Shelter During the Storm
Page 11
Jenna watched Michael’s face when asked her to marry him and something inside her was set free. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you. Whenever or wherever you want.”
Michael took the ring out of the box and slid it onto Jenna’s finger. “Is tomorrow too soon?”
“Tomorrow! I couldn’t possibly be ready tomorrow, I don’t have anything to wear, and what about my hair!”
“What if I told you that I anticipated those things and that your friends, Samantha and Connie will be here tomorrow morning to help you get ready for our wedding.”
“Why you fink, you planned this all along, didn’t you?”
“I was hoping you loved me enough to marry me. I took a chance in notifying your friends because I knew that you wouldn’t want to get married without them. I’m not a shamed of my actions.”
“That’s because you have no shame and you’re used to getting your way. I do love you enough to marry you right now without my friends. But since you went through the trouble of sending for them, I guess will have to wait.”
“It wouldn’t have been too soon our first time together, I was sure that I wanted you to be my wife. I’ve never said that to another woman.” Michael unsnapped Jenna’s bra and pulled it off throwing it across the room. Then he pulled the covers back reached down and pulled her panties off. He settled himself between her legs and just looked at her. “Everything about you is beautiful: your face, those large whiskey eyes, perky breasts, and especially here. “ Michael kissed his way down her body and stopped at her pussy; he spread the lips apart and began feasting. Jenna was already wet like usual; he lapped up her honey like a man thirsty for water.
“Michael you make me feel good. He lifted her legs over his shoulders as he continued to fuck her pussy with his tongue. “Michael I want your cock inside me when I come.”
At first Michael ignored Michael Jenna’s plea and sucked on her clit, then he pulled his jockey’s down far enough to get his cock out and thrust deep into Jenna’s pussy. It had been a while since they had sex and he was a hair trigger away from coming. Jenna’s pussy felt like a tight fist squeezing him. She began moving in sync with him, and he heard her cry out as she came. He kept thrusting inside her as if he could make it last. His cock exploded inside her, he felt his come squirting out of his body four times. Michael was still semi-erect when he finally pulled out of Jenna and pulled his jockey’s down the rest of the way. “Now I’m ready to start that week full of loving.”
Jenna lay on the bed trying to catch her breath. “You keep this up I won’t be able to walk down the aisle tomorrow.”
Michael put a pillow under Jenna so it could thrust into her at a different angle. “If I have to I’ll rent you a wheelchair, you can rest when we get back to Omaha. You gave me a lot of fits during our courtship, and tonight I’m claiming my wife. So lay back and enjoy the ride.”
Chapter 15
Michael didn’t let Jenna get any sleep last night then had the audacity to get her up at 6:00 am. “Tell me why I have to be up this early?”
“Aw baby today’s your wedding day every woman gets up early on her special day.” Michael knew he was pushing his luck, but he couldn’t let her go last night. It was as if like he were on Viagra or something. He maintained his erection no matter how many times he came. If they weren’t pressed for the time, he’d get back in bed for another round.
Jenna opened her eyes and took a good look at Michael, he was happy and carefree. She’d seen him in many moods, angry, scared, jealous, pensive, but this was the first time she seen him this happy, and she was responsible for that. “Why are you dressed so early?”
“Samantha gave me a list of items for me to get at the store: lemons, tea bags, cucumbers; why does she need all that crap? I thought you ladies needed time to get ready for the wedding not prepare for a brunch.”
Jenna got out of bed and made her way towards him. Despite their night of hot and vigorous sex, Jenna felt pretty good. She’d take a long hot bath, and she would be good as new. “Lemon juice tightens the pours, tea bags and cucumbers offer relieve for puffy and tired eyes. Samantha probably figured you’d keep me up all night with your needs.” Jenna wrapped her arms around Michael neck; he lifted her up and kissed her thoroughly before sitting her back down on her feet.
“I wish I could stay, I have more errands to run plus I have to pick up Samantha and Connie from the airport. I got your breakfast while I was out, so I want you to eat, take a bath, and think about all the things I’m going to do to you tonight. I won’t see you again until you walk down the aisle and become Mrs. Michael Johnson.”
I’ll be there.”
Michael winked at before opening the hotel door. “You better be there, because I won’t be in a good mood if I have to coming looking for you. Later love!”
Jenna ate her breakfast and took herself a long hot soak. She didn’t bother getting dressed walked out to find Samantha and Connie amongst numerous bags and luggage. “I’m so glad you both came, but what it all this stuff.” Samantha and Connie scream with delight and hug her. Jenna hugged them back, “I’m glad to see you too.”
Samantha didn't waste and time and got right to the point. “Okay now fill us in on the details. How did Michael propose and how long did you make him sweat before saying yes?
Jenna knew if she told them the truth, she would be kicked out of the woman’s club. “Uhmm, he proposed to me at some swank restaurant he took me to and got down on one knee and proposed in front of everyone.” She knew she was busted; Samantha and Connie looked at her with total disbelief on their faces.
“You never were any good at lying. Do you want to start all again?”
Connie was suspicious of Jenna. “He proposed to you during sex, am I right or am I right?” Samantha and Connie gave each other the high while laughing at her.
“We were in bed.”
Connie hugged Jenna again. “It’s okay sweetie, you love him, and he clearly loves you. You wouldn’t believe the shit he made us do. That man is working hard to make you his wife; he even picked out your wedding dress and everything. Do you want to see it?”
Jenna was totally surprised. “He picked out a wedding dress for me?”
Two of the dresses were in a garment bag, Samantha, and Connie gingerly picked up the Bloomingdale’s bag and took the wrapping off an exquisite eggshell colored dress. Jenna couldn’t believe her eyes she saw something similar in a magazine last month. “How did he know?”
Girl your man is not a detective for nothing, I didn’t know there was a Bloomingdale’s in Las Vegas. It was delivered right as we got out of the car. Michael seemed pleased with himself. By the way let us see the ring.”
By this time Jenna was crying, how could Michael have planned all of this on such short notice? She held out her hand and showed them her engagement ring, it was a 3 carat Square cut diamond encased by smaller diamonds, with a platinum setting. “When did Michael notify you guys?” Samantha and Connie stared at each other as if it were a trick question. “Well answer me, when did he contact you, it couldn’t have been yesterday?”
“He told me the day before yesterday that he planned on marrying you while you were in Vegas. That night he made flight arrangements for Connie and I and told us to shop for our own bridesmaid dresses. Now this wedding dress must have been ordered a while ago.” Samantha and Connie watched the color leave Jenna’s face.”
Jenna saw down on the bed with tears in her eyes; she thought through the last couple of weeks, everything Michael has done was for her, completing Laura’s case, disposing of her ashes, planning their wedding, making sure her friends were there for the occasion, but how in the world did he know about the dress. “No one has ever loved me enough to put me first. I was going to let him go because he’s too good for me. Michael loved me too much to let me go, come on ladies my wedding starts in three hours and I don’t plan on being late.
Connie did Jenna�
��s hair and makeup, and Samantha made sure she had her wedding essentials: something old, a lace handkerchief given to her from Connie; something new, the pearl earrings and necklace set that came with the dress provided by Michael; something borrowed, a diamond tennis bracelet provided by Samantha; something blue, a blue satin garter of Laura’s.
A limousine sat in front of the hotel waiting to take them to the chapel. Jenna had no clue where they were going, it took about twenty minutes to get there, they got to the church with ten minutes to spare. Samantha and Connie helped her out of the limo, she gave her friends the once over, they were simply beautiful in their aqua spaghetti strapped dresses with matching shawls. They looked like two models about to go down the run way. Samantha with her spiral black curls and hazel eyes and Connie with her platinum blonde hair secured in some type of free fall hair not, her eyes were violet blue today.
As they entered the church, a woman with long chestnut hair decked out in a flame gold dress was waiting for them. Jenna had never seen her before, but she smiled as she approached them. “Hello ladies I’m Lisa Johnson I have your flower arrangements.” She handed Jenna a white bouquet of Calla lilies, carnations and roses. The bridesmaids’ flowers contain white roses, freesia, and orchid stems.
Jenna had forgotten about the flowers, it seems as if Michael had thought of everything. “Thank you Lisa, I didn’t expect anyone from Michael’s family to be here.”
Lisa gave Jenna a gentle hug. “Mike told us that he found his soul mate and to be ready to attend his wedding at a moment’s notice. I look forward to spending the holidays getting to know you better, the ceremony is about to start I need to go take my seat.”
The doors opened and Mack walked through them decked out in a black suit. “I’m here to walk you down the aisle kiddo.”
Ushers held the doors open and “It’s So Amazing to Be Loved”, by Luther Vandross began playing over the loud speaker. Jenna started walking down the aisle followed by Samantha. “Mack how did he accomplish this in such a short time?”
Mack smiled down at Jenna, “When a man’s in love he’ll move mountains to claim his woman.”
As they approached the doors, the song changed to the wedding march. Jenna couldn’t believe the understated elegance of the church. Michael stood at the end of the aisle waiting for her, the man standing next to him could have been his twin; he must be his brother Marcus. Lisa was standing with a small older lady with silver hair with an ultra modern cut she winked at Jenna as she passed by, this woman must be Michael’s mother.
Michael was rooted into place as he watched Jenna come down the aisle, the dress he ordered from Bloomingdale’s was just like the picture he saw in the magazine at Jenna’s house. He ordered the dress shortly after he and Jenna started sleeping together he knew then that she would be his wife. The bodice and sleeves of the dress were made of Italian lace and the bottom of the dress made of the finest satin with pearl beading. Jenna’s hair was on top of her head in some kind of fancy knot with curls cascading around her face and neck. Her whiskey eyes were so full of love he knew that he made the right choice. Thank God, he finally found his mate.
After the ceremony the bridal party had a luncheon in one of the banquet rooms at the hotel, it was catered by Andre’s restaurant. Jenna had never been so happy in her life; she was here with the important people in her life celebrating the best day of her life. Michael’s mother sat down by her after lunch. “Hello Mrs. Johnson, you know it weird to meet you for the first time at my wedding.”
Corinne Johnson was so happy for Michael and her new daughter-in-law. She wasn’t surprised with the swiftness of the wedding. Once Michael made up his mind about something, he stayed on target. “Jenna dear I think we met at just the right time. I know my boy he swept you off your feet before you could even think, his father was the same way. I married my Samuel only two weeks after meeting him.”
You married your husband after only knowing him for two weeks. I understand, I would have married Michael two weeks after meeting him, and it still would have felt right. Michael is the best man I’ve ever known. I trust him with my life, and I’ve never said that about another man before.” Before Corinne could respond, her son Marcus gave a toast to the bride and groom.
“To Mike and Jenna may your life together be filled with love, laughter, and happiness, because you both clearly deserve it.” Marcus hugged his brother and kissed Jenna on the cheek. “Welcome to the family Jenna!”
Corinne hugged Jenna, “yes dear welcome to our family, you’ve made Michael very happy.”
“It’s good to be a part of a real family, finally.”
Chapter 16
It was their first week back home from Vegas and Jenna was at her house packing when she saw Laura’s brief case on the dining room table. She put it off long enough Jenna decided it was time to review the contents of Laura’s brief case. There were several folders in the briefcase, on top was a letter addressed to her. Jenna opened the letter and read the contents.
Dear Jenna,
If you’re reading this letter, I’m dead. I know this is a weird experience for you, but there are some pertinent things you need to know. I never fully recovered from the incident we both endured fourteen years ago; being abandoned by our parents made me feel as if I had been raped twice. I think I did things to myself hoping that I could hurt Mom and Dad, it took me quite a few years to learn that I was only hurting myself and the only person who ever loved me, you. Please forgive me for the things I put you through, all those years ago when I was trying to find myself.
I never forgave our parents for their actions, and I did more than just vote against every deal Dad tried to make; I made a point of sabotaging every deal that would earn The Henderson Company more money and prestige. I know you probably wouldn’t agree with the things that I’ve done, that’s why I never exposed you to that part of my life. I also know that deep in your heart you were hoping that Mom and Dad would redeem themselves, but I always knew them for the deviants they are. I love you big sister, and I appreciate all the sacrifices you made. Don’t be like me, marry a good man and have those children you've always wanted.
Love you forever,
Jenna felt the tears oh her cheeks, Laura didn’t deserve the dirty hand she’d been dealt. Sometimes life can be unfair. She folded the letter and put it back into the briefcase, her precious sister tortured herself over something that was never her fault. It was only ten in the morning, but she needed a drink, she missed Laura so much, she often found herself calling Laura just to say hello. Someone was knocking at her door,
Jenna looked through the peephole before opening the door; it was her mother, the last person she expected to see. “Hello Mom, what brings you here?” Jenna held the door open for her mother and followed her to the living room.
Valencia stared at her daughter as if she only seen her for the first time. “I wanted to tell you that I’m moving down to Florida for good. I also wanted to apologize for all the years I let you and Laura down. James and I were so happy when we first got married, and then everything became about business.”
“It’s too late Mom, your apologies are meaningless at this stage of the game. There are two things I want to know: why did you make that deal with Grandpa Campbell and who is Laura’s real father.” Jenna’s mother had a pained expression on her face, but she didn’t care, her mother was alive and well. Laura was six feet underground.
“There’s one thing I’ve always admired about you Jenna, and that’s your strength. I guess it’s hard for you to understand a woman like me who came from nothing. Campbell gave me ten million dollars to become pregnant with his child, and he gave me another five million after you were born. He wasn’t disappointed that you were a girl, but he wanted to try again for a boy, I couldn’t stomach the idea of him touching me again.”
“So it was all about money?”
“You have to understand Jenna, it made me independent.
If anything ever happened to James, I could take care of myself. You and Laura had the best that money could buy; you’ve never had to do without like I did as a child growing up.”
“What we needed was you and Dad? If Grandpa Campbell isn’t Laura’s father, who is?” Jenna’s mother got this far away look in her eyes before speaking.
“After I had you, we tried to behave like a normal family. The parties stopped for a while, and it was just you, me, and James. There was a setback at the company and your Dad began staying every night. I knew the signs, except in the past we were out together. One day you got sick, your regular pediatrician wasn’t available, and you had to see the new doctor. He was young and attractive, I thought to myself why couldn’t I have found him first. It started off as meetings in the park, and then it became hotels and his house. I became pregnant with Laura shortly afterwards. James knew he wasn’t the father because he hadn’t touched me in months. I didn’t tell my lover about the baby; he would have ruined his life fighting for custody.”
Jenna searched her memory when Laura was raped the doctor who took cared of Laura it had to be him. “It was the doctor who treated Laura after she was raped, he’s Laura’s father isn’t her? Daddy was so hostile to him; he threatened that doctor and his family.”
“His name is Leonard Baxter, James new I liked Leonard, but he had no idea he was Laura’s father. Leonard was single when we had the affair, and he wanted me to leave James and marry him. I turned him down; I couldn’t give up my lifestyle. I stopped seeing Leonard after I found out I was pregnant. After the incident with Laura, he was the first person I called. By that time, he had married and had two small children of his own.”
“Did you ever tell him about Laura?”
“He called me when he saw her picture in the paper, and he guessed that she was his daughter. Leonard’s a widower now and he wants to see me again. Even knowing about Laura and my betrayal of him, he says he still loves me.”