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La Patron's New Year

Page 7

by Sydney Addae

  When Jasmine didn’t say anything, Vanessa continued. “Did you have a theme for the shower? How hard was it to organize? Did you get the men involved to help pull it off? With Ethan being Cherokee, we have to incorporate some aspects of his culture into the theme. Also, Ethan, Angus and Shyla are wolves we’ll need something that plays to that element as well as using something traditional for me, the lone human. That should be easy, right?”

  Shyla laughed to the point tears rolled down her cheek.

  “Hey sexy librarian, what has you so happy? It can’t be me because I’m stuck in a meeting with Silas.” Angus asked.

  “Being herself Vanessa is still struggling with wolf, human differences and whatnot. They’re leaving tonight at 6:00 so we can’t have dinner with them. Guess we’ll just have to dine alone tonight.” Shyla sent images of them feasting off each other.

  “Okay Shyla, pull it together girl. It wasn’t that funny. Ohhh, now why are you blushing? Are you talking dirty with Angus? Freak!” Vanessa said when she realized her friend was preoccupied.

  “Hello pot, this is kettle.” Shyla said eyeballing the woman that was more like her sister than her friend. Laughing it took a moment for Vanessa to recall they sat in front of La Patroness.

  Sobering with the realization that time was limited, Vanessa faced Jasmine again. “Sorry about that.” She cleared her throat. “I did some research and found a baby shower agenda that laid out a pretty simple but fun party. We were thinking of the amount of people to invite –”

  “And the food,” Shyla said leaning forward in her chair. “Jasmine, would you consider making some cookies and those pastries? Angus and I loved the ones from the Christmas party. They’re delicious.” Shyla licked her lips. “Vanessa the peach and cherry pastries melt in your mouth they’re so good.”

  “We came here for your advice and we’re doing all the talking,” Vanessa said watching Jasmine. “Can you help us?”

  Jasmine smiled and waited until she had their attention before speaking. “Babies are blessings and bringing new life into the world is cause for a celebration.”

  Vanessa nodded. Jasmine was a wise woman.

  “I understand the two of you think of each other as sisters. Cameron and Tyrese think of each other as brothers as well.”

  Vanessa frowned. She hadn’t known the two were close.

  “They are god-brother’s, right?” Shyla asked.

  Jasmine nodded. “Yes, Silas raised Cameron. Lilly is due to have her pups a few weeks before either of you.” She paused.

  Vanessa nodded. She had heard Lilly was confined to the bed until she gave birth.

  “Gem’s babies are due any day,” Jasmine continued.

  “She mentioned she wanted to have her pups at the hospital she manages,” Shyla said slowly, staring at the top of Jasmine’s desk.

  “Yes, that’s why they left early. Danielle’s delivery is either a week or two before yours.” Jasmine sat with her hands clasped together on her desk and stared at them.

  “We messed up,” Shyla whispered, shaking her head and looking at the floor.

  “What?” Vanessa asked, her gaze swinging from Jasmine to Shyla. “What did we do?”

  “How do you think Dani, Lilly and Gem would feel attending a shower I gave for just the two of you when all of your babies are due around the same time? Or should each person have a private, personal shower here at the Compound … inviting the same people?”

  Vanessa’s eyes widened. Her hands flew to her mouth as she digested Jasmine’s words. She glanced at Shyla but couldn’t see her face as she held her head down. “I am so, so sorry. I didn’t think. I was so caught up being pregnant and being mated to Ethan I forgot about the others.”

  Vanessa had first-hand knowledge of being excluded. It was painful and humiliating. She shook her head and turned around. This whole Pack thing came with so many nuances and protocols for relationships that she needed to get a handle on before she made a royal mess of things.

  Shyla held her head down. “This is my fault, La Patroness. If you gave the others a shower and didn’t include me it would hurt, maybe even cause problems between our mates. I know how pack functions. We don’t slight or hurt each other. Vanessa is new, I should’ve known better. Please forgive me.”

  Jasmine stared at the two women for a few moments and before releasing a long sigh. They were both young and this was their first pregnancy. “I’m glad you understand I cannot agree to a shower just for the two of you here at the Compound. If Gem had been able to travel before the holidays, we would’ve given her a shower. As it is, we loaded them down with gifts for their babies.”

  “Yes, Ma’am, I understand and am sorry I didn’t think about it before.” Vanessa paused. “Can the rest of us have one large shower or –” afraid, she looked at Jasmine for direction.

  “Calm down before Angus and Ethan bust through my door to see what’s wrong. I wasn’t trying to upset either of you. But you need to understand that in everything keep Pack in the forefront. None of us are exempt and I mean no one.” Jasmine pushed a box of tissues across her desk toward Shyla


  “Sweet Bitch, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing really. I’m in my office with Shyla and Vanessa having a heart to heart. They’re a little upset, please keep an eye on Angus and Ethan. I don’t want them coming to my office to see what is wrong. We’ll be done soon.”

  “Do what you need to do and I’ll handle my brother and Ethan.”

  In a small voice, Shyla asked “We can’t have a baby shower?”

  “Yes, we can,” Jasmine said with a smile. “I think it’s a great idea.”

  “How do we get the others involved?” Shyla asked sounding relieved and more like herself.

  “Honestly, I’ve never planned a shower for more than two women at the same time. I’m excited at the prospect of being a part of it.” Jasmine paused. “Since you’re leaving tonight, and Lilly can’t leave her bed, we’ll plan a conference call from Lilly’s. Shyla, Dani, Rose, my Mom and I can go there and call you. That way we can settle on a date, and get everyone’s input. How does that sound?” Jasmine asked.

  “Sounds really good,” Shyla said.

  “Awesome!” a beaming Vanessa replied.

  “I’m on my way with Angus and Ethan. They want their mates and I need some time with you.”

  “Okay Wolfie. We have an hour before the kids get home.”

  “I can do a lot in an hour,” Silas said.

  “Promises, promises.”

  The women continued discussing the shower until Jasmine’s office door opened.

  “Shyla, my love, are you ladies finished talking? Vanessa and Ethan’s flight leaves in a few hours. I had hoped the four of us could go to dinner before they left but the meeting took longer than anticipated,” Angus said stepping into the room behind Silas.

  Shyla walked to Angus and rubbed her hand down his chest. “Yes, we’re done for now. Thank you, Jasmine, for your wisdom and graciousness.”

  Jasmine nodded but didn’t mention their conversation.

  Ethan wrapped his arms around Vanessa. She leaned against him, relishing his warmth. Looking into her eyes, he said “Let’s finish packing and head out so we can return the rental car and get something to eat before our flight.”

  Vanessa nodded. “Your babies are hungry all the time.” With a smile, she faced Jasmine. “I’ll email you my information when I get home and think of ideas for the call. Thank you so much for everything. You’ve been so kind and patient with me.”

  Resting against Silas chest, Jasmine faced the couples. “You both are most welcome and anytime I can help, feel free to reach out to me. Ethan and Vanessa, have a safe flight home. Angus and Shyla, we’ll see you later.” She took Silas’ hand. “The kids will be home soon. We have an hour or so before they arrive.”

  “And I have a promise to keep.”

  Silas wrapped his arm around her waist as they left the room.
/>   Chapter 14

  Jasmine and Rose sat in her office discussing the baby shower for Gem, Danielle, Lilly, Shyla and Vanessa. “I spoke with Shyla and Vanessa before she left and said I would arrange a conference call with everyone from Lilly’s rooms since she is on bedrest. I stopped by to see Lilly to discuss it with her and she was over the moon with the idea. I spoke with my mother and she thinks it’s a great idea too. I need to broach this with Asia as well,” Jasmine said reading notes she had made.

  “Lilly’s been talking my ear off since you two spoke. She is so excited to be pregnant. Cameron and the kids dote on her. She’s loving all of the attention,” Rose said settling in the chair.

  “Mistress, Gem is having labor pains but it’s way too early for her to be delivering. Damian is taking her to the doctor.” Asia said through their link.

  “Okay. I’m not sure if full bloods have Braxton-Hicks contractions, but it’s common during human pregnancies. The doctors should be able to stop them. She probably overdid things while she was here and the long flight home didn’t help. Keep me posted,” Jasmine said.

  “Thank you. I will,” Asia said.

  “We’re done here for the day. I’m headed to the nursery. Will you and Rone be bringing the boys by later? The kids are missing their nephews.” Jasmine said as she rose from behind her desk and headed to the door.

  “Yes ma’am. I’m headed to our wing to get the twins up and check on Rone. Once I wrangle my hyper pups into clothes, we’ll be over.” Rose followed behind Jasmine as they left the room.


  Tyrese and Danielle strode into the children’s rooms holding hands. Jasmine looked up from the floor and smiled a welcome. Danielle looked radiant and happy as she sat in the rocker near Renee’s desk and looked at the finished drawings.

  “These are really good,” Danielle said leafing through the pages. “So much talent in such a small package. Can’t imagine what she’ll be doing in a few years.” She replaced them on table just as she’d found them. “I hope our little ones have some of this talent.” She rubbed her stomach and looked at Jasmine. “Shyla talked to me about the shower, sounds like a big party. Grandma and Radoff will be here by then.”

  Pleased that Maheegan, the former pack historian who’d met Alpha Radoff, her mate in Europe, would be returning stateside for the birth of her great grandchildren Jasmine asked. “Wonderful, how long will they be staying?”

  “A few months. Radoff may leave before Grandma. She’s so happy about the pups, she can’t wait to get here.”

  “It will be good to see her again,” Jasmine said as she pushed up from the floor, leaving the game she had been playing with the boys. Once Tyrese entered the room she lost their attention anyway.

  Taking a seat in the chair next to Danielle, she watched Tyrese wrestle with Adam and David. All the children took self-defense but David seemed to understand and master the moves best which made Adam more competitive. Rose and Tyrone entered with their two boys who ran and jumped in Jasmine’s lap.

  “Nana! Nana!” they said hugging and kissing her cheeks.

  Pleasantly surprised by their unusual behavior, she returned the kisses and looked at Rose who shrugged and then at Tyrone. “They must have missed you from earlier today,” he said before joining Tyrese and the boys. Once Ryan and Ryder saw their uncles, they scooted off Jasmine’s lap and ran yelling toward Tyrese, Adam and David. Soon all six were rolling around on the floor.

  Rose sat in the other chair next to Danielle and released a long sigh. “See what you have to look forward too? And this is without Jacques and Victoria’s four.” She looked at Jasmine. “Does Victoria bring them down here to play?”

  Thinking of her three sisters and brother, Jasmine nodded. “They’re growing bigger every day and love to play with the kids. Take Ryder and Ryan up there more so they all know each other better.”

  Rose nodded. “Victoria mentioned that, but the boys are crazy about David and Adam so they get first dibs.”

  Jasmine understood.

  “Mistress, the doctor said Gem’s in labor. But it’s not time and she’s scared she’ll lose her pups,” Asia said.

  Jasmine froze. Unable to think with all the noise in the room, she stood and stepped into the hall. “Where is Gem?”

  “She and Damian are on their way to the hospital. Damian called us. He’s scared and worried. Hawke can’t travel yet, so we’re monitoring the situation from here.”

  Jasmine rubbed her forehead. So many things happening at once. Hawke’s surgery. The baby shower. The pregnancies and problems with the pregnancies, Lilly, now Gem. It was too much. She didn’t know what to do. “Tell them to come here so Matt can help.” Come to the Compound was becoming her go-to response when she didn’t have a better answer.

  “Absolutely Mistress. Matt helped Amynta and Hawke, of course he can help Gem. I’ll mention it to Damian right away. Thanks.”

  Instead of going back into the nursery, Jasmine turned and walked toward the private area in her and Silas’ rooms. Taking advantage of the quiet, she sat on the sofa, pulled her feet beneath her and stared at the abstract picture on the wall. Taking a depth breath, she decided to call her sister and talk to her. That conversation would allow her to take a breather and regroup. She pulled her cell phone out and called Renee.

  “Hey Jas. How are you?” Renee’s voice was cheerful.

  “Hey Renee. I’m good. How are you and Mélange doing?” Jasmine asked.

  “Oh, we’re doing really good. Her job is going well and she likes it. How are my nieces and nephews? Rose? Ryder and Ryan? It’s been so long since I’ve seen them. I talked to Mama earlier today. She sounded good. Our sisters and brother are keeping her and Jacques on their toes.” Renee’s laughter-laced, voice soothed Jasmine’s frazzled nerves.

  “All of my babies and grand-babies are doing well. Rese is getting on Danielle’s nerves trying to coddle her. As for Mama, girl, those four are giving her and Jacques a run for their money.” Jasmine chuckled.

  “Glad you called. I was going to call you. Mélange and I have been talking about adopting. I didn’t think I wanted kids especially after that mess before. But, this feels right. What do you think?” Renee asked.

  Surprise temporarily stole Jasmine’s voice. The reason Renee and her girlfriend of over five years broke up was because Renee didn’t want kids. Mating made a world of difference. “Renee, if that’s what you two want, I’m happy for you. Talk to Lilly or Cameron, they adopted seven children and are experts.” The last thing Jasmine wanted was to become embroiled in Renee and Mélange’s decisions. She was so over that. “Just be sure this is what you really want and that you’ll be able to give a child everything they need. Keep me posted.”

  “Good idea, thanks for the suggestion.”

  Jasmine cut the conversation short. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Thanks Jasmine and kiss everyone for me. Bye.” Renee said before disconnecting the call.


  “Yes?” She wasn’t in the mood to talk anymore. Not right now. When he didn’t say more, she wondered, hoped, he picked up her state of mind through their link. A few moments later he walked through the door, stopped short of the sofa and stared down at her.

  She glanced at him and then continued looking at the picture. Silent, he crossed the floor, sat next to her and took her hand in his. Her wedding ring sparkled beneath the light as he threaded his fingers through hers before settling back on the seat.

  Minutes passed without either of them saying anything. “Do you still want to go away? Just the two of us?”

  Wide-eyed, she turned to face him. She’d previously mentioned wanting alone time with him but he’d never agreed before. “Yes, that would be wonderful.”

  “Necessary too, I think. I’ll take care of it.” He kissed the back of her hand.

  Pleasantly surprised, she kept a tight rein on her tongue. The why didn’t matter. “Thank you.”

  “No, I sho
uld’ve set it up the first time you asked. I apologize for that and will make it up to you.”

  Still unsure what brought this on, she nodded and remained silent. “Mistress, Gem gave birth to a litter of three. Two are in surgery. But they are all alive.”

  “Thank God!” Jasmine said with feeling.

  “Yes, Mam and Sire are preparing to fly down to help with the pups. I think it will be good for them right now. Better than waiting around here,” Asia said.

  “How’s Hawke?” Jasmine asked, aware Silas listened to her conversation.

  “Moving slow and he can’t stand it. Things are a bit tense, hopefully it’ll be better when he goes to see Matt in a few days,” Asia said.

  Unsure what was appropriate to say, Jasmine shrugged even though Asia couldn’t see her. “Hawke’s normally patient, I’m hoping he heals soon. Otherwise everything’s okay?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I’m a Nana, and my parents have great grandchildren to spoil, it’s a good day.”

  Jasmine looked at Silas, caught the love and affection in his gaze and agreed. “Yes, it is.”

  Silas wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. Settled beneath his arm, she listened to the steady beat of his heart, allowing it to lull her into a calm place. Maybe things weren’t so much bad as hectic.

  “Things will work out,” he said.

  “Some days too many things happen, too many fires to put out, problems to address. It gets overwhelming. Like today, all this week actually, every time I turned around there was something new. Is it wrong that I wanted to get away from it all? From everybody?” She didn’t look at him but felt his gaze on her.

  “No, if you don’t take care of yourself you’ll burn out and that would be a disaster. There are some things only you can decide but you should schedule a “me break” every day. Take an hour or 30 minutes for yourself. Don’t let anyone or anything intrude.”

  “Sounds selfish.”

  He snorted. “Be selfish.”

  She thought about it for a few minutes. “Gem had the babies and I didn’t ask if they were boys or girls.”


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