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Motor City Vampires

Page 6

by Angela Myrick

  “Enri. I am so happy to see you again.”

  “You sound as if we live a continent away.”

  “I know, we haven’t visited with each other enough.”

  “So, what brings the most stunning creature I have ever known to visit a miserly fellow like myself?”

  “I am leaving for a time, and I need your help with something of the utmost importance.”

  “You know I owe you my life, what can I do?”

  “Javon has turned a local.”

  “Oh my, wasn’t expecting that.”

  “He was shot and left for dead in the woods. Javon took it upon himself to help him.”

  “What you saw in that tenderhearted fool I will never know.”

  “Do I detect a bit of jealousy?”

  “You know you broke my heart, I loved you dearly.”

  “That was so long ago, it just wasn’t meant to be.” Sally loved Enri very much at one time, but she was young and didn’t want to bond with anyone—and still didn’t.

  “It was wrong of me to bring up the past. What do you need of me?”

  “The man Javon turned was courting Mary, my dear friend, and she is not taking his disappearance very well.”

  “What does she believe happened to him?”

  “Her Father told her he paid him to leave town. Mary isn’t buying it. I think her Father is the one that shot him.”

  “How intriguing, what would you like me to do?”

  “I want you to keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.”


  “I must go now, I am leaving for Greece tomorrow. I have much to do.”

  “Take care, Sally my love.”


  Abby was at dinner with Javon. She was starving after sleeping through the whole day. She couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to make love to him with his sexy fangs sinking into her as she rode him. Javon made a growling sound.

  “Abby, my love, if you keep thinking dirty thoughts about me, I will have no choice but to take you right here on the table.” A blush rose to Abby’s face.

  “I didn’t know you could read my thoughts.”

  “It’s more like feelings. If we become bonded we will be able to read each other’s thoughts and communicate telepathically. It’s a very intimate thing to be bonded and be so open to each other. I look forward to being able to let you read me and feel the love I have for you.”

  “It sounds amazing.”

  The waitress came by and they both placed their order. Abby ordered the cabbage rolls and Javon ordered the Kielbasa with sauerkraut.

  “I have a bit of a confession to make; I don’t want to keep any secrets.”

  “You can tell me anything.”

  “The man who attacked you at your apartment was probably sent to abduct you to get back at me.”

  “What for?”

  “In 1634 I turned a man who was dying of a gunshot wound. His name was Maurice. He wasn’t too happy I turned him. He blamed me for taking him from the love of his life.

  “That’s terrible, you saved him, he should be grateful.”

  “Not everyone can handle being a Vampire, some go insane, and some go rogue like Maurice.”

  “Am I still in danger?”

  “I am afraid so.”

  “You will need to stay with me until he can be dealt with.”

  “I will need to go home and get my laptop and my transcription equipment—I still need to work.”

  “Abby I just want you to know I never meant to get you caught up in my troubles, I will get this resolved as soon as possible.”

  Abby, smiled as their food arrived.

  “Oh this looks great, I’m starving.” Abby began quickly eating her food as soon as it arrived; she was starving and couldn’t help herself. She looked up and saw Javon watching her eat, she immediately slowed down. “Sorry I’m really hungry.”

  “Don’t apologize I love a woman with a healthy appetite. Eat up you will need your energy for later.”

  Chapter 9

  It was after midnight, Enri watched Mary outside her bedroom. He watched as Mary cried herself to sleep. Her Father left after doing horrible things, he was a monster and must be stopped.

  He wondered if Sally knew what was going on, probably not. He wouldn’t stand for this; He waited outside in the dark behind some trees. Enri watched as Mary’s Father came out, and rode away in a carriage. This was so much more than what he thought this favor would be. He was mesmerized by her beauty and innocence, at that moment he knew he would die for her without question. Mary wasn’t some silly girl; she was a woman with a big problem. And he planned on taking care of that problem as quickly as possible.


  Brian sat outside Abby’s apartment watching. She seemed to be packing and Javon was with her too. This was going to complicate things if he couldn’t grab her before they left. After the last altercation with Abby, he realized she was a handful and that he would need a little help. He managed to get a sedative from a nurse at the hospital; all he had to do is jab her with the needle and nighty, night. Hopefully after all was said and done he could be turned and never have to see that bastard Maurice again.

  Brian heard his phone ring and quickly picked it up. “Hello.” He said as he answered the phone.

  “Brian, its Lizzy, how are you feeling?”

  “I’m a lot better. I can’t talk, Maurice has me on a job for him.”

  “What kind of job?”

  “The kind I can’t talk about.”

  “Whatever he has you doing for him, remember it’s not worth losing yourself. Brian, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up later. Just to talk or something.”

  “Lizzy, my life is very complicated; you don’t want to get mixed up in my problems.”

  “I’ve already seen your problem, call me when you’re done. I’ll be up late.”


  “Javon?” yelled Abby, as she packed up a few things from her room.

  “Yes, you need some help?” Javon asked, as he entered the room.

  “Is it okay if I bring Spot?” Abby pointed to an aquarium in the corner with an iguana inside. “He gets lonely without me.”

  “Anything you want to bring is fine by me. I’ll be in the living room watching TV. Are you sure you don’t want help?”

  “Positive, I work quicker alone. Now get out so I can concentrate, oh, and there’s a beer in the fridge if you want one.”

  “What I’m thirsty for isn’t in the fridge.” He gave Abby a mischievous smile. Javon approached Abby, taking in her delicious scent. He touched her cheek with the back of his hand.

  “I crave you, Abby.” He brushed her lips with his, taking her in his arms as he nuzzled her neck, his cock getting hard at the prospect of feeding from her. Abby pushed Javon away.

  “Let me finish, and then you can have your way with me.”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t help myself.”

  “You never have to be sorry for that. I’ll be done in a few minutes, okay?”

  “Yes, my love, I’ll be in the living room.” Javon gave her a kiss on the forehead on his way out.

  That man is just too damn sexy for his own good. Abby was starting to get excited about spending some time with Javon at his house. She picked up some sexy lingerie, deciding what pieces to bring. She rarely got to use any of it but thought it was fun to buy anyway. She held up the red sheer bra and panty set and looked at herself in the mirror. I think Javon would definitely like red. Just then she noticed someone behind her and before she could scream a hand was over her mouth and a needle pierced her neck. Everything went black.


  Enri sat outside the Tavern watching Mary’s Father. The sick bastard was having one drink after another. He was sitting with two prostitutes, no doubt buying their company. He decided, since he didn’t know him, a personal approach would be okay. As Enri approached the Tavern, he noticed the stench of stale Ale a
nd urine. The place stood for everything he hated about humans; lack of self-control and gluttony.

  He sat in the corner, obscured by the shadows with the hood of his cloak pulled over his face. The bar wench approached to take his order, he ordered an Ale just so he wouldn’t stand out too badly, he had no intention of drinking it. He watched as Mary’s Father ordered one last drink. He whispered to the prostitute and she nodded her head and she left with him. Enri knew where they were headed. There was a hotel across the street where prostitutes often took their customers. He paid for his drink and followed them. He knew he would have to use his Vampire gifts to ensure no one would suspect him once the sick bastard disappeared.

  Enri waited in the shadows until he thought it was safe. The fewer people that saw him the better. He entered the hotel, put the clerk in a trance, and found out what room Mary’s Father was in. He put the suggestion in the clerk’s head that he was never there.

  Stopping outside the door of the room, he could hear moaning and grunting inside the room suggesting that he and the prostitute were already engaged in activity of a carnal nature. Enri waited around the corner until they were finished, and the prostitute left. Enri then entered the room.

  “What are you doing in here?” Mary’s Father yelled. He was unable to utter another word — Enri was on him in a flash. His hand covered his mouth while he tore into his neck drinking down his blood as quickly as he could. Mary’s Father quickly passed out as Enri continued to feed until Mary’s Father’s heart stopped beating. Enri licked his lips, feeling a bit woozy from all the alcohol that was in the blood. He decided leaving Mary’s Father in the hotel would be bad for the family name so he dressed the body and put his arm around him. Suggesting he was merely drunk and getting help from a friend, Enri pulled his hood down and walked out of the hotel; the clerk waved, barely looking up from his book. Enri took the body into a nearby alley where he took his money and watch, making it look like a robbery gone wrong. Enri left quite pleased with himself, it had been awhile since he’d helped mankind.


  Javon entered Abby’s room; it had been an hour since he last checked on her. The window leading to the fire escape was wide open, it was a cold night and the freezing air was blowing into the room. Javon called out her name as he checked the adjoining bathroom. His worst fear had come to fruition: Abby had been taken. He felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest. Abby was his life now and Maurice would pay for this. His phone rang suddenly.


  “Javon, it’s me, Sally. I sense you are in distress. What has happened?”

  “He did it. He took her.” Javon was pacing the room, feeling helpless and not knowing what to do.

  “That uncouth bastard. I will call Connor at the VC Office. Perhaps this will be enough. In the meantime I will get in touch with Enri, he may know some people who can help us get her back. Don’t worry, Javon we will get her back.”


  Connor sat in his office. It was late for most of the population but for him, this is when things would heat up. Whoever heard of a Vampire attack in broad daylight? It was turning out to be a relatively quiet night so far. A couple Vampires were reported to be feeding without permission, but nothing too serious. The intercom on his phone buzzed.

  “Mr. O’Connor, Miss Persian is here to see you, and she does not have an appointment.”

  “That’s okay, send her back.” As he hung up the phone he quickly straightened his desk, brushed back his hair and gave himself a squirt of breath spray. Sally was so hot, he knew he didn’t really have a chance, being a werewolf, but you couldn’t blame a guy for trying. Sally entered the office looking beautiful. He smiled thinking about all the dirty things he would love to do to her. She looked much more casual than she did at their last visit. She wore skinny jeans and a green top with a deep V-neck.

  “Sally, how nice of you to stop by. What can I do for you?” he motioned for her to take a seat. She just stood defiantly.

  “It’s Maurice.”

  “Of course, what has our bad boy done now?”

  “This is no joke, he is a dangerous man and must be stopped. How long do you think it will take before he exposes all Vampires to the humans? He kidnapped Abby, Javon’s future mate. Is this proof enough or will you continue to sit on your tail and do nothing.” Sally leaned over the desk where Connor was seated. He couldn’t help but take a peek down her shirt. Sally noticed. “Are you enjoying the view?” She stood up straight, pulling her shirt up a bit.

  “Quite a lot, actually.” He growled, very happy the desk was covering his hard on. Concentrate you horny bastard. “Let me guess, no proof.”

  “Will you help me now or do I have to drag in a dead body to be taken seriously?”

  “I do have some discretion in these matters and I’m inclined to believe you. With any luck he’ll be in custody in a few days. I will send out a warrant for him to be brought in and held for questioning. That’s the best I can do. This will be sent to every bounty hunter in this part of the country.”

  “Days? He will kill her by then.”

  “It’s the best I can do, unless you don’t want the warrant.”

  “No, I want the warrant. Thank you.” Sally grumbled under her breath.

  “Sally, it’s been a pleasure like usual. I hope you will visit me very soon.”

  “Yeah, I’ll get right on that.” Sally said sarcastically.

  Chapter 10

  Brian was well on his way back to the house. He couldn't believe he’d actually done it; he’d kidnapped Javon’s female. This was just what he needed as leverage to finally get Maurice to turn him.

  “Hello?” he answered as he picked up his phone.

  “Brian, it’s Lizzy.”

  “Lizzy! I did it, I think I've finally figured out a way to get Maurice to turn me,” Brian blurted out before he realized what he said.

  “What do you mean turn you?”

  “Never mind, pretend I didn't say anything.”

  “You want to be turned into a Vampire, don't you?”

  “Lizzy, I don't have time for this.”

  “Brian, don't do it. What I did with Maurice was a drunken mistake. I know you’re in a bad situation but I know you're not bad. Maurice is really bad, like evil bad. I know you may think I'm crazy but I have visions, I can see things, and I started having them about you. I've seen what your future will be if you don't stop this.”

  “Thank you Dr. Phil. Later.”

  He hung up the phone, quite pleased with himself. He used his rearview mirror to keep an eye on Javon's female, not that she would be waking up for a little while longer. He needed to call Maurice with his demands, it needed to be done carefully or it could all blow up in his face.

  “Maurice, this is Brian,” he said as Maurice answered.

  “Where are you? I'm at the house.”

  “I have her, I've got the girl.”

  “Excellent, bring her to me.”

  “Not so fast, before I bring her anywhere, I want what is owed to me.”

  “And what would that be, my pet?”

  “You will turn me, or I'm letting her go.”

  “No, you won't. Let her go or you will cease to exist, and no one will ever miss you.”

  “Don't try to scare me Maurice, I know all your tricks, you have one hour to decide.” He hung up and was shaking. This was the most scared he’d ever been, but if it worked, it would be worth it.


  It had been a month since the problem of Mary’s Father had been taken care of. He was found and everyone assumed that he had too much to drink and was mugged and murdered. It wasn't uncommon in that part of town. Enri watched Mary every night through her bedroom window, she was so beautiful and he desperately wanted to touch her to feel her skin against his as he held her in her time of need. With the additional loss of Mary's Father she was falling deep into a depression, he feared what she may do next.

  He watched as Mary brushed
her golden brown hair and took care to tie it with a blue ribbon. She dressed in a white nightgown with matching blue trim. Mary walked down the stairs and out the servant's entrance. Enri followed her from a discreet distance, he was puzzled as to what she was doing out in the middle of the night in her nightclothes. He stayed back as she lit a candle for light. He waited a few minutes and then approached the stables. He looked inside and was horrified. Mary’s lifeless body was hanging from the rafters. He quickly released her, put his ear to her heart, and could still hear it faintly beating. If he was going to do something he had to hurry. She wouldn't be alive much longer.

  “I will save you, Mary, I won't let you die.” Enri wasn't sure what was wrong with him, he was actually crying, the thought of a world without her was more than he could bear. He knew he only had one option: he had to turn her. He only hoped she had enough life to accept the change. He bit his wrist and held it to her open mouth and let the liquid run down her throat, simultaneously he bit her neck and drank down her blood. Mary awoke, gripped his wrist and drank it down, suckling like a baby. He did it. Mary was saved.


  Mary was sitting in the back office at Bloodlust, her sire Enri put her in charge of all the accounting and the club website. She enjoyed helping in any way she could, she had always been good with numbers. Her golden brown hair was in a plain ponytail and she wore khakis with a red blouse. As Enri entered the office, Mary smiled and looked up from her mountain of paperwork. Enri looked as handsome as usual with his goatee and wavy brown hair. He wore a custom designer suit, and he was a knockout compared to her plain looks.

  “Mary, my sweet. How is everything?”

  “Business is good.” And boring as usual.

  “We have a situation I need to talk to you about.” Oh please, not another declaration of love.

  “Enri, you look very upset, what is it?” She noticed that he sat and started fondling his goatee, not looking her in the eye.

  “Javon got in touch with me, there is a rogue Vampire that has taken his mate.”

  “Oh no, I know he’s your best friend. Are you going to help get her back?”


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