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Astrid Cane

Page 9

by AnonYMous

  'WHOO-HOOO-HOOO!', Harriet moaned, her gleaming derriere now fully streaked with wavering pink lines while the fig of her cunt, couched in its thick nest of dark-brown curls, showed clearly to Julia's excited eyes. To finger her now would be delicious, for the lips glistened with dew. Yet to do so meant she would not be able to attend upon Will. Stepping then farther back, Julia next brought the whip across his upturned bottom which then smacked sideways against his sister's, causing both to cry out.

  'HUI-ITTTT! SWEEE-ISSSSH! 'Ouch!', cried Will aloud to his shamed dismay, his balls swinging. That he deserved it he did not doubt. He had sinned wickedly with Harriet, whose first signs of sensual awakening had fully aroused his lust. His sperm had not only flooded her belly but had trickled and meandered down to nestle in the springy hairs of her mount, where he had felt it wet beneath him. Delirium was his, as equally now was the stinging admonition of the martinet. Gritting his teeth, he succeeded in muffling his cries, though it appeared that Harriet was uttering them for him since she ceased not to sob and yelp each time he received the bite of it.

  'NOOO-NOOO-NOO! Will you not stop!', Harriet cried, quite beside herself not only from the searing of the martinet, which spread licking tongues of fire into her most secret orifices, but also because she felt all too strangely stirred by the untoward lewdness of all that was happening. Every slight flinching of her brother's buttocks made their bodies squirm and rub intimately together while the tight clenching of their left and right hands together on the seat of the divan betokened both acceptance and rejection of the miasma of sensations into which they had been thrust together.

  'Have them dressed and tidied. I will send Will's garments up', announced Julia at last, her breasts heaving, her face full flushed from her endeavours as she surveyed the brightly pink orbs of their bottoms. Releasing Harriet's hair, Astrid permitted the young woman to fall forward, her fingers clenching and unclenching as she strove to tighten her outraged nether cheeks against the insurgent heat, much also as did Will, who had by then received as round a score of strokes as she. Tumbled and dismayed, they lay in positive confusion and bottom-tightening while Julia, calling to Amy for Will's clothes, strode out, leaving the martinet most visibly on the floor.

  'No, no! Let me cover myself!', Harriet howled then, being drawn up by Astrid. Her cheeks were smeared with tears, her hair awry, her eyes as wild as any gypsy's. The hem of her dress being caught up still, the fullness of her legs showed above her stocking tops. As for poor Will, he displayed perforce another erection, the stimulation of the whip being such that it had both stimulated and stung him.

  'I will see to you! Leave your drawers, you will not need them', Astrid said crisply. Thereupon she spun Harriet 'round towards Will who, having risen and teetering about on his feet in the aftermath of bottom-burning, as was his sister, could not help but again display the lewdness of his risen cock to her.

  'NO!', Harriet shrieked and covered her eyes the while that Astrid bent and smoothed her dress down at last, patting it around her legs and ensuring herself a generous feel of the young woman's glowing derriere as she did so. Upon that, Amy entered with an armful of Will's clothes, which she thrust upon him with a big grin at his glowing state.

  'You have been told to be quiet—be QUIET, Harriet!', Astrid said, echoing her mentor, who evidently meant to take no further part in these particular proceedings. Between herself and Amy, the sobbing young woman was then hustled down to a bedroom and sat firmly upon a stool before a dressing table while incoherent sounds of apparent grief and horror issued from her lips. Quite ignoring these, Amy set to dressing Harriet's hair. Taking up a sponge from the marble top of a washstand, Astrid lifted Harriet's chin and wiped her face. 'You have been well served for your sins, Harriet. Let us hear no more from you for the nonce. I shall escort you both home', she uttered firmly.

  This intelligence brought a further wail. 'No, no! I cannot face anyone! Do not let me face Will again! Oh, the shame of this! I shall report you to the authorities!'.

  'You will do nothing of the sort, Harriet. I shall have no such nonsense. You were caught in flagrante delicto with your brother while guests were here. Sufficient punishment—though many might think it not enough— has been meted out to you both. You will attend now in future to what I have to tell you. Very well, Amy, her hair is tidied nicely. Fetch some wine and biscuits'.

  'I can never eat nor drink again, I can never!', Harriet sobbed, cupping her face in her hands.

  'What nonsense! You are going to eat and drink exceedingly well, my pet. I have a certain hunger myself. We shall see to ourselves well in that respect—as to several others—when we arrive chez vous. Come, sit upon the bed, you will be more comfortable. Did you come much?'.

  'WHA-AAAAT! Oh! The horror of things that are said and done here! What devils you are!', moaned Harriet, whose shoulders shook anew as limply she allowed herself to be re-seated, her hands twisting all about each other.

  Undisturbed by this display, Astrid placed her arm about Harriet's shoulders and said no more until Amy entered, bearing a silver tray. 'Mr. Will is dressed now, Miss. Shall I bring him in?'.

  'NO!', Harriet shrieked from behind the hands that once more cupped her face.

  'He may take refreshments where he is, Amy. See to it that their carriage is ready. Your mistress has no doubt seen to other things'.

  'Oh, yes, Miss, she has. She has had several things you might need put in there'.

  'Good', replied Astrid while the maid bubbled wine into two tall glasses. She took one and, pinching Harriet's nostrils after brushing the young woman's hands aside, poured a generous libation down her throat. Spluttering and choking, Harriet endeavoured to struggle but, having Astrid's other hand firmly gripping the nape of her neck, subsided again into little wailing cries while Amy made her exit. 'Drink slowly now of your own accord. Here—take the glass. Take it! You prefer to go under the whip again, Harriet? No, I thought not. We are in no hurry. Finish the glass and I will pour another. You are in need of it'.

  'You... you... you do not understand! I came here to... .'.

  'To receive correction, Harriet', Astrid interrupted. 'You knew it not? Very well, I accept that. You are all the better for the surprise of it. It was timely that Will should impel his sperm upon your belly if nowhere else. What a luscious form you have, such divine curves, my dear! Put them not to waste or you will rue it. Will is a fine manly figure despite his slavish ways. You have not known how to wend them to your mutual benefit. It shall be quite other now, for I deem you will much like him beneath the skin'.

  'Oh! I c... c... cannot believe what you are saying! You have caused me to sin beyond redemption! What am I to do!'.

  'Oh, pouf! What stuff and nonsense, Harriet! Your initiation into the true realm of womanhood has now begun. Your tears have dried. Your bottom no longer stings but glows. May we not be friends? May I kiss you?'.

  This being said with such grace and ingenuousness, Harriet could only stare bemused, bringing a sparkle of amusement to Astrid's face. Instead now of gripping Harriet's neck, she began stroking it lovingly, causing the young woman to shiver. Therewith Astrid removed the wine glass from her hand and, placing it upon a side table, enfolded the bewildered Harriet in her arms. For Astrid had already learned that much instruction and delight could be gained from alternately cozening and admonishing those who tended to submissive ways as instinctively as she divined that Harriet did. Laying her back upon the bed amid febrile struggles, she laid her moist lips warmly upon those of the young woman.

  'Wh... wh... what are you at now?', flustered Harriet, utterly bewildered by all these turns of events, as well she was meant to be. Consequent upon the kiss which was of the tenderest and lightest, she felt Astrid's hand engage itself beneath her skirt, where it sought and fondled first her warm, lush thighs.

  'How adorable you are going to be when I make you naughty, Harriet', Astrid breathed, quite ignoring the petulant movements of the young woman's hand as she strove to fe
nd off the insidious upward creeping of Astrid's slim fingers, which moved suavely to caress with butterfly touch the engagingly moist lips of her cunt. Clipping her thighs together, Harriet succeeded only in trapping Astrid's hand.

  'Do not, do not! I do not wish to!', Harriet moaned even as a thumb brushed its smooth surface over her clitoris.

  'But you do, you do, my pet. Too long have you held yourself within, too long have you veiled this hallowed nest from love's seeking. How ardently Will spouted upon you, did he not? There is no denying it, Harriet, for the traces of his manly effusion were all about your silken skin. Did you not kiss divinely while he did so. Come, dear, part your thighs'.

  'Ah! Ooooh! What are you d... d... doing to me!'

  'A little more, Harriet, a little more—open them wider. There! Oh, you good girl! Is it not nice? I can see by your eyes that you are coming. Did not first his balls and then the martinet bring you on? Your tongue, darling, come, lick it in my mouth! Yield to the divine pleasure I am about to bring you. Work your bottom, Harriet! More of your tongue—more!'.

  'HOOOOO!', Harriet moaned. Quite beside herself now, she had widened her legs wantonly, urging her plump buttocks as the long licking flames of pleasure spread through her. Her arms wound about Astrid's neck, drawing her mouth more fully upon her own. Ecstatic shivers coursed through her heaving loins and breasts. Careless of all, she sought Astrid's hand and caused it to rub faster around her cunt. Electric thrills coursed through both as the warm slivers of their leaping tongues coiled together. 'AAAARGH!', gurgled Harriet. She was coming, coming as she had secretly wished to do when she had felt Will's balls against her. Her offering spurted, leapt, dousing Astrid's fingers as from a bright fountain. Her eyes rolled, her legs straightening. Another spasm shook her, causing further rivulets to trickle down upon Astrid's fingers. Words of erotic fervour that she had never thought to hear flowed about her ears from Astrid's lips. Then she was still, her quivering thighs glistening with the abundance of her effusion, her eyelashes fluttering upon her cheeks.

  Rising, Astrid gazed down upon her recumbent form with victorious glance. While Harriet stirred but faintly, she carefully unbuttoned the young woman's corsage and laid bare at last to her view the magnificent gourds of her breasts, which rose as two mounds of snow upon which her brown nipples stood erect. Incoherent moans issued from Harriet's lips as Astrid bent to suck the yearning points.

  'You will listen to me now, Harriet, for I shall instruct you further. Do you hear me?'. Raising her own skirt and so allowing her thighs to rest upon Harriet's, Astrid teased her little finger tenderly along the young woman's lips.

  'I have n... n... never thought to do such things before! Oh, how have I come to this?'.

  'By guidance and precept, Harriet, yet you still have much to learn. That to which you are brought is that which you most secretly desired and yet perhaps knew it not. Being brought by force and persuasion to enjoy yourself, you will do so now again many times. For your sins you shall be punished and yet to your sins you shall be returned, there to wallow in the delight of doing things you are forced to do and to which you will gladly yield. The path is now taken—the fields of delight lie before you'.

  . 'I am wicked—you have made me wicked—and yet how pleasurable it is! I know no longer what I am at! Oh, do not let Will see me thus! Where is he?'.

  'Awaiting your pleasure—your mutual pleasure, my pet. Come, let us rise, for I must return you to your fold. We shall breach further the floodgates of desire, Harriet'.

  'Do not make me do things!'. Harriet's haunted eyes were wide open, her swollen breasts soothed and fondled by Astrid's nimble fingers the while that she re-buttoned her corsage. Harriet's lips trembled. Her voice was that of a younger girl. 'Will you make me do things?', she asked querulously.

  'We shall do what we shall do, Harriet, as you know well enough'.

  'You will bind us again! I know it!'

  'Is that what you wish? There is a strange comfort therein, is there not? The helplessness of yielding is quite divine, Harriet, yet it is but one of many delirious sensations you will come to know. There is the waiting, also.'

  'The... the w... waiting? Oh, Astrid, I do not understand you.'.

  'Precisely because you do not, I shall not tell you. Therein will be your waiting before you discover it. Come, Harriet. How far is it to your house?'.

  'F... f... five miles or thereabouts, but I do now... w... want... .'.

  'Come, Harriet!'

  Chapter 9


  THE HON. RALPH Cane, M.P., gazed sombrely about his study, which he meant frequently to tidy up but never did. No servants were permitted to enter this particular domain, for here within he guarded secrets that were to be seen by no eyes other than his own. In his duties as a Member of Parliament, he was naturally privy to State papers and memoranda of a confidential nature that even his departed wife had never gazed upon. More importantly for him, she had certainly never settled her eyes upon a most interesting collection of books, which he had acquired in London's Holywell Street during his various visits there. They included such niceties as Miss Coote's Confession, The Rod, Venus in the Country, and Pretty Little Games.

  Such erotic delicacies, enlivened as some were by coloured plates, amused him from time to time. But like many secret seekers after pleasure, Ralph Cane had never quite obtained what he most wanted, despite his urgent seekings among the shelves of bookshops of ill repute. For while he presented a manly aspect to the world and was still reasonably firm of form in his maturing years, the deserted father of Astrid hungered for experiences he had never enjoyed since his late youth.

  Then it was that he had first been whipped by his Aunt Claudia, who prided herself somewhat on the taming of would-be boisterous young men. Enjoying as he had been a summer holiday on his aunt's estate, Ralph had indeed been boisterous to such an extent that he had upped the skirts of several of the farm girls, had fondled their cunts, seen their naked bottoms, and given himself many an erection thereby. Curiously enough—as had often occurred to him then and since—he had sought not to fuck them but rather to observe such underwear as they wore and to thrill to the shapeliness of the bottoms and thighs that the raising of their skirts revealed.

  It was in such a moment, close to one of the cowsheds, that his aunt had come upon him feasting his eyes upon a particularly fulsome quim of a young woman whom he had paid five shillings to see it. Her skirt and her chemise, as well as her boots were, however, exceedingly grubby. And though his cock had stirred up well, it did not then present the proud proportions that, unknown to Ralph, it was soon to do.

  The farm girl, shrieking, had run off, while Ralph had stood hot-cheeked in the face of discovery by his aunt, who wore a black riding outfit and somewhat menacingly, as it seemed to him, carried a silver-handled crop. Expecting her to upbraid him then and there, his momentary relief dwindled into apprehension when he was told briefly to follow her into the house, being bidden at the same time to walk three paces behind her. This, as it happened, gave Ralph more tune and opportunity than he had ever had before to observe the rolling of his aunt's bottom-cheeks, which were rather closely sheathed by her skirt, fashionably designed to pay homage to her posterior. Perspiring not a little, he could almost feel the heavenly weight of those firmly jellied hemispheres, which displayed themselves so boldly with each sway of her hips.

  Consequently, and to his increased dismay, Ralph's cock was well up and prodding through his trousers upon entry to the house, where he was led silently up to his aunt's boudoir and his condition fully seen. Causing him to stand still while removing her gloves and a rather fetching tricorn hat she had worn while riding, his aunt took up the crop again in a manner that made Ralph blench and start.

  'Remove your boots, your socks, and your trousers, and bend over the bed, Sir!', she proclaimed. He was in such a dither to obey her that he quite forgot the rampant display of his upstanding penis, which in a trice was revealed to her in all nakedness. Such
a lewd display appeared not however to dismay her. Rather, she caused him to tuck his skirt up farther so that, to Ralph's mingled embarrassment and excitement, his most virile possession was totally on show. Indeed, she stood before him, examining it quizzically for a moment and then licking her lips before motioning him to the bed. There bending, Ralph offered his naked buttocks to her.

  In the moments that followed, Ralph remembered little other at first than that the crop was slinging him so mightily that his yelps might well have been heard in the servants' hall had he not been sternly bid to quiet himself. His bottom reddened by a dozen quick, smart strokes, of which both nether cheeks took the full impact, Ralph howled more softly and bit his knuckles, not unaware meanwhile that his cock was throbbing all the more.

  'Turn about now, Sir, and kneel!', commanded his aunt, who, in consequence, stood majestically above him as he acceded with sobs to the humble position. Finding no words to excuse himself he could say nothing and wondered what next was to happen.

  Not long was Ralph kept in ignorance. Of a sudden he felt a flurry of his aunt's long, black pleated skirt as it was drawn up. Before his bemused and heated eyes appeared the full majesty of her silk-sheathed legs, banded at the thighs by resetted garters, which bit into the fulsome columns of ivory. Scarce had he had time to absorb this pulse-beating view than the selfsame skirt descended over his head, enveloping him in darkness and yet also in a haven of mingling scents such as made his senses reel. Covered right down to his burning buttocks by the long fall of her skirt, his ears were clipped between her thighs. A musky odour assailed his nostrils. The crotch of her silk drawers brushed his nose. No word being uttered, his aunt's hand then pressed the hidden bulge of his head upwards until in pure ecstasy Ralph felt his mouth rammed against her silk-sheathed cunt.


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