Shelter During the Storm
Page 12
“What about Daddy?”
Valencia sighed, her life was such a mess, and she had no one to blame but herself. “I’m divorcing James, something I should have done years ago. If I had followed my heart instead of my greed, my baby would still be alive.” Valencia got off the sofa and stood in front of Jenna gently touching her face. “I read about your wedding announcement in the paper dear. After everything that has happened, I hope you find true happiness with Michael. Maybe one day you can forgive me for all the things I’ve done.” Valencia hugged Jenna and to her surprise, Jenna hugged her back.
“I do love you Mom, but everything is just too fresh in my mind right now. Go find Leonard I hope that you’ll finally be happy too.
After her mother's departure, Jenna went back to reviewing the contents of Laura’s brief case. She couldn’t believe all the corrupt deals her father had been involved with, not only in the United States, but in other countries. According to the documentation her father, Jackson Turnball, and several other prominent business men were involved with an arms deal with a United States congressman from Wisconsin. “Oh shit!” This is the real reason why they wanted Laura dead, she had too much information about these deals, and she wouldn’t keep quiet. Michael came in while Jenna was reading the contents about corruption, murder, and blackmail.
“Hey baby what are you reading?”
“I finally decided to read the contents of Laura’s brief case, and you won’t believe what I’ve read.” Michael sat down next to her, and she put several folders in front of him, she sat there quietly as he read them.
After reading the documentation, Michael whistled through his teeth. “Fuck! They were into a lot of shit, this explains a lot. No one’s going to kill someone for not being their natural born child. This information could send a lot of people to prison.”
Jenna looked at Michael with solemn eye. “This is the real reason they wanted Laura dead. What are we going to do with this information? These other men would be willing to kill to keep this information under wraps.”
Michael picked up the phone and started dialing. “You’re right on target baby and you’re in danger the longer you hold on to those documents. I know of several agencies who would love to have this information; the CIA, FBI, and the SEC to name a few.”
Jenna watched Michael he spoke on the phone, not 30 minutes after he got off the phone someone flashing a badge came and collected Laura’s brief case. “Michael is it really over?”
Michael wrapped his arms around Jenna and hugged her tight. “It is for us, but the people listed in those documents are in for a big surprise.”
Michael was hiding in his office at home; Jenna could be a task master when she wanted to get something done. They had only been back from Vegas for a couple of weeks, and he still considered himself on his honeymoon. Jenna was serious about selling her house and moving into his house, the problem was Jenna didn’t like most of his furnishings. He barely managed to salvage his futon from his college days, Jenna had it tagged for the garage sale. He didn’t mind because he would give up anything to have Jenna in his home, their home.
Michael was checking his e-mails when he came across an update from Mack regarding Laura’s case. The District Attorney’s office does not require Jenna to testify at Pickard’s or her father’s trials. They have enough evidence to win both cases successfully. The District Attorney plans to seek the death penalty for Pickard, and ten to fifteen years for conspiracy for murder for James Tierney and Jackson Turnball Sr.
He kept reading Mack’s notes; James Tierney was committed to a local mental health facility after overdosing on pain medication. Justin Pickard was moved into isolation at the city correctional facility after being stabbed on his way back to his cell from visiting his lawyer. Michael opened the attachment that was included with the file Mack sent him. The attachment was an article from the Florida Herald regarding Jackson Turnball Senior. The headline read ‘Resident Millionaire Dies in Sleep.’ Michael didn’t believe for a moment that these incidents wore coincidental.
Michael turned off his computer and sat the contemplating the information Mack sent him. If someone killed Jenna, prison wouldn’t be justice enough for him. He would risk his life and his shield to destroy her killers. No one actually claimed the million dollar reward the Hughes brothers provided for information in Laura’s murder. Maybe they found a better use for their money. “Laura I hope you truly can rest in peace now.” He was sitting staring off into space when Jenna interrupted him.
Jenna walked into Michael’s office and sat in his lap. “Is this where you’re going to hide every time you don’t want to face your chores mister?”
“Nothing about being with you has ever been a chore, have you ever made it on a desk before.”
Jenna laughed as Michael started stripping off her clothes. “There’s a lot of interesting places in your house to make love.”
Michael shook his head. “Our house.”
Jenna kissed his lips, and continued kissing him on his throat. “I stand corrected, our house, I noticed that we have a lovely window seat in the dining room I would love for you to give me the slow pole as I look out into the neighbor’s yard.”
“Oh baby you’ve married a very accommodating man.”