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A New Day

Page 36

by Nancy Hopper

  Tim waited silently, staring out the window. What was he supposed to say to her?

  “Hello.” Tasha said coldly.

  “Hi.” Tim answered gently. “So, Pattie got her story after all.”

  “I guess she did.” Tasha agreed flippantly.

  Tim cocked his head, wishing he could see the expression on her face. He kept his voice calm and impassive. “Her timing was impeccable. Well, Tasha, I’m going to answer their questions. I hope you don’t mind. I don’t think there’s much else at this point that can be done. It’s important that I tell the truth, for your sake and mine.”

  “What do you care about me? You just want to save your ministry.” she accused bitterly.

  “I really couldn’t care less about my ministry in and of itself, Tasha. I’m not creating an empire for myself. But it would be wrong to let this woman dishonor the Lord. You know that. And it’s wrong for her to dishonor you.”

  Tasha sighed. “I put myself in that position, Tim. It’s not wrong. I’m just paying the ultimate price for my stupidity.”

  Tim bit his lip. What in the world could he say to that? “Tasha. Honey, you weren’t stupid. You were just trying to take a shortcut.” he said softly. “You’ll never know how tempted I was. But maybe now, you can see that I can’t. I don’t dare. I have to step carefully, I have to be absolutely squeaky clean, or things like this happen. People are on my tail, all the time.”

  "And, the Patties of the world are out for blood wherever they can find it. Stories like this sell magazines, big time. Unfortunately, they also ruin lives and ministries.”

  Tasha sighed.

  “So what can I say about you, honey?” he asked softly.

  Tasha wiped away a tear. “What is it you want to say?” she asked brokenly.

  “If I had the freedom, I’d tell the world about you.” he said in a low voice. I’d tell them how beautiful you are, how sweet and lovely. I’d tell them that you’re going to be my wife.”

  She was silent. “You still want to marry me?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Tasha, I won’t give up on you, ever. Not with my dying breath.” he said firmly.

  She rolled her eyes, and wiped at the tears. “Tim ...” she objected.

  “Tasha, you can’t run away from this. Come on, give me a break. Let’s stand together in this, and not let them rip us apart. I love you, honey.”

  She started to cry in earnest. “Tim, I can’t. I can’t ... live the life you do. I can’t start over, and try to live this life of ministry again. I don’t fit!”

  “You will, honey. You fit with me, just fine. Stop worrying and just give me half a chance. Everything will work out all right. All you have to do is say yes, and mean it. I'll take care of everything else.”

  Tasha truly did understand why Tim had rebuffed her that night. She had been trying to use her feminine wiles on him. Not that she’d consciously meant to. But certainly, he couldn’t allow himself to be seduced.

  She had just wanted him to go away. She'd wanted to make him run; and if he wouldn't do that, then he'd have crumbled. She'd have had him on her terms. He’d have broken down, and make love to her. If she couldn’t shake him, jumping from A to Z without the uncomfortable time in between would definitely be the next best thing – Without including his God, without taking the appropriate steps. With no commitment.

  She understood, now. She’d tested him, and he’d come through. She hadn’t been able to move Gary that way, and she knew now she’d never be able to do it to Tim, either. He was firmly grounded in God.

  And, she had to admit to herself that she’d thought she could drive him away. Hadn’t she been trying, since the very day they’d met? She couldn’t blame Tim for this. It had all been her doing. She had created this crisis with careful purpose, to drive Tim over the edge, one way or another. But as usual, it had all backfired on her.

  “Tasha, God has to put us together. He has to be Lord in our lives. You’re stunning, honey. You’re awesome. I’ve never known a more beautiful woman. But that’s not going to do either of us any good, if we establish our relationship in the physical before we are established in spirit. We are more than physical beings. When we get married, I want it to last. I want it to be right."

  Tasha sighed. All she could do was cry. “Do whatever you think is best.” she answered tiredly. “I really think I understand this, now. I didn’t then, but I’ve learned my lesson. And, I’m sorry I did this to you, Tim. Please, forgive me. I just didn't realize that something like this could happen. I was being selfish.”

  "You know, at the time I just remember thinking … either he’ll make love to me, or else he’ll run like hell. I was extremely shocked that you did neither of those.”

  Tim closed his eyes. “I did run. I had to come home, Tasha, or I would eventually have come to you. Believe me, you get to me. But don’t feel guilty. I don’t want that, and I’m not that worried. Tasha, I wish I could hold you. Honey, don’t let her wound you. Don’t let this be a shameful thing. It’s not. We have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “Maybe you don’t, but I feel like some kind of cheap ... whatever, trying to seduce you. All I did, was just about ruin your career.”

  Tim growled. “Come on, now, you’re listening to lies. You’re not cheap, and I’m darn glad that you wanted me. It gave me hope. And I don’t have a ‘career’, Tasha. I stand by God’s grace and if I fall, I’ll be saved by it. You watch and see if He doesn’t turn this around, for good. Lift up your head, and just pray for me, all right? I’m going to need it tonight at the airport, and tomorrow when I face the accuser.”

  “Okay.” she agreed hesitantly. “Tim, when are you leaving to go abroad?”

  “Tomorrow after the television appearance.” he said with a heavy heart.

  She started to cry, again. She couldn’t help it. It was all too much for her. “I can’t believe this is happening.” she said softly.

  “I know. Listen, can you pick me up at the airport?” he asked.

  “What? You can’t mean today?” she asked in amazement.

  “Yep. Today. If I can get a flight, I’ll be there.” he promised.

  She couldn’t believe it. “My day is free.” she said in wonder.

  “I’ll call you right back.” he said, and hung up.

  Tasha put the receiver down, in a mixture of wonder and fear. He was coming to see her? Today, after all that had happened? Despite his television appearance, and having to go abroad tomorrow? It was unthinkable!

  It began to sink into her heart how much Tim cared. He truly loved her.

  Lucinda walked up, and put a hand on her shoulder. “Darling, are you all right?” she asked worriedly.

  Tasha looked up at her in wonder. “Lucy, he’s coming here. Today! You know, I’m beginning to truly believe he loves me.”

  Lucinda laughed, and smiled down at her. “Honey, I could have told you that.” she said simply.

  The phone rang five minutes later. Tim had found a flight. “I’ll be there at twelve-thirty.” he said with relief.

  “I’ll pick you up.” she promised. She got the airline and terminal number written down, with a shaky hand.

  “Honey, I’m sorry, but I don’t have a second to spare if I’m going to make it.” he apologized. “I’ll see you there. And don’t answer the phone.”

  “Okay. Bye.” she said, wanting to say, ‘I love you’, and not able to.

  “Bye. I love you.” he said softly, and hung up.

  Tasha’s heart smote her. “What’s the matter with you?” It cried. “Pride, pride! You’re so full of pride. Face it! You’re not half worthy of him! Look at what he’s going through, all because of you! Your pride’s got to die. You let it rear up and take over again, after Gary died.” a voice inside her accused.

  She laughed derisively. “Well; this ought to take care of it, for good.” she hazarded wearily.

  She dressed carefully to go to the airport. She decided on a purple sweater and skirt set
, matching heels and her lavender leather swing coat. She put her hair up and put on Amethyst earrings. She made up to look soft and natural, and put on a touch of perfume.

  She felt as if the whole world was watching her as she walked through the airport terminal. She lifted her chin, and forced herself to walk confidently. She stood outside the gate and waited for his plane patiently, feeling that anything at all could happen.

  He was one of the first people off the plane. He looked magnificent. He was wearing black jeans that fit far too well, boots with an undercut heel, a collarless shirt, and a black leather jacket. He had a black Stetson on his head.

  When he saw Tasha, he stopped and just looked at her for a second. Then he walked slowly toward her, never taking his eyes off her. She walked forward to meet him, and looked searchingly up into his eyes.

  He pulled her into his arms, and kissed her hungrily. Tasha was aware of several cameras flashing, but Tim didn’t seem to notice. He just kept kissing her, and holding her in his arms. He held her for the longest time. Then he turned her around, and they started walking.

  “Mr. Rain, would you ...”

  “No, I’m sorry, I won’t.” he answered the reporter flatly.

  “Just one question, Mr. Rain. Are you planning to marry, now?” someone else asked him. Tasha could feel several people behind them, hurrying to stay close.

  Tim stopped walking, and turned patiently to face the crowd. “I've been planning to marry this lady all along. But no, I’m not going to rush out and get married, to try to sanctify what Pattie Danniels says I did.” he answered.

  “Isn’t it the truth?” someone asked pointedly.

  “No.” Tim answered shortly.

  “But the pictures ...” a reporter objected.

  “Didn’t tell the whole story.” Tim finished pointedly.

  “Then tell us the whole story.” someone challenged.

  “I don't answer to you.” he said evenly. With that, he looked at them all with piercing eyes and started walking again, with Tasha tucked securely under his arm.

  “Then why are you going on live TV to explain it?” someone asked tauntingly.

  Tim stopped again, and sighed. He turned to face them one more time. “Because the dishonor that Pattie Danniels is trying to smear on the ministry is dishonorable to the Lord, and also because Ms. Taylor’s name deserves to be cleared. And, I do want the people who have been misled to have the story from me – so that they can decide whether to judge me, or whether to recognize that they don’t need to.”

  "Trust me, my God is big enough to judge me, and deal with me. He doesn’t need anybody’s help. But He is a God of mercy and grace, and He knows my heart. He knows Tasha and I haven’t done anything to dishonor His Name.” he said calmly.

  They were allowed to walk unaccompanied to the car, following this statement. Tasha found that she was shaking uncontrollably. When they were outside and alone, Tim took her in his arms and looked to heaven for more patience.

  “Honey, I’m so sorry. I should have anticipated how this would be for you, and just taken a taxi.” he apologized. “I just couldn't wait to be with you”.

  She shook her head. “You’re right, we shouldn’t try to hide anything, or hide from them. I’ll take my lumps.”

  Tim looked at her with love and admiration in his eyes. “Thank you.” he said, hard pressed to talk. “Do you want me to drive?” he offered huskily.

  “That, I’ll let you do.” she agreed quickly. She unlocked the passenger door, and gave him the keys. Tim took them with downcast eyes. When Tasha didn’t want to drive, it meant that she was pretty darned upset.

  When they were on the road, Tim took her hand, and just held it. He looked at her with deep love and longing. “I love you, Tasha. I’m very proud of the way you conducted yourself back there. I know it was difficult.”

  “I didn’t have to do anything. You did it all.” she corrected.

  Tim laughed. “So they didn’t say anything to you until I arrived?”

  She shook her head. “I think they wanted it to be a surprise.” she said dryly. “I kind of felt like people were staring, but I really had no idea they had a press conference planned.”

  Tim sighed. “I’m sorry I got you involved in all this. I had no idea that Pattie was going to be so intent on ruining me.”

  Tasha looked at him quizzically.

  “I should probably tell you the background on that, so that she or someone else doesn’t try to stumble you with it.” he said tiredly.

  “I was at a conference in Cincinnati when I met Pattie Danniels. She was a new reporter, there to cover for her magazine. She seemed to take a shine to me, but I wasn’t interested in her or any other woman at the time.”

  “There was a dinner for the participating ministries one night before the evening session. So, I asked the daughter of one of the local pastors to be my date. She said yes, so I picked her up and we went together. She was no one I knew well, just an acquaintance, but it was a chance for me to honor my friend; and a chance for her to make some ministry contacts. She’s a singer with a lovely voice and a beautiful anointing from God.”

  “Well, Pattie got herself invited to the dinner. I don’t know if she saw me come in with Clara, or not. Clara excused herself to go to the restroom, and Pattie came right over. She introduced herself, but didn’t tell me she was a reporter. I think her interest was rather more personal than professional.” he said with some embarrassment.

  “I answered her questions, and tried to be polite. When others came over to talk to me, she just snuggled up against my side, and took my arm.” He shook his head wonderingly, and snorted. “I couldn’t have been less inclined to have her there, if she’d been a snake. I don’t like Pattie much, she never appealed to me. I’ve tried not to have anything against her, but I’ve never been drawn to her, either.”

  “To make a long story short, Clara’s father was standing there, watching me with interest, and a bit of puzzlement. I wasn’t sure how to extricate myself, but I knew I had to. I didn’t want Pattie hanging on my arm, and I didn’t want to humiliate Clara by letting her see it. And I certainly didn’t want to humiliate Clara's father.”

  "So, I shook Pattie off my arm, and quietly asked her not to do it again. She didn’t want to let go, so it was fairly noticeable when I disentangled myself from her clutches. When I looked up, a lot of people were staring, and a good number of them were snickering.”

  “Pattie was not pleased.” he said flatly. “She smiled at me with so much venom, that I stepped back. She made something up, like, ‘oh, are you upset with me, darling? Well, that’s all right. We’ll talk another time.’ And with that, she walked away.

  “Friends warned me that she’d threatened to ruin me. I didn’t feel good about it, but I couldn’t think of anything else to do.”

  Tasha smiled grimly. “She’s got guts, doesn’t she?”

  “She does.” Tim admitted. “But the things she does always backfire on her. This is going to be no exception, Tasha.”

  “What are you going to do?” she asked worriedly.

  “I’m not sure. But I know the Lord will not fail me.” he said softly. “I firmly believe that the things the enemy tries to do to us to ruin us, the Lord can use for good – if we just endure, and keep our hearts right.”

  "Just look at what’s happening as a result of this. We’re already closer than we’ve ever been. It’s uniting us, Tasha. And I may have a chance to talk some sense into the church in America. The whole Christian nation is focused on this.”

  "When I go on TV, I'll have a perfect opportunity to talk about accusation and judgment, and how wrong it is to be critical of others on the basis of hearsay. I’m very determined to do my part to obliterate the critical, condemning spirit that’s permeated the church so heavily. If it’s going to come after me, I’m going to fight fire with God’s fire.”

  Tasha laughed. “Oh, dear. I can see it now. Timothy, you’re amazing.” she said softly

  He looked at her hopefully. “Not me.” he corrected. “But He is.”

  When they arrived at the house, Lucinda hugged Timothy and he kissed her cheek soundly.

  “Mr. Tim, I am so glad you have come. I made you Chocolate pudding.” she said tenderly.

  He laughed. “Lucinda, I’m going to have to buy a new wardrobe three sizes bigger if you don’t cut it out.” he complained.

  The children greeted him respectfully but cautiously. It was clear they weren’t sure what was happening, but they knew something was going on.

  Tim got down on one knee and took their little hands in his. “Hey, you guys. I’m glad to see you.” he said softly. “I came to see you so suddenly, I wasn’t able to pick up any presents, but when I come back next time, I’ll make up for it.” he promised.

  “Why are you here?” Naomi asked darkly.

  Tim raised an eyebrow. “Well, to comfort your mommy. See, I’m kind of in the public eye right now. Because your mama and I are friends, people’s curiosity about me is spilling over onto her a little bit more than it should. It’s got her a little upset. But it’s going to be all right. I’m going to take care of things so that she won’t be upset by it. At least I’m going to try my best.”

  Naomi looked at him accusingly. “Are you in love with my mommy?”

  Tim met her gaze evenly. “Very much.” he admitted. “I want to marry her.”

  “You can’t. She married my daddy.” Naomi insisted. Lucas watched the exchange with big eyes.

  “I know.” Tim said softly. “But your daddy’s been given another job now, in heaven. He can’t be here anymore, and your mama is all alone. I don’t want to take his place, Naomi. I just want to be here for you and Lucas, in case you need a man to help you. And I want to be a companion for your mom. She needs one, and so do I. I think it would be okay with your dad if I stuck around to help out. He wouldn’t want you guys to be alone. He was my friend, you know. I think he’s glad that I’m here to help your mama. And, I want to remember him. I loved him, too.”

  “We aren’t alone. We have grandpa.” Naomi insisted staunchly.


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