Shelter During the Storm
Page 10
“Laura’s ashes?” Michael felt Jenna’s eyes on him, hey come one he is a detective.
“How did you guess?”
“I noticed when we boarded the plane that you didn’t have them with you.”
“I didn't want to break the law by transporting ashes through the airlines. So, I had her ashes vacuum sealed and shipped the package to the hotel. I also think it’s against the law distribute the ashes at the Grand Canyon, but I’m going to do it anyway.”
“Have you thought about how you’re going to scatter the ashes?”
Jenna didn’t have a clue about how she was going to release Laura’s ashes. It seemed kind of cold hearted to dump her ashes as if she were dumping trash. “I’ve given it a lot of thought, but I don’t have a plan.”
Michael pulled the car behind Harrah’s Casino & Hotel. “I have a few minutes before they ask me to leave, go and pick up your package. If you don’t see me, I’ll drive back around.”
Michael gave Jenna’s problem some serious thought. He used to know a guy in Henderson who owned a tour company. Michael wondered if he's still in business. He had to look him up and give him a call; his mother may even have that information. He wasn’t asked to move his car, and Jenna came out within a few minutes. Jenna put the package in the back seat, and they were off. “That didn’t take long at all. Are you hungry or do you want to go straight to the hotel?”
Jenna was exhausted, but she would do whatever Michael wanted because he was being such a sweetheart. “Whatever you want to do is OK with me. If you want to eat, let's go eat.”
Michael gave Jenna a quick glance; she looked as if she needed a nap. He didn’t comment he just took her to the hotel. They could grab something to eat later, Vegas is full of restaurants. If they didn’t feel like going out later, a lot of restaurants delivered. Michael pulled into the hotel parking lot and gave his keys to the attendant. He gave the kid a substantial tip maybe the car wouldn’t get scratched in the process. “Thanks!”
Jenna got out of the car and waited for Michael to grab their bags. “I didn’t know this hotel was here. When Laura and I came to Vegas we always stayed on the strip so we could go casino hopping.”
“My parents used to bring us here whenever my Dad played in a poker tournament. My parents had their own room, my brother, and I would share another room.” Michael went to the front desk and checked them in, he got their room keys and Jenna silently followed him to the elevator. Michael looked at Jenna again; he could sense that something was wrong. “What’s wrong baby?”
Jenna looked up she was still in shock she’d never heard Michael talk about his family before. “Today is the first day you ever mentioned your family. Why haven’t you mentioned them before?’
Michael found their room and ushered Jenna in grabbing her jacket and hanging it in the closet before answering her question. “I don’t know there’s actually not too much to tell. I had high hopes to introduce you to them during the holidays.”
Jenna walked into the bedroom, with Michael following closely behind her; she slipped off her shoes before lying down on the bed. “Are your parents still alive?”
Michael got on the bed beside her, “my mom is still alive, but my father died of a massive heart attack twelve years ago, right after I graduated from the police academy.”
“What about siblings?”
Michael pulled Jenna into his arms, and she laid her head on his chest. “I have one brother Marcus. His family lives in Florida near my mother.”
Jenna was so tired she and couldn't keep her eyes open. “Is he older or younger than you?”
“Marcus is younger than me by two years, we were best friends growing up, some of our antics used to make our parents cringe. Dad was a law professor at Creighton University, but he was also a poker champion, he’s played in tournaments all over the world and he always took us with him. Mom didn’t mind his poker playing as long as he put the family first.”
“So I take it that he didn’t gamble away the mortgage and college money.”
Michael laughed out loud, “Mom would have handed Dad his ass on a plate if he jeopardized our future in any way. Dad was a successful poker champion the largest purse he won was two million, which is peanuts by today’s standards.”
“So you weren’t a poor boy growing up longing to be a police officer to correct all the evils from your childhood.”
“At first I tried to follow my father’s footsteps and become a lawyer, but my heart wasn’t in it. I did get my degree in criminal justice from Creighton University before entering the police academy. I love being a cop, I like making a difference. My Dad had money, nothing like your family, but my parents were real comfortable. When Dad passed away, Marcus and I both inherited two hundred thousand dollars. I bought a house with mine and banked the rest for my family and retirement.”
“It seems like you have a wonderful family, I wish Laura, and I could have had a family like that.”
That’s one of the reason’s Michael never mentioned his family; the difference between their families was like night and day. His own father was a brilliant man, and Jenna’s father was a monster. His mother was a strong woman, she loved his dad, but there’s no way she would have stood by and let him damage her children. “Me to honey. Who knows someday you can become a part of my family. Believe me my mother would welcome you with open arms.” Michael waited eagerly for her response, he looked down at Jenna, and she was fast asleep.
Michael began undressing her; he pulled off her socks and pants. “Fuck!” Jenna had black and blue bruises several places on her legs. He pulled off her shirt and found more bruises on her stomach and arms. He unsnapped Jenna's bra there were no bruises on her breasts. He noticed that her back had massive bruises from the top of her shoulders to the lower part of her back. He was so mad he wanted to kill Justin Pickard; it was distressing enough seeing the bruises on her neck where Pickard tried to choke her. Now he knew why Jenna didn’t want to go home with him last night. If he had seen her body, he would have emptied his clip in that bastard’s fucking head.
“I think you like seeing me naked. I’m cold let me get under the covers.”
Michael got off the bed immediately and pulled the covers so Jenna could get between the sheets. “Now I know why you didn’t want to go home with me last night. If I had seen the bruises on your body, I would have strung Pickard up in his cell.”
Jenna reached out and touched Michael’s face, “I know, sometimes you have to be protected from yourself. I‘ve lost my entire family there’s no way I’m going to lose you too, I love you too much.”
Finally, Jenna admitted she loved him, and he would take care of her love. “I love you too baby.” Once Jenna went back to sleep, Michael got off the bed and started making some plans. First, he needed to call his mother.
Jenna was in her house, and Justin had her on the bed choking her. He kept telling her that she wasn’t going to get away. “No!”
“Jenna wake up!”
Jenna was fighting him, but Justin was just too strong. She heard someone calling her. ”Mike help me!
Michael kept shaking Jenna until she woke up. “Wake up Jenna, I’m here.”
She woke up in Michael’s arms; she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling her closer to him. “I thought I’d never see you again.” Jenna was crying, but she felt safe in Michael’s arms. “I just found you and I thought I was going to lose again just like I lost everyone else.”
“Baby you’re not going to lose me. You’re going to get sick of seeing me because every time you turn around I’m going to be there.”
“I was afraid you wouldn’t want me anymore.”
Michael was wiping the tears from Jenna’s face. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. What made you think I would give you up?”
“I come from a fucked up greedy family without morals. My father helped murder my sister and my mother helped my father hide the facts of my sister’s rape.
Only when my father went too far did she stand up to him. Why didn’t she say no to the swinger parties? Why didn’t she say no to Grandpa Campbell when he wanted her to have his child? What was her motivation for the disgusting things that she did? The man I’ve known as my father is actually my brother, he is a sex crazed murdering bastard, and the only thing he cares about is the family business. That’s my legacy, what kind of man would want to be with someone who came from something so ugly.”
“Honey I’m so sorry for all the pain they put you through. I’m just glad you came into my life. Before you came along, I was content with my life; the day I met you, I found out what I’d been missing. I tried to stay away from you, but I couldn’t focus unless I spoke with you or saw you every day. Believe me, Mack knew I was falling hard way before I did, and he busted my balls at every opportunity.”
Jenna looked around for a clock. “What time is it? Do you want to go out for dinner?”
Michael laughed. “Baby its morning, you slept through the night. I didn’t have the heart to wake you, so I let you sleep. You were tired and needed your rest. I ordered some ribs from a takeout place, and I put yours in the fridge.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize how tired I was.”
“You haven’t slept for the past two nights; the last couple of days weren’t exactly stress free either. If I may make a suggestion why don’t you take a warm soak in the tub, then we’ll go eat breakfast and make our way to Henderson.
“What’s in Henderson?”
“This guy I know, well he was a friend of my dad’s he owns a business that gives tours of the Grand Canyon by air. I’ve made some arrangements on how to distribute Laura’s ashes.
Jenna did as Michael suggested and took a long soak in the tub; she had to admit that it felt good. Michael took a shower while she took a bath. The bathroom was enormous housing both a shower and tub, which was unusual for a hotel. Right now she was enjoying the show.”
Michael got out of the shower and grabbed a towel. He dried himself, and noticed Jenna giving his body a thorough perusal. “See something you like?”
Jenna licked her lips, “I like it all, want me to prove how much?”
Michael bent down and let the water out; he helped Jenna get out of the tub, then he grabbed another towel and wrapped it around her body. “There’s no way we’re having sex now. Bud is expecting us in Henderson soon. The way I feel right now if I get a hold of you, we won’t leave that bed for a week.”
“Okay spoilsport, but when we get back from Henderson I expect you to keep me in bed for a week.”
Michael wanted to keep her in bed for the rest of his life. He had to focus on one issue at a time, and it was time to put Laura to rest. “Anything you say sweetheart.”
Chapter 14
They ate breakfast at an all-you-can-eat buffet and made it to Henderson before eleven o’clock. Bud’s place was quite isolated well it would have to be he housed planes and helicopters. Jenna was in better spirits today, Jenna regaled him of tales of her past trips to Vegas with Laura. He had to admit to himself that Laura had been just another case until he met Jenna. Jenna made Laura real, which personalized the case for him more so than any other case he’d worked in the past. “We’re here.”
Jenna got out of the car and grabbed the package containing Laura’s ashes. She didn’t know how this was going to work, but she didn’t have too many alternatives. “Thank you!”
Michael held out his hand for Jenna. “You’re welcome baby; let’s go see if we can find Bud.”
They didn’t have to look far. A tall older man with white hair, a leathery face, and piercing ice blue eyes came out to greet them. “Mikey is that you?”
Michael held out his hand to shake Bud’s hand and was thoroughly surprised when Bud grabbed him in a big bear hug. “Yeah it’s good to see you too Bud!”
Bud dropped his arms and turned to face Jenna. “This little lady must be you fiancée. How are you doing little lady?” Bud hugged her too, but he was gentler with her.
Michael put his arm around Jenna. “Yes this is my fiancée Jenna. I told her that you’d figured a way to release her sister’s ashes by air over the canyon.”
“Right this way, we’re going to take Bertha; does anyone want to sit up from with me?”
Jenna and Mike stared at the massive helicopter and answered him at the same time. “No thanks!”
“Well Jenna I need the package containing your sister’s ashes. I’m going to strap the package onto my search light. The Grand Canyon is a federal park, and I think it’s a felony to dump there, but I reckon this is for a good cause. Mikey told me about you sister and her wish and the little lady that’s just what we’re gonna do!”
Jenna handed Bud the package and followed Michael onto the helicopter. They sat down and strapped themselves in and watched Bud hoist the bag with a cable in front of the helicopter. He strung it around the search light, took a small knife out of his pocket, and slit the package. “I wouldn't have thought to do that, I thought we would slide the door open and release the bag.”
“Bud was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, he met my dad at the veteran’s affairs office, and they became fast friends. I didn’t know he was still out here, Mom told me his son joined the business several years ago. When I told him about your situation, he agreed immediately without hearing all the details.”
“He’s seems like quite a character.”
“He is I’ve lost count of how many times Bud took me and Marcus flying.”
Bud got in the cabin, put on his goggles and started up the engine. “Folks I hope you enjoy the tour.”
Jenna grabbed Michael’s hand this was her first helicopter ride. It wasn’t as smooth as an airplane, but it had more maneuverability. They flew over Hoover Damn, and it was an impressive view. By the time they reached the Grand Canyon, Jenna was comfortable and began to enjoy the tour. Bud put on a pre-record tape explaining the sites and history of the canyon and the Indian tribes that still reside there. The sheer beauty of the canyon’s peaks and valley brought tears to her eyes.
“How could anyone who’s seen this doubt that there’s a God?”
“I don’t know it’s truly magnificent makes a person feel insignificant.”
By the time they got back to Bud’s home base Jenna was tired again, she got off the helicopter and saw that the empty bag that had Laura’s ashes. When Bud climbed out, she walked over to him and gave him hug. “Thank you Bud!”
Michael couldn’t believe his eyes, Bud’s eyes teared up, and his faced turned beet red. “Okay that’s enough of that. You’re welcome little lady, I’ve seen a lot of death in my lifetime, sometimes you just have to say to hell with the rules and do what’s right.” Bud slapped Michael on the back. “Don’t stay away too long.”
Jenna and Michael were silent as they walked back to the rental car. “What would you like to do now?”
“I want that week in bed that you promised me.”
“Your wish is my command.”
Michael didn’t take Jenna to the hotel right away they stopped and ate a little mom & pop cafe a couple of miles from the strip. “I was starving; I needed to build up my strength so I can perform my duties tonight.”
Michael ate chicken fried steak, with mashed potatoes and gravy. Jenna ordered the same thing; the portions were so large she couldn’t finish hers. Michael had no problem finishing it for her on top of that he ate apple pie. After she had eaten, the only thing Jenna wanted to do was sleep. “How did you know about the cafe?”
Michael easily maneuvered through rush hour traffic. “My Dad knew all the greatest places to eat in Vegas, and they aren’t necessarily on the strip. I loved this place, there’s not a microwave in sight, and it's like eating a home cooked meal.”
“Did your mother move to Florida after your father died?”
“After Dad retired they moved to Florida because neither one of them could stand the Nebraska w
inters. After Dad had died, Marcus moved his family there to be close to Mom. Now that, the grandchildren have come, my Mom’s in heaven. I try to make it down there for Christmas every year oftentimes it depends on my case load.”
In no time they were back at the hotel, Michael left the keys in the car and tipped the kid working valet parking, he could get used to this. He looked down at Jenna she seemed to be dragging, he had a feeling there night of hot sex was going to fizzle out. “Are you going make it?”
Jenna covered her mouth as she yawned, “I don’t know why I’m so tired.”
Michael opened the door to their hotel and ushered Jenna into the room. Michael studied Jenna before voicing his opinion. “Maybe you’re pregnant?”
Jenna threw her jacket on the sofa and made her way to the bed. She was so tired that all she wanted to do was sleep. “There’s no way I can be pregnant.”
Michael followed Jenna the bedroom and watched her undress she left on her bra and panties and climbed in bed. He got undressed and joined her in bed, he wrapped his arms around her, and one of his hands settled on her stomach. It made his cock rise thinking that Jenna might be pregnant.
Jenna’s hands covered Michael’s hand, “I’m not pregnant.”
Michael smiled as he kissed Jenna’s throat, “whatever you say baby. Since we’re in Vegas why don’t we go ahead and get married.”
Suddenly, Jenna was wide awake she sat up and stared at Michael.” You want to get married?”
“I love you, and if you love me half as much I think we can have a good life together.”
Jenna was happy and scared at the prospect of marriage. “We only know each other for such a short time.
“Well we can be engaged for a year if you want and have a big wedding.”
“I don’t want to be engaged for a year.”
Michael got out of bed and retrieved the small jewelry case from his pants pocket. He approached the bed and sat down next to Jenna, “I know we haven’t known each other long, I know we met under the worst set of circumstances. I also know that you’re unsure of my place in your life, but will you do me the honor of being my wife. I told myself that I was going to take the decision out of your hands and tell make you marry me.”