorry for? He hadn’t done anything wrong! The thought was quickly erased as I could feel myself building towards my release as he applied pressure on my pelvic bone.

  With one final push I found my release and came hard around him. Duke did the same and I felt him explode inside me.

  Shit! Had he not worn a condom? I was on the pill but even so. He must have felt me stiffen as he looked into my worried eyes.

  “I’m clean Ash,” I nodded my head quickly making it clear I understood, “and I’ve seen your birth control.” Oh, how very observant, he had it all figured out!

  Duke rolled off of me, taking me with him into his arms. I lifted my head looking directly at him about to ask him a question, when he simply put his finger over my lips to silence me.

  “Please don’t. Let’s just enjoy the moment.”

  Enjoy the moment! I had a million things I wanted to ask him but it was no use as he obviously wasn’t going to talk. I lay there on his chest for a while, listening to the steady beat of his heart. I yawned loudly feeling tired from our earlier exertion as Duke gently stroked my cheek mirroring my earlier sentiment. He placed a light kiss on the top of my head, comforting me as I slowly drifted to sleep.


  I woke at around 4.00am with Ash wrapped around me. She smelt fantastic and felt great in my arms but I couldn’t handle this shit no matter how good it was. Everything comes to an end and that finality hurts so it’s better not to start anything in the first place. I needed to keep my head clear of distractions which meant no dramas.

  I quietly got out of the bed and gathered my clothes before going down stairs and getting dressed in the living room. I took a brief look around her house and was surprised on how similar our tastes were. Thoughts of last night sprang to mind and I caught my reflection in the mirror as I smiled reminiscing. There’s no way you’re doing this man. You need to put all thoughts of last night behind you and move on!

  I shook my head gaining some composure and quickly gathered the rest of my things, leaving the house before I got distracted.

  I arrived at the gym. It was early so CJ wouldn’t have opened yet but I had keys to the building. I desperately needed a work out to take away some of the stress that had been building since my encounter with Rev. Ash had helped to ease some of the tension but I had a desire to smash the shit out of something. I always kept a change of clothes here in my locker for such an emergency and was grateful of the clothes that would help me achieve a better workout. I put on my gloves and started to vent my anger on the punch bag.

  I didn’t know how long I’d been here but the harder I hit, the better I felt so I continued my assault.

  “I would offer to spar but the way you’re hitting that bag, I don’t fancy my chances.” CJ said humorously leaning against the wall and drinking from his water bottle. I ignored him and continued with my work out.

  “Do you wanna talk about it? You only hit the gym this hard when you’ve something on your mind.” CJ had now moved closer and I noticed that he was texting on his mobile, probably informing the others of my location.

  I stopped my work out and grabbed my towel to wipe the sweat from my face. CJ handed me a bottle of water and walked over to the seating area expecting me to follow. I slowly made my way over, not looking forward to the bombardment of questioning that were sure to follow.

  We sat in silence as I drank my water, allowing my body time to return to its normal heartrate. Diesel, Bear and Spike boldly entered the building talking among themselves, I glanced at CJ and raised my eyebrows.

  “What? I only let them know where you were, I didn’t ask them to come over.” He said grinning.

  “So have you got over your little tantrum?” Diesel asked standing beside me with his hands in his jeans pockets.

  I looked at him rubbing my hand over my tired eyes, “Yeah, sorry about that man.” The guys started to laugh in unison.

  “The love of a good woman, sort you out?” Bear asked gyrating his hips, mimicking various sexual positions as they continued to laugh at my expense.

  I looked at them confused, “How do you know where I was last night?”

  Spike raised his arms in mock defence, “I followed you, I had to make sure you were okay,”

  That was Spike alright. We should’ve named him ‘Care Bear’ or another aptly named huggable creature, rather than Spike. “And after I spent two hours outside in the cold with no sign of you, I knew you were being well looked after!” He said with a wink to the roar of the guy’s laughter.

  “Right enough of that, we have businesses to run.” I stood letting them know that this gathering was over.

  As we were leaving the gym, Diesel pulled me to one side, “Will you be seeing her again?”

  I let out a loud sigh pondering my answer, “No, it’s best I keep my distance.”


  I woke to a cold empty bed. I don’t know what I was expecting but I felt a pang of hurt that he couldn’t be bothered to hang around until morning. I knew one thing though, I wasn’t going to sit around feeling sorry for myself and in fact, I felt good apart from some of my limbs hurting from so much exertion. Duke had scratched the itch that I so badly needed seeing too and I’d obviously helped him sort out his own head.

  I took my time in the shower making sure the rays soothed multiple over used areas. Once I had finished, I made my way into the bedroom and quickly dressed in my uniform.

  “What the fucking hell is that?” I said aloud looking at my neck in the mirror. A fucking love bite, he’d given me a fucking love bite. What was I, sixteen?

  I spent some time covering it over with concealer and blending it so it was hardly visible. Who was I kidding it was fucking huge, I was gonna kill him!

  On top of that, I was now running late and had to rush to get into work on time for my first customer.

  “Hi you must be Harlow.” I assumed this was her as she arrived with Spike. I’d spoken to him briefly on Saturday evening about booking Harlow in for a new set of extensions. She’d been through a traumatic time, in fact the whole club had with the death of one of their club members. Spike had mentioned that the funeral was tomorrow and that’s why he needed the appointment so quickly.

  “Yes, pleased to meet you…” she looked at me expectantly.

  “Oh sorry, I’m Taylor the owner of this establishment.” I said waving my hand around. “Please sit down and we can discuss your requirements.” I directed her to the chair and after selecting the perfect colour extensions, I worked on her for the next two hours, getting her hair back to normal.

  “WOW! You look fantastic Ink.” Spike said leaning closer to touch her hair gently. I observed the interaction between the two of them. They were obviously very close almost like siblings. I wondered how long they’d known each other.

  Their interaction made me think of my sister, Sophia. I hadn’t spoken to her in a while and made a mental note of giving her a call this evening. Sophia was two years younger than me and lived back in New York. She’d never been interested in the whole ‘England thing’ as she called it and was more of a home bird. She was expecting baby number three in December and I truly don’t know how she manages especially with Brad working away all the time.

  “How much do I owe you?” Spike asked as Harlow started chatting to Chanel about her hair.

  “It’s on me. It’s the least I can do after Diesel helped me out yesterday at the gym.”

  Spike started to laugh as he recalled the incident. “You can tell me to mind my own business but I hope Duke was the perfect gentleman last night.” Spike glanced at my neck and moved closer to look directly into my eyes for a reaction to his comment as the heat started to rise through my
body. Damn it I was getting embarrassed.

  I took a deep breath, “I wouldn’t say a gentleman but it was pretty damn perfect.” I had found out very quickly that the only way to engage with these bikers was to be as crude and smart mouthed as them. I was naturally sarcastic and out spoken so it did come rather easily.

  A smile spread across Spike’s face, “I saw him earlier this morning and he looked a little tired.” He said raising his eyebrows up and down dramatically.

  “Well I’m pleased one of us had the pleasure of seeing him this morning.” I stated in a clipped tone.

  My remark took him by surprise as he narrowed his eyes, taking in the statement.

  I briskly walked towards Harlow and Chanel to put an end to the awkward conversation. I didn’t feel comfortable, discussing my humiliation with a stranger.

  “Thank you so much Taylor, my hair looks great. I don’t have to hide it under a hat anymore.” Harlow said whilst playing with a strand of her hair.

  “Come on Ink, we’d better get going.” Spike interrupted walking towards the door.

  “Thanks again Taylor, I’ll hopefully see you again soon.” I waved as they left the shop closing the door behind them.

  Letting out a loud sigh, I slumped on the sofa and rested my head on a cushion. Chanel joined me a couple of minutes later with a strong cup of tea.

  “Thank you Chanel that’s just what I need.” I said gratefully taking the cup from her and quickly slipped my feet from my heels, resting them on the coffee table directly in front of me.

  “Do you wanna talk about what you and Spike were discussing?” Chanel asked placing herself next to me on the sofa.

  “Did you hear our conversation?” I asked shocked. I thought she was out of ear shot, talking to Harlow at the time.

  “Are you gonna see him again?” She asked reclining on the sofa.

  Should I be talking to a seventeen year old about my love life? Would I ask her such personal questions about hers? Probably!


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