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Collection of 18 stories

Page 17

by Ally Blue

  “Stop. Look straight ahead.” The voice was low and sultry. Pete felt a thrill go through him. baby. It had to be. No one but baby could have a voice like that.


  “Yes, Pete. baby’s here.”

  Pete heard heels clicking behind him. He licked his lips. “How did you know my name? I never told you that. We agreed to just use screen names.”

  A soft laugh raised the hairs on his arms. “It’s not so hard to find out.” Warm hands caressed his shoulders, sending shivers of pleasure down his skin.


  “You don’t need to know my name. Just call me baby. Everyone does.”

  “baby,” he whispered. “baby. Let me see you.”

  She didn’t answer, and his mouth went dry. If he’d fucked it up already, if she was angry with him… But no. Light clicking footsteps around his left, and baby stood before him. He stared, speechless.

  He’d known she was beautiful. But no picture could possibly capture her as she really was: sleek and feral, fragile and dangerous. She was small, no more than five foot and six inches, even in her high heels. She was slender and delicate, and in a blood-red satin dress that dragged the floor. Her white shoulders were bare and lovely, and her collarbone was a graceful arch beneath the thin straps of the dress. She smiled down at him, red lips moist and open. A curling strand of midnight black hair clung to the corner of her mouth.

  “Am I beautiful?” She stalked closer, pale skin peeking through the thigh-high slit in the front of her dress as she walked. She stood between his open legs and stared down at him. It was like locking gazes with a jungle cat.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Pete answered. It was nothing but the truth.

  baby’s smile widened. Her turquoise eyes gleamed with something indefinable. “Am I really?”

  “Yes. You are.”

  She lowered her gaze to his crotch and licked her lips. His erection throbbed with the need to be touched. She sank to her knees and leaned forward until her red mouth hovered over his cock. She rolled her eyes up to meet his. Her pink tongue flicked over his skin, feather light, and he groaned.

  “God, baby, suck my cock,” he begged.

  One corner of her mouth lifted in a teasing half-smile.

  “You haven’t earned that yet,” she said. She planted a gentle kiss on the tip of his cock, and then rose gracefully to her feet. His hips strained toward her, desperate.

  “What do you want?” He gazed up at her; she seemed unbearably beautiful, unearthly in her perfection. She was a goddess, and he was her slave, worshipping at her dainty feet.

  She gave him a smile full of darkness. “I want to find out if the things that make you come in cyber-land still make you come when they’re real.”

  Pete nodded. His heart was hammering against his ribs, and his whole body burned. “I want you to do those things to me,” he said.

  baby smiled that deliciously wicked smile again. She took his face in both small hands and bent towards him.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered. He closed the space between them and pressed his mouth to hers.

  Her lips parted under his, her tongue slithering into his mouth. Her kiss was hot and fierce, deep and demanding. When she pulled away, he whimpered from the loss. He licked his lips; her lipstick tasted like cherries. He stared up into her glowing eyes and couldn’t speak.

  “Don’t worry, my sweet, innocent boy,” she crooned. “I’ll be very gentle with you.”

  He didn’t know what he was about to say. Whatever it was flew straight out of his head when a searing pain shot through his right nipple. He glanced down and gasped when he saw the small metal clamp digging into the tender flesh. Baby flicked it with a fingernail the color of a blood clot, sending another bolt of pain through him.

  “Do you like that, darling?” She bent and kissed him, a light brush of lips.

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  She smiled, and pain blazed in his other nipple. Her fingers twisted both clamps at the same time, and he screamed. baby kissed him hard, plunging her tongue into this mouth while she pulled and twisted the nipple clamps. By the time she backed away, his body trembled all over and he was gasping for breath. He’d never been so turned on in his life. His nipples throbbed with pain, and the pain was wonderful. He felt ferociously alive.

  “God, it turns me on to hear you scream,” baby said. She whirled around and strode over to a cabinet set into the wall. She opened the door and pulled something out. Pete watched the muscles working in her back, her shoulder blades standing out like birds’ wings. When she turned around again, he saw that she was holding a black lacquer box. It seemed heavy.

  “What’s in the box?” he asked.

  She didn’t answer him. She moved behind his chair, slim hips swaying as she walked. A rustle of satin, and her hot lips on his neck.

  “Have you ever been fucked in the ass?” She flicked her tongue into his ear. He drew a sharp breath.

  “No,” he whispered.

  “You’ve been with men before.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Yeah. A few times. But I always topped, I never bottomed. Are… are you gonna…”

  “Yes,” she said. “I am. Don’t worry, my love. My playthings won’t damage you.”

  “But you’re going to hurt me.”

  “Oh, yes. You want that, don’t you? Sweet, dirty boy.” She pulled his head back by the hair. He stared up into her eyes. “Tell me what you want me to do to you,” she said, and ran her tongue over his parted lips.

  “I want you to do the things you do to me when we talk online.”

  “Want to hear you say it.” She bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. “Want to hear those filthy words from that sweet, pretty mouth.”

  He swallowed. “I want you to fuck my ass. Stick your toys up my ass, and fuck me.”

  She smiled. “You’re so good. So obedient.” She kissed him once more, softly, and let go of his hair. He heard the whisper of satin as she knelt behind him. So the opening in the seat of the chair was for what he’d thought.

  He gasped when he felt a slick finger against his hole. Her nail scraped teasingly across the sensitive skin as she rubbed him with lube.

  “Fuck, baby. Stick your fingers in me.”

  “Mm. Yes.” One slim finger pressed inside him, the nail scratching the delicate tissue. He moaned and tried to push against her hand. She shoved another finger in.

  “You like that, don’t you?” she said. A third digit inserted to the hilt, twisting and making him squirm.

  “Yeah, Christ.”

  “I’m taking your virginity, you know.”

  Pete didn’t know what to say, and really didn’t care. His cock felt ready to burst, his nipples burned, and he ached to be penetrated by more than just fingers.

  “baby… please, please…”

  “Hush, darling. Your baby’s going to take care of you.”

  baby pulled her fingers out, and something hard and slick probed at his hole. It felt huge. He moaned as the toy opened him, stretched him, and filled him up. The sensation was like nothing he’d ever known, pain and pleasure mingling until he wasn’t sure which was which. Then it began to vibrate inside him, sending waves of scorching bliss crashing over him, and he cried out.

  “Feels so good, doesn’t it?” baby’s breath was soft and sweet on his ear. She appeared in front of him again, a predatory smile curving her luscious lips. He couldn’t speak; his vision blurred, the blood pounded in his ears. baby hiked her skirt up around her thighs and straddled his lap, planting her knees on either side of his hips.

  “Do you like how my butt plug fills you up?” She raked her fingers through his hair, kissed his open mouth.

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  “Would you like to fuck me? Shove your cock inside me and fuck me good while my toy’s in your ass?”

  “Yes, God, please let me fuck you.” Pete thought he might die if he didn’t come soon. He knew he wouldn�
�t last once he was inside baby, but he didn’t care. He had to have her, if only for a moment.

  She got off his lap and backed up a pace, and he groaned in frustration. “Please, baby.”

  Her blue-green eyes were stern. “I want you to know me first.”

  Pete frowned. “What do you mean? Are you gonna tell me your name now?”

  baby smiled, and the smile seemed sad. “Maybe. But that’s not what I meant. I don’t usually give my lovers this choice, you know. But you’re special to me, and I need you to know.”

  She slipped the dress straps off her shoulders; the garment puddled at her feet and she kicked it aside. Pete stared, unbelieving, at the smooth chest, the hard-muscled abdomen. And the long, thick, erect cock held against the flat belly by a silver chain threaded through a ring in its head and attached at either end to matching nipple rings. He stared, and imagined what it would feel like to have that inside him instead of a toy.

  He raised his eyes to baby’s face. The liquid gaze seemed lonely to him now.

  “So,” baby said. “You know me now. Do you still want me?”

  Pete didn’t stop to think. This wasn’t just some random cross-dressing guy. This was baby; this was the person he’d shared his deepest thoughts and dreams with. This was the first person he’d felt truly connected to in his entire life. It was baby he wanted, whatever that meant. He stared at the delicate, lovely man standing naked before him and answered the only way he could.

  “Yes.” His voice was raw with need. baby smiled at him, and it felt like sunshine and summer breezes.

  baby swayed back over to the chair, picked up a tube of gel off the floor, and straddled Pete’s lap again. Her eyes—no, his, Pete reminded himself, his eyes—shone as he leaned in and pressed his moist red lips to Pete’s. They kissed, baby rubbing his cock against Pete’s until Pete thought he’d go mad.

  “Let me inside you, baby,” Pete begged.

  baby bit his lip and raised up on his knees. “I’ve dreamed of this,” he said, and smiled.

  He squeezed some lube onto his hand, coated Pete’s aching cock with it, then reached between his own legs to slick his opening. His eyes burned into Pete’s as he grasped Pete’s shaft and slowly impaled himself.

  baby’s body was burning hot inside, cloud-soft molten heat around Pete’s cock. He moaned into baby’s mouth when he kissed him again. baby was moaning too, little cooing birdlike sounds as he moved in Pete’s lap, Pete’s cock slip-sliding in and out, in and out, baby’s cock hot and hard between them, the chain catching on Pete’s nipple clamps. Pete stared into baby’s eyes, those hypnotic ocean-water eyes, and felt a wash of love spread through him. He belonged to baby now.

  He screamed as his orgasm slammed into him, bowing his spine and shaking him in his seat. baby came at the same time. Warm slippery fluid flowed down their pressed-together bellies. When it was over, baby held Pete’s face in his hands and kissed him tenderly.

  “I love you, baby,” Pete whispered. He stared into baby’s eyes and wished he could touch him.

  baby caressed Pete’s cheeks, rubbing his thumbs across his lips. “My name’s Adrian.”

  He unlocked Pete’s chains and led him to his private apartment with a huge bay window overlooking the city. They played more games together before they fell asleep on the bed, with baby’s head pillowed on Pete’s chest, and Pete’s arms holding him close.

  No one at the conference ever noticed Pete was missing. The hotel noticed, however, when Pete failed to check out. After nearly a month of halfhearted searching, the police declared his case closed and took the flyers down off the post office walls. Pete’s boss shrugged, and told the security guard that, if he showed up, to tell him his ass was fired, and to get the hell out.

  Pete didn’t know or care. His old life was like a bad dream now, the memories tattered and faded and harmless. He’d found his home in baby’s arms.

  Dream A Little Dream

  "Dream A Little Dream" first appeared in the oringinal slash ezine Forbidden Fruit in the winter 2005 issue. This is much, much darker than most of my later stories. You have been warned.


  Roland screamed when he came, his cock buried to the hilt in Jon's ass.

  He always screamed. It used to turn Jon on, but lately he'd grown thoroughly sick of it. He still loved Roland though, didn't want to hurt his feelings by complaining about something so inconsequential. So he rolled his eyes and bit his tongue. And of course when Roland went to work sucking him off, he forgot all about such petty annoyances. He leaned on his elbows and watched Roland's lovely mouth wrapped around his dick, cheeks hollowed and throat working. He came quickly, as always. Roland had an undeniable talent for sucking cock.

  Afterward, as he drifted into sleep with Roland's tousled blond head pillowed on his chest, Jon thought he saw a shadow flit past the window. He cranked his resisting lids up and frowned at the city night outside. But the shadow - an oddly human shaped one, Jon thought - didn't appear again, and before many minutes had passed Jon was sound asleep.


  “C’mon, Jon, just try it once. It’ll be fun, I promise.”


  “Don’t be that way, baby. Just this once, for me. Please?”

  “I said no, dammit!”

  “Jon, come on, quit being so fucking selfish!”

  Jon sighed and rubbed both hands across his face. Roland was back at it again, trying to bully him into a threesome. It was something Roland had wanted to do for a long time, but Jon had never felt comfortable with it, and he was sick to death of arguing about it.

  “Roland, why can’t you understand that I just do not feel comfortable inviting another man into bed with us? I know you want to try it, and I’d do it for you if I thought I could, but I just can’t. I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Roland mumbled under his breath. “Fine, be that way. But this isn’t over.”

  Jon glanced sharply at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing, nothing,” Roland said, waving a dismissive hand. “Gotta go to work now, see you later. ‘Bye.”

  He bent and kissed Jon with cool dry lips, then strode out the door and slammed it behind him.

  “Love you,” Jon said to the closed door.


  The day passed slowly. Jon tidied up the apartment then sat down to write the article he was supposed to be working on. The words wouldn’t come. He went for a run, took a long hot bath, and sat down in front of the blank screen again. He managed a few listless paragraphs before admitting to himself that this just wasn’t going to happen today and heading for the bar around the corner.

  When he wandered back home a couple of hours later, Roland was already there. And he wasn’t alone.

  “Jon!” Roland exclaimed, gray eyes sparking with anger. “Where the hell have you been?”

  “Uh, just to Harry’s,” Jon said, meaning the bar. “Who’s that?” He nodded toward the silent stranger sitting beside Roland on the couch.

  “This is Jeremiah,” Roland said. “Jeremiah, this is Jon.”

  Jeremiah rose gracefully to his feet and held out a long, elegant hand. Jon shook it automatically. He couldn’t stop staring at Jeremiah’s face, ivory pale with big dark chocolate eyes and hair the color of redwood waving down to the middle of his back.

  “Lovely to meet you, Jon,” Jeremiah’s voice rubbed over Jon’s skin like a cat and he shivered.

  “Nice to meet you too,” Jon managed.

  “Hey,” Roland said, coming over to take Jon’s hands in his, “you remember what we were talking about this morning?”

  “Of course,” Jon answered, faintly irritated. “Same old argument. What of it?”

  Roland glanced over at Jeremiah and suddenly Jon understood. He yanked his hands away and backed up, shaking his head.

  “Oh, no. No, no, no. I told you I don’t want to do that, Roland. No offense or anything, Jeremiah, it’s not you, I don’t want to have a threeso
me with anybody. And Roland knows that.”

  He glared at Roland with fire in his pale blue eyes. Roland sighed and turned to Jeremiah.

  “Well,” he said, “looks like it’s plan B, man.”

  Jeremiah nodded and stepped forward. Jon wasn’t at all sure that he liked the predatory gleam in the other man’s eyes.

  “What the fuck’s going on?” Jon demanded, backing away from Jeremiah’s graceful gliding form.

  Roland moved up and pulled Jon into his arms. He smoothed the unruly golden brown curls away from Jon’s face and kissed him gently.


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