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So Not a Hero

Page 19

by S. J. Delos

  His lips laughed in the hollow of my throat and his tongue darted out to lick right along the line of my jaw. “You sure you want to do this, Karen?” He placed several butterfly kisses down the skin to my shoulder. “I don’t want you to feel pressured into anything.” His words were murmured into the flesh.

  I reached down under my dress, moved his hand off my ass, and grabbed the side of my panties in my fingers. It’s next to nothing for me to rip steel plates into strips, so the white satin garment stood no chance at all. I kept my eyes locked onto Kurt’s and felt perverse satisfaction as they widened at the unmistakable sound cloth being ripped. I brought up the ruined underwear and waved it beside his cheek. The heady smell of my arousal wafted from the fabric.

  “Just in case you’re feeling a little slow this evening, Detective,” I said as I flipped the panties away somewhere in the darkness and draped both arms around his shoulders. “That’s my way of telling you ‘Go.’”

  His smile widened and he tilted his head towards the darkened hallway on my left. "Then I think we should take this show to the bedroom."

  I shook my head and continued to stroke his crotch, enjoying the feeling of having the bulge in his pants grow larger and harder. "Unless you have a dura-steel frame bed, we're probably better off just doing it on the floor."

  “Floor works for me just fine,” he said and backed away, taking my hand to lead me around the dining room table to a large, thick rug covering the hardwood floor. He turned me around and slid the zipper on the back of the dress down in such a slow, tormenting manner I nearly screamed with frustration. When he had me completely unfastened, he lifted the material off my shoulders and let it go.

  The dress slid down my body and pooled around my feet. I stepped out of the circle of cloth and kicked it behind me before slipping out of my shoes. The carpet was soft and warm and I scrunched up my toes in anticipation of what I was going to be doing on it very soon.

  Kurt walked around until he was facing me again, lightly tracing his fingers over my bare bottom. As he did, I attempted to unfasten the clasp holding the front of my bra closed. Of course, that’s when I realized that Vaporizer’s attack had fused the plastic edges together. I snorted with annoyance and just broke the damned thing and shrugged free.

  Hopefully I was done battling bad guys for the evening. Otherwise, instead of fighting in lingerie, I’d be doing it in the buff.

  Kurt stood in front of me, appraising the view I was providing. When his eyes met mine again, he smiled. “You are so beautiful.”

  “I’m naked,” I responded. “And it’s not exactly fair that I’m the only one.” I grabbed the edges of his polo and pulled it up over his head, tossing it in the general direction I’d sent my panties.

  His chest was deliciously defined, revealing that the good detective and regular exercise were well acquainted. There was a little strip of dark hair running up from his navel to the center of his chest. I ran the fingers of one hand over the hair, marveling at the softness of it in contrast with the firmness of the muscles. I stepped closer and placed a kiss on his chest, burying my nose into him to smell his manly scent.

  As if on autopilot, my fingers managed to unfasten the front of his pants and I knelt down on the rug, pulling his boxers down with the slacks. His erection sprang free, jutting upwards at a sharp angle. The light coming in from the window shone right across our location and allowed me to see that he was indeed as well developed as I’d felt through the pants.

  Kurt put his hand on my shoulder as I lifted each foot in turn and removed his socks and shoes. Then I pulled the rest of his clothing from around his legs and tossed them aside. “Now we’re both equally naked,” he said with a little laugh.

  I turned my face up to him and smiled for just a second. Then I wrapped my fingers around the hard shaft hanging there in front of me and ran my tongue up the underside of it, from the base to the engorged head. A little drop of salty wetness met me at the end of the lick and Kurt shuddered, giving my shoulder a squeeze. I opened my mouth to take him and he pulled back, shaking his head.

  What the hell? Surely my date wouldn’t go down in the history books as the first man ever to decline a blow job.

  He lowered himself down to his knees and put his other hand on my chin, staring into my eyes. “Ladies first.” He moved his hand to my shoulder and guided me backwards until I was lying on the rug. Then he leaned to the side and grabbed a pillow from someplace close and wedged it under my lower back, pushing my pelvis into an elevated position.

  I sighed and extended my arms over my head, fingers brushing against one of the table’s metal legs. One of Kurt’s hands cupped my breast, and his thumb brushed over the nipple, sending a series of chills up my spine.

  I might be unaffected when it came to pain, but pleasure was a whole different ball game.

  He tilted his head to the side, leaning in to take the other breast in his mouth. The warmth of his breath and the roughness of his tongue made me gasp. I drew in a breath to release another sigh. However, it was a gasp that came from between my lips as the fingers of his other hand found their way to the dampness between my legs and one of them stroked up between the folds.

  I spread my legs wider, encouraging him to continue. It was all the hint he needed. His danced and teased around until was soaked and ready to burst. One finger kept stroking the underside of my clit and on the tenth or so pass, I realized that Kurt was driving me full speed towards the edge. I rolled my hips, grinding against his hand as hard as I dared, and moaned softly. He responded by slipping two fingers deep inside. I moaned again, this time a little louder.

  “You’re so wet,” he said, lifting his head from my breast. His fingers slid in and out with a steady rhythm, thumbnail stroking the underside of my clit with each pass.

  I ground my hips upward, pressing against his fingers. “You’re making me wet,” I responded. His touch was so perfect, so attentive. I could feel the pressure building inside of me, that slow roll towards the summit.

  He gave the wet nipple another lick and then kissed down my sternum and over my belly. I gasped when his tongue ran around my navel and giggled slightly from the kiss he placed on my hip bone. Then his mouth traveled back towards the center and downwards, and I stiffened as his lips drifted over the scar marring otherwise smooth flesh.

  My preset excuse jumped into my head and the word ‘appendectomy’ waited at the ready in my mouth. However, either he didn’t notice the healed wound or didn’t care in the moment. No, what had Kurt’s attention was just a little further down. His lips left my skin for an eternally-long second before I felt them again, right on top of my lady bits.

  His experienced tongue worked in harmony with his fingers and I felt touched inside, outside, and all around. His lips nibbled on my clit and the tip of his tongue lashed the underside with strong strokes. I gasped again and murmured something that seemed unintelligible to my own ears, but nonetheless spurred Kurt into applying greater attention. I arched my back again and wrapped my hands around the metal cylinder next to my head.

  The tongue stroking stopped, leaving me hanging and burning with a desirous need for release. “I love the way you taste,” he said and returned to driving me insane. His fingers continued working in rhythm with his tongue, alternating strokes and tripling the amount of wetness coming from inside me. His teeth lightly grazed over the engorged nub and my back bowed in response. I wanted to tell him to keep going, to not worry about hurting me. But the man was strumming every sensual cord in me like a maestro and the last thing I wanted to be was provide unnecessary direction.

  He worked me up and down, pushing me higher and higher along the road to climax. The hand on my breast kept perfect time with the actions taking place between my legs and I closed my eyes, my breaths turning into shallow, ragged gasps punctuated with purring non-words. Each moan seemed to serve to motivate him to do more and I thought I felt a third finger join the other two.

  “Oh god, Kurt.” I sa
id as I reached the summit and teetered on the precipice. “Don’t. Oh, yeah. That’s just.” I bit down on my lip as the balancing act in my head found its tipping point. “I’m … I’m… Oh yes!” Then I came. Hard.

  My back bowed and I groaned as the first wave slammed into me, sending pretty sparkles flashing behind my eyelids. Kurt continued to lap at me, his tongue zapping the erogenous nerves that were in the process of all firing at once. The groan became a scream and my control faltered.

  I brought my knees together at the same moment a second orgasm ripped through me. My fingers curled and the metal tube between them crumpled like cardboard. The table wobbled and then fell over onto its side, landing with a crash that managed to finally tear Kurt’s attention away from my pussy and give me the moment’s respite I needed to finish coming and ride out the ecstasy wave in peace. After a few minutes of slow, gasping breaths, I opened my eyes and raised my head to see Kurt sitting up. He was watching me with a slight grin on his face and a glisten on his chin.

  “I take it you enjoyed that as much as I did?” He asked as he moved closer. His fingers stroked up my naked side.

  I nodded and stretched, sighing as I draped one of my legs over his. “I would say that I probably enjoyed it more. After all, you did all the work. I just went along for the ride.” I reached up and brushed the side of his cheek. “You have got mad woman-happying skills, Detective. Never let it be said you don’t know your way around a va-jay-jay.”

  He laughed and nodded his head towards the table. “Well, I’ve got evidence to back that up, it seems.”

  I turned my head to survey the damage and looked back at him, covering my mouth with my hand. “Ohmygosh. Kurt, I’m so sorry. I just … well, it was an accident. I’ll pay for it, I promise.”

  He waved one hand in a dismissive manner. “Don’t worry about it. It belonged to my ex. I was going to throw it out anyways.”

  I nodded and then ran my fingertips along his still-hard cock. “Maybe we should be more careful. Wouldn’t want to break anything else.” I ran my thumb over the head, producing a shudder from the hunky detective.

  I was hoping we were just getting started.” He leaned over to kiss me, keeping his lower half right where I could continue stroking him.

  “Are you as good with this,” I whispered, giving him a gentle squeeze, “as you are with your mouth?”

  “I happen to think that I’m actually better.” There was no arrogance in the statement, only lustful confidence.

  I nodded and spread my legs again. “Well, big boy. Let’s see if you’re right about that.”

  Turns out that he was. Much better.


  The delicious smell of food cooking pulled me out of sleep’s embrace. I rolled over onto my back and a sudden burst of light appeared on the other side of my closed eyes. On reflex, I threw an arm over my face and cautiously peeped from behind the safety of my elbow.

  A sliver of ungodly-bright morning sunlight slipped through a tiny gap in the dining room’s curtains, falling in a blazing line right across my face. I groaned and wriggled my shoulders to scoot a few inches to the side, out of its path. The motions made the muscles in my legs and back sing and the flood of memories concerning the previous evening’s activities made my toes curl happily.

  For an un-Enhanced male, Kurt had incredible stamina.

  I sat up, holding the blanket over my chest as I glanced around the room. The table was still lying on its side and the indentions my fingers had made in the leg were very prominent. We were lucky it had fallen in the direction it had and not toppled over onto us. That would have probably ended our tryst early. It’d been a long time since I’d lost that type of control during sex. Martin had done an excellent job of teaching me how to keep my strength at non-lethal levels during coitus. It had either been too long since those days or else Kurt had managed to stroke me in ways that my former lover had not.

  I was betting on the latter.

  I stood up, letting the blanket fall to the floor, and stretched left and right, chasing the stiffness away. I spotted my dress sitting neatly folded on a chair, along with my ruined underthings and my shoes. Apparently I was going au natural until I could get back home. I stepped into the dress, fumbled with getting it mostly zipped, and slipped my feet into the flats.

  The results of the unexpected battle and even more unexpected romp on the floor left me with a need for a shower. I glanced down the hall towards the heavenly smell. Maybe I’d wait until after breakfast. Then Kurt would be available to wash my back and other … things. I smiled and sighed with the memory of the previous night and the hope for more to come.

  There were several pictures hanging on the walls around me, almost all of them of Kurt and his parents. A trio of Happy Braddocks. It was apparent that they were all eager to be photographed together, and I noticed none of the underlying resentment that had often permeated my own family’s portraits.

  I couldn’t help but wonder how Kurt’s mother would feel about his sleeping with a girl he barely knew on a rug underneath her picture.

  The doorway on the opposite side of the room from the foyer led down a short hallway to the kitchen. I paused right outside the entrance and leaned carefully against the frame to watch the handsome detective at work. He stood in front of the stove, humming a tune I didn’t recognize as he stirred a pan sizzling with scrambled eggs. The island counter on the other side of the kitchen was already home to two empty plates, a pair of coffee mugs, two glasses of orange juice, a platter of sausage and bacon, and a stack of toast.

  Either he was covering all possible bases or he was planning to feed a half dozen guests.

  He was dressed in a pair of plaid flannel pajama pants and a white ribbed tank top. The muscles of his arms stood out even more than they had in the polo and the intimate knowledge of the body beneath made my mouth, among other things, water. His dirty blonde hair had a messy bed-head look and there was a tribal-style tattoo on his left shoulder. His other shoulder was adorned with little dark circles in a semi-circle pattern. Similar markings also showed in various places on his forearm as well.

  After studying them for a few seconds, I realized they were bruises. Bruises in the shape of fingertips. My fingertips. When he turned slightly to the side to reach for the salt shaker, I saw another purple blemish across his cheek.

  I gasped and he jumped, nearly dropped the frying pan. “Holy shit!” he yelled, managing to keep the eggs from flying out. He set it back on the stove and looked at me. “Don’t sneak up on me like that, Karen. You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

  “Sorry,” I said and giggled a little at the thought of my heavy ass being able to sneak up on anyone. Then I winced with a frown, pointing at his face. “Did I do that?”

  He arched a brow and reached up with his free hand, running his fingers along the ugly wound. “Oh,” he nodded with a smile. “Yeah. With your legs, I think. It’s okay, though. Really. I just didn’t expect you to react with such … excitement and enthusiasm.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said again. I wondered if it might be better if I just left and went back to the tower. Before I could escape, however, Kurt walked over to me and kissed me. It was a slow one, the kind that created the warm fuzzies as opposed to hot and readies. My concerns and worries slowly drifted away.

  Until I casually placed my hand on his face ,causing him to sort of yelp into my mouth.

  I pulled back my hand back quickly, glancing down at the floor. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think …”

  He shrugged and gave me a tiny smile. “It’s okay, Karen. Really.” He stepped back to the stove and poured the eggs into a yellow bowl. After he’d placed it with the rest of the food on the island, he turned back to me. “Coffee?”

  “A world of yes.” I just hoped I could keep from hurting him again.

  We stood on opposite sides of the island with the mass quantities of food between us. I insisted that he sit even though I couldn’t
, but he refused.

  “If you’re standing, I’m standing,” he said as he slid a cup of java to me. When his arm was fully extended, he hissed under his breath.

  “How bad does it hurt?” I cradled the warm mug in my hands and refused to meet his eyes.

  “I’m okay,” he said, adding a little laugh that seemed a bit too forced. “I’m a cop, remember? It’s not like I’ve never been beaten up by an Enhanced criminal before.”

  My head snapped up and I blinked a few times, trying to swallow what he’d just said. “What?”

  Kurt’s attention was focused on transferring some bacon from the platter to the empty plate in front of him. “I guess I’m lucky you didn’t break my jaw.” He laughed and shook his head. “Or anything else for that matter.”

  I pushed the coffee away. “I have to go. Thanks for the … uh … evening and dinner.” I headed for the door. “Bye.”

  The clatter of a dish on the counter sounded behind me and Kurt hurried past to block the hallway. “Wait. What’s wrong?”

  I shook my head and wrapped arms around myself. I needed to go. To get out and clear my head … and my feelings. “Nothing. I just need to go. I have … to patrol. Need to get changed first.”

  He arched a brow and crossed his arms over his chest with a barely noticeable wince that seemed to be glaringly obvious to me and made the knot in my stomach tighten further. “I seem to recall you saying that you weren’t on duty until tonight. So, why do you suddenly need to leave?”

  I shrugged. “I just do.”

  “Did I do something? Is this because we had sex?”

  “Not exactly.” I glanced down at the floor. “I just need to go.”

  He stared at me for a few moments before finally stepping aside. “Karen, I don’t want you to leave. Not like this.” He leaned against the wall next to the door. “But I can’t make you stay.”

  “Thank you,” I said as I walked past him towards the front door. “I really did have a good time last night.”


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