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Hunter: A Reed Security Romance

Page 8

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  I met him downstairs and smiled when he got out and opened my door for me. Such a gentleman. “Thank you,” I said as I slid inside.

  He got in and grinned at me, revving his engine. Okay, a little childish and not really appealing, but I went with it. He sped all the way to the restaurant, blowing through lights and taking corners way too fast, but I found him interesting enough to distract myself from the terrifying ride. He must have thought it would turn me on to see how fast he could drive his car.

  We pulled up to a restaurant that had valet service and he led me inside. It was a little too ostentatious for my tastes. I didn’t mind a nice restaurant, but this screamed wealth. It made me feel itchy. Hunter would never take me to a place like this. It just wasn’t his style.

  We were seated and he immediately ordered champagne, which I hated, and oysters, which sounded disgusting. I sipped at the champagne, but didn’t really drink much. I preferred the water. I was actually a little surprised that he was drinking since he was driving, but maybe he wasn’t planning on drinking much. By his third drink, I had already decided that I would be calling for a ride. There was no way I would be getting into a car with this guy.

  The conversation flowed, but as the night went on, I felt more and more like he was just trying to impress me. He didn’t really ask a lot about me and the food he ordered was all stuff that I didn’t like. I stuck with the breadsticks that they had placed on the table. By the time he was ready for dessert, I was ready to leave. He was well on his way to drunk and I’d had enough. I placed my napkin on the table and scooted the chair back.

  “Thank you for dinner, but I’m afraid I have to be leaving.”

  “We haven’t even gotten dessert.”

  “I’m not in the mood for dessert.” I picked up my purse, doing my best to make a graceful exit. I was just outside when I felt him grasp me by the arm and spin me around.

  “Why are you being such a bitch? I just bought you dinner.”

  “A dinner that you picked out. You didn’t even ask if I liked any of that food, which I didn’t. And then you drank more than was necessary on a date. Pardon me for not wanting to stick around for dessert.”

  “You’re all the same. All women come on strong and then act offended when the man tries to impress them.”

  “I’m not offended that you tried to impress me. I’m offended that you didn’t give a shit about anything I wanted the whole night. Maybe we wouldn’t all be such bitches if you thought of someone other than yourself.”

  His grip tightened on my arm and I tried to yank it away, but he held on tighter.

  “Let her go.” Hunter’s large frame appeared to the side of me and Noah took a step back, still holding onto my arm.

  “What the hell do you want? Didn’t you get the hint in the store when she gave me her number?”

  “Didn’t you hear her when she said she didn’t want to stick around? Remove your hands from her or I’ll remove you from this earth,” he growled.

  Something about the way Hunter said it must have gotten through to Noah because he shoved me away, releasing me suddenly. I tripped over my feet and fell to the ground, scraping my hands on the sidewalk. Hunter moved in a flash, throwing Noah up against the wall and hissing something in his ear. He slammed his fist into Noah’s stomach and then stepped back, watching him drop to the ground as he coughed.

  Hunter bent down next to me and examined my hands. They were a little scraped, but nothing that I couldn’t handle. I stood and brushed my dress off as Noah shuffled away to his car. Hunter’s stern gaze narrowed in on me.

  “You shouldn’t have gone on a fucking date with someone you met in the grocery store.”

  “Why not? Claire did. How was I supposed to know he would drink like a fish and turn into an asshole?”

  “You should have trusted me.”

  “Hunter, I’m not dealing with you tonight. I’m going home and forgetting this whole thing ever happened.”

  “At least let me drive you.”

  “Thanks, but I think I’ll walk.”

  I turned and headed home. Luckily, the night was decent and the streets were well lit. Still, I felt Hunter follow me the whole way home in his pickup truck. Men. How the hell was I supposed to be mad at him when he was being such a pigheaded sweetheart?


  When I got to my office Monday, there was a beautiful vase of flowers waiting for me. I smiled when I pulled out the card.

  Congratulations on surviving your first few weeks of school.

  There was only one person I knew that was sweet enough to send me flowers, and that was Graham. He really was a very sweet and thoughtful man, even if our views were very different. I didn’t agree with the things he said to the guys at the barbecue, but everyone had differing opinions. That didn’t make him a bad person, just maybe a little misguided. Still, it was nice of him to think of me.

  I placed the vase on the corner of my desk where I could admire it and got myself ready for the day. The morning went by fast, but the last half of the day was uncomfortable. Seth was in my next class and lately I felt like he was staring at me all the time. I was really thinking about going to the dean and having a talk with him, but I was still reluctant. He hadn’t technically done anything other than creep me out. I caught him waiting around for me several times after school was out to make sure I got to my car okay. Luckily, Graham always met me at my room at the end of the day and took me to my car. He knew how uncomfortable I was and he was urging me to take action, but I would feel foolish if I was wrong about him.

  “Ms. Grant?”

  I was brought out of my thoughts by a male voice I recognized all too much. Seth was standing in front of my desk with his backpack slung over his shoulder. I felt small in my chair, so I stood, keeping the desk between us.

  “What can I do for you, Seth?”

  “You got flowers.”

  I glanced at them and gave a tight smile. “What did you need?” His eyebrows furrowed and I wasn’t sure if it was confusion or anger. Either way, I didn’t like his reaction.

  “I have another game coming up,” he reminded me.

  “Yes, I know. Like always, I’ll have your assignments to you before you leave.”

  “There are things that go on at this campus that aren’t safe for a woman like you,” he said, taking a step closer to me. His large frame filled the space that was between us until I felt like I would suffocate.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s not safe to walk around the campus at dark.”

  I was so confused. It sounded like he was warning me against others, but he was the one that made me feel like I was in danger. “I’ll be fine, Seth.” I tried not to let my voice shake. I didn’t want him to know that he scared me. “Mr. Kinsey walks me to my car after school, so you have nothing to worry about.”

  His face turned dark, making me take a step back. Maybe that was the wrong thing to say to Seth.

  “Ms. Grant, there are things you don’t-”

  “Lucy, I-” Graham stood in the doorway with a wary look on his face. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “It’s fine, Mr. Kinsey. Seth was just stopping by for his assignments.”

  Seth took a step back and looked between the two of us. “I’ll stop by tomorrow for them.”

  Seth turned a glare on Graham before turning and walking out of the room. I breathed a sigh of relief, sagging against my desk.

  “Are you okay?” Graham asked in concern.

  “Yes, but I think you’re right. I think it’s time to report him. I don’t want to get him in trouble, but I get this really bad feeling from him.”

  Graham nodded, “I think that would be wise. I’ll walk you to your car, but I may not always be there and I don’t trust that kid. Do me a favor, if I ever can’t walk with you, call campus security to escort you.”

  “I will. At least when he’s not traveling with the team.”

  He shifted un
comfortably, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Uh, Lucy. About the barbecue, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior. I get pretty worked up sometimes, but I should have kept my mouth shut considering where we were. I hope that you can forgive me and we can forget about all that.”

  It was so nice to hear an apology from a man because they so rarely happened. “I appreciate the apology, but I wouldn’t expect any invitations to any more barbecues any time soon,” I said with a smile.

  He smiled and then glanced at the flowers. “Secret admirer?”

  “I thought maybe they were from you,” I said uncertainly.

  He shook his head slowly and then looked back at the door where Seth had exited. “I think maybe we should go see the Dean now. This has gone too far.”

  I nodded and followed him out the door. Except, Seth had seemed angry about the flowers also. It didn’t make sense if he was the one that sent them. Either way, it was time to file a complaint.

  The dean was able to see me right away and despite Graham’s protests, I went in alone. The dean, Mr. Miller, was a man in his sixties, with salt and pepper hair and a kind smile. He waved for me to take a seat and then sat in his own chair.

  “Ms. Grant, my secretary said that this was somewhat urgent. What can I assist you with today?”

  “I need to file a complaint against a student.”

  “I see. Which student is this?” he asked as he picked up his pen to write.

  “Seth Mackenrow.”

  Mr. Miller put his pen down and leaned back in his chair. “Seth Mackenrow. What has he been doing?”

  “He’s been following me to my car at night, saying things to me about being careful and it’s not safe. It sounds innocent enough, but it’s more his tone of voice and his boundaries. It makes me very uncomfortable.”

  “I see.” He nodded and studied his desk for a minute. “Has anything else happened?”

  “I also got flowers today.”

  “Was there a signature?”

  “No. It said congratulations on surviving my first few weeks of school.”

  He nodded and leaned forward in his chair. “Seth Mackenrow used to be a very outgoing, friendly student. That all changed last year. His sister went missing from the campus. No one’s seen her since.”

  “Oh. I had no idea.”

  “That would certainly explain the warnings. I’ve had several female students complain that he does the same thing with them. He doesn’t mean any harm by it.”

  “Was his sister ever found?”

  “No, she disappeared when she was leaving the campus after a meeting with a teacher. The teacher was cleared, but he was the last known person to have seen her alive.”

  “Who was the teacher?” I asked quietly.

  “Graham Kinsey. As I said, he was cleared by the police and campus security. As for the flowers, it doesn’t sound like anything Seth would do, but I would suggest that you take precautions when leaving the building at night just to be on the safe side.”

  “I will.”

  “As for the flowers, maybe a family member sent them? It doesn’t sound like something Seth would do, but I’ll have a talk with his coach. He’s been keeping a close eye on Seth this year.”

  “Thank you. I would appreciate it,” I said, standing and heading for the door.

  “Oh, and Ms. Grant?”

  “Yes?” I turned back to the dean.

  “I trust that everything that was said here stays private. I really don’t like rumors being spread around the school.”

  I nodded and gave a small smile before leaving. When I got back to my office after talking with the dean, there was a note waiting for me.

  Don’t forget that you’re mine.

  Hunter. This wasn’t the first time that he staked his claim on me. Why would he even drive out here? I didn’t give a shit if he saw that someone sent me flowers, even if they were unwanted. He had to learn that he couldn’t control me and leaving me little notes to remind me that he thought I was his wasn’t the way to win me over. I grabbed my flowers and tossed them in the dumpster on the way out of school. I didn’t need the reminder that Seth had some kind of weird crush on me. I was going to settle things with Hunter once and for all.


  I drove up to the gates of the Reed Security building and waited to be let in. When I drove up, Hunter was waiting outside with a grin on his face. I got out and slammed the car door, marching up to him and slapping him on the face.

  “Stop with your damn notes. I am not yours and I never will be. Get it through your head. We’re over!”

  He looked completely shocked as he stared at me. “What are you talking about? What notes?”

  “Don’t mess with me, Hunter. All those notes you’ve been leaving me about me being yours. You’re the only man I know that stakes your claim on a woman like a piece of cattle.”

  “Lucy, I haven’t sent you any notes.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Stop lying to me. I don’t know what possessed you to drive out to the campus today to see me, but the flowers were just a congratulations present. Not some declaration of love from another guy. You didn’t have to go all medieval on me.”

  “Lucy, I sent the flowers, but I didn’t leave you a note. I haven’t left you any notes.”

  “But-” I thought back to the notes I received and shook my head. “But they all sounded just like you.”

  His face went hard. “What did they say?”

  “Stuff like ‘you’re mine and don’t forget it’. I just assumed that it was you. You’ve said it enough to me.”

  “Lucy, when I tell you that you’re mine, I say it to your fucking face. I would never leave notes for you. That’s fucking creepy. Do you still have them?”

  I shook my head. “No, I threw them out. I just figured that…” I swallowed hard and felt a little light headed. Hunter placed a hand around my arm to steady me. “Why don’t you come inside and tell me what the fuck is going on?”

  I nodded and followed him inside. That feeling I got whenever Seth was around was back full force and I couldn’t help but look back at the gates and wonder if he had followed me here.

  “Don’t worry. No one’s getting in.”

  I followed Hunter into the building in a daze and didn’t even blink when he shoved me into a chair and put a water bottle in my hand. I stared at it for a moment in confusion, but Hunter took off the cap and shoved it toward my mouth. “Drink.”

  I did as he said robotically and finally felt my brain coming back online. “So, if you didn’t send the notes, who did?”

  “I don’t know. Is there anyone that you’ve noticed hanging around?”

  “There’s one student. I actually reported him today. He’s been showing up at my office and he followed me out to my car a few times. He really creeps me out. He says weird things to me, like warnings.”

  “What kind of warnings?”

  He took the seat across from me and took my hands in his. It felt so right and even I had to admit, it made me feel safe.

  “Um, he said that it wasn’t safe to walk around the campus at night. It’s always something referring to it not being safe.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Well, it’s more the way he says it. He hovers around me and he grabs onto me like what he has to say is urgent. But when I talked to the dean today, he said that Seth has done that with a few females. His sister disappeared from campus last year and I guess he just wants to make sure that other women are taking precautions. I just wish he wouldn’t hover so much. It’s just very strange. Graham has been there a few times and he intervened.”

  “Man Bun?”

  “Seriously? You want to go there now?”

  “Sorry. But doesn’t it seem odd to you that Graham is always around?”

  “No. He’s been walking me to my car every night because he was there the first night Seth followed me out. He knew that it creeped me out, so he told me he would walk me out or to call campus sec

  “Well, at least he doesn’t sound like a total idiot. Why didn’t you tell me about this kid sooner?”

  “I really thought I was making it up in my head. I mean, he’s just a college student and he hasn’t said or done anything threatening.”

  “Following you to your car isn’t threatening?”

  “Well, if I came to you and said a student followed me to my car and then told me not to walk alone at night, what would you say?”

  He seemed to consider this and then ran a hand over his face. “Alright, yeah, I probably would have thought you were imagining things, but you still should have told me. I can teach you self defense and I can give you mace to put in your purse. Especially if you’re going to be walking alone through the parking lot.”

  I nodded, not sure what else to say. I was tired and now all I wanted was for this day to be over. I stood and Hunter gripped onto my arm.

  “I think you should stay with me for now. At least until I have a chance to check this kid out.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “Lucy, why do you have to be so stubborn? I just want to help you.”

  “What you don’t seem to get is that your form of helping is more like tying a noose around my neck. You just don’t know how to back off and I can’t stand that.”

  He took a step back from me and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Fine. I was just trying to look out for you.”

  “And I appreciate that, but I’ve reported the student and if you give me the mace, I’m sure I’ll feel much better about the whole thing.”

  He nodded and turned to leave. “If that’s what you want. Follow me.”

  He walked down a hall to the elevator and I followed him on. We took it down to another level and then he led me to a room filled with all kinds of weapons. He pulled two cans from the shelf and handed them to me. “Keep this in your purse. This isn’t the cheap shit they sell online. This shit is powerful, so be sure who you’re aiming it at before you spray it.”


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