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Shifter Mate Series Three Book Box Set - BBW Paranormal Romance: Includes Bear Boss's Mate, Werebear's Mate, Purrfect Mate (Shifter Series)

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by Rayne Reilly

  Dayna looked down at her hands and shook her head.

  "Tim is a bit funny where shifters are concerned. I don't think he wanted to deal with The SAC and all their rules."

  "The rules are there for a reason,” Jake commented. “They ensure that shifters are treated fairly by humans and also ensure that humans are protected from criminal shifters. They need to be told about the criminal shifter element if they are going to do anything about it. What's so bad about that?"

  "The red tape and paperwork involved, I think,” she replied. “Tim hasn't exactly told me what his issue is. I wanted to contact them when I was sent undercover. I found out some things that shocked even me. Tim told me to leave it to the higher-ups to take care of informing them. I guess no one bothered. Now Axel is after me and if he has his way, he'll kill me to shut me up," she said sadly.

  "Not if I can help it!” he countered firmly. “There are a lot of shifters in Pleasantville, including police officers. If anyone can catch this guy...we will. I have recently been in touch with The SAC and they are waiting for me to tell them that I have Axel. He won't be released into human custody again."

  Jake was angry that humans thought they knew how to deal with shifters better than they did. The whole reason the shifter governing body existed was because shifters were harder to control and contain when they went bad. This colleague of hers was just the kind of guy he'd had to work with when he started on the force. Their ignorance and bigotry about the entire shifter race caused more problems than it solved.

  "Thanks for telling me the truth,” he offered warmly. ”At least I can help you now."

  She looked visibly relieved and settled back into the sofa. Jake smiled at her tenderly. She reciprocated.

  "It's been a strange couple of know...” Dayna noted. “I don't think I even ate today."

  Jake stood.

  "Well, let's order something and I'll get you a drink. Can't have you fading away on me."

  "Fat chance," she joked, staring down at her curvaceous body.

  "You look incredible to me," he said and as she blushed, she saw a slight curl tugging on the corner of his lip.

  Chapter Seven

  Jake ordered pizza and had a couple of beers in his fridge, so they both sat side by side on his sofa enjoying a casual dinner and drink. Dayna felt more relaxed than she had in months.

  "I forgot how nice it is to have company," she said as she finished her beer. She put the bottle and her plate on the table next to her.

  "Technically, I think I am the one who has house and all," he winked.

  She laughed out loud. She liked how unassuming and easy he was to be around.

  "How come you're still single anyway?" she asked.

  Even she was surprised that she had asked such a question. He leaned against the sofa, stretching his arms along the back of it. She couldn't help but notice that it felt as though they were on a date and getting to know one another. She got excited at the idea of dating him. He was a great guy and she enjoyed his company. She was genuinely surprised that he didn't at least have a girlfriend.

  "I work a lot...I don't date...really at all. I guess it just hasn't worked out for me in that department."

  "Maybe you just never met the right person," she looked at him with her eyes lowered, slightly embarrassed by what she heard herself saying.

  "Until now, I hadn't," Jake said and turned to look at her. She felt her face go red for the second time. She gazed into his eyes, sensing the emotion hiding behind them. She tingled like an excited schoolgirl.

  Jake edged his body a little closer to her and put a hand out to her shoulder, touching her gently as he looked into her eyes. The warmth of his hand, the thrill of his touch...oh, how she ached to fall into his arms.

  But what to say in response to his comment? Rubbing her hands self-consciously on her thighs, she stared back at him. She hadn't expected to see this side of the friendly yet serious police officer. Maybe he was into her as much as she was attracted to him. She hoped so, yet it also made her sad to think about it.

  She'd never met a man so genuinely decent before. In many ways, it felt like she had met her other half. The problem was that she would be leaving and returning to her job again sometime soon and whatever they have – or could have – would be over.

  Removing his hand from her back, Jake leaned forward and placed his forearms on his thighs. Looking at her she could see he wanted to ask her something.

  "What?" she grinned.

  He held her gaze with those incredible eyes of his. She felt almost mesmerized by him and couldn't bring herself to look away from him.

  "When Axel is caught, will you return to your job at the FBI up-state?"

  She hesitated even though she knew the answer. It was clear that they both felt something for each other and she couldn't bear to ruin the moment with the cold hard truth.

  "Maybe," she said. "I love my job. I was really disappointed to know that there could be corruption going on there. I would like to be the one to fix things."

  "How long have you been working there?" Jake sounded disappointed but she could see he was trying to hide it.

  "About six years. They recruited me out of university. I started working in the counter terrorism unit and transferred to intelligence and worked on an organized crime task force last. I guess I am still trying to find my place. Since they recruited me, I have a choice about where I want to be posted. This last case really set me back though. I never expected to be the one hiding out. It's crazy, really."

  "Did your father work for the FBI?"

  Dayna felt a little embarrassed. It was one more thing that had been a lie.

  "No. He was a teacher. My parents died when I was a child. I was raised by my aunt and uncle. Both of whom are still very much alive...I was trying to throw you off, the night you asked me all the questions. I'm sorry I lied."

  "You didn't really. Your parents are deceased. That much was true."

  "Yes. The FBI...or rather Tim and a trusted associate found me the cabin to stay at. It's a rental but owned by someone that Tim knows."

  She regretted having lied to him, especially now that she could see what a great guy he was.

  Wishing they could change the tone of the conversation, she wanted only to return to the delicious feeling of Jake's desire to be near her. She didn't like the way she had treated him and ached to take it all back. Her feelings for him were stronger than she even realized and when she began telling him the truth about her situation, she felt a pang of guilt that was still resounding within her soul. He was taking it well and she figured that he had suspected something strange about her all along.

  Jake put a hand out to touch hers. She felt his long fingers stroking the back of her hand but his touch went straight to her heart. She turned her head to see him looking at her.

  He leaned forward a little more and she broke the moment with another question.

  "What about you? Clearly, you like your job here? Would you ever consider moving anywhere else to work?"

  She smoothed her hair down with one hand as she waited. Jake looked around at his sparsely decorated home and then turned his eyes to her.

  "It depends," he grinned.

  She lifted her chin up in a half nod. She wasn't even sure why she asked but she felt a surge of joy when he answered. Was she seriously considering getting involved with him? She licked her lips and averted his gaze.

  "Is there anything else you have kept from me?" Jake blurted.

  Dayna's brow furrowed and she pressed her lips for a moment, surprised by the question, she shook her head as she responded.

  "No,” she answered. “I think you know everything about me...there isn't much more to know really."

  "I am sure there is plenty. I just want you to know that you can tell me anything. You can trust me," he quipped.

  "Thank you,” she replied, genuinely grateful. “I have to ask you the same question. Is there anything you have kept fro
m me?" she knew that it was none of her business to ask personal questions about him but she was concerned about what he knew regarding the case she was part of.

  Jake raised one eyebrow and a smile curled on his lips, "One thing. I hope you will be okay with it."

  "What's that then?" she wondered what it could be. She studied his face as it became serious once more.

  "I am a shifter," he stated.

  Dayna smiled and put a hand out, palm up in a matter-of-fact gesture. "I had already guessed that you were...I don't think all shifters are bad... As long as they aren't trying to kill me!" she teased.

  Jake's face looked visibly relieved. He paused for a beat as a smile widened on his face. "Have you ever dated a shifter?" his eyes were hooded slightly and his voice sounded a little sexier than it had a moment earlier.

  She swallowed before responding, "No."

  Jake laughed when he noticed her beginning to fidget with her hands. She was aware that she fidgeted with her hands or hair when she was nervous or avoiding discussing something. She felt a little embarrassed at the turn the questions had taken. What must he think of me?

  "I don't want to kill you, but I do want to kiss you," Jake said in a husky voice. His head was lowered slightly and he leaned toward her. She sucked in a breath and felt her heart beat a little more quickly. After a brief awkward pause Dayna grinned, "I'm not stopping you."

  As the two leaned closer together, a million butterflies fluttered in her stomach. The first hint of his lips grazing hers was pure bliss. Closing her eyes, her senses exploded in sensations of excitement. Is that why people closed their eyes when they kissed?

  At first, his lips pressed softly against hers. Then gently he pulled her bottom lip between his. Feeling herself go warm inside, she ran her fingers through his short blond hair. The sensation of touching him and stroking his head made them both moan as the kiss deepened. He brought a hand to her face, gently cradling it. Her lips parted slightly as he flicked his tongue against hers.

  The feelings that the kiss awakened in her were unlike anything she had ever felt. She had never before kissed a man to whom she felt so drawn. The kiss was perfect, just like Jake. For more than six years she'd managed to avoid relationships and focus on her career. Now she was not only kissing a wonderful and sexy man. She was kissing the man for whom she could honestly see herself changing her life. Although the warmth of his kiss filled her with need, she couldn't help but notice a wave of sadness. He was so perfect for her...Too perfect. His hands as he held her just so, his body so close she could feel the heat that emanated from him. It felt so right. The moment itself was perfection. As they withdrew gently from their passionate first kiss, she opened her eyes, knowing his sensual gaze would meet hers.

  "Wow," she murmured with a ragged sigh.

  "Indeed," he responded with a sexy grin. They pulled back and he held her hand in his. She could tell he was just as happy as she was about the tender moment they had shared. He paused and in a husky voice asked, "So...I guess there's no issue with me being a shifter then?"

  Chapter Eight

  Later that night after Dayna had gone to bed, Jake lay on the couch staring at his ceiling. Going over the events of the day, he thought carefully about what he'd learned so far. He hadn't pegged Dayna for an FBI agent but now that she had admitted it he could see it. She was strong, capable and down-to-earth. He could see that she had integrity and was a good person.

  He had waited his entire life to find a woman like Dayna. His inner cougar purred at the thought of being with her. He had found his perfect mate – of that, he had no doubt. His thoughts were interrupted when suddenly, Max leapt on top of him. The cat purred as he walked across Jake before standing on his chest staring at him. Jake reached out to stroke him. Max responded with a low meow. Jake petted him for another minute or two before Max moved to the curl up at his feet, leaving him alone with his thoughts once again.

  As much as he tried to focus on other things, his mind kept returning to the fact that just a few feet away was a woman about whom he could have only dreamed. From what he'd learned about her, she didn't dated much either, if at all. It was like the fates brought them together at just the right time.

  Hmph. Could have chosen safer circumstances, he thought.

  Up until a few days ago, his personal life was pretty much unchanged. He went to work and pulled extra shifts when needed, reporting to both the humans above him, and The SAC that ensured their own kind were sticking to the rules laid out for them.

  Now he was faced not only with his mate, but the fact that she was in danger from another shifter. He had sensed something wasn't quiet right after he left her on the day of his second visit. There had been an unfamiliar scent in the air that wasn't there on the previous visit. Had Axel been prowling around her house while she was there? The thought of her being harmed sent a shiver up his spine.

  If anything had happened to her, he wasn't sure he could contain himself. He'd be the one brought up in front of The SAC on charges if he lost his cool and attacked a shifter.

  He could relate to how Lincoln must feel when he sees his mate crying for her dead family member. Watching Lincoln and his mate had touched his heart. Until the moment when he'd kissed Dayna, he had always felt an empty place inside himself that could only be filled by a mate.

  The kiss they shared had changed all that. His cougar was blissful now that it had found her. He felt so much pleasure in a simple kiss that even now, remembering it gave him a raging hard-on. He bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes, savoring the sweet memory.

  Lying on the sofa thinking about the kiss, he was glad he'd removed his jeans and was just in boxers because his erection pulsed when he thought of touching her again. He had detected the scent of her arousal and knew that she wanted him, too. It was Dayna that stopped things from going further. He tried to hide his disappointment but there was no denying he wanted to see her naked and feel those huge breasts against his naked chest. Moving his hand under the covers, he was about to place his hand on himself when he heard footsteps in the hall.

  Quickly he pulled his hand out from under the blanket and arranged the covers over himself to hide his erection. Dayna appeared in the doorway in a flimsy pajama top and sexy pajama bottoms. Her hardened nipples were poking shamelessly through the thin fabric of the cloth. He groaned inwardly at the sight.

  "Oh. You're awake," she said, oblivious to his state of arousal and her state of sexiness. He couldn't move because he was pitched at full attention at the sight of her. Placing an arm behind his head he moved his eyes off her to distract himself.

  "Max abandoned me. I wanted to see where he went," she said in a low voice, moving closer. His nostrils filled with her beautiful natural scent. He held his breath for a moment as he struggled to remain calm.

  "He came out to say hi," Jake said. He motioned toward his feet at Max who was sleeping soundly.

  She moved toward Max and leaned down to pick him up. Her breasts fell forward, grazing the silky fabric of her top. He wished it could be his body rubbing against her breasts. He bit his bottom lip tightly at the thought.

  Max let out a quiet sound of resistance but went limp in her arms anyway. She turned to walk away as Max stared back at him groggily from her arms.

  "Can't sleep without my cat curled up next to me," she said sweetly over her shoulder.

  His lips formed a slight smile. I want to be that cat.

  Chapter Nine

  Waking to an unfamiliar room, it took a moment for Dayna to remember where she was. She had awakened from a dream about Jake to find herself in his bed. She felt herself grow aroused at the thought of him being just a room away. There was a connection with him that she'd never felt with anyone before.

  Now that she was able to be completely truthful with him she had to acknowledge that she wanted him. Badly. She wished that there was a way for them to be together but she wasn't sure how to make that possible with her FBI job being up-state and his job here in
Pleasantville. She looked around the room for Max. He was nowhere in sight...again. Max always came to bed with her and usually slept next to her. She had already retrieved him once during the night. He must really like Jake.

  Her cell phone vibrated as it rang loudly on the bedside table. Turning over to reach for the phone, she looked at the call display. She sat up in bed as she cleared her throat.

  "Have you changed your location?" Tim's voice asked before she could say good morning.


  "Good. Don't tell me where you are. I am calling to warn you that people besides Axel are looking for you."

  "What do you mean? Her body became taut. Something was very wrong. She listened as he continued speaking calmly.

  "I've been asked at my end if I've had any contact with you. I said I haven't but I'm not sure they believe me here. Don't tell me anything else over the office and my phone may be bugged. I will not call you unless there is an emergency. I suggest you do the same. I should be there later this afternoon. I'll call you when I arrive. I'm afraid you're on your own for now."

  Dayna wasn't on her own though. She had Jake to watch her back and that made her feel far better about everything than she felt a few days ago. Nonetheless, a wave of concern washed over her. When would this end? She just wanted to go back to her job and now it looked as though catching Axel would not be the end after all. Tim would be arriving later today but he didn't sound any more certain of things than she did. She closed her eyes and ran a hand through her hair.

  "Fine. I will get in touch if anything changes at my end," she whispered into the phone. Her thoughts were racing. She had to speak to Jake about this turn of events.

  "Be careful," Tim responded in a serious tone.

  Dayna disconnected the call. Sighing, she placed the phone on the nightstand, flung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. Looking around the room, it was sparsely decorated but very masculine in decor and feeling. The entire room reminded her of Jake and it filled her with delight. So long as she didn't think about having to leave, she could enjoy being close to him and from the sounds of things, she might be staying a while longer than she had initially thought.


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