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Scorched By Flames: Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 10)

Page 20

by Vella Day

  Before he could make up his mind what to do, Penton drove toward him. All Bevon could think of was to change the air current around his adversary to throw him off balance, but when Bevon tried, his magic didn’t seem to be working. Damn.

  Dragons couldn’t laugh, but he swore Penton was smiling or rather gloating at going up against a novice. Bevon would show him. It was now or never. Like he’d seen other dragons do, he dove under Penton with the purpose of flipping over and clawing at the man’s underbelly.

  It was a brilliant tactic, except that when he tried to change position, he didn’t have the agility to turn over. Claws dug into his wing, causing an ache so strong, Bevon lost the ability to lift one wing. Oh, shit. He was going down.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  A jolt of pain shot through Zulema so hard, it knocked the breath out of her.

  Maylora rushed up to her. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never felt anything like that before in my life. Crap.”

  “Come sit down,” her sister said.

  Only then did she remember that Bevon had told her that when they mated, she’d be able to feel any extreme emotion—like love or pain—that came from him.

  “No. It’s Bevon. He’s in trouble.” And here, she thought he was downstairs.

  Zulema teleported to the living room, but it was empty. “Arianna?” she telepathed.

  His mother immediately appeared. “What is it?”

  “It’s Bevon. I think he is hurt. Do you know where he is?”

  “He is with Penton Tropaled.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me?”

  Arianna placed a hand on Zulema’s arm. “He didn’t want to take any chances that you might be injured.”

  “I appreciate his concern, but now he’s hurt.”

  Not wanting his mother to stop her from going to him, she teleported outside. She had no idea if she could create a portal by herself, but it didn’t matter. She still had the medallion that Derrick had given her. With a few wide sweeps, she portaled to Bevon’s cabin on Tarradon. Even though she’d memorized Penton’s address, she wasn’t certain where it was.

  As if Fay could sense her presence, his sister appeared. “Thank goddess, you’re here,” Zulema said.

  “I sensed it too. Bevon is hurt.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you know where Penton is?” Fay asked.

  “Yes. I have the address.” She rattled it off.

  “Directions aren’t my specialty, but I think I can find it. Hang on,” Fay said.

  When they arrived, screeches and cries filled the air, and Zulema’s heart nearly burst. “Thank you. I’ll take it from here.”

  “I’ll be standing by should you need me,” Fay said.

  “Thank you.”

  While Zulema couldn’t be positive which dragon was Bevon and which one was Penton, the fact one had some purple scales and was injured, implied that was Bevon.

  “Hold on. I’m here,” she told him.

  “I can do this,” he shot back, sounding rather angry and yet determined.

  Not with an injured wing he couldn’t. Zulema totally understood that his ego would be damaged if she came to the rescue, but no dragon with a broken wing would stand a chance against an experienced fighter.

  To hell with it. She shifted and soared upward, ready to take down this bastard. Right before she attacked, Penton clamped down hard on Bevon’s tail, rendering his ability to maneuver fairly useless. His pain, coupled with the horror of watching him suffer, caused a momentary lapse in her focus.

  Bevon flapped his one good wing, but it wasn’t enough to keep him afloat. Had he been more experienced, he would have been able to last a bit longer. He dropped like a stone and crashed to the ground.

  “Are you okay?” she telepathed. It was probably stupid to ask, but Zulema had to make certain he was still alive.

  To her dismay, Bevon didn’t answer. In fact, no reaction registered, but she refused to believe he was dead. Bevon Forrester was immortal—or at least he claimed to be when in his human form. If Bevon had died, Fay would have felt it—as would Kenton, she bet. His brother and mate would be here in a flash.

  Penton came after her, jarring her out of her despair. Big mistake, buddy. Zulema had spent her life training to fight, and with her adrenaline surging through her body, this murderer was going down.

  It was possible she’d inherited some of Bevon’s Fey powers, but now wasn’t the time to test any theories. She went with general tactics. Zulema executed a dive. Penton followed, just as she’d hoped. Before she crashed into the ground, Zulema swooped upward so fast he didn’t have time to change direction before their bodies met. Only she was prepared for the impact. Digging her nails into his gut, she ripped her talons downward as hard as she could. His screech of pain encouraged her to attack again. And again.

  Despite her strong hold, he managed to get away before she could stab him right below his heart. Before he took off, he managed to twist around and punctured her wing, but the damage was minimal.

  She looked to the ground to see if Bevon had moved. Yes! He’d shifted back, but his body appeared broken.

  In order to take down Penton, she had to injure him further. She soared above him, and then shot downward as fast as she could. It was always possible he’d turn over and attack, but it was a chance she had to take. Her speed seemed faster than she ever remembered, and she reached him in a second. With her claws extended, she gouged out one of his eyes. He’d eventually heal—assuming he lived that long—but for now he was in pain and partially blind.

  As if he was willing to admit defeat, he flew to the ground, landed with a thud, and shifted. It was time for her to end this.

  She landed next to Bevon and shifted back. When she shot electricity from her arms toward this murderer, Penton staggered, but it didn’t do as much damage as she’d hoped. She needed Bevon to help.

  With seemingly great effort, he rose, but was only able to stand on one leg. The other leg appeared to be broken. While waves of pain were running through her, anger was added to the mix. “Let’s get him,” Bevon growled.

  “You can’t go after him in your condition,” she telepathed.

  “I don’t intend to.” With a sweep of a hand, he created a puddle under Penton. Immediately, she understood the tactic. Zulema shot out another bolt of power, but it didn’t create the desired lethal effect. “Help me,” she said to Bevon. “We need to join forces.”

  She couldn’t be sure if he possessed the power of electricity, but if he could transform into a dragon, she bet he could harness this ability. Zulema grabbed hold of his arm and squeezed. “Think about sending this ass to his death by generating a charge so great, he’ll crumble.”

  Concentrating with all of her might, she forced out the largest electric bolt she’d ever created, but all that did was knock Penton down. What was it going to take?

  “I got this,” Bevon said. As if he was willing to use all of his reserve energy, he manifested a charge so strong, it turned Penton Tropaled to dust. The sizzle of burning flesh sickened her, but she wasn’t sorry to see him go.

  “Nice job, mate.”

  Bevon grinned and then winced.

  Just when she was about to rejoice and suggest they leave, two other men came at them with guns in hand. She only had seconds to react. “I need a crossbow,” she mostly said to herself.

  Zulema had no idea if Bevon could create one, but if he could make a whole meal in seconds, he certainly should be able to do this. One second, her hands were empty, and the next, she had her crossbow with the arrow in place ready to go, and then one appeared in his hands.

  “Got mine, too,” he announced with pride. “Only I don’t know how to use it.”

  They didn’t have time for a lesson. Penton’s guards would be on them in another two seconds. “Keeping your fingers under the rail, take aim and trust that you inherited my perfect aim.”

  They both looked through the scope, and at t
he same time, pulled the trigger. The men’s guns fired, but the two arrows hit the men a split second before. The attackers dropped to the ground, and the bullets went wide.

  She stood there in shock.

  “Zulema, we need to go.”

  “How? You can’t walk.”

  Fay appeared next to them. “I’ll create a portal,” she said.

  Seconds later, they were in a bedroom at Bevon’s parents’ castle. She and Fay placed him on the bed, but he waved a hand. “I’ll be fine.”

  “From the way your leg is at a rather odd angle, I’d say you broke it. Rest,” Zulema said. “Your inner dragon should heal you by morning.”

  “Or Fay can help.”

  She planted a hand on her hip. “Is that all I am to you? Your savior and guardian angel?”

  He laughed. “You are so much more than that, though I’m afraid I’d have to give Zulema the title of savior today.”

  “I can’t take all the credit. In all honesty, you weakened Penton—assuming he was the dragon. Even after I drove him to the ground, I couldn’t stop him with my electricity. You provided the fatal charge.”

  Bevon brushed his chest with his knuckles in that odd motion again. “I guess you are right.”

  His mother rushed in. “Okay, everyone out, please—except for Fay. I could use your help. I’ll need a few minutes with my son, though I am tempted to let him suffer a little longer. He should know better than to go off on his own to fight an unknown enemy.”

  “He’s dead, Mother. At least Penton won’t be coming after us.”

  “No, but the rest of the clan might.”

  Zulema had worried about that. She left to find Maylora, her mom, and Aislin. It was time for them to return to Tarradon. Zulema could take them back herself, but she had the sense Bevon wanted to talk to them first. He would ask them to keep what they learned quiet.

  Zulema knocked on the room where her sister and Aislin were staying. When the door opened, she was warmly welcomed. “Where did you go?” her sister asked.

  “It’s a long story. Is Mom still outside?”

  “No, she’s in her room.”

  “I can get her,” Aislin offered.

  That would be great. Zulema wasn’t up for telling the story twice.

  Bevon swung his legs over the bed, tested that he was healed, and stood. “As always, thank you.”

  His mother shook her head. “You have to stop playing hero.”

  “I’ll try. Now that Zulema and her family are safe, I’m hoping my life returns to normal.”

  His mom chuckled. “I bet living with Zulema will be anything but normal.”

  At one time, he thought he’d never settle down, mostly because he liked the challenge of meeting new people—women in particular. Only after meeting his mate did he realize how empty his life had been. “You are very right.”

  “Her family will be returning to Tarradon,” his mother said.

  He understood that tone. “Should I erase the memory of all three? If I do, it will make it harder on Zulema to talk with them.”

  “I understand. How about letting her mother and sister know about us, but not the friend?”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  His mother hugged him. “Please don’t be such a stranger.”

  Her warmth and love were welcome. “I won’t. I promise.”

  Instead of teleporting, he opted to walk back down to the parlor. “Zulema, it’s time for us and your family to return to Tarradon. Can we speak for a moment?”

  She appeared next to him in a flash. “Are we alone?” she asked with lust clouding her eyes.

  “We are, but we should really wait until we get back to Tarradon.”

  “Why Bevon Forrester, do you always have sex on your mind?”

  He laughed. It was the same line he’d told her when they were on top of a mountain. “Usually, but this time I was merely asking if we could talk in private.”

  Uh-huh. “What did you want to ask me? I’m guessing it’s about letting my family know about Feyrion.”

  “It is. I’ve spoken with my mother. We feel you need to be able to speak freely with your sister and mother about your life with me.”

  “But not Aislin.”


  She nodded. “I understand. You mentioned that Kenton had erased Tory’s memory after she came here to recover.”


  “Will it hurt?” Zulema asked.


  “Okay. I’ll tell them to get ready.”

  Zulema left, and Bevon dropped down onto the sofa. He thought that once this whole affair with Derrick—or rather Penton—wanting him dead had passed, that life would be simple. Unfortunately, he could see that might not be the case.

  Someone knocked on the front door, and a moment later, Tamarella’s mother and father rushed in. “Oh, my goodness. It’s true. You’re alive. How is that possible?”

  He stood and hugged both of them. They deserved to know what role their daughter played in all of this. “I had to have some very bad people believe I was dead. In the end, that person was brought to justice. Please have a seat. I’m afraid Tam was caught in the middle and paid the price.”

  For the next few minutes, he told them of the evil plan to take down his father. He explained that Tamarella was killed in order to make Derrick exact revenge. Penton let Derrick believe that Bevon was the killer. “If someone had succeeded in killing me, then Kenton would have gone after Penton. A trap would have been set.”

  “With both of you out of the way, Penton might have succeeded in overthrowing your father,” Tam’s father said.

  “Exactly. The whole thing sickens me. I am so sorry that your family got tangled up in this mess.”

  “It’s not your fault. Derrick Valoric was not a good man, but we both believe he loved our daughter,” Aunt Drina said.

  “He did, and it cost him his life too. Please let Tristan know that his letter was intercepted and changed. The man who hurt William has not been caught, yet, but I will see to it that he is.”

  “Thank you, Bevon. We appreciate all that you’ve done. I’m sure much of Feyrion will be happy to learn you are alive.”

  “I imagine my mother will tell them all.”

  Zulema came downstairs with her mother, sister, and Aislin in tow.

  “Anna?” his aunt asked.

  Bevon stood. “No. That was another part of the ruse. This is Zulema Garcia, my mate. She had to pretend to be Tam’s friend in order to gather information about her death.”

  “I see,” Aunt Drina said. She held out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Bevon moved over to his mate. “We need to be going. Again, I am sorry.”

  “Thank you.”

  Once they walked outside, he created a portal. He swore Zulema’s mother’s eyes grew wider than any platter in the castle’s pantry.


  Seconds later, they were on Tarradon in the woods. He faced Zulema. “Why don’t you escort your sister and mother home, and I’ll take Aislin back to her house?”

  She wrung her hands together. “What am I going to tell my boss about why I was gone for so long?”

  She certainly couldn’t tell the truth, especially since he planned to erase her memory. “Let’s get you home, and I’ll help you come up with a story.”

  Aislin hugged Zulema and Maylora goodbye. “I’m glad everything worked out for you,” her friend said.

  “Me, too.”

  As soon as Zulema teleported her family home, he touched Aislin’s arm and teleported her to her home. “Before I leave, there is something I need to do,” he told her.

  “What’s that?”

  She wouldn’t remember afterward, so there was no harm in telling her about his plan to erase her memory. “I can’t have you tell anyone about Feyrion.”

  “I promise, I won’t.”

  “People have ways of extracting the information.”

  She glanced to the floor.
“Like kidnapping me again?”

  “Yes, which is why I need to erase your memory. It will only take a moment and won’t hurt.”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  He liked her feisty attitude. “Not really.”

  “Okay, go ahead.”

  Bevon placed his fingertips on her temples and focused his attention on her memories. Within seconds, they were gone.

  He stepped back and held up his hands. “I’m Zulema’s mate, and you’ve had an accident.”


  “Apparently, you were outside, and someone hit you over the head. Don’t you remember?”

  Yes, it was a bit cruel not to tell her anything about what really occurred, but it was necessary.

  “No, but where’s Zulema?”

  “She’s with her sister. I’m about to meet her now.”

  Aislin touched the back of her head. “I don’t even feel a bump.”

  “That’s why I’m here. I healed you.”

  Her mouth opened. “You’re a healer. Thank you.”

  He inhaled. “If you’re okay, I need to get back to Zulema.”

  “Of course and thank you.”

  Deception was never easy, but in this case, it was for her welfare. He teleported back to his cabin, ready to start his life with his new mate.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Zulema had never been happier. Though why she agreed to join Bevon in his training with Tory’s brother Thane she didn’t know. The man was relentless. He put them through obstacle courses, mat work, and general fitness drills. Bevon looked as if it required no energy on his part, but Zulema was at her limit.

  “Can we take a break?” she asked.

  “Come on, princess. We are getting really good at this teamwork stuff.”

  She had to admit that doing battle with a partner was something she’d never considered before. “That’s true.”

  Her cell rang.

  “Answer it,” Thane said. “I can tell you want to.”

  “I’ll only be a minute.”


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