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Motor City Vampires

Page 5

by Angela Myrick

“I love your bathroom; it’s amazing, but won’t people be able to see me take a shower with all those windows?”

  “Those are special windows — nobody can see inside.”

  Just then, Abby noticed Javon’s lack of clothing, and that he was definitely ready for a replay of last night. She looked him up and down, licking her lips slightly, thinking about what she would like to do to him.

  “Could you help me with the shower? It looks a little complicated.” Javon walked in front of Abby giving her a view of his muscular behind as he worked the knobs adjusting the shower. Steam began filling the bathroom, and the temperature was just right. Javon turned around to see that Abby was also completely naked now. Abby stepped inside the shower enclosure and began washing. She could see Javon through the clear glass watching her.

  All her life, Abby always felt too big, but Javon never made her feel anything but perfect and beautiful. Maybe he was the one for her.

  “Would you like to joi---.” Suddenly, Javon was inside the shower, kissing her neck from behind, caressing her breasts, teasing her nipples. She instantly began moaning as he touched her. She could feel his cock on her behind, rubbing against her. Javon’s hands were all over her body, exploring all her curves. He reached down between her legs as she spread them to allow him access. Past her wet delicate curls he explored her folds, gently rubbing her clit. She moaned as she leaned into the wall, holding herself upright by grabbing the shower bar. The pleasure was almost too much to handle.

  Javon whispered in her ear. “Are you ready for me?”

  She nodded unable to form a coherent response. He buried his shaft deep inside her from behind, in one quick thrust. He began to find his rhythm, pushing in and out of her pussy.

  “Faster.” Abby moaned.

  Javon increased his pace as he lightly pinched her nipples.

  “Come for me baby, scream for me.”

  “Oh my god, Javon!” Abby screamed as she came. Javon moaned, as he shortly followed her in his completion, his warm liquid filling her up, Abby could feel Javon’s breath on her neck. She turned around and gave him a loving kiss.

  “Now can I take my shower in peace?”

  “Anything, for you.”


  Mary was in her room getting ready for bed. She had on a long nightgown, white with red trim, her favorite. She was performing her nightly ritual of brushing her hair. Maurice never came to say goodbye after the hunting trip with her Father, it worried her but she tried her best to put it out of her mind. She was sure her Father would never do anything to harm somebody she loved so much. There was a knock at the door.

  “Who is there?”

  ”It’s your Father, I must speak with you, Daughter.”

  “Can it wait until morning, I am in my nightclothes.”

  “I am your Father, let me in.”

  Mary reluctantly unlocked the door and her Father entered her room. He was still wearing the same clothes he’d gone hunting in, they were all wrinkled and he smelled of alcohol. Mary made a face, she hated the smell of alcohol and her Father always got handsy with her when he drank. She thought once she married Maurice, she could finally escape the unwanted touches.

  “Sweet Mary, come sit on Daddy’s lap.”

  “I prefer to stand.”

  “Have it your way, I have some unfortunate news for you.” Herald gave Mary a wicked smirk.

  “I gave your suitor Maurice a test, to see how much he cares for you. I offered him 100 acres of land in the south and a generous sum of money, if he would leave and never return. He accepted and left an hour ago.”

  “You are lying, Maurice would never leave me! He promised never to leave! What did you do?”

  “I only tried to protect you; He was more than willing to take the deal.”

  Mary began crying her tears stinging her eyes. “I will leave you. Crying is so childish.”

  Mary didn’t believe Maurice would just leave without word. She would not let this go so easily. She would find him one way or another.


  Sally entered the Detroit VC Office. VC stood for Vampire Court. The actual Council resided in Europe but they had offices all over the world to take complaints. It was about 8:00 P.M. She approached the reception desk noticing immediately the receptionist was a human. The carpet was blood red and the walls black. How cliché.

  “I am Sally Persian, I am here to see Malice O’Connor, and I have an appointment.”

  “Of course, Miss Persian. Yes, here it is,” said the receptionist as she searched through the computer. She made a call on the phone, nodded then hung up.

  “Mr. O’Connor will see you now, Miss Persian.” She pointed down the hall. Third door on the left. As Sally walked down the hall she noticed several very old photos.

  Those must be council members.

  Sally knocked on the door marked VC Officer Malice O’Connor.

  “Come in, Come in.”

  Sally entered the office immediately shocked to see not a Vampire but a werewolf.

  “Are you Malice O’Connor?” Sally asked as she made a face.

  “Call me Connor. You seem rather shocked.”

  “Honestly, I didn’t expect one of your kind.”

  “I have a special skill set that comes in handy from time to time.”

  Connor let out a big laugh. He wasn’t at all what Sally expected he was just a little taller than her at six feet tall and very muscular, short auburn hair and green eyes. He had a square jaw that reminded her of her Father. She couldn’t help but admire him, he was very good looking, and it had been awhile since she had been with a man. Werewolf or not she was attracted to him. He offered her a seat and sat down at his desk.

  “Well, what can I do to help you, sweetheart?”

  A scowl appeared on Sally’s face. “I am nobody’s sweetheart, especially yours. I need to report a rogue Vampire.”

  “Sweet-- Um, Sally, what is the name of the Rogue?”

  “Maurice Quinn”

  “Okay—Made date?”

  “France 1634”

  “What crimes has he committed?”

  “Well, none that we can prove. He feeds from the unwilling, and I suspect he kills, and is a danger to my progeny.”

  “Did the mother Hecate or the council order a death warrant?” Hecate was the mother of all Vampires, said to have been the first Vampire. Sally doubted she even existed; nobody she knew had ever met the so-called mother Hecate.

  “No, I was unable to get an audience with either of them.”

  “I’m sorry, but my hands are tied, and until he breaks one of our laws I am unable to recommend execution.”

  “I cannot just do nothing, he is a killer. I will leave you, for now, Connor but you will be seeing more of me very soon.”

  “I will look forward to that, Sally.”


  Brian just returned from taking Lizzy home. Maurice was awake and he looked hungry. Brian knew this meant he would be breakfast. He dreaded being bitten. When he first came to live with Maurice the feedings were gentle and pleasurable. Maurice would caress his back and afterward tell him how much he meant to him, and how he would make a wonderful companion as a Vampire. Now it was rather violent, like being raped each time.

  “Where were you, Brian?” Maurice asked angrily.

  “I was taking the skank home.”

  “I wanted her for breakfast.”

  “You already took enough. We don’t need the attention of another death.”

  “Very well.” In an instant, Maurice was on Brian pinning him to the floor. Maurice violently pierced his neck, ferociously drinking down his blood. Brian held back a whimper as he felt the pain and violence of the feeding. Maurice retracted his fangs, not bothering to seal the wound.

  “When you are done crying like a bitch, I want you to go find that female of Javon’s and don’t fail me this time. I have no more patience for your failures.”

  Maurice left Brian on the floor in a weakened s
tate. All he could do was remain on the ground, unable to do much of anything. His phone rang and he barely had enough energy to answer.



  “Who is this? How did you get this number?”

  “This is Lizzy.”

  Oh great just what I need — a Vamp whore clinging on.

  “Lizzy, you shouldn’t be calling me.”

  “I was worried about you, I had a bad feeling, and I just needed to be sure.”

  “I’m fine, just a little depleted of my blood, that’s all, Maurice was very hungry this morning.”

  “Do you need help? I can come and help you.”

  “No.” Brian shouted over the phone. “I just need a nap. I will be fine, I’ve been through this plenty of times.”

  “Okay, but I’m calling every hour until I know you’re okay.”

  “Fine.” As Brian hung up, he couldn’t help but think what it would be like to have a girl like Lizzy —someone who would care for him. Someone to love him. It had been so long since he’d had anything like it, it was almost foreign to him now.

  Chapter 8

  Maurice sat in a cold stone room with a goat. He was disgusted with what Javon said he would need to do. He didn’t want to bite the goat but his hunger for blood was getting unbearable. The animal just looked at him with fear in its eyes, it bleated at him every few moments. Maurice could hear the blood flowing through its veins; he imagined what it would be like to feed from Mary remembering how sweet their kisses were. He walked over to the goat and before he knew it he was latched onto it drinking down the blood. Slowly his blood hunger vanished, he let go of the goat, horrified by what he had done, and the blood didn’t even taste good. His instinct just took over. The blood satisfied him but wasn’t at all what he craved. Javon walked into the room, inspecting the carnage of what was left of the goat.

  “I see you’ve had your first meal. Do you feel better?”

  “I am an evil monster; I cannot stand to live like this.”

  “You will get over that, soon you will be feeling much better, and then you can feed from the locals.”

  “I cannot feed from humans, it’s cruel.” At the same time imagining how sweet the blood would be.

  “You will change your mind. We are no different from the humans who eat animals except we do not have to kill to eat.”

  Sally entered the room with sadness in her eyes. It made Maurice uneasy; he hated to see a woman upset.

  “I think it’s time to move on, Mary isn’t taking the loss of you very well. We can’t risk someone spotting you in the city. I have a home in Greece. We will go there for a time until things settle down. Then you may return if you wish.”

  “I agree with Sally, it’s time to move on.”

  “I have lived here my whole life, I don’t know if I can.” said Maurice with sadness in his voice.

  “Javon, I need you to make the travel arrangements. Take Maurice as soon as possible. I will tie up the loose ends here and meet you in Greece.”

  “Right away, Sally.”


  Javon walked down the staircase as Sally entered the house. Sally was naturally a happy person, he could tell she was upset and was concerned. “Sally, I’m so glad I could catch you.”

  “I just left the VC Office. I wish I had better news.”

  “That bad?”

  “They won’t do anything about Maurice without more proof.”

  “Those idiots, of course there isn’t proof. He’s too smart for that. I will take care of him myself.”

  “Javon, please get some help, he is crazy and dangerous.”

  “Fine, but we must move quickly. I don’t know how much longer I can convince Abby to stay here.”

  “Javon, it’s time to tell her.”

  “I know, it’s just so hard. I love her so much I’m afraid she will leave.” Javon had always been so confident but Abby did something to him. She made him insecure, afraid that she would leave at any moment, and he couldn’t stand the thought of that.

  “If she sees something she shouldn’t, she will definitely run, so go tell her,” Sally said, as she gave him a playful smack on the head. Sally unconsciously picked up an old photo off the table. It was of herself and Enri in France. She stared at it for a moment wondering what could have been.

  “Now?” Javon asked.

  “Yes now, you do it, or I will.” Sally stated.

  “Alright, I will remember this when you meet your Eternal Mate.”

  Yeah, as if that will ever happen. I think that ship has sailed.


  “Abby,” Javon said nervously as he entered his bedroom. He had never been so scared in his entire life.

  Abby was in the bathroom drying her hair. She had the loveliest hair; he had always been a sucker for blondes. He heard the dryer shut off and she came out of the bathroom.

  “What’s wrong? Your face looks strange.”

  “I need to tell you something, I’m just not sure you will believe me or accept what I am about to tell you.” Maybe I’ll get lucky and you are one of those women who love Vampire Romances.

  “Whatever it is, you can tell me.” Abby leaned over and gave Javon a reassuring kiss. “I love you and that won’t change.” Javon felt his heart about to bust out of his chest with worry.

  “Abby, I’m a Vampire.” Javon blurted out. He put his face in his hands unable, to look at her reaction. Please don’t run away.

  Abby sat down looking at him for a moment. The silence was killing him. “Can I see your fangs?”

  “Um--you believe me?” Javon asked as he lifted up his head shyly.

  “I’m not going to say I believe you 100% but I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now.”

  “Okay, ready to see them?” Javon opened his mouth allowing his fangs to descend. Abby let out a yelp.

  “Oh my god, you actually have fangs! Can I touch them?” Javon couldn’t believe how well she was taking everything. He expected something more along the lines of fear and revulsion.


  Abby reached over and gently touched one with her finger. She noticed Javon got an erection as she stroked it.

  “Does this turn you on?”

  “It does when you do it.” Javon could smell her arousal. He was trying very hard to maintain his composure. She had no idea how much she turned him on.

  “So last night when I thought you bit me?”

  “I did, I’m sorry, I just lost control, and blood and sex kind of go together for me.” I’m such an asshole, I should have controlled myself.

  “So you really have to feed from people?”

  “We can if we want to, but there are other options. We can have bag blood delivered, there are Vampire clubs that serve blood in drinks, and in emergencies we can survive on animal blood.” Which, I would rather die than drink.

  “How do you take it?”

  “I sometimes drink live and I also have bag blood at home.”

  “I don’t like the thought of you drinking from other women.” As much as Abby’s head was spinning from everything that was happening she knew one thing for certain — she didn’t want to lose him. Vampire or not he was hers now.

  “I don’t either; the only one I want to drink from is you.”

  Abby started blushing. Javon thought it was so cute, it reminded him how human and fragile she was.

  “If we are going to be together, I don’t want you feeding from anyone but me. The bagged stuff is okay too, but no more live feeding.”

  “I can live with that.” Javon smiled, relieved this was going much better than he envisioned. She seemed to be accepting him exactly the way he was. He couldn’t wait to sink his fangs and cock into her. His cock was throbbing with desire to be buried in her wet pussy.

  “I need awhile to think about all this.”

  “Abby, I do love you. I would never let anything happen to you.”

  “I love you too, this is just a bit m
uch. We just met, and I need time to really know what my feelings are. In the meantime, I’m starving. Do Vampires eat?”

  “Yes we eat. Do you like Polish food? I know a great Polish restaurant.”

  “I love Polish, but before we go, I want to do something for you.”

  Javon smiled as Abby got on her knees in from of him. She stroked his cock through his jeans, he moaned in response. She unzipped his pants and his cock sprang free, hard and ready. She stroked the velvety skin as Javon leaned back on the bed with his eyes closed, enjoying the sensation. Oh my fucking god. Abby licked the length of him, and then took the head of it in her mouth. She sucked him, slowly taking the rest in her mouth. Javon sat up, stroking the back of her head as her mouth moved up and down his cock. Javon moaned loudly as he came in her mouth. Abby drank down his salty liquid; licking her lips as she came off her knees.

  “Let me pleasure you now.”

  “No, this was for you. I want to show you how much I love you. You can reciprocate later.”

  Javon was relieved Abby seemed to be taking everything so much better than he could ever wish for. He just hoped she would agree to be bonded; he couldn’t imagine life without her. He would give her a little time to get used to the whole Vampire thing before he brought up the bonding.


  Sally was quite pleased, everything was going as planned, and she had sent Javon with Maurice ahead to Greece. All that was left was to get a delicate situation taken care of. She went to visit an old friend to help take care of some things in her absence.

  She knocked on the door of a modest cottage. Just by looking you would never know the occupant was filthy rich. Enri was all about never attracting attention. She knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

  “Can I help you?” A young woman answered the door, obviously a maid and possibly a blood donor.

  “I am here to see Enri.”

  “Is he expecting you?”

  “No, but he will see me, I am an old friend.”

  “Come in, madam.” The young maid showed her to an ordinary sitting room. As Sally sat and waited, she noticed that even though he lived in a modest house, he still displayed all his trinkets from around the world.

  “Sally, my love.”


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