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Astrid Cane

Page 8

by AnonYMous

  'What shall you do then when they are untied?'.

  'Send them home', Julia responded, as if surprised by the question. They may need some refreshment, of course. He will have come over her belly before that. She will know the power of his effusion. His sperm will warm her skin. What a glorious body she has—such thighs, such breasts! She will be a sister unto us—a sister in sin!'.

  'I am still bemused, though'.

  1 doubt it not. Be not disappointed that you are, my dear Astrid. You were put through your courses more swiftly and successfully than any I have known. Therein is a certain victory for you, yet you have scarce had time to reflect upon it all and certainly not to absorb all you have learned. You have yet to take up the finer strands. Harriet will not rise like a tigress, as you suspect, but will be as bemused as yourself. Never again will she see her brother other than a male animal whose cock becomes fiercely erect for her. Let it be so. She is one who will fulfill her most secret desires by being forced to indulge them. In essence, that is true of us all. We are all children who wish to be made to be naughty and then, in addition, desire to be punished for it'.

  Had I then put him to her, I would have spoiled it?'.

  'I do not know Harriet deeply enough yet to say so, but that is indeed possible. She is like one who must be teased by the sight and smell of food before she is allowed to taste it. Saw you how sweetly rolled and closely clipped together the lips of her cunny are? She will be a superbly tight fuck for her brother, but she must be allowed to moisten slowly first'.

  'As she will be doing now, I am sure', Astrid laughed as they entered the drawing room. Her eyes were hot, her hips rolled, the fragrant dew upon her lips pleaded for a kiss, which Julia all too tauntingly gave her.

  'Ah, Astrid, how you are going to be fucked! But you must learn to monitor your desires!' averred Julia fondly. 'Now above all is such a moment when your loins are hot. I shall bring Tom to you'.

  'Oh, no, I could not! I do not wish to be held!'.

  'You will not be. Therein shall lie your trial of strength. I vow that if you do not come through it I shall truly whip you soundly and have the maids hold you firmly the while. You are to receive Tom's cock as any lady might her serfs. He will be put to you dutifully, for he will know well enough your station now. From you I require nothing but imperious silence, to be broken only by such curt words of instruction as you give him. Whatever the excitement that his ploughing of your furrow gives you, you will evince no pleasure save perhaps by some urging, some sensuous wriggling of your bottom, to draw him one. He will perform the service that you require and demand. This shall be so with all males in future, Astrid'.

  'Always? Oh, but I do not think I could always so control myself.

  Julia smiled. 'You may permit yourself certain dispensations, my pet, but not with servants. Only with those of equal rank will you fully sport, and even so you must then show that a certain distance obtains between you. For though there may be moments when you will wax hot and when your tongue answers the call of your writhing bottom, there will be yet many more when your cold disdain shows. However much you may desire a second course after you have been well threaded, never toy with a man's cock when it is soiled by your combined spendings. Order him first to wash and prepare himself for a further bout. Thus you do not become his puppet. Rather he will go in awe of you'.

  'Shall it be so also for Harriet, then?', asked Astrid.

  'Perhaps, at some future date. But for the nonce, no. Despite her pretence of arrogance, she is made from different stuff. You, Astrid, are of the highest female rank. Once her cunt has been juiced by her brother's cock, she will become somnolent and lustful, obedient to his whims'.

  'As he to hers?'.

  There speaks my Astrid! Precisely! I will appoint you their visitor, and in so doing I accord you a rare honour'.

  Their visitor?'.

  To their home. You will monitor all—their actions, then: desires, even such frustrations as it amuses you to put upon them from time to time, as for instance binding them naked back to back. The heat of her bottom will invite, yet he will not be able to reach it. You may toy with them, erecting his cock, twiddling her quim. You may make lewd suggestions to them that they must obey. Bound to each other, they yet shall be bound to you also'.

  'Then I may join with them in their lusts? Must I not show coldness?'.

  'Such shall become the finer strands of your understanding, Astrid. These are not as others. Pairs may be handled differently than single persons, in particular when they are of different sexes and have been already joined. These nuances will grow upon you. There is scarce a wish that you may not indulge. Prepare yourself now. Remove all save your stockings, shoes, and chemise. I shall fetch Tom to you. Here, yes, upon the sofa. You will present yourself to his doughty standard with your bottom well raised. He is permitted now no kisses or caresses other than you instruct. I doubt that they will be many. You desire him only to pleasure your loins. Upon reaming you for as long as you wish, he will expel his sperm and then withdraw not only his steaming prick but his person—unless you wish him afterwards to kneel in obeisance to you'.

  'I may!'. Astrid's eyes sparkled merrily, her trembling fingers endeavouring to control themselves as she commenced unfastening her gown. 'Bring him to me!'.

  Chapter 8


  'NO, WILL, NO!'

  The plaintive moan came oft from Harriet's mouth as she strove to avoid the seeking of her brother's lips. Poised almost exactly upon her whorled navel, the swollen crest of his charger pulsed and throbbed, communicating to both their bodies an intensity of excitement that could not long be suppressed. Beneath the weight of his tightly clasped body, Harriet's rolled-up skirt rustled with every tiny movement that obtained between them. Most alluringly, from Will's point of view, his balls nudged up against the moist peach of his sister's slit, the lips of which had parted haplessly.

  'Let me but kiss you, dearest!', Will husked.

  Harriet's lips were particularly full and richly curved. Several times his own had brushed them feverishly, only to have them escape as her neck twisted this way and that. Her richly fleshed thighs were warm and plump beneath his own, and the ridging of her stocking tops and garters tingled under him madly. After long minutes, and unable to thresh her face from side to side any longer, Harriet surrendered the sweet wetness of her lips with a sigh.

  'Do not, Will', she murmured more faintly, yet the words being said against his mouth served only to stir him the more. Savaged by his lips, she began to sob quietly, yet the sound was as much a measure of her erotic arousal as despair.

  'What a glorious cluster of brown curls you have around your cunt, what a plump arse you have, what magnificent thighs! Ah, had they but bared your tits to me, Harriet!'.

  'Do not speak thus—ah, no, do not! Grab!', choked Harriet, as now her brother's tongue intruded in-between her teeth and dived so deeply within that it met her own. Then did the red mists of lewd desire cloud upon Harriet for the first time, as Will mounded his testicles in closer to her cunt. 'AAAARGH', she choked the while that their tongues met and fought as merry a dance as ever a man's and woman's did.

  'I have seen you in your drawers and kissed your thighs. Now, divested of the cotton that has veiled your cheeks, I have seen the magnificence of your bottom-cheeks. How proudly they jut! Promise me that I may fondle them and kiss your divine nipples when we are alone!', Will groaned.

  'You... you m... m... must not speak thus, Will. Ooooh! Ah! Yes! Suck my tongue! Darling, I can feel your thing throbbing all the time! How naughty you are!'.

  Silkily Harriet's belly rippled, causing her brother's prick to throb faster. Her upper lip rolled back as each sucked in turn greedily upon the other's saliva.

  'Let me come, Harriet!'.

  'You bad thing, yes, if you want to. Oh, you are flooding me! How warm and sticky it is! You must never put it in me, Will, your promise? Promise you will not!'.

  So gabbled Harriet on and on,
as with every word a fresh jet of spermatic bliss issued from Will's prick until a veritable pool of gruelly delight swam between his pulsing organ and her body. Unable to contain himself, Will covered her mouth completely with his own and issued another fierce jet that caused Harriet to tremble with delight throughout her ripe and nubile form.

  Astrid, meanwhile, was sustaining an even greater pleasure. Naked to her shoes, stockings, and chemise, which was turned up above her hips, she received passively the grunting thrust of Tom's big prick, his hands being permitted to cup the creamy globe of her bottom as he did so. Kneeling as she was upon the edge of the sofa, Astrid rested her cheek and forearms as calmly as she could upon the rolled back of the seat, her low posture causing Tom to keep his knees well bent while he laboured valiantly in her honeypot. That he knew her stature now, she proudly had no doubt. Julia had led him in by his cock, his trousers so rolled down that he was forced to shuffle awkwardly. Closing her eyes briefly in that moment, Astrid had waited quiveringly upon his approach.

  'The lady requires you, Tom. Bend your knees, man, cup her bottom for purchase and enter your knob just between her lovelips. You will hold it there until you receive her assent!'.

  It was to Astrid as if she had waited long for such a moment. The plum having nosed within her was held. Thus was a servile male exercised, she thought, and moved her would-be ardent hips not a whit, while Julia, taking a seat to the rear of them, placidly took up a book and sat as if nothing were happening. Only then by an assenting wiggle of her bottom did Astrid invite the sheathing of Tom's organ, which fumed and throbbed mightily as it surged in-between the velvety walls. At the first nestling of his huge balls to her bottom, Astrid uttered coldly, 'Hold!', the command bringing a discreet smile from Julia, whose eyes engaged themselves with the page beneath her. A full two minutes passed while Tom snorted occasionally but dared not move, the silken, hot orb of Astrid's bottom almost making him come then and there.

  'Continue!', came Astrid's voice at last. Peeping up slyly, Julia observed the trembling of his trunk-like thighs as he drew the knob down almost to the pouting of Astrid's cunt and then pistoned it again within. Dizzy with the pleasure that she could now thus command and obtain, Astrid churned her luscious derriere a little and then so tightened the walls of her slit that his thick, stiff penis was held as within a velvet vise. 'Be still now!', came her clear command, much to the fond amusement of Julia, who saw her pupil progressing mightily by the hour. For Astrid alone had decided upon this form of entertaining herself. She now slew her hips back and forth so that she it was who drew with her cuntlips and the interior of her grotto upon Tom's motionless rod.

  But softly did Astrid's breathing sound as she continued the motion, glorying in the revelation that Tom dared not move or urge his cock an inch, his knees quivering and straining as he sought to maintain his awkward posture. With every forward motion of her hips, his gnarled staff was seen to be glistening with her juices, the emission of which in little sprinkling spurts caused Astrid to bite upon her lip and hide her face the more so that he might not know of her outward signs of pleasure.

  Julia spoke not, though she dearly wished that Astrid would also roll her bottom. No doubt she would learn to rotate her hips soon enough. The minx meant the bout to last, and well she might, for thrice and four times did Astrid come, her body rich with pleasure, before she began pumping her bottom faster.

  Tom's eyes were glazed. He longed to accompany her movements with his own, but to do so now would put him in dire disgrace with both his mistress and with Astrid, and would cause Alice to scold him severely, not to say to bring a horsewhip to his buttocks were she to learn about it. From victorious stallion, he had become again but a serf, yet both roles pleased him. And, if all were known, perhaps the latter more than the first. Frequently he had fucked Julia in this wise, and almost always in the silence that now obtained. Groan after groan escaped him, though he tried to mute the sounds.

  It mattered little to Julia that males should grunt at such tunes, though they could well be taught not to. Astrid for the moment accepted it as homage and mewed softly in her throat. At any moment she would come again and—ah, yes—Tom then must. The rivulets of bliss must combine, their spendings must swirl together. 'Now, Tom, now!', Astrid gritted, regretting only the slight note of supplication in her voice. Then did his hips move, bottom and belly meeting in a resounding smack as he injected her with cannonade upon cannonade of his spermatic offering while his balls, wet with Astrid's fine salty sprinklings, slapped beneath her bulge. Compressing her lips anew for fear that she might cry out with pleasure, Astrid received her stallion's offering, clenching his rampant tool deep within her sodden grotto until the last thick pearls were expended. Even then she continued to grip upon him tightly until she was satisfied that every drop had been spent. Gesturing pettishly with her arm, she caused his cock to withdraw, glistening and fuming as it did so.

  Straightening up his aching back, Tom then stood in waiting as he knew he must. Riven with pleasure in every limb and nerve and sinew, Astrid remained silent and unmoving for a long moment, the lips of her cunt literally frothing with his sperm. Tremulous that for some reason he had not fully satisfied her, Tom made as if to turn his head to gaze upon his mistress, but thought better of it. In this moment she whom he had pleasured was the female who obtained immediate power over him. Cock drooping but slowly until it resembled an enormous slug, he waited, still.

  'Go! You are dismissed', Astrid murmured. She sensed a sweet apprehension in herself as Tom's sluggish footsteps took him out. Julia advanced upon her even as she curled up upon the seat, her features with deliriously flushed.

  'My dear, you are indeed worthy. I now give Harriet and Will into your care', Mia breathed. Seating herself on the sofa and passing her hand under Astrid's cunt, she smiled appreciatively at the vibrant pulpiness she felt there.

  'On my own—you so trust me?', sparkled Astrid. I have little more to teach you now, my pet. What has taken weeks with others has taken but hours with you. They must first be chastised, of course, then you will escort them home. I will send a carriage for you later. Dress now, for you are in the full bloom of a woman who has been well fucked and yet is ready for another'.

  'Shall we then chastise them here?'

  'Why not? I vow they are deserving of it', responded Julia, who had a distinct penchant for chastising male and female bottoms together. Having seen to Astrid's coiffure when she was again dressed, the two took themselves upstairs. Within the room where Harriet and Will lay was a silence broken only by faint murmurs from the pair, their faces shiny with perspiration as they lay together in their unsought bonds. Such a silence, however, was broken immediately Julia and Astrid entered. Harriet shrieked and then moaned, averting her eyes as best she could to the wall. Will, too, uttered a cry but then lay still, a vibrant trembling coursing through him as he felt Astrid's fingers at the knots of the ropes. When the couple was drawn apart, as Astrid then did, the drying pool of their pleasure was seen glistening on the belly of Harriet, who with an alarmed shriek interspersed with shamed sobs endeavoured to thrust down her skirt.

  'No, my dear, you do NOT!', snapped Julia, catching the young woman as she made totteringly to rise. As for Will, he sat upon the divan in a daze, thus impeding his sister's efforts to escape.

  'Will! Save me!', Harriet screamed. Her limbs being a trifle stiff, she was unable to evade being dragged up and turned about, thereby providing all three with a perfect view of her large and well-fleshed bottom, the cleft of which added a slight gingery tinge to the otherwise dazzling whiteness of the cheeks. Simultaneously, Will had his ear seized like a schoolboy. Uttering a yelp in Astrid's firm-fingered grasp, he found himself perforce made to bend over in turn so that the tautness of his naked buttocks complemented the more voluptuous roundness of his sister's.

  'What are you at? Oh, my God, let me get UP!', cried Harriet, whose knees were firmly planted on the edge of the couch alongside Will's. Swiftly accomm
odating herself in front of them by virtue of mounting the erstwhile bed of sin, and with her back to the wall as she knelt, Astrid took purchase with each of her hands on the backs of their necks, so forcing their faces down.

  So rapidly was all effected that only a few seconds passed before the alarmed and outraged cries of Harriet sounded as a martinet in Julia's hand scorched across her bulbous bottom.

  'Hold her well—take her hair, Astrid! Will does not dare to rise or I shall put him to greater punishment, as well he knows'.

  'You beasts! AH! It stings! How dare you, how dare you! OW! Do not!', came in frantic screeches from Harriet, whose thick, dark hair then was wreathed in Astrid's palms, effectively forcing her to remain bent over so that she could but writhe her reddening derriere madly.

  'Be QUIET!', Julia thundered, 'or I shall put you to several score, Harriet. 'Tis you, my dear, who holds the guilt for not acceding to your brother's desires before this. Hold your bottom up, woman!'.

  'SWEEE-ISH! SWEEE-ISSSH! HOOO-ITTTTT!', the martinet sounded to the impassioned delight of Astrid who, having tasted it herself, felt more fondly now for the luring heat it induced in female bottoms in particular, though one would not have thought so to hear Harriet's rending sobs and heartfelt cries. Never before had she received so much as a slap on her bottom and, now that the thongs of Julia's disciplinary instrument were whistling and burning across her outstretched nether cheeks, it was as though she had been cast into hell. Her mouth hung lax with her repeated sobs and down her attractive cheeks fell a veritable waterfall of tears.

  As for Will, he could feel his sister's bared hip bumping against his own the while that her stockinged leg also rubbed his. Both fearful and excited that he was to be next, he sought her hand blindly and clasped it, making them appear very much as two children who have been caught stealing from the pantry or scrumping in a neighbour's orchard.


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