Book Read Free

Collection of 18 stories

Page 16

by Ally Blue

  It was an incredible set. The music was fiercely beautiful, wild and spirited, and Caleb’s voice could reduce you to tears with its sheer power. The band was tight and perfect, and I knew the second they started playing that they were going to be huge. The vast majority of the people packed into the tent clearly worshipped them. During some songs, so many people sang along that Caleb just grinned and held the mic out over the crowd, taking a break while the fans screamed out the lyrics. Caleb shed the shirt halfway through the set, resulting in a chorus of feminine screams and several requests for him to lose the pants too. I’m pretty sure one of those came from David.

  By the time their allotted hour was up, the band was as drenched as their audience. Caleb’s chest and stomach dripped sweat, and his hair clung to his cheeks in little damp tendrils. He looked positively edible. He caught my eye and I flicked my tongue out at him. He grinned and motioned toward the side of the stage as he and his bandmates filed off.

  I started to make my way toward the VIP area Caleb had indicated. Nat grabbed me before I’d gotten far.

  “Damn, girl,” she said. “What a fucking piece! How the hell did you snag him? I think every woman here would give a body part to get with him.”

  That stopped me. I’d been wondering why Caleb didn’t just tell me he was in a band. But I realized I already knew. He’d said people lied to him, used him, because they wanted sex with him. The reason he’d given me was his admittedly stunning good looks. The real reason, though, must’ve been his rising-star status. He hadn’t told me because he didn’t want just another groupie. He needed someone to want the real Caleb, not just the star.

  “Sorry, Nat,” I said. “I gotta go see him. We’ll talk later, okay?”

  “But Kitty...”

  David wrapped an arm around Natalie’s shoulders and pulled her against him. “C’mon, Nat. Let’s go.”


  “Shut up. We’ll see her later, right Kitty?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “And I bet he’d love to meet you guys. But right now, I really really need to see him.”

  “Go on,” David said. I kissed his cheek, then headed over to where Caleb waited.

  Caleb was leaning over the barrier, talking to a group of girls. They were flirting so hard it’s a wonder they didn’t sprain something. I ran my fingers through my hair in a vain attempt at getting rid of the tangles, then made my way over to Caleb. I put as much sway in my step as I could, which is saying a lot.

  “Caleb!” I called.

  He turned toward me and gave me a great big I-know-what-you-look-like-naked grin. “Hey,” he said.

  I drew closer. The girls gave me some truly poisonous looks, which I ignored. “You were soooooo damn sexy up there,” I purred, running a fingertip up his arm.

  He licked his lips in a deliberately suggestive way. “Thanks. You’re not bad yourself.”

  I leaned closer, my lips almost touching his. “Want me to blow you backstage?”

  One girl made an outraged sound behind me. Yeah, right, I thought, like you weren’t gonna say the same damn thing.

  Caleb reached out, took my face in both hands, and kissed me. “I don’t think security’ll let you in.”

  I sucked on his bottom lip. “I have an all-access pass.”

  “Oh, yeah?” He kissed me again, running his tongue over my lips. “Well then, I guess you can come on back and blow me.”

  “Hey!” a shrill voice behind me said. “Go away, bitch. We were talking to him first.”

  I didn’t even turn around; she wasn’t worth looking away from Caleb’s captivating eyes. “Bite me, skank.”

  Outraged gasps. I stifled a laugh. I kissed Caleb’s cherry-flavored lips again, then headed over to the security gate. He followed on the other side of the barrier. I showed my pass, and security let me through with only a slight frown. So what if they thought I was no more than a groupie. I didn’t care about that. All I cared about was the gorgeous sweaty man who swept me into his arms and kissed me like nothing else in the world mattered.

  “Are you mad?” he said when we finally took a break.

  “’Bout what?”

  “That I didn’t tell you I was in a band.”

  “Naw. I understand why you didn’t.”

  “You do?”


  He smiled at me, and it was so sweet I wanted to cry. “You’re amazing, Kitty.”

  I pulled out of his arms and clasped his hand in mine. It felt just right. “Let’s go to the hotel, Caleb.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  He slung an arm around my shoulders. I slipped my arm around his waist, and we started toward the special parking area reserved for musicians.

  “So this is what it feels like,” I mused out loud as we walked.


  “Being a groupie.”

  He laughed. “You’re no groupie. Believe me, I’ve had plenty, and you’re not one.”

  “So what am I?”

  He stopped walking, wound both arms around my waist, and stared into my eyes. “I don’t know. But I want to find out.”

  I figured I could live with that.


  "baby" first appeared in the erotic ezine Ruthie's Club in January 2005.


  baby says: hey sexy, you there?

  blue-eyes says: yeah i’m here. sorry, phone rang

  baby says: who was it?

  blue-eyes says: front desk. meeting in the morning got cancelled

  baby says: oh good, that means you have more time tonight

  blue-eyes says: sure do

  baby says: so when you coming to see me?

  blue-eyes says: when you want me to? i’ll be in town all week for this stupid conference

  baby says: how bout now?

  blue-eyes says: i don’t know where you are

  baby says: im at work

  blue-eyes says: you want me to visit you at work? wont you get in trouble?

  baby says: naw, me and the owner are likethis. LOL

  Pete licked his lips and glanced at the web-cam photo he’d printed out before flying to Orlando. It was blurry, off center and too dark, but not even a crappy web-cam shot could hide baby’s beauty. Soft red lips parted in an evil-diva smile, jet-black hair curled against the pearly skin of her neck and her heart-shaped face. And those eyes. Damn, those eyes. Huge, blue-green cat eyes lined in black and fringed with long, thick lashes.

  He’d had to jerk off right away when she’d sent him that picture. She’d talked him through it, and then licked the semen off his stomach when he came. She was so damn good, he could almost feel her wet tongue on him. But he’d never actually met her, and he’d always heard how dangerous it was to hook up with someone you only knew online.

  He looked at her picture again and thought of all the things they’d shared. Not just sex, but hopes, dreams, things they’d never told anyone else. It didn’t feel like lies; it felt real.

  “Just do it, you damn pussy,” he ordered himself. He turned back to the computer screen.

  blue-eyes says: ok, i’ll come

  baby says: you sure will; just wait til you get here, so i can swallow it

  blue-eyes says: oh thanks now i have a hardon

  baby says: excellent i know what to do with that…

  blue-eyes says: LOL ok tell me where to go

  baby says: where you staying?

  blue-eyes says: at the Radisson

  She gave him detailed directions on how to get to the club where she worked. He copied them onto a piece of hotel stationery.

  blue-eyes says: ok let me shower real quick and ill be there soon as i can

  baby says: hurry lover

  baby says: tell the doorman baby sent you

  An hour later, Pete’s taxi pulled up to the curb in front of 453 Hazelwood Street

  . He frowned, checked the scribbled address again, and looked back up. Yep, that was the number baby had given him. He almost told the d
river to turn around and take him back to the Radisson. Only the thought of the enticing woman waiting for him inside kept him from doing just that.

  “I can’t fucking believe I’m really doing this,” he muttered. He paid the driver, got out, and approached the door.

  It was solid black metal, set in a black wall. A small red neon sign over the door read ‘The Ties That Bind.’ baby had told him that she worked at a private BDSM club. They’d had countless chats where she’d tie him up and do the most depraved things to him. It never failed to make him come hard and fast. The thought of doing those things in real life made his belly tighten. He ran a hand nervously through his hair, pushing the honey-gold waves out of his eyes. He’d had many lovers, male and female, but none had ever gotten under his skin the way this woman had before he’d even met her.

  “Pete, my boy,” he said, “inside this club is a woman who might be the one. Just knock on the goddamn door.”

  He nodded, squared his shoulders, and gave the door a couple of hard raps with his knuckles. A small panel slid open and a heavily made-up face peered out. A line of black tattooed teardrops trailed down the white cheek. Eyes the color of molasses slid appreciatively over his body.

  “Yes?” The young doorman smiled, his black-painted lips stark against his powdered skin. Pete suppressed a shudder.

  “baby sent me,” Pete said, as he’d been instructed.

  The brown eyes widened. “One moment, sir.”

  The panel slid shut. Pete heard the snick of bolts sliding back, then the door swung open.

  “My name is Simon,” the doorman said. “Please come in.”

  Simon stood aside and Pete walked in, not without some trepidation. The door swung shut behind him. Something about the sharp sound of the bolts ramming home seemed very final. He shivered as he looked around the small, black-painted room.

  Simon turned back to him with a cadaverous smile. “Follow me, please.” He turned and pushed open a set of red, padded double doors. Pete followed his whip-thin form into the inner sanctum. He stared around with wide eyes as they made their way through the crowd to the back of the huge room.

  The whole place was painted black. Floors, ceiling, walls, all solid black. Chains hung from the ceiling, dangling plastic limbs, blow-up dolls, and sex toys only a few feet above the heads of the throng. Multi-colored lights pulsed in time to the throbbing techno beat, illuminating a wall-to-wall sea of nearly naked flesh. Groups of two, three, and more undulated on the dance floor and wound themselves into tangles in the red leather booths lining the walls. He caught glimpses of men and women wearing black hoods and studded collars.

  “This way, sir.”

  Pete shook himself and focused on his guide. Simon was holding open another black metal door, smaller than the one out front. It opened onto a long hallway lined with doors, each one different. At the end of the hall was a spiral staircase made of wrought iron. Simon headed straight for the stairs. Pete followed him, his stomach fluttering nervously. Sounds he wasn’t sure he wanted to identify floated from behind the doors they passed.

  At the top of the stairs, Simon knocked twice on a carved door that looked like it was made of mahogany. The door opened a crack.

  “baby’s guest is here,” Simon said.

  “Thank you, Simon,” said a female voice. Simon turned and started down the steps without a word.

  “Sir? In here, please.”

  The woman in the doorway was tall and elegant. Pale blond hair swept up into a loose twist at her neck. She smiled at him, and stood aside to let him enter. He gaped at the black-and-red painted walls, hung with manacles, chains, whips, and things he couldn’t even identify. A huge mahogany bar curved out from the far wall; mirrors behind it reflected bottles of liquor. A single chair sat in the middle of the red hardwood floor. It was black, wide, and sturdy, and bolted to the floorboards. There was a hole in the seat. He decided not to think about that yet.

  “I’m Nora,” the woman said. “I’m baby’s personal assistant. Would you like a drink?”

  “Um, bourbon, please.” Pete pulled at the collar of his pale blue T-shirt. He’d picked it because it matched his eyes. “So, you’re baby’s assistant? Wow. She said she worked here, but hell, she didn’t tell me she was a suit.”

  Nora’s brow creased in a polite furrow as she rummaged behind the bar. “A suit?”

  Pete laughed. “Yeah, sorry. An executive. Seems like she’s higher up the food chain than she let on.”

  Nora smiled as she handed Pete a glass of iced Kentucky bourbon. “baby owns the club, actually.”

  Pete nearly choked on his drink. “You’re shitting me.”

  “No sir. baby built this place up from scratch. It used to be an abandoned warehouse. Now it’s the most sought-after club of its type in the Southeast. We turn away far more people than we allow to join.”

  “Wow.” Pete tossed back the rest of the whiskey in one gulp. Something about the fact that baby owned the place both terrified and aroused him. He felt himself getting hard just from the thought of her concentrating her fierce executive personality on his body. He glanced at Nora. “So when does she get here?”

  “Simon will inform baby that you’ve arrived. I’ll help you get ready.”

  Pete narrowed his eyes at her. “Yeah? What does that mean, anyhow?”

  “baby wants you prepared a particular way. I gather that you two have talked about… certain things?”

  Pete gulped. “Yeah. Okay. So, um, so what do I need to do?”

  It embarrassed him more than a little to talk so openly to this woman about his strange affair with baby. But she seemed to know all about it, and didn’t seem the least bit shocked or put off, so he pushed his unease aside and thought about the woman he’d come here for. baby’s white skin, baby’s wicked eyes, baby’s soft wet mouth. His cock swelled even more, pushing against his zipper.

  Nora glanced at his crotch and raised a neatly plucked eyebrow. Pete felt his face flush.

  “Please remove all your clothing, then sit down in the chair.” She sounded so matter-of-fact that she might as well have been telling him to take out the trash.

  Pete’s jaw fell open. “What?”

  “Please remove your clothing,” Nora repeated blandly, “and sit down in the chair.”

  “But… but I thought… listen, I don’t know you…”

  “Sir, if you want baby to come to you, you must do as you’re asked.” She gave him a tight smile. “You needn’t worry about me seeing you naked. I am not interested in men. Now if you’ll please remove your clothing, sir? baby can be quite impatient.”

  Pete bit his lip. He only hesitated a second before yanking his T-shirt over his head and pulling off his shoes and socks. It took him a moment longer to get up the nerve to strip off his jeans and underwear. Nora folded his clothes and placed them in a neat pile on a shelf beside the bar. Her blank expression didn’t falter as she motioned him to sit.

  “Why’s there a hole in the chair?” Pete asked as he sat down.

  “It’s made that way, sir. Hands behind the back of the chair, please.”

  Pete put his hands behind him. “I can see that, but why?” The possibilities made his balls tighten.

  “Many of our clients make use of this sort of chair from time to time.” Cold metal clamped snugly around his wrists. “It’s baby’s favorite,” she added. Pete couldn’t decide whether that scared him or turned him on, or both.

  “Spread your legs, please.” Nora knelt on the floor in front of him; small silver chains and padlocks dangled from one manicured hand.

  Pete almost didn’t do it. He squeezed his eyes shut and pictured baby’s red, red lips wrapped around his cock. He spread his legs. The chains were cold on his skin as Nora fastened them around his ankles and knees. He opened his eyes and looked down; the sight of his body splayed and bound for baby’s pleasure made him ache with anticipation.

  Nora stood and smoothed out the wrinkles in her long black dress. “baby
will be with you shortly, sir. Enjoy your evening.”

  Pete watched her turn and walk out a small door to his right. The room was so quiet he could hear his own heartbeat. It pounded in his ears like tribal drums. He rested his head against the back of the chair and closed his eyes.

  His arms and legs were beginning to cramp and indignation was close to overcoming his arousal, when he heard the door to his right open. He started to turn his head.


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