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A New Day

Page 37

by Nancy Hopper

  “Yes, you do. But it’s not the same for your mama.” he said gently. “You know what, Naomi? We aren’t going to rush this thing. You’re going to have lots of time to think about it, and we will take all the time you need, to talk about it.”

  "I want this to be okay for you. It may not be perfect from your point of view, but I want it to be okay. And I want to make your mama happy. That’s all I’m trying to do.”

  "Will you give me some time to talk to you, and get to know you before you decide too much whether you like it?” he asked gently.

  Naomi stared balefully up into his eyes. “Okay.” she said decisively.

  Tim smiled. “Thanks.”

  Tasha led him to the Library, and poured him a Brandy. He looked at her questioningly, but she pushed it at him. “We deserve this. And it ain’t over yet.” she predicted.

  Tim didn’t feel the need to fortify himself with liquor, but he didn’t want to seem to rebuke her, so he took it.

  After she’d taken a few swallows, Tim put his arms around her back. He kissed her neck, and she turned in his arms to face him.

  He kissed her, and she kissed back. Tim felt relief pour through him. There were no walls, no barriers between them. She was wide open, and willing. Love was flowing between them, strengthening them both incredibly.

  He hugged her against his chest, and held her there tightly for a long, long time. She drew him to the couch beside her, put her arms around him, and just drank in the awesome strength of his love.

  “I love you, Tim.” she said softly. She looked up at him, and let the tears glistening in her eyes, fall. “I love you desperately.”

  Tears filled Tim’s eyes. He closed them and lowered his head, while he tried to stop them from flowing. He was deeply moved. “It means a great deal to hear you say it.” he whispered.

  She held him tightly, and cried without shame. “I’m sorry it’s taken me so long. I love you very much.”

  An hour went by while they just sat alone, and held one another. They didn’t want to do anything, go anywhere, or talk to anyone.

  It was just a time when the bonds were being formed and strengthened between them, a time when deep love was healing their hearts and their tender, young relationship. It was giving Tim the strength to go public and talk about Tasha, and it was giving Tasha the strength to let him.

  “What would you think about me going with you tonight?” she asked quietly.

  Tim looked at her worriedly. “To New York? To the TV station?” he asked uncertainly.

  “Uh, huh.” she answered. “Just to be there. I don’t want any part of going on with you, that wouldn’t be appropriate. But you’d know I was there, and afterward we could be together ... just a little longer.”

  He smiled. “I really like the way you’re talking today. You are very welcome to come with me, if you want to.” he agreed.

  “I do. This is really kind of my fault.” she said.

  They flew to New York at 2:00. Tim was able to get Tasha a ticket on his plane. It was expensive, but they didn’t care. She packed an overnight bag, and they left for the airport.

  There were reporters waiting for them in New York. Tim and Tasha came off the plane holding hands, and the blink of electronic flashes didn’t faze them at all. Tim just put his arm around her, and kept walking.

  “Mr. Rain, give us a statement.” someone yelled at him.

  “Watch your TV.” he responded calmly. “I'm only going to do this once.”

  Amazingly, they left him alone, and they were out of the airport within fifteen minutes. There were people pointing and staring as they waited at baggage claim, but no one bothered them. Tim got a cab to take them to his hotel room. The hotel wasn’t certain if there would be anything available for Tasha, and asked Tim to check back with the desk after he’d settled into his room.

  After checking in, he looked at his watch and sighed. “It’s late.” he said tiredly.

  “I’ll be all right. Do you need something to eat?”

  “No.” Tim denied quickly. “But a shower would be good.”

  “Do it. Can I call anybody for you?”

  “No. Actually, yes. Call my office and leave a message on the machine. Address it to Dana. Tell her where I am, and let her know I won’t be coming home again before I go to Europe. Tell her that I’ll call when I get a phone number. In the interim, she can send me e-mail.”

  Tasha nodded. She felt very strange doing the task, but she supposed that people would just have to get used to having her involved in Tim’s life – whether they accepted her, or not.

  Tim came out of the bath toweling his hair, wearing just his jeans. “Did you get through?” he asked wearily.

  “Yes.” she assured him. She let her eyes wander over his trim waist and broad, muscular chest before she turned her eyes away in embarrassment. He was so gorgeous.

  Tim called the front desk and asked them about a room for Tasha. He was chagrined to find that there was nothing available. He hadn’t considered that.

  “It’s imperative that something be found. Could I impose on you to check again later for cancellations? I’d appreciate it very much.” He asked evenly. “All right.” He agreed. “Thanks. We’ll go get something to eat and check back with you.”

  He sighed as he hung up the phone. “They don’t have a room. They’re going to look again at cancellations and get back to us. If worse comes to worst, they’ll check out some other hotels for us. Let’s get some food in the meantime.” He suggested.

  “Sounds good to me. Let’s go.” Tasha agreed. Tim looked tired and stressed. She knew he needed the break.

  They went downstairs to the hotel restaurant, and were shown to a quiet corner booth. Tim ordered a full meal, but Tasha just ordered a dinner salad. Tim watched her when it came, and he didn’t fail to see that she was simply picking through it. He didn’t think she’d eaten a solid bite.

  “Out with it.” He said firmly.

  She looked at him guiltily. “What?”

  “What’s bothering you?”

  “Nothing. Why?”

  He gave her a wry smile. “You’re off your feed. Don’t tell me there’s nothing wrong.”

  “You know I don’t eat at night, Timothy.” She denied.

  He covered her hand with his. “Tasha,” he chastised. “I’m not stupid. Tell me what’s bothering you.”

  She bowed her head and tried to stifle the tears that suddenly sprang to her eyes. She couldn’t look up at him. “Tim, I just always cause you so much trouble. No matter what I try to do, I just make things harder for you.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Hey. Listen to me. I’m the one who keeps coming after you. Remember? You tried to brush me off at the ski lodge. You tried to dodge coming to the conference. You refused my proposals of marriage. You pretty much kicked me out of your house. And you never answered a single one of my letters. Face it, lady, I’m a glutton for punishment, and you cannot take responsibility for anything that’s happened to me. I keep begging for more.”

  He didn’t seem to be making much headway. He leaned close and spoke in a low voice. “You came here with me because you knew you’d be a strength to me. Now, stop pretending you’re a rock around my neck. You know I want you here. You know that it’s the first time since I met you that I’ve been anything close to satisfied. Don’t be trying to rain on my parade.”

  She closed her eyes and pressed her lips together, willing herself to be strong. “Timothy, listen. My father has a flat here in town. It’s quite a ways away from here, but I am welcome to use it. I’d invite you to stay there too, but as you have probably guessed, that would not help the situation. There is no caretaker to chaperon us.”

  Tim sat back in his chair, and sighed. “And when the press descends on you like a pack of wolves, I’d be helpless to protect you.”

  She shook her head, still unable to meet his eyes. “Tim, there is underground parking, it’s a very secure building. I’ll be fine.”

bsp; “Listen to me, Tasha. There’s a principle that you and I need to put into action tonight. If we base our decisions on the circumstances we see in front of us, we’re going to be rabbits in the soup.”

  “We have to put our trust and our faith in the promises of God. If you think for one minute that I could sleep a wink, worrying about that pack of dogs getting to you, you don’t know me very well yet.

  "Now, suppose we agree together that the hotel will find a solution. That in fact, you will be close enough to my room that I can be there in about ten seconds if you need me. That my two buddies who do security for me, will get here before bedtime. That what the enemy meant for harm, the Lord means for good; and that He will see to our every need. Can we agree on it together?”

  Tasha gave him a steady look. “Whatever you say, Tim.”

  Timothy was deeply disturbed by what he saw in her eyes. “Tasha; He will come through for us. He’s not going to abandon us in this mess. I promise you.”

  Tasha smiled unconvincingly and returned to picking at her salad. “I think He already has, Tim.” She said quietly.

  Tim covered her hand with his and lifted her chin with his other hand, so that she had to look him in the eyes. He smiled steadily into her gaze and tried to infuse her with faith.

  “He has not abandoned us. This … mess … is just a backdrop of circumstances to show his deliverance. He will bring us through this in complete victory. Wait and see.” He assured her softly.

  She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “I think that … when you do the things I’ve done, Timothy, you remove yourself from the realm of grace. And I’ve drug you along with me into dis-grace.”

  He stared at her steadfastly, trying to comprehend her thought process.

  A woman walked up to their table, and put a hand on Tim’s arm. “Mr. Rain. I just wanted to tell you that I don’t blame you for this mess. You know, you are just a man, after all. You just need to go to God and ask Him to forgive you, and right all the wrongs. I know that He will, because your ministry is so effective.”

  "Didn’t He forgive King David, even for committing adultery and killing the woman’s husband? And you,” she said, turning burning eyes on Tasha, “If you have half a conscience, I’m sure that having the world see you in your Paris underwear is punishment enough. The shame has got to be unbearable. So I say, God bless you both. I will pray His mercy for you.”

  Tasha met the woman’s eyes evenly. “Thank you for your good wishes.” she said humbly.

  The woman left without a backward glance; without acknowledging Tasha's words, at all.

  “Hey!” Tim objected incredulously, but Tasha grabbed his hand.

  “Tim, don’t. It’s all right. I fully expect to hear a lot of that kind of thing from people. I’ve brought it on myself, and it really doesn’t matter. I’m quite used to peoples’ disapproval. Let it go.”

  Tim sighed heavily, and dropped his forehead against his hand. “Tasha.” He objected. He was shaking with anger.

  “Stop, now. You would accomplish nothing by accosting that good woman.” She teased. “Just forgive her. She’s only reacting to what she’s been reading.”

  He gave her a grim look. “Yeah. Let’s go see about a room for you.”

  Tim took her hand, and held it tightly as they walked through the lobby to the front desk. They were dismayed to find a camera crew waiting there. “Mr. Rain! We’d like your statement about the story that broke ...”

  “I’m sorry. I have other business to attend to, like accommodations for the lady. You’re going to have to watch the show tomorrow. They have an exclusive.” Tim denied immediately.

  “We have a source who says she spent the evening in your hotel room. Mind telling us what you were doing?”

  Tim rolled his eyes. “We just got here. Believe me, there is really not all that much to tell. Please excuse us.”

  “Was she in your room alone with you at any time?”

  “Just how far has this really gone?”

  The voices clamored after them as they went to the desk, and Tim gave the wide-eyed clerk a grim smile, ignoring the bedlam snapping at their heels.

  “I’m Tim Rain. I called down earlier about getting a room for my lady. Have you had any luck finding something?”

  The clerk looked up at him with apologetic eyes. “Mr. Rain, I’m so sorry. We had no idea about the circumstances until the camera crew showed up, and we began to put the pieces together. We weren’t able to find a room. However, the manager would like to offer you a suite on the top floor. The elevator takes a special key access. There are three bedrooms in the suite, and two baths. At no extra cost to you.”

  Tim smiled. “That would be extraordinarily wonderful, except that if my security crew doesn’t show up tonight, the lady and I would be alone. And that would not be acceptable.”

  He sighed, and thought. "Put her in the suite tonight, if you would, and I’ll keep my room reservation. I don’t mind paying for both. If my security men show up, we’ll all be able to stay in the suite.”

  Just then, two tall and quite burly men entered the hotel and approached the reception desk with sheepish grins. Tim grinned back and turned to the clerk.

  “Scratch that. The Cavalry has just arrived, so we’ll accept the suite. Thank you very much.”

  The clerk smiled and gave Tim four card keys. “Have a good stay, Mr. Rain.” She said nervously.

  Tasha ducked her head and tried not to grin as their group walked by the camera crew toward the elevator, flanked by two towering and politely menacing men in sheepskin coats and Stetsons. The camera crew looked dumbfounded and a bit nervous. They did not follow them.

  When the elevator door closed behind them, Tim blew out a sigh of relief, and grinned at the two men. “Right on time. I’m sure glad to see you guys.”

  “Yeah, well. You should be. I was on the beach in Acapulco and Joe here was in Maine.”

  Tim groaned. “Man. I’m sorry, you guys. But I do need you like never before.”

  The other man patted Tim’s shoulder affectionately. “We know that, Timothy. Never mind, now.”

  Tim smiled at Tasha. “This is Joe Campbell and Mickey Andrews. Tasha Charles Taylor.”

  Both men tipped their hats and gave Tasha respectful nods. She smiled. “Gentlemen, thank you both.” She said in her honey-smooth voice.

  The elevator did in fact stop on the fourteenth floor, and Tim had to insert a card into a slot in order to get the car to continue to the fifteenth floor. When they finally got out, they found that the suite was not far away. The card key once again gave them entrance and they all sighed their relief.

  The suite was delightful, and had an awesome view of the city. There was a bar, a refrigerator, a nice dining table and a china hutch. There were two sofas and two recliners in the main room, clustered around a gas fireplace.

  The bedrooms were very nice. One had a private bath, while the other two rooms shared a bath located between the rooms. Tim pointed Tasha into the room with the private bath, and dropped her overnight bag on the bed.

  “There you go, sweetheart. Is there anything I can get you?”

  “No. Everything is lovely.” She assured him.

  Tim smiled. “I told you that He’d come through.”

  Tasha smiled back. “Of course. Thank you, Timothy. I think I’ll turn in, if you don’t mind.”

  Tim gave her a measuring look and pressed his lips together. “I don’t mind at all. Goodnight, Tasha.” He said. He kissed her forehead, and walked out of the room.

  Tasha left the door open and hung her few outfits in the armoire.

  “Well, Tim. You look a bit like you’ve had a fight with a big snake. The stories I’ve been hearing are not good.” One of the security men said.

  “No. But I’m believing God for a great victory to come out of this. I know He will see us through and that He’ll use this mess for His good. This thing has been blown out of proportion, and I think I can make that point tomorro

  “How many little welcoming committees have you had to get by?”

  “Too many. Tasha’s taking the brunt of it, and I don’t like it.” Tim growled.

  “Well, Tim. You have to remember, there’s only so much that you can do. Now, we’re gonna do our best to discourage the thugs, but you know as well as I do that you don’t skate through something of this magnitude without some scrapes and scratches to remember it by.”

  “Yeah. I know. I just wonder how many more she can take.” Tim sighed.

  “You bring her here for her protection?” one of the men asked curiously.

  “Well; no, not really. She has all the insulation she needs, for the most part. But I wanted to be with her for moral support. Hers and mine. Now, I don’t know. I think I may have made a mistake. These people are after her blood. Make no mistake. She is the one they’re after. ”

  “Yeah, that would make sense. Having her with you just may feed the fire, son.”

  “I don’t care.” Tim said stubbornly. “People had better get used to seeing me with her, in a hurry.”

  The men laughed. “All right, Tim. Well, things are bound to look a bit better in the morning.”

  “Yeah. I suppose I should try to get some rest.” Tim admitted.

  But Tim didn’t get much sleep that night. He was deeply disturbed by several things: the first was Tasha’s lack of faith. Even when the Lord had come through with this suite, she hadn’t recognized his provision. Tim thought about it and he supposed that although this was miraculous for him, it was nothing too extraordinary in Tasha’s eyes. Having the kind of money her father did, this suite was probably fairly standard for her. She was extremely self-sufficient. She could afford to be, and she was extremely disillusioned with God because of Gary's loss. And so, he prayed fervently for restoration in that area for her.

  The other thing that bothered him was the woman’s attack on Tasha in the restaurant, and her cavalier response. She seemed so accepting of and unaffected by peoples’ derision and criticism. As if she deserved nothing else. It wasn’t like the Tasha he knew.

  He would have expected her to be sensitive, and kind-hearted. Easily hurt. He wondered how the words had truly affected her, and whether she was bleeding inside from the wounds. Or was she truly so thick-skinned to public opinion?


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