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La Patron's New Year

Page 6

by Sydney Addae

  Asia smiled. “It’s alright. If Hawke understands, I’ll be able to keep up. Any idea what caused this?”

  Matt nodded and continued. “I believe both the tear and blockage were caused by past surgeries.”

  Since he was probably right and she didn’t want to get all technical, she tried to relax. “How long will it take to fix all of that?” Asia asked.

  Matt leaned back in his chair. “It depends on how much damage I find once I’m inside as to whether there are any other complications that didn’t show up on the x-rays. If there are no additional problems, then I’d say five to six hours.”

  Asia took her cue from Hawke, since the length of the surgery didn’t seem to freak him out, she kept quiet.

  “Anesthesia?” Hawke asked.

  “Definitely. Based on your health records, we’ve created something stronger for you and your beast. Part of the reason the surgery could go longer is based on how long it’ll take for you to go under. Your records indicate anywhere from five to 15 minutes and it may not hold as long as we’d like so we’d need to monitor you more closely to keep you sedated throughout. This surgery is delicate and one wrong move could be detrimental.”

  “It’s been an issue in the past, I’d like to see exactly what you’re using before it’s administered,” Hawke said.

  Matt sifted through some papers and handed Hawke a sheet which he looked over. “I appreciate how thorough you’ve been,” Hawke said sounding impressed. “This should work.”

  “Good. Any other questions? Concerns?”

  Asia looked between Hawke and Matt and asked. “My wolf may have issues with not being able to reach him. I’m getting antsy now just thinking about it.” Hawke took Asia’s hand and brought it to his lips while sending love and calming energy through their link.

  Matt looked at Asia. “I’ll give you a sedative to help keep both you and your wolf calm until Hawke wakes. After the procedure, Hawke will be in the recovery room for approximately three hours.”

  She nodded.

  Matt’s gaze flicked between both of them. “You’ll need to produce a clear stream of urine before you’re released. We have to make sure there’s no blood flowing anywhere.”

  Hawke nodded.

  “I’ll prescribe pain medication for you to take just in case you need it. Ice packs need to be applied to the scrotum to help decrease the swelling and discomfort. No heavy lifting, exercise, or sexual activity for a week. I’ll check you again at that time, based on how well you’re healing I may allow you to resume some or all of those functions. We’ll take it one step at a time.” He tapped his desk with his finger and pointed it at Hawke. “And no shifting for at least a week.”

  Hawke nodded. “Understood.”

  Asia asked. “Why? Wouldn’t shifting help accelerate his healing?”

  Matt looked at her. “Normally yes. However, with as delicate as this operation is, I want to make sure the repaired parts have had a good amount of time to heal since things change internally when we shift.”

  Asia nodded slowly. “You’re right. I hadn’t thought of that. Thank you.”

  “Any other questions that I can answer before we start?”

  Asia sat forward. “So, after this surgery we should be able to get pregnant?” If that wasn’t in the forecast the surgery made no sense. She’d rather Hawke not go through all of this if the odds were still against them.

  Matt hesitated before answering. “I wish that I could give you a 100% guarantee but I can’t. This surgery will give you at least a 77% chance of being able to conceive. That’s why we will be administering the injections to help speed up the increase in your sperm count. However, there are other things we can do if this doesn’t work. We have other avenues that we can explore. Any other questions or concerns?”

  Considering where they were now, 77% along with the injections sounded good. Hawke squeezed her hand. Both Hawke and Asia said “No.”

  Matt opened the folder sitting in front of him and looked through the paperwork. “La Patron has approved the procedure and everything else is in order. He closed the file and stood.

  Hawke and Asia stood as well. “Hawke, head to the surgical wing to be prepped. Asia, we have a waiting room in that area where you can wait, or you can leave and come back in a few hours, it’s up to you.” Matt looked at them. “I’ll give you two a few minutes but you need to be in surgery prep in five minutes Hawke.” He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

  Asia turned toward Hawke. “Are you sure that you want to do this?” She didn’t mean to question or doubt his decision, but guilt over her never voluntarily having surgery again, ate at her. They’d both had their fill of being under the knife.

  Hawke turned to Asia and took her face in his hands. “I told you that we will do whatever has to be done to fix this issue. This is just another surgery for me. I…”

  Asia cut him off. “I know. That’s my point. I don’t want to be the cause of you having to undergo another surgery.” It pissed her off that the cause and solution of their problem was the same, another surgery.

  Hawke brought his forehead to hers. “This is different. I am in control. I’m not doing something I don’t want to do and have no control over. This surgery and the injections... I want to do this…for you. For us. I want to see you round with my pups. And the idea of more pups running around our den is growing on me.”

  Hope eclipsed her heart as she pulled back and stared into his gaze. “Really? You want this?”

  Hawke kissed her deeply.

  Asia held onto him never wanting to let go. When they broke apart, his love for her blazed in his eyes, consuming and strengthening her. With one last quick kiss, he walked out the door. Asia hugged his answer close without him saying another word.

  Content with his response and excited over the possibility of having pups, Asia left Matt’s office and headed down the hall towards the waiting room. Once there, she found a comfortable chair, glanced at the large flat screen TVs on three of four walls and readied herself for a long wait. Five minutes later a nurse came into the room with some pills and a small cup of water. “Dr. Matt asked me to give these to you. He said you knew what they were for.” The nurse sounded impatient which surprised Asia.

  Asia raised one eyebrow and looked at the nurse assessing the woman’s attitude and demeanor. In about two seconds she could take the rude woman down moving in slow motion. Worse, she could pass on the full-blood’s attitude to La Patroness which would cause the woman more grief than she’d ever imagine.

  The nurse looked at Asia’s face and must have figured that her “bedside manner” was off. “I apologize for my tone. Problems in my den, not that it’s an excuse. Again, my apologies.”

  Asia looked at her for another moment then extended her hands to take the water and the pills. The nurse’s face relaxed a bit. Asia took the pills and tossed the cup in a nearby trash can.

  “I won’t tell La Patron he has someone in his employ who treats his people the way you just did.” She peered up at the nurse, read the fear on her face, smelled it in the room and relented. “However, I would advise you to leave your personal problems at the door when you come to work. You never know what your patients are going through and they may not be as lenient as I’m being.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Asia. I’ll remember that from now on.” The nurse walked quickly out of the room.

  Alone in the large area, Asia grabbed the television remote nearest her, flicked on Sarita’s cartoons for background noise and retook her seat. Warm, calming energy flowed through her link. She closed her eyes, basking in Hawke’s love. She sent calm, loving energy to him for several minutes. The back and forth eased her ruffled nerves.

  Then he was gone. The abrupt departure startled her beast. A low whine started at the back of her throat.

  “He’s fine,” she said. Pulling her feet up onto the chair she went through her breathing exercises to calm down. Eyes closed, hands on her knees Asia breathed
slowly. The medication kicked in and before long, she approached a Zen-like state.


  “Yes, Mistress?”

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yes Ma’am. Matt gave me medication to keep calm while Hawke’s in surgery.”

  “That’s happening now? I thought it wasn’t until later. Why didn’t you contact me?”

  “Matt said it’ll take five or six hours. That’s a long time and I didn’t want to bother you or Mam. I’ll be alright here.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Rather than argue, or point out all the things her Mistress needed to do instead of sitting around with her because she knew they’d fall on deaf ears, Asia capitulated. “Yes Ma’am.”

  Ten minutes later, Jasmine, Rose, Victoria, Danielle, Vanessa and Shyla walked into the room. Each one touched Asia as they walked by to take a seat. They brought magazines, books and knitting with them to keep occupied while waiting to hear about Hawke.

  An hour or so later, Rese, Rone, Angus, Jacques and Ethan entered and sat next to their mates. Silas contacted Jasmine and let her know that he would be there as soon as he finished what he was involved with.

  The empty room was filled with people who genuinely cared about her mate. Inexplicably, tears filled her eyes as she looked at each person. Her heart overflowed with gratitude. Eyes closed again, she thanked the Goddess for the family surrounding her and Hawke with love and support.


  “Mam?” Had Mistress contacted them as well?

  “Yes baby. Please know we are thinking of you and pulling for Hawke.”

  “Thank you. How are you both doing?” Matt had placed mam on bed rest.

  “We’re doing well. We love you and Hawke. Please let us know once he is awake. We’ll see you all soon.”

  Affection and pride filled Asia. “I will. We love you too.”

  Damian and Gem also contacted her through La Patron to see how everything was going. With all the warmth and well wishes, the time went very quickly.

  Hours later La Patron walked in. Everyone rose and he waved them back down before he sat next to Jasmine. He took her hand and kissed the back of it. Jasmine laid her head on his shoulder as he ran his hand up and down her arm. Soon after, Matt entered the waiting room, everyone focused on him.

  “La Patron, La Patroness, Asia, and everyone. Hawke came through the surgery very well. He’ll be in recovery for a while before he can be released to go back to his suite to rest.”

  Asia exhaled the breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. Standing, she moved forward and took Matt’s hand. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She kissed his cheek and wiped the tear from her own. “How soon can I see him?”

  “He’ll be out for a few more hours but you can sit with him in the recovery room if you wish.”

  “Yes. Please.”

  Before she left the room, Asia turned toward the others in the room. She placed her hand on over her heart and spoke through a tight throat filled with emotion. “Thank all of you for being here for us. We truly appreciate this.”

  Jasmine walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek before saying “We’re family. This is what family does. We support each other.”

  Touched beyond measure yet determined they wouldn’t see her cry Asia smiled, nodded and left the room. When she entered recovery, Hawke lay still in the middle of the bed with the covers up to his chest. She pulled the lone chair in the room up to the side of the bed, moved a lock of hair off his forehead, and took his hand in hers to wait.

  Asia must have fallen asleep. Hawke’s energy, his presence flowed through their link waking her. She raised her head and looked up into the sherry colored eyes of her mate.

  I love you.

  Sweeter words had never been uttered. Her beast demanded they get closer. Careful of the tubes and equipment, Asia climbed up onto the bed with Hawke as he opened his arms. She laid her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest. Matt found them in that position a few hours later.

  The next day, Matt entered the room and watched a fully dressed Hawke walk to his mate and take her hand.

  “One more thing before you go.” Matt tested Hawke’s urine and was pleased with the sample. “Asia, you can take him to your suite now. Remember what I told you before. No heavy lifting, exercise, sexual activity and no shifting. Also, wash but do not get the stitches wet. I want to see you back here in seven days to see how everything is healing. If everything is alright, I’ll have you shift with me present and have you shift back after I check your wolf to make sure that nothing tears. Understood?”

  They nodded.

  “Here are some pills for the pain and ice packs to keep the swelling down. If you have any sharp pains or blood in your urine, contact me immediately.”

  Asia took the medication and ice packs from him. “Thank you again Matt.”

  Matt smiled. “I hope this works for you. You two deserve happiness after everything you’ve been through. Remember, if it doesn’t, there are other avenues to try so don’t get discouraged.” Matt clapped Hawke on the shoulder, gave Asia a quick hug and left the room.

  Hawke sat back on the bed and held his head in his hand. He grimaced. Asia placed her palms on his face. “What’s wrong? Should I call Matt?”

  He shook his head and straightened slowly. “No, but I may have to use those pain pills after all.”

  She gave him one pill and a cup of water. A few minutes later he stood again, steadier this time. As they were leaving she asked “Do you want me to carry you, get a wheelchair or do you think you can walk?”

  “I’ll walk. Slowly, but I’ll walk.”

  As Asia opened the door, the nurse stood outside with a wheelchair. “Dr. Matt sent this.”

  “Perfect. Please thank the Doctor for us,” Asia said moving to take the handles. The nurse nodded and left.

  Hawke sat in the chair and released a long sigh. Asia placed her hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. Gratitude mixed with unrelenting love swirled through her over what he’d just done for them. She opened their links so he would know how much he meant to her. He covered her hand on his shoulder as she pushed the chair away from the infirmary to their suite, to what she hoped would be the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

  Chapter 13

  “Hey Vanessa, I was about to go looking for you.” Shyla said to her friend as she walked into the library.

  “Great minds thinking alike,” Vanessa said watching Shyla take a seat nearby. “So, I was thinking…since we’re due roughly around the same time maybe we can have a joint baby shower.” Frowning, she held up a finger. “Wait, does the Pack have baby showers? Or do you guys have something different for the birth … of pups?”

  Shyla chuckled. “Things with the Nation have changed since Jasmine mated La Patron. Baby showers are the new thing. It’s a great idea!”

  Vanessa blew out a relieved breath. Not having family, she thought of Shyla as her sister and really wanted them to have a baby shower together, especially with them living so far apart. “Well, I’ve attended a few but never planned one. Chances are we’ll both have more than one baby.” Vanessa stopped and stared at Shyla. “Did you hear what I just said? More than one.” She slapped her forehead. “No one could’ve ever told me I’d be okay with that.”

  Shyla smiled. “Welcome to my world. Most bitches carry at least two. Can I get a high five for two?”

  Vanessa reached over and slapped her friend’s hand. “Together with Ethan’s brothers and family, Angus’ and your family, that’s a lot of people. “We’re going to need some help with the invitees and the food quantities. Do you think Jasmine would be willing to help us?”

  “Well, she’s definitely the one to ask. From what Angus said, she planned a shower for her mother and Rose and made sure the men were present. She’d be the best one to ask for tips and pointers.”

  Vanessa looked at Shyla. “Do you think Jasmine’s available to talk now? I want
to hear how she planned the joint shower for Victoria and Rose while getting the men to participate. We need this to be as stress-free as possible for both the babies and us. Lord knows Ethan is already stressed and probably will be that way until I deliver.”

  “Angus is no better,” Shyla said.

  “Bae, are you hungry? I can bring you something to eat or drink. Just let me know if you need anything.” Ethan asked Vanessa.

  “Aww, baby you are so sweet but I’m fine. Just talking with Shyla about some things before we leave. Speaking of leaving, what time are we heading home?” Vanessa asked.

  “Alpha doesn’t need me until tomorrow but I want to get back at a reasonable time to allow you to get enough rest tonight. There’s a 6:00 P.M. flight, if we take that one, we’ll be home by 9:00 P.M. How does that sound?”

  Vanessa replied, “That’s perfect honey. I need to get back to the conversation with Shyla. See you soon.”

  “I’m guessing from the look on your face, you were talking to Ethan?”

  “Yes, we’re leaving on the 6:00 P.M. flight. Let’s go see if Jasmine has time to talk now.” Vanessa turned off her laptop and stood.

  They made their way to Jasmine’s office and knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” Jasmine said

  “Good Afternoon La Patroness,” Vanessa said. “I hope this isn’t a bad time.”

  Jasmine looked up. “No, I need a break. Have a seat.”

  “Thank you. We’re leaving tonight and there’s’ something we’d like to discuss with you.”

  “Please, call me Jasmine. I think we are familiar enough with each other to use first names, here. Don’t you agree?”

  Grateful, Vanessa nodded and took one of the seats near the desk.

  “I’m free now until the kids get home from school and then mayhem reigns.” She chuckled and watched them.

  Vanessa smiled. “Thank you, I appreciate it. As you know I don’t have a lot of family, mostly Shyla and her family and now Ethan and his family. So, we were talking about a joint baby shower and wanted your guidance and pointers since you put together a joint shower for Rose and Victoria.”


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