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Shifter Mate Series Three Book Box Set - BBW Paranormal Romance: Includes Bear Boss's Mate, Werebear's Mate, Purrfect Mate (Shifter Series)

Page 23

by Rayne Reilly

  "I wanted to come back to give you an update...on the werewolves."

  Dayna stood up straight and dropped her hands to her side. She was definitely interested in the werewolves and whatever news he might have for her. He wasn't sure but thought she was actually holding her breath. Carefully, he watched her face. She released the breath and stared at him worriedly.

  "I spoke with the man you hit with your car."

  "Man?" she asked. Her eyes went wide. Obviously she hadn't made the connection from werewolf to man.

  "The werewolf... He was a man when I spoke to him." Jake let out a chuckle before continuing, "He's bruised but healing up. His name is Lincoln. He will be fine. No harm done."

  She hugged herself and ran her palms up and down her arms. Her behavior didn't escape his keen eyes and senses.

  "What was he doing out here?" she asked.

  "He is tracking a guy, that's what you saw...him chasing someone down. There's nothing to worry about. I am looking into the guy he's looking for."

  Jake hoped that she would reveal through actions or words whether or not she knew Axel. There was no way he was mentioning that Lincoln was looking for a murderer, just in case he was wrong about her. Dayna's expression changed almost imperceptibly. She did know more than she was saying. She looked anxious and he smelled a faint scent of fear coming from her. He wanted to ask her directly if she knew Axel but he suspected that she would only lie to him.

  "The man he was tracking is from up-state..." he waited to see if she would add anything.

  "Hmm...well, I hope he finds him," she said looking away while she fiddled with her still-damp hair.

  Jake furrowed his brow. This was going to be harder than he thought.

  Chapter Five

  It wasn't until after Jake left that Dayna realized he had been trying to get her to open up about what she knew. He could tell she was hiding something and it was only a matter of time before she caved and told him everything. If she wasn't so attracted to the guy, she'd tell him to get lost, just so her cover would not be blown.

  The problem was that she felt mixed feelings when he was around and tried to pretend she didn't. In spite of everything, she liked him very much and felt safe with him. She was impressed by the way he spoke to her. He treated her like she was an equal...not a helpless woman. He spoke to her in a manner that she respected and clearly, he liked her; she could see it in the way he looked at her.

  If Max liked him, he must be a decent guy. Max was picky about the people he let near him. He never liked other guys that she'd dated. Hang on..dated? You haven't dated him...he hasn't even hinted at asking you out. She shook her head at the silliness of her thoughts.

  She turned her attention to the situation she was facing. Jake had just told her that a criminal shifter is in the area. Could it be Axel? This Lincoln guy was after him, whomever he was. She didn't know Lincoln. She wondered what his role was in all of this. Could she trust him, at least? Tim hadn't mentioned him in their conversations.

  She thought back to the case she'd been working on with Tim, her FBI partner. She'd gone undercover to infiltrate a gang of shifters that were believed to be running drugs and numerous other distasteful activities for the human mob. Getting into the group was easy enough when she pretended to like one of the crew. Even Axel flirted with her like crazy. So many shifters seemed to have a thing for larger sized women and she wondered if that was one of the reasons why she'd been chosen to go undercover. She refused to be with Axel and pretended to have her sights set on another of his gang. That had pissed Axel off but he was so busy breaking the law that he soon forgot that she had simply shown up one day and inserted herself into his little entourage.

  If only that human couple hadn't have been there the night of the big drug deal. She couldn't break her cover to warn them and the thought of it disturbed her. They saw everything that happened and went to the police. Dayna had contacted another member of the task force to tell them about the couple but before anyone got to them to protect them, they were killed.

  The guilt over their deaths still haunted her. The only good thing that came out of that night was that they had the gang recorded on video and were then able to arrest them all. Axel eluded them for a few days until it was clear that he figured out she was FBI.

  Somehow, he had managed to track her directly to her home. Tim and another agent caught him breaking into her place, presumably to kill her. It was then that she knew she had to go into hiding. Without her testimony to help bring him down, they might never put him away. What had puzzled and upset her and Tim most was that he was released less than twelve hours after his arrest. He should have been turned over to the Shifter Alliance Council and neither she nor Tim knew why that hadn't happened.

  She jumped when her phone rang, bringing her back to the room. Grabbing it, she checked the call display and clicked the green answer button.

  "Are you alone?" the male voice asked.


  "I have some news... The man you hit with your car may be a shifter Bounty Hunter...his name is Lincoln Duffy...It was his girlfriend's sister who was killed by Axel. My contacts say he is in your area."

  "I know about Lincoln...but..." the shock of his connection to the case filled her with dread. Flooded with fear, her stomach leaped to her throat. She hadn't really had time to think about it but hell...if Lincoln is in the area, then so was Axel. She was in danger. She closed her eyes and reminded herself to breathe.

  That's what Jake was talking about, she thought to herself.

  Tim's disapproval showed in his voice, "How do you know about Lincoln?"

  "The police told me," she said as she stared down at the floor. She ran one hand through her hair.

  Tim's voice became more tense, "I told you not to talk to the police. I told you to keep your head down and mind your own business there."

  Feeling annoyed and now scared, she responded sarcastically, "I didn't try to run into the shifter...they ran across the road in front of me. What am I supposed to do, pretend nothing happened? I had to answer his questions. He is suspicious as it is...Don't worry about it, the police officer I spoke to can be trusted."

  "How do you know that? You can't be sure. We thought the people we worked with could be trusted..they let him go...don't you see? Someone within the FBI allowed Axel to go free."

  "I'm not stupid, Tim... I realize all that. At the moment I am more concerned with the fact that Axel must be in my area..."

  "I know. I don't know how, but he knows you're there."

  His voice was a little calmer but not at all reassuring.

  Apparently, Lincoln was searching for Axel. She now understood the connection with him. This was not a good situation but she had to deal with it.

  "Tim, I am going to have to change locations. If he is here, it's only a matter of time until he finds me."

  "Agreed. I am heading down your way first thing tomorrow. First, I have to speak to Don, one of the former task force agents. He called me and told me he had some information on Axel. Find another place to stay and lay low. I mean it. I'll be there as soon as I can."

  Dayna wasn't sure where she could go but didn't want to confess that to Tim. She'd figure out something. She always did.

  "I'll call you later," she said and hung up. She shoved her phone into her pocket.

  She paced back and forth in the living room as she thought about her next move. If she told Jake about her connection to Lincoln, maybe he could help protect her. Then again, he was with the police and Tim was right about one thing. There was some nasty stuff going on both at the Bureau and within the police community. With hands on hips, she tapped her foot and stared blankly at the wall. Should I take the chance and tell Jake I need help?

  Her phone rang and she reached into her pocket to grab it. She didn't recognize the number. She tensed as she hit the answer button. She was silent as she listened. After a heartbeat or two, a familiar voice spoke.


; "Jake? How did you get my number?"

  "I asked the tow truck driver."

  Pausing for a moment, a wave of panic hit her.

  "Shit," she mumbled.

  "What? Sorry, It wasn't my intention to piss you off," Jake said lightly.

  "It's not that...I need to talk to you, I'm in trouble – " she blurted.

  "Is everything okay? Are you in danger right now? Is someone there?" His voice changed to a more take-charge demeanor and she felt touched that he was so protective.

  "I'm okay for the moment. But the sooner you can come over here to talk, the better... Please," she tried not to sound afraid but noticed her voice warbling a bit as emotion threatened to bubble up.

  "I'm on my way," he said and hung up.

  The phone went silent and Dayna shoved it back in her pocket. Sitting in the armchair she hung her head down and put her hands in her hair. This wasn't what she saw herself doing but she had little choice in the matter.


  About twenty minutes later, the sound of a vehicle pulling into her driveway made Dayna get up and look out the window. She had sat in the armchair across from the couch biting her lip nearly the entire time she waited for him. She felt awful that she didn't know anyone else to ask such a big favor and if she was truthful with herself, Jake was the only person with whom she had ever felt one hundred percent safe, ever.

  She opened the door before Jake was up her front steps. He smiled a thin smile and tilted his head down a little, looking at her over a pair of sexy sunglasses.

  "You okay?" he asked with a furrow in his brow.

  She nodded and looked around as she welcomed him inside.

  "Have a seat," she said as she sat in the chair across from him like she did the first time he'd come by.

  This time she wasn't worried about revealing too much. This time she knew she had to confide in him. With Axel out there looking for her, it was her only choice.

  She rubbed her palms together on her lap and felt the sweat building in them. Every time she looked into Jake's incredible blue eyes, it made her warm inside and despite the anxious circumstances, this moment was no different. This was the right thing to do. She just knew it.

  "I wasn't straightforward with you when you visited me the last two times," she said sheepishly.

  Jake bit his bottom lip and lifted his brows. She continued, letting out a massive sigh.

  "I'm being tracked by a murderer who is also a shifter. His name is Axel. I need a place to stay where he can't find me. I was hoping you could help...find me a place to stay...or something. I know it's really forward of me, believe me if I didn't have to ask I wouldn't. The problem is I can't go the to police...I mean aside from you...I just feel I can trust you...but you can't tell anyone that you know where I am."

  When she finished she watched as Jake's face relaxed slightly at her admission, but his body straightened and went almost rigid with tension. He licked his bottom lip and thought for a moment.

  "I have to say...I was afraid you were tied into this case. I'm glad you felt you could trust me enough to come forward. Lincoln and I have been trying to track down Axel. I think I mentioned him to you on my last visit?"

  She nodded. "I know who Lincoln is now," she stated.

  Jake's head moved slightly. He was curious again.

  "His mate's sister was killed by Axel," she continued.

  Jake nodded.

  "I think we need to have a long talk about what you know," he scolded.

  "I will tell you everything I know. But you have to find me a safe place to stay. One that takes cats. Please. Can you help me?" she pleaded. She felt her stomach doing flips at what she was asking of him. This wasn't what she had envisioned, and she hoped he would not think badly of her for doing so.

  Jake placed his hands on his thighs and rubbed them a couple of times. Then ran a hand through his hair. Finally it looked as if he'd made a decision of some kind. With a determined expression he said,

  "No problem. Pack some things. I will take you to my place."

  Dayna was taken aback. Her eyes widened and she sat back a little.

  "No. I can't possibly ask that of you. Don't you have a safe house or something?"

  Jake laughed, "This isn't the city. We don't have safe houses. You will be safe with me. I promise you."

  He smiled warmly.

  She stood and looked toward the floor and back at Jake. There wasn't a whole lot of choice in the matter. She wasn't safe where she was. That much was certain.

  "Thank you...and again, I'm sorry I couldn't say anything sooner."

  She was aware of the fact that she still hadn't admitted that she was FBI. There was no need to complicate things further right now. Hopefully, there would be time to fill him in on the case and who she really was. She felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of staying with Jake. They barely knew one another but she hoped that would change. She went to her room to pack some things and when she and Max had all they needed, Jake escorted them both to his car.

  After he put his seat belt on, he turned to face her. She had the feeling he was genuinely okay about her staying with him. He hadn't stopped grinning at her the entire time they loaded the car. She was glad she'd trusted herself.

  "Everything will be okay. We'll find Axel and you will be able to return to your cabin in no time," he said reassuringly.

  On realizing that once Axel was caught, she'd be returning to Rochester and her job with the FBI, Dayna's heart fell. Deeply disappointed, she turned and stared out the passenger window in an attempt to hide her feelings.

  Chapter Six

  The drive to his house with Dayna and Max lasted about thirty minutes in total. For most of the journey, they sat in silence. Jake pondered what else Dayna hadn't yet told him. On discovering that Axel wanted to harm her, a profound need to protect her bubbled up in an instant.

  He had also felt a huge sense of relief when she confided in him and asked for his help in the first place. He had been wondering how she fit into the case he was working on and now he knew. Naturally, he wouldn't even consider taking her to any other place to keep her safe. She was too important to him to let her risk being hurt.

  He hoped that she wouldn't find his place uncomfortable or unwelcoming. The house was neglected most of the time because he was rarely home. That would change if she was staying with him. He wouldn't mind going home knowing that she would be there. It sure beat being all alone. She had no sooner mentioned needing a place to stay and he jumped at the chance to spend more time with her. He could protect her easier in town than if she was out in the middle of nowhere. But of course, there was much more than that to his desire to be with her.

  When they got to his house, he helped her bring her things in and carried Max the cat inside. Max made himself at home on a comfortable chair in the corner. Jake and Dayna both grinned when they saw him settle down as if he was always meant to be there.

  "Sorry for the state of the place," Jake said.

  "It's fine. I appreciate you being so good about letting me stay with you. I wasn't sure you would be open to helping me, after the way I've treated you," Dayna said.

  "Don't worry about it. I've been treated worse." he winked. How could he say no to her?

  When they were both seated, Dayna bit her lip. Jake sensed that there was more she wanted to say.

  "So tell me, why are you hiding from Axel and what is your involvement in this case?" he asked as he stared at Dayna's face. She looked like she was under a lot of stress and he wondered what had happened to make her decide to confide in him.

  "Well, the first thing I need to tell you is that I am a Federal Agent with the FBI. I was undercover for nearly six months in a sting operation that involved shifters and humans. We suspected Axel and his gang of having committed multiple crimes, including human trafficking, drug running and murder. But we needed the evidence that would get him locked up.

  “Every time we got close to catching him, he got away. We figured
he had a contact on the inside that was feeding him information. It became even more apparent as the operation came to a close. I managed to get close one of the members of the gang, a shifter named Tex. I heard and saw a lot without them realizing just how much I knew.

  “One night when the final bust was about to go down, a young couple stumbled upon the gang. Axel thought that they'd seen something and he had them killed. I wanted to warn them but couldn't, because it would blow my cover. I had worked for six months to get close to his inner circle; there was nothing I could do.

  “At first, I thought he had let the couple go. I contacted my team at the FBI and told them about the couple. I even asked that they be protected. Instead, they turned up dead. I knew it was Axel. It was at that point that I think he realized I was FBI or undercover because he came after me.”

  Intrigued, Jake's eyebrows shot up but he remained silent, not wanting to interrupt.

  “My colleague and another member of the team caught him,” she continued. “Then for some strange reason he was released within a few hours. I still can't figure out who betrayed us. Only a handful of people knew that I was undercover. One of them had to have told Axel about me. The rest of the men were arrested...Axel is the only gang member who got away. That is no mistake...someone let him go. I am the only face-to-face witness of what went down during the six months that I was undercover. I have to testify to make sure he gets punished for what he's done."

  Clenching her fists at her sides, Dayna grimaced. "My work partner, Tim, thinks that there is corruption in the police up-state as well,” she explained. “He told me to hide here and not trust anyone. I wasn't sure until today when you came to see me and then Tim called. My cover here is blown too. Axel knows where I am. I don't know who told him. You see now why I couldn't be sure about trusting you?"

  Jake nodded.

  "I do...I have to ask though,” he added, “since even Lincoln didn't mention it. Why haven't The SAC been informed about Axel? They won't stand for corruption like this, especially where humans are involved. Did you or your superiors contact them when Axel was arrested?"


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