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Hunter: A Reed Security Romance

Page 7

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “So, Lucy tells me that you all work for a security company. That’s cool. You do security installations at homes and in offices?”

  “Some of the time,” Cap said.

  “Cool,” he nodded. “What other stuff do you do?”

  “Protection services,” Cazzo said stiffly.

  “Like Hollywood celebs and stuff?”

  “Among others,” Derek replied.

  “Shit. That’s totally crazy. Have you ever had to kill someone?”

  The guys glanced around at each other. All of us had killed someone at one time or another. We were all former military and had all seen heavy action.

  “Not if we can help it,” Cap finally said as he drank his beer.

  “Well, they don’t.” Knight grinned maniacally. “I’m an assassin.”

  Graham chuckled and drank his white wine spritzer. “I could almost see that. You guys definitely look like you’re all former military or something.”

  “We are,” I said testily. I really hated this asshole.

  “You are?” We all nodded and his face fell. “Really? Wow. I just…I can’t believe that…”

  A look took over his face that I knew all too well and suddenly, I really wanted to fight this fucker. “You can’t believe that what?”

  “That you’re okay with being sent to other countries to basically commit murder.”

  “None of us ever committed murder. Well, except Knight. Like he said, he’s an assassin,” Sinner smirked.

  “What would you call going over there and killing innocent women and children?”

  “Casualty of war,” Cap said fiercely. “Not all of them are innocent.”

  “So, it would be okay for countries to come over here and declare war on us? To have innocent women and children killed here?”

  “In case you don’t remember,” Burg interjected. “That already happened. That’s why we’re over there defending our country and other people that are suffering at the hands of the terrorists that only live by their own twisted set of rules.”

  “How can you be certain that every person you shot was guilty? Those people are just trying to live their lives like you and me.”

  “The people we’re at war with aren’t trying to live life,” I said angrily. “They’re trying to destroy life and that’s what we were sent over there to stomp out.”

  Graham snorted, “Sure. Tell me of a single war in history that was fought for a good reason.”

  “Aren’t you a fucking history teacher?” I retorted. “Shouldn’t you know the answer to this?”

  “That doesn’t mean that I agree with war. All of the wars throughout history could have been avoided,” Graham shook his head. “And it’s made worse by assholes like you that think you can go over and make the world a better place with your guns and bombs. Nothing you do will ever make this world a safer place because you don’t know how to use your brains for anything other than-”

  “Graham!” His head whipped around as Lucy stared at him angrily. “I think it’s time you left.”

  “Sure, we can go now.”

  “No, call a cab. I won’t be going back with you.”

  Graham glanced back at all of us and for a moment looked like he regretted shooting his mouth off. He turned and left the group, not looking back. Lucy stood there, staring at the ground, but when she looked up, she had tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she said quietly before she walked away.

  Part of me wanted to go after her, but the other part of me said that she never should have brought that asshole around in the first place. He insulted not only every person that ever fought for their country, but also everything that we stood for, which was to defend those weaker than us.

  “Now would be the time to make your move,” Sinner said as he walked over to me.

  I walked toward the house, knowing that he was right. I needed to go to her and let her know that I wasn’t mad at her. She’d sent him away after all. I walked around the house, not finding her anywhere downstairs. I took a shot that she would be upstairs and was surprised when I found her sitting on my bed.

  “Hey. I never thought I’d find you in my bedroom again.”

  She shrugged. “I just needed to get away. I’m sorry about that down there. He never should have said those things to you.”

  “It wasn’t just to me, it was everyone, but I don’t blame you for that. You don’t have anything to apologize for.”

  She snorted and looked away. “I brought him here. Derek didn’t tell me that the party was at your house, but I figured you would be around when he said it was a Reed Security party. I just wanted to piss you off.”

  “Well,” I said as I sat down on the bed next to her. “You did that. It’s still not your fault though. You can’t help what other people think.”

  “You know, he really is a nice guy despite his idiotic opinions.”

  “I thought you were trying to apologize,” I grinned at her. She shoved her shoulder into mine and I took it a step further. I pushed her back onto the bed and climbed on top of her. “I keep telling you that you’re mine. One of these days, maybe you’ll listen. Bringing some asshole like that around isn’t going to make me run away. It’s just going to piss me off and make me fight harder for you.”

  “Maybe I want you to fight harder for me.”

  My mouth was on hers the next second and I was pushing her shirt up and gripping her tits. She had perfect breasts that spilled over in my hands. I latched onto a nipple and sucked hard, needing to hear her scream for me.

  “Hunter, I need you…I need you to fuck me hard.”

  “I’m going to,” I said as I sucked her nipple back into my mouth. “But not until I make you come.”

  I pulled the vibrator out of my drawer that I bought for her the last time she was here. We had never gotten a chance to use it, but we were sure as hell going to now. I turned it on and ran it over her clit lightly, eliciting a moan from her. Her body jumped with every brush against her most sensitive areas. I brought it down to her pussy and started thrusting it inside her, a little deeper every time. She was so wet that it slid in and out easily. The little rabbit ears started pushing up against her clit and her hips lifted to meet my thrusts. I turned the vibrator for the ears on and she started writhing on the bed.

  “Oh, God!”

  My finger slipped down to collect some of her juices and I ran it back to her ass, slipping my finger through the tight hole. I fucked her slowly at first, but when she started bucking her hips, I fucked her harder, knowing she needed it. When she came a second time, I slid my finger out and threw the vibrator across the room.

  “Tell me what you need,” I said, running my cock along her wet folds.

  “You know what I need.”

  I shook my head. “You don’t get it unless you tell me.”

  “Hunter, please.”

  “Just fucking tell me. You know I’ll give it to you. Whatever you want.”

  “Fuck me hard. Against the wall. On top of the dresser. Hell, I don’t care if you throw me on the floor, just get inside me and give me that cock!”

  I picked her up and walked over to the low dresser, flinging the shit on top to the floor with a crash. I knew that something broke, but I really didn’t give a shit at the moment. I spread her legs and thrust hard inside her, yelling out when I sank deep inside. My hips started moving harder and faster as I chased my orgasm. Her fingers were digging into my back, scratching at my skin and probably leaving a bloody trail. I didn’t give a shit.

  “Wrap your legs around me, baby.”

  She did as I asked, pulling me closer to her in the process. The dresser started banging against the wall and the drawers were opening and slamming shut front the momentum of our bodies.

  “Fuck, I’m gonna come in that sweet pussy.”

  “I’m almost there,” she panted. “Harder. Fuck me harder.”

  “If I fuck you any harder, I’m gonna push the dresser through the fucking wall.”

  “Who gives a shit. Fuck me.”

  I gripped onto her ass as I slammed into her in long, hard strokes. I did my best to hold back, but when she clenched around me, I was powerless to stop what was happening. One more stroke and I was coming inside her, and pushing the dresser into the wall. I wrapped my arm tightly around her as the dresser started to tip back toward me and pushed the dresser back toward the wall with my other hand.

  Lucy was panting hard in my ear and her body was trembling. It had always been like this with us. Explosive and on the verge of crazy. I should have known the very first time that I wouldn’t ever let her go.

  “Dude, what the fuck-oh shit.”

  I turned around to see Sinner walking out of the room and I chuckled against Lucy. It wasn’t the first time I had been caught fucking someone, but usually the guys didn’t have to see my ass.

  I got dressed and gave Lucy some time to get cleaned up. The guys were outside laughing and drinking beer as if Man Bun had never been here.

  “Fuck, man. You might want to warn someone when you’re fucking your girl. I saw your fucking ass,” Sinner shook his head.

  “I don’t want to even go there,” Cap said, holding Maggie on his lap. “You should have seen what I walked in on at work.”

  I glared at him, knowing that he was about to out us. “That’s not cool, Cap.”

  “Tell me,” Maggie said excitedly from his lap.

  “I fucking walked in on Pappy and Irish with their pants down and Cazzo, Chance, Burg, and Sinner checking out their dicks.”

  Maggie’s mouth dropped open as she stared at all of us.

  Knight dropped his beer bottle in the garbage and stood. “And on that note, I’m out.”

  “It’s not like it fucking sounds,” I growled.

  “You already took me to the fucking store and made people think we were gay. Now a bunch of you are staring at each others dicks at work? That shit’s fucked up.”

  “I had a fucking wax because of you,” I pointed at Maggie, “and it was irritated and red. Sinner and Burg were telling me what I did wrong.”

  “So, why were Irish’s pants down too?” Cap asked with a chuckle.

  “Because he fucking gets waxed too and I needed to see how it was supposed to look.”

  “You did what?” Lucy said from behind me. I closed my eyes as the guys started laughing. “Did you say that you were checking out Derek’s dick?”

  “The wax job,” I said slowly as I faced her. “I wasn’t staring at his dick. I was checking out the work.”

  She was trying really hard not to laugh, but her nostrils were flaring and her lips were pressed tight. She nodded slowly and then her shoulders started shaking. “You know, I’d expect this from Derek-”

  “Hey,” he said indignantly.

  Lucy gave him a look. “Really, Superman?”

  Derek rolled his eyes and Lucy looked back at me. “Sorry, I just never expected that you would be looking at another man’s…package.”

  “It wasn’t fucking like that.”

  “I totally believe you,” she said with a straight face and then promptly burst out laughing.

  “Alright, you know what? Fuck all of you. I was doing it for you, and you didn’t even tell me if you liked it.”

  “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to that. Do you want to show me now? Maybe your friends want to take a look also. You know, to see how it’s done.”

  The guys burst out laughing and I dragged Lucy away to the house, pulling her against me as we walked inside. “You just had to bust my balls about that in front of all the guys.”

  “I’m sorry, but that had to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard,” she laughed.

  “Yeah, well, you just remember that I did that shit for you. You won’t be laughing the next time you go down on me.”

  She took a step back and the laughter had died on her face. “Hunter, this is just fun. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. We’re not going to ever be anything more than fuck buddies.”

  I shoved my hands in my pockets angrily. “When are you gonna get it through your fucking head that I want you? This isn’t a fucking game to me.”

  “It’s not to me either. I keep telling you I don’t want more and you keep coming back, expecting me to change my mind.”

  “You were willing to give me a chance before.”

  “That was before I saw how hard it was really going to be for you. I’m sorry, but I don’t want more with you.”

  I pulled her hard against me and kissed her with everything I had. “That’s not what your body tells me.”

  “I’m just not ready for more,” she said as she pushed away from me. “I’m sorry, Hunter.”

  She walked out of the house and was gone. Again. Fuck, what did I have to do to convince her to take me back?



  I LEFT MY apartment early Saturday morning to run to the grocery store. I was out of pretty much all food and I didn’t think I could make a very good sandwich out of bread and ketchup. I walked to my car, feeling like something was a little off and glanced around. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, so I got in my car and headed to the store.

  I loaded up my cart with so much crap that I shouldn’t be eating, but I hadn’t eaten breakfast, so pretty much everything in the store looked good at the moment. I was pushing my cart down the snack aisle when I ran right into someone in front of me because I was too busy looking for the Nutty Bars to pay attention.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

  A man turned around that was probably in his mid-thirties and good looking. As I studied him, I started comparing him to Hunter, which was never a good idea because Hunter was absolutely perfect to me. This guy was tall enough, but his hair was thinning a little on top. Not enough to be a turn off, though. But his face. Good lord that face could stop every female in her tracks. He had the most vibrant green eyes I had ever seen and his features were all perfectly shaped. I couldn’t find a single flaw with him.

  His body was lean and muscled, but I couldn’t help notice that he wasn’t as large as Hunter. Still, I was attracted to this man. A lot. It was then that I noticed his lips moving and realized that I was just standing there.

  “Uh, sorry. What was that?”

  “I said, it’s alright. I was doing the same thing.”

  “You were?” I blew out a breath and chuckled. “That’s good because I couldn’t help but stare at you. I didn’t mean to ignore you.”

  He held up a box of snacks and waved them slightly. “I meant that I wasn’t paying attention either because I was looking for snacks.”

  “Oh,” I flushed bright red.

  “But I couldn’t take my eyes off you either,” he grinned.

  I smiled that he was letting me off the hook for my blunder and tried to regain the confident Lucy that I took out to the bars with me. It was a little different in a grocery store.

  “What a fucking cheesy line,” I heard from behind me. I rolled my eyes in irritation as I slowly turned, glaring at Hunter, who stood directly behind me.

  “What are you doing here? Are you following me?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself. I’m shopping,” he grinned. “Good thing I’m here too, because this guy was about to break out the ‘if you think I’m good looking, you should see my number’ line.”

  “Actually, I was going to ask you out, but I don’t use lines to pick up women. I just use my natural charm.”

  I smirked at Hunter and turned back to the man. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.”

  “It’s Noah.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Lucy.”

  “Maybe I could buy you a drink tonight.”

  “That would be great. I’d love to get together.”

  “Great. Why don’t you put your number in my phone and I’ll call you later. I’ll make reservations and let you know where.”

  “Perfect,” I said, taking his phone and
entering my number.

  “I’ll see you later, Lucy. Take care.”

  “You too.”

  I turned and raised an eyebrow at Hunter. Obviously he didn’t think I would accept a date with Noah.

  “I’m sorry, was there something you needed?”

  “You’d better hope Noah brings an ark because it looks like rough waters.”

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  Hunter huffed out a laugh. “You’re not really going out with that douchebag are you?”

  “Why not? He’s good looking.”

  “What about Man Bun?”

  “I think we both know that that won’t work out. Still, I’m keeping my options open.”

  “Or you could just admit that you really want me and stop fighting this.”

  “The only thing I’m fighting is the urge to punch you in the face.”

  He stepped toward me and I had to really hold back from plastering my body to his. He was right. I was fighting this thing between us, but it was only because I knew how he was and what he could offer.

  “One of these days, Lucy. I’ll wear you down,” he whispered against my ear. I leaned back into the shelf, knocking over a few boxes as I tried to grab onto something to keep from swooning. My eyes drifted shut when I heard him inhale sharply, knowing that he was smelling my hair. I felt him pull back and I felt like I was drugged. I was in a Hunter-induced haze that I had to pull myself out of. His thumb brushed against my lip and then he was gone, leaving me a mess in the snack aisle.


  I texted Noah my address later that day. He was taking me to a fancy new restaurant in town. I was still thinking about Hunter while I was getting ready and that didn’t bode well for the night. I left my hair down, putting some waves in it and put on a red dress that had a tight bodice, but a flared skirt. It was fun and dressy, but not too sexual. As good looking as Noah was, I wasn’t sure that I really wanted things to go anywhere with him tonight. I was mostly going because Hunter had pissed me off.


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