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Loving Lucas

Page 23

by Lily Ryan

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Will smirks as he looks away.

  “C’mon Dad, she made us promise not to tell him, she didn’t say anything about him figuring it out on his own.”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. My precious angel still loves me. I knew it! “Now I really need to make this work. So what do you say? Are you in?”

  Chapter 67


  Since I called my mother on Valentine’s Day freaked out by the guy looking through my window, my family barely leaves me alone. Either they’re here, or they want me home with them. Especially on the weekends. Sick and tired of being by myself I give in, often.

  And now, there’s pressure to move back home. I don’t want to, but I haven’t found another job, and soon I’ll be out of money and I won’t have a choice. I search for a job on all the employment sites, but all I can find is temporary work, unless I want to move south.

  A physical therapy facility is opening a new office, and offered me a position, but it is down in South Jersey. An hour and a half from where I live now. The thought holds appeal for all of ten minutes. Until I start to seriously consider it.

  Being so close to where Lucas lives gives me hope that we’ll eventually run into each other. I pray if we do, he won’t have some bimbo draped all over him. Maybe it’s better if I move back to Brooklyn? Maybe that will cure my obsession with him, and my broken heart?

  It’s more than two months since we broke up, and still not a word from him. Seventy two days exactly. My father assures me Lucas has the money and is working hard to open Common Sense. Lucas is so passionate about it, I know he’ll turn it into a huge success. I only wish I could be there to see it.

  Easter comes early this year. My parents make a big deal of making sure I understand they expect me home for the holiday. Where else would I be?

  I’d be lying if I said I want to be there. I don’t want to be anywhere. I know I have to move on, in every area of my life. I just didn’t know how. The truth is as wonderful as my family has been, I’m not in a celebratory mood. Not even for a holiday.

  I throw on a dress I bought with my mother and Ava a few weeks earlier. That’s their cure for everything these days, new clothes and a manicure. I expect it from my mother, but not from Ava.

  Sex with a hot guy is her go to activity when things get tough. But not once has she even suggested it. Maybe she finally understands I’m not like her. I can’t just have sex with a guy for the sake of having sex. I need to be emotionally vested in him.

  My cell phone rings. Ava. “Hey Frog Face, Mom needs you to pick something up from the store.”

  “Frog Face?”

  “What can I say? You sit there like a lump on a log all day.”

  “Go to hell.”

  “It’s okay, I love you, too. Can you pick up a carton of eggs on your way here?”

  “Eggs? You’re not planning on coloring eggs today are you?” That would be just like Ava. Forget the fact that we’re having a family dinner, she wants to color eggs.

  “No smart ass, but Mom forgot to buy extras and we’re all out. She said she needs them.”

  “Does she really need them today? Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”

  “I don’t see what the big deal is, just pick up a carton of eggs.”

  “Go get them yourself.”

  “Can’t. Since you’re not here, I’m helping mom cook.”

  I hang up annoyed. I don’t want to get eggs. They remind me of Lucas. Of all the things they could asked for, why eggs?


  Luckily the store is empty. Most people are smart enough to get their shopping done ahead of time. After running my card through the self-checkout machine, I place the eggs in a shopping bag, grab the handles and pull my phone out.

  With my head down and my eyes focused on the mini-keyboard in front of me I start typing my sister a message double checking to make sure they don’t need me to get anything else before I leave.


  I walk right into someone. “I’m sorry.” I say, not bothering to look up.

  “Don’t you ever look where you’re going?”

  That voice. My heart cries out. Screams thumping like mad against my chest.

  The voice isn’t angry or annoyed. It’s kind, and full of humor. It makes my heart melt and my stomach drop. I look up to see the steely grey eyes and deep dimples I miss so much.

  Tears prick my eyes. Tears of joy. Tears of longing. Tears of pain.

  Through the glassy haze effecting my vision, I can see his eyes pick up the blue hue of his shirt and shine as he looks at me. Like two beautiful diamonds.

  I stare at him, like an idiot. I can’t get my mouth to formulate words. My brain works overtime. Thoughts pass faster than I can get them out. And my heart … I’m sure it’s about to win Olympic gold.

  “Olivia, are you okay?” His brows furrow together, he’s concerned and for a moment it’s like no time has passed. Like he still loves me.

  “Eggs.” I answer holding the bag up. It’s the only stupid word I can get out. His lips draw up into a smile.

  “Ah, well, at least you’re not covered in yolk.”

  I bite my lip, annoyed that I can’t get out all the things I want to say.

  “I guess everything has come full circle.”

  “Lucas,” I swallow hard. “How are you?”

  He tilts his head, and brushes a piece of hair behind my ear. His touch sends a jolt of electricity shooting through my veins. I hear the sharp intake of my breath, and wonder if he notices. If he does, he gives no indication.

  With his hand so close, I recognize the scent of his cologne. He smells clean and spicy. I miss it. I miss him, and everything about him.

  “I’m okay.”

  Before I can say anything more, before I can make a complete fool out of myself by confessing how hard the separation has been on me, he holds up a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

  My heart drops. He bought someone flowers. Right here in the very same store he had the single roses delivered to me. He bought someone else an entire bouquet.

  “I’m really sorry. I have to be somewhere, but it was nice bumping into you. Again.”

  I nod and stand frozen in place. I want to ask if we could go to dinner sometime, or just talk on the phone. But I don’t. I can’t move.

  I watch him leave and not look back. How can he? Do I mean so little that I don’t deserve even another glance?

  I want to turn away from him and pretend I’m not dying inside. That my blood at this very second isn’t freezing over into ice. Instead I follow him with my eyes. I watch as he gets in his car, hands a blonde woman the bouquet and pulls away.

  With my hand covering my mouth so I don’t squeal or lose my lunch, I make it to my car without crying. But that’s where my calm, cool demeanor cracks. It doesn’t just crack, it implodes.

  By the time I sit in the driver’s seat, an uncontrollable stream of tears flows from my eyes. It doesn’t matter that he wasn’t cold and mean like he was the last time I saw him. It hurts even more that he was well composed. Like losing me doesn’t hurt him at all.

  I remember how flustered, how devastated, he was when he saw Stacy for the first time after they broke up. There wasn’t a hint of nervousness or him feeling uncomfortable just now. I guess deep down she’s the one he truly loves.

  I call my sister. I need to lash out at someone, and she’s a perfect target. If she would’ve gotten off her ass and bought the eggs herself I never would’ve run into him.

  “I hate you.” I manage to get out through my sobs.

  “Livie, what’s wrong?” Ava sounds panicked.

  “You and your stupid eggs.”

  “You’re not making any sense.”

  “I just ran into Lucas at the grocery store.”


  “That’s all you have to say? Oh?!”

  “I’m sorry. Why don’t you go home and I’ll come pick you up.” />
  “You couldn’t leave the house for twenty minutes to get eggs, but Mom’s not going to have an issue with you leaving for a few hours to get me?”

  “You’re important. Eggs aren’t.”

  I sniffle, pulling myself together. “I’m fine. I just need a few minutes.”

  “Livie. I love you.”

  “Then do me a favor, don’t mention this to Mom and Dad.”


  I try to shake off my bad mood on the elevator ride up to my parents’ apartment. I wasn’t in the mood to be here before I saw Lucas, but now, I just want to crawl into bed and hide under the covers.

  I don’t know how I’m going to make it through the next few hours. I can skip dessert, but I’ll have to wait at least until we finish the main course before I leave.

  I turn the door knob to let myself into the apartment. It’s locked. Great. I knock at the door. So much for slipping in undetected.

  Ava answers. “Glad you made it okay,” she hugs me. “You had me worried.”

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  My father stands in the dining room opening a bottle of wine. The table’s already set and boasts appetizers, while a platter of cheese, crackers and grapes sits on the coffee table.

  My parents don’t go through this much trouble for just us. My father puts the bottle down on the dining room table, and comes to greet me.

  “Hello, Sweetheart.” My father kisses the top of my head.

  He’s wearing a tie. He hates wearing them when he isn’t working. “Why are you wearing a tie? Please don’t tell me we’re having company. I’m not in the mood.”

  He grimaces. “Unfortunately it’s too late to do anything about it now, they’re in the kitchen. But yes, I’ve invited a nice young man and his mother to join us for dinner.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. Of all the inconsiderate things he could do.

  “I think you’ll like him.”

  “What?! I hope you aren’t trying to fix me up, Dad. Because I’m not interested.”

  “I think you should give it a chance.”

  “Why would you do this and not warn me? Maybe I should just go home.”

  My mother joins us. “Hi, Honey.”


  “Now, dear, you need to lose this negative attitude.” She scolds in a quiet voice. “And I want you both to be on your best behavior.” Her eyes move between Ava and me.

  “Mom, can I leave?” I plead. “I really don’t want to be here. I don’t want to spend Easter with some guy I don’t even know.”

  “Trust me,” Ava teases. “You’re going to want to spend time with him. He is hawt!”

  “Just give it a chance, Baby.” My mother smooths my hair. “Maybe this is what you need to feel better about your run in with Lucas.”

  “You told them?!” I snap at my sister.

  “No.” She protests with wide eyes. “You asked me not to.”

  “Then how do they know?”

  “It’s not my fault you’re so transparent.”

  I run my hand through my hair. “I don’t want to meet anyone. And I don’t even look presentable. I’m sure I have makeup all over my face from crying in the car.”

  “I think you look beautiful.”

  The world stops.

  I can’t have heard right. There’s a guy here and because of that my mind is playing tricks on me. Still, I have to turn around. See for myself.

  I spin around. My aching heart drums against my chest. There he is, in the flesh. Looking every bit as good as he did in the grocery store. I’m weak in the knees.

  “In fact, I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the room.” His voice is smooth and soothing. “Most likely the most beautiful woman in the building. Probably even the state.”

  He takes small tentative steps toward me. I blink hard, afraid to trust my eyes. Is this real? It can’t be; I just saw him in his car with another woman. He didn’t even give me a second thought, and now he’s here?

  “Not only are you the most beautiful woman, you’re the only woman. The only one that makes my heart race.” He’s standing in front of me, so close I can touch him.

  He takes my hand and places it on his chest over his heart, and reaches his hands under my hair to the back of my neck. “The only one I dream about. The only woman I want to wake up with in the morning and share my life with.”

  I don’t look around. My eyes are glued to him. I want to take in the moment before it’s gone forever. Before I wake from this amazing dream.

  “I’m so sorry, Olivia. If you could find it in your heart to forgive me, to stand by my side one more time, I promise, I’ll never let you down.”

  My eyes fill with tears. Love swells inside my chest.

  “I miss you so much, I can’t find the words to tell you how lost I’ve been. Today is Easter, it signifies a new beginning, an everlasting life. I’m asking you, here in front of our families, to let this be a new beginning for us.” His hands move down from my neck to my shoulders, down my arms. He takes my hands in his as gives them a quick squeeze as he drops to one knee.

  “With your father’s permission, I’m asking for you to join your life with mine. To share every experience, good and bad with me. And to know no matter how difficult things get, I’ll always be by your side. Olivia Coppollo, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  He reaches into his pocket and presents me with my engagement ring. “I believe this belongs to you.”

  He doesn’t slip it on my finger. He looks up at me, waiting expectantly.

  I glance around the room to see the reactions. My parents stand with their arms around each other, smiles light their faces. My mother’s eyes are wet and teary. Ava has one hand over her heart, the other covering her mouth. And last but not least, I spot Dominique. It hits me. She was the blonde woman in the car with Lucas. She too smiles as she watches the scene.

  “Lucas, I want to say ‘yes,’ I really do, but …”

  “There’s no but. I know I said some cruel things to you. I was a jackass, and I promise I will never again walk away. We’ll talk through our problems. All of them. And I’ll never forget that even though you should hate me, you did everything in your power to make my dream come true.”

  I turn to my father and narrow my eyes. “You told him!?”

  “No. He figured it out.”

  Lucas gets back to his feet and wraps his arms around my waist, holding me close. “None of it means anything to me if you’re not there to share it. You’re my partner, my best friend,” a smirk covers his face and I can see the x-rated thoughts running through his head. “Should I go on?”

  This is what I want, so why can’t I just say yes? “I’m scared.”

  He nods. “So am I. But being without you is much more frightening than the prospect of handing you my heart.”

  “And they’re all okay with it?” I look around the room at the happy faces surrounding us.

  “Don’t say ‘Yes” to make anyone else happy. This is about you and me.”

  “I saw you at the wake with Mrs. Stinner.” I speak in a low tone so only he can hear.

  He sighs and answers me back in the same quiet voice. “Then you saw that I turned her down. I didn’t want her, I wanted you. Olivia, I haven’t been with anyone else. You’re the only one I want.”

  Dominique steps forward. She puts one hand on Lucas’ shoulder, the other one on mine. “I was wrong about you, Olivia. Please forgive us both. He gets his stubborn streak from me. But on the flip side, we’re also able to admit when we’re wrong.”

  “Liv, before we met, I was broken. Shattered. I pieced myself back together, but the pieces were all jumbled and in the wrong places. Until I met you. When you said you loved me, everything fell in place and I felt whole again. You make me stronger. Better. Without you, I’m still that shattered little boy. It’s time for me to stand up and be a man, but I can only do that with you by my side.”

  Lucas’s phone chimes, he has a text mes
sage. For a brief moment, it makes me nervous. Who would be texting him on Easter?

  “Time for the big guns.”

  He winks at me before leading me to the glass patio doors and out onto the small balcony my parents almost never use. I wonder how he knows about it. It was too cold to go outside on Christmas, so I never bothered to show him.

  He turns me around to face the park and leans his chest against my back. Seven people are lined up with large poster board letters hanging over them. I can’t make anyone out from the distance. Nothing but the letters spelling “Marry Me.”

  “Say yes,” he whispers in my ear, “and I promise I’ll never let you down.”

  I turn and face Lucas, tears of joy spilling from my eyes. “Yes. Yes, yes, yes!”

  Lucas slips the ring on my finger, and finally, I’m able to do the one thing I’ve wanted to do since running into him at the grocery store. I launch myself into his arms, stand on my tiptoes and meet his warm, delicious, lips as he moves to meet mine.



  I yawn and stretch my arms over my head. The hospital’s reclining chair isn’t comfortable at all. I roll my neck from side to side, hoping to loosen the knots that formed during the two or so hours that I slept.

  I hate having to sleep on a chair. I want to crawl in bed next to Olivia, but she needs the space to be comfortable and heal. It’s only another day or two before she comes home. I can handle that.

  “Good morning, handsome.” She smiles at me.

  “Why aren’t you asleep? You need your rest.”

  “The nurse said Chloe’s hungry. It’s time to feed her.”

  “Is that what woke me?”

  She smiles, “That or the fact that you’re so far away and you miss me. I could move over.” She winces as she adjusts herself in the bed.

  I’m up in a heartbeat running my hand over her hair. “Uh, uh. Save your strength. I need you to recover as soon as possible. I don’t know how the hell they think I can go six weeks without having sex with you. I don’t know if I can survive.”


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