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Scorched By Flames: Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 10)

Page 19

by Vella Day

  “I hope you like what I’m about to do next.”

  “Bring it on, princess.”

  Zulema leaned forward and fed him her breast. He fondled and pressed, licked and sucked, until another climax threatened to take hold. She had moved them to the sofa so that she could tempt him, but the opposite had occurred.

  Zulema leaned back. “Do that magic thing and take off your pants.”

  He chuckled. “No. You’ll have to work for it.”

  He was stubborn and unpredictable, but that was part of his charm. Zulema slipped off his lap and pressed on his shoulder so that he was lying flat. She then undid his jeans, walked to the end of the sofa, and tugged.

  In a flash, her man was gloriously naked. Just the way she liked him. “Don’t move.”

  “I wouldn’t think of it.” Bevon grabbed a sofa pillow and placed it under his head.

  Now it was her turn to tempt him. She knelt on the floor, leaned over, and licked his rigid cock. Bevon jumped and grabbed her shoulder. “Easy there.”

  She hadn’t even touched him—at least not with her hand. “Be strong, my mate.”

  “You will pay for that sass.”

  And she couldn’t wait. Being with Bevon was beyond anything she’d ever imagined. He was funny, charming, talented, and so full of magic. But at the moment, she had other things to concentrate on.

  She lifted his cock, and ever so slowly, sucked on him. His white glow intensified. When his hard shaft jerked, she stilled. Her goal had not been to make him come—at least not now.

  When she started again, his groans got the best of her. The more noise he made, the faster she went until his essence burst inside her mouth. Uh-oh. She swallowed, sat up, and grinned.

  “Sorry,” she said, even though she really wasn’t.

  “Don’t be.” With his gaze on her, he swiped a hand, creating a thick rug next to her. He then eased off the sofa, lifted her up, and gently placed her on her back. A pillow appeared under her head. “Comfy?”

  “Yes.” Though she’d have made love to him on a hard floor.

  When he climbed on top of her, her mouth watered, and her teeth sharpened. Bevon nudged open her legs and pressed his cock to her opening. Without any preamble, he drove into her, sending a rush of endorphins through her that was followed by waves of ecstasy. From there, it only turned better. His kisses thrilled her, his thrusts set her on fire, and his passion took her to new heights.

  Zulema ran her hands up and down his back, trying to memorize every inch of his body. When he lowered his lips to her neck, she realized she had no idea what he would do. Since he wasn’t a shifter, he wouldn’t bite her. She had to be the one. Overwhelmed with need, Zulema followed suit. As if Fate was guiding her, she lowered her lips to that tender spot between his neck and his shoulder blade and sunk her teeth in.

  White entombed her, followed by heat of epic proportions. As he kept thrusting into her, her body transcended life itself. Her vision blurred, and then colors of extreme brilliance swam around her. Her own climax built so fast that she couldn’t stop the onslaught of pleasure even if she’d tried.

  Zulema yelled out her release just as Bevon’s cum filled her. The anticipated exhaustion that usually followed didn’t happen. Instead, a new energy entered her. It was as if his Fey soul was replacing hers. She just hoped he was experiencing something as close to this.

  Time stood still, and her mind failed to understand what was really happening. Zulema just knew that it had been amazing.

  When she opened her eyes, it was daylight. How was that possible? She rolled over and found her wonderful mate looking adoringly at her.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  “How is it morning? I’m confused.”

  He stroked her face. “It will take time for you to adjust to the mating process, but the bottom line was that you became part Fey. I hope you had a good rest, because your body needs it.”

  “Part Fey?” She had enough powers. Never did she expect to receive anything from him.

  “Eventually, you too will be immortal. Can you sweep your hand and clean up the house or whatever you want right now? I don’t know.”

  This was too good to be true. “Do you think you will be able to fly?”

  He shook his head. “Kenton never could.”

  “That doesn’t mean you can’t. Tory is a pure dragon shifter. I’m part witch, don’t forget.”

  He grinned. “Of that, I am grateful.”

  While she wanted to spend the day exploring their newfound abilities, they had a killer to take down. “Ugh. For at least a few hours, I forgot about Peter Delaport. That ass.”

  “Actually, his real name is Penton Tropaled.”

  “Penton Tropaled? What kind of name is that?”

  “Tropaled is Delaport backwards. Personally, I think his new name is better.”

  “I agree,” Zulema said. “What is your master plan?”

  “Other than I want my old face back, I’m not sure.”

  “If you do that, this Penton dude will know I didn’t kill you. That won’t please him.”

  Bevon smiled. “That’s the plan. He’ll just have to do it himself.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  “He can’t kill me,” Bevon said. “I doubt he’d use treniam since it would affect him as much.”

  “Unless he uses gloves.”

  “There is that.”

  “Just so you know, I want to help,” she said.

  Bevon shook his head. “Not going to happen.”

  He obviously didn’t know his new mate all that well yet.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Zulema wasn’t coming with him to confront Penton, and that was that. It was too dangerous. When Bevon pictured going head-to-head against his adversary, regardless of how the battle started, one thing would lead to another, and it would end up a battle of magic.

  Zulema might be a witch, but other than her ability to teleport, cloak herself, and use a bit of electricity, her magic wasn’t strong enough—at least not yet.

  It didn’t matter. Bevon was convinced between him and Penton, he was the stronger of the two. The leader of the Zon would eventually back down.

  The problem was that after a second humiliating defeat, Penton would eventually send someone after Zulema, and Bevon couldn’t have that.

  His mate moved closer. “You look like your mind is going a million miles an hour. Care to share?”

  “Sure. I can’t afford for this vindictive man to ever come after you.”

  She stiffened. “I can take care of myself.”

  Ripples of anger entered him, but this time the anger and frustration were coming from Zulema. Bevon could sense when his family was troubled, but he hadn’t considered it would happen between him and his mate so soon.

  “I have no doubt, princess, especially if you allow me to train you. But training takes time—something we don’t have.”

  “I’m a dragon shifter. Is Penton one?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “See? I could pick him up, fly high, and drop him to his death.”

  He did love this woman. “That’s great if he doesn’t neutralize your powers before you have the chance to use them.”

  She wagged a finger at him. “I agree, but that’s assuming he can see me.”

  He’d always known she was stubborn. Bevon stroked her cheek. “How about this? The Zon will still be around tomorrow. How about we stick to testing your abilities then—even though you won’t be with me during the actual battle? I need to do this by myself.”

  “Sure. No problem.”

  He dipped his head. He didn’t believe her for a moment. “Zulema. You have no idea what this man is capable of.”

  She stuck out her chest. “Do you? It’s been twenty years. He could have mated with someone and garnered more strength.”

  He hoped like hell that wasn’t true. “I will counter whatever he throws at me.”

  “Fine, but while I’m seeing w
hat I can do with my newfound powers, how about we see if you can create fire or fly or…”

  “Or what? Do you have any secret talents you’ve been holding back on me?” He failed to hold back a smile.

  “I have almost perfect aim when it comes to using a crossbow.”

  “That was from a lot of practice, I bet.”

  She blew out a breath. “Possibly.”

  He stepped closer. “Look, before we make any decisions regarding this upcoming confrontation, we need to go to Feyrion where my mother will release me from this ugly mug. While she is doing that, you catch up with your family. Then we’ll see what, if anything you inherited from me.”

  “Or what you inherited from me.”

  “That too.”

  Bevon stroked her cheek and kissed her quick. They dressed and then went outside. He swung his arms in a circle, creating the ring of entry. “Shall we?” he asked.

  Together, they stepped through. Once they were on Feyrion, Bevon teleported them to his parents’ living room. He telepathed his mother, letting her know she had company.

  To his delight, both of his parents arrived. Since Zulema had not met his father, he introduced them. “I am proud to announce that Zulema and I have mated.”

  His father grinned and then hugged her. “Welcome to the family.”

  “Thank you, your highness.”

  His father laughed. “Please call me Leighton.”


  His father studied him. “I will never get used to seeing my handsome son look so different.”

  “It’s partially why I’m here. Now that Zulema’s family is safe, I would like to be restored to my former self.”

  His mother smiled. “My pleasure.”

  “I’ll find my family,” Zulema telepathed.

  His pulse soared. It was so nice not to have to use the bracelets. “Of course.” He asked his mother where they were.

  “Let me show your mate.”

  “They are through that door,” Arianna said.

  “Thank you.”

  Bevon’s mother disappeared to change Bevon’s face back to his original one. Even though everything had gone fairly smoothly in the last few days, Zulema was a bit overwhelmed. Mating with a Fey was still something she hadn’t fully believed could happen. The concept she and Bevon could telepath without the bracelet thrilled her, and then being welcomed by his family only added to her joy. The only issue was Bevon insisting on fighting this horrible man by himself.

  She knocked on the door that led to a suite of rooms where her sister and mother were staying. When Maylora opened the door, she squealed. “You’re back!”

  “I am.” They hugged.

  Aislin stepped up next to Maylora. “How did it go?”

  “We need to sit. A lot has happened. Where’s Mom?”

  “She’s outside. She can’t get enough of the gardens around here,” her sister said.

  “I can understand it. I have a lot to tell you—starting with the fact that Bevon and I are now mates.”

  Excited questions ensued, and Zulema enjoyed regaling them with some of the events that led up to their coupling.

  “All done,” his mother said. “You are now Bevon Forrester once more. I hope you are ready for a lot of questions about why you put everyone through the trauma of your death.”

  “I will answer all of their queries as soon as I take care of something.”

  His mother grabbed his arm. “I can feel your pain. Tell me.”

  He didn’t have time for this. Zulema would be wandering back soon, and he absolutely didn’t want her to come with him. This was between him and Penton.

  “Remember the man who tried to kill Father about twenty years ago?”

  “Of course.”

  “He’s the one who was behind the hit on my life.”

  His mother sucked in a breath. “I had no idea. You defeated him before, so it should be fine this time—or do I just want to believe that?”

  “You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Remember, you had help last time.”

  “I recall, but that was because he had a host of men with him. He believes I’m dead. I’ll have surprise on my side.”

  “What about Zulema?” his mother asked.

  “I don’t want her involved. I couldn’t handle it if anything happened to her.”

  “But she’s your mate.”

  Guilt assaulted him. “I know, but I don’t know what, if anything, she inherited from me when we mated. Penton might be able to kill her.”

  “I see. Be careful,” his mother warned.

  “I will.”

  After checking that he had the address that Logan had given Zulema, he teleported outside and then portaled to his cabin. It was no surprise that both Fay and Meena were waiting there—his mother’s doing most likely.

  “Are you crazy?” Fay said.

  “What did Mother say?”

  “What do you think?” his other sister answered.

  He didn’t need his family to hover over him. “I’ll be fine. Penton doesn’t know I’m alive.”

  “What are you going to do?” Meena asked. “Just kill him?”

  “I wish that were in my nature, but it’s not. If he attacks me, however, I will attack back.”

  His sisters looked at each other. “We can make a weapon for you.”

  They were sweet. “As a Fey, I have enough weapons.”

  “Have you seen Penton in the last twenty years? How do you know he hasn’t grown in strength?”

  They sounded like Zulema. “To really understand his capabilities, I’ll have to see for myself. Now if you’ll excuse me.”

  Not needing any help from his sisters, Bevon teleported to the other side of the province. With the address in hand, he was able to find Penton’s estate. His home was isolated, which was good. Bevon wanted to make his enemy promise to stay away from him and his family. If he agreed, then Bevon would let him live. Easy, right? It would be if he could trust the ass to keep his word.

  Since Bevon’s magic often required space, he teleported to the back of the home, keeping himself cloaked. He wouldn’t be surprised if Penton had a few bodyguards around the premises.

  When Bevon arrived, he spotted his nemesis. Just because no one else was around, it didn’t mean they were alone.

  Bevon uncloaked himself. “Oh, Penton. May I have a word?”

  His adversary spun around. His jaw dropped, and his face paled. Perfect. “You’re d…dead!”

  That confirmed that Penton had been the one to order the hit on him. “Clearly, you’re mistaken. Hard to kill a Fey, remember?”

  “I knew it was too good to be true when Valoric claimed to have succeeded. But as they always say, if you want the job done right, you have to do it yourself.”

  Without any warning, the man raised his arms and sent out a powerful blast in Bevon’s direction that was so strong, it knocked him on his ass. What the hell? Sure, he believed Penton had powers, but his seemed to have grown over the years.

  Bevon dusted off his pride and stood. He could have cloaked himself, but where was the nobility in that? Using his talent to move things at will, he returned a forceful blast at Penton. The man tumbled backward and likewise landed on his butt. Take that, asshole.

  This back and forth was merely a preamble to the real fight. Bevon expected the rest of Penton’s warriors to show up en masse, but no one came.

  “Why did you want me dead so badly?” Bevon asked as Penton rose to his feet and brushed the dirt off his arms and butt. “Waiting twenty years seems excessive to hold a grudge.”

  “You don’t know?”

  If he knew, he wouldn’t need to ask. “No. Enlighten me.”

  “I wanted you dead so that Kenton would come after me to exact his revenge.”

  This was all about killing Kenton? It actually made sense. If both of the Forrester sons were dead, their father might be easier to remove from power. “Why not take out Kenton first?”
/>   “He has that dragon shifter for a mate.”

  Interesting, but so do I. Only he’d insisted that Zulema remain back on Feyrion. “That’s true. I guess it’s you and me.”

  “I am looking forward to it.” One minute, Penton was a man, and the next he’d grown into a fifteen-foot tall dragon.

  Well, shit. How the hell had that happened? Zulema had been right. He must have mated with a dragon. Then again, so had Bevon. Too bad Feys rarely took on the characteristics of their mate.

  But I’m a witch, too, Zulema had said.

  Penton’s dragon shot a stream of fire that headed straight toward Bevon, taking him by surprise. He immediately held out both palms to deflect the flames. As soon as the heat reached him, Bevon thrust a force field at it to keep it at bay. While he could have created a protective dome around himself to stop any further assault, that wouldn’t give him any kind of advantage. Besides, hiding was not his style.

  Penton roared, acting like he truly believed he was superior. As if his adversary’s indignation was the needed catalyst, Bevon’s bones cracked and pain shot through him as his body grew. And grew. And grew. He’d never been shocked by anything—until now. The ground fell beneath him, and his skin stretched and morphed. What the hell? When he looked at his arms, they’d transformed into wings. Holy shit. He’d shifted. Bevon wasn’t certain how that was even possible, but he was glad it had.

  His enemy charged toward him. If Bevon didn’t get the hell out of the way now, Penton could seriously injure him. While he still believed he was immortal, it’s possible that was true only if he was in his human form.

  Move! said some internal voice.

  Bevon flapped his wings hard and fast, causing him to soar upward. His shot of joy at his achievement was short-lived. While Bevon would have loved to bask in the glory of this new form, he couldn’t afford to. Penton was coming at him with his long claws extended.

  Since arriving on Tarradon, Bevon had watched many dragon fights, but for the life of him, he couldn’t think of what to do to take down Penton. Going on the offense seemed the best defense. His brother had mentioned many times what an amazing fighter Tory was. If he recalled, all one needed to do to kill a dragon was pierce the spot below the heart and tug. The maneuver might sound easy, but he had no idea how to achieve it. His wings were bulky. If he collided with Penton, no telling what might happen.


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