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Page 14

by Amarinda Jones

  “What?” Wasn’t all that enough?

  “You haven’t fixed your glasses yet.”

  “I’ve been a tad busy.” Augusta pushed the specs in question back up her nose. “Back to zombies. What do you know about them?”

  “They’re smelly, red eyed and always in a pissy mood,” Tilly responded succinctly. “What’s the plan? Smack their skulls in with hammers?”

  Augusta knew Tilly had never destroyed a zombie but she knew how to if she had to. Tilly was a suburban warrior woman.

  “They also plan to take part in the annual Zombie Walk through the city.”

  Tilly’s eyes opened wide with alarm.

  “Oh no, we can’t let them. That would be like shooting fish in a barrel.”

  Augusta agreed. “Yep, lots of people thinking they’re having a fun, silly day out are going to be in a lot of danger.”

  “Fucking zombies.” Tilly searched her friend’s face. “There’s more isn’t there?”

  “Newton did a deal with them to take Argon.”

  “Weedy little geek.”

  “But the zombies will punish Newton and not take Argon if I agree to go with them.”

  Tilly shook her head. “And you said yes.”

  “Yes.” What else could she have said?

  “Never a dull moment with us, is there, Rowdy?”

  It was good to have Tilly back. Things were so easy to explain to someone whose mind was always open.

  “No, never. Want to come to a ‘change of mind’ ceremony?”

  “Sure,” Tilly said as if it was an everyday occurrence.

  “Where’s Titch?” Augusta looked forward to seeing him again. He was such a casual and relaxed soul who made her feel at peace.

  “Inside, he thought we may need to be alone.” Tilly looked at her friend quizzically. “You know it was weird but I thought I heard you call out to me so I told Titch we had to come here straight away.”

  “I did.” Augusta had always been able to call on Tilly since they were five years old.

  “We’ll get this all sorted. There is no way you are going with those asshole zombies.”

  “No.” Augusta pitied any zombie who tried to take Tilly and her size nine Doc Martens on.

  “And when I see Argon I will give him a piece of my mind for lying to you.”

  Augusta smiled and shook her head. Initially, she had planned to rant and rave and stamp her feet when she saw Argon. Now she had another idea.

  “Oh, I have a plan for him.”


  “Oh yeah, he’ll be squirming.

  Augusta stood naked before Argon.

  “To what do I owe this pleasure?” He reached out for her but she slapped his hand away.

  “Do I need a reason?” Augusta swallowed the nervous hiccup that caught at her throat. Seduction was not one of her natural talents.

  “No, Augusta True, you don’t.”

  “Take off you clothes and—” The words were barely out of her mouth and Argon had waved his clothes away with the stroke of his hand. What a beautiful man. Augusta shook her head to focus on the task at hand. She wanted to teach him a lesson, not stare hungrily at his body. “Lie down on the bed.”

  “Sounds like I am going to enjoy this.”

  Augusta reached into her bedside table and pulled out the handcuffs she had pulled out of a box of old agency stuff. She crawled onto the bed beside his stretched out, naked body and grabbed one of his hands. Argon in turn slipped his other hand up her inner thigh, edging toward her pussy.

  “No, my game, my rules.” She secured one hand and then removed the other before it could go any further and secured it to the bedpost as well. “Would you say most of your powers are centered in your hands?”

  “Yes.” Argon looked at her with curiosity.

  “So being tied you up you would make you helpless.”

  “To a point.” He grinned at Augusta. “What now?”

  “I lick you all over.” Argon’s cock had already been erect but now it looked almost painful as it tensed skyward at her words. Augusta knew it would not take long for him to get to the point of no return. She lifted one of her legs over his body, straddling his hips, his cock pushing toward her pussy for attention. But Augusta ignored it preferring to concentrate on licking a long, slow line down his chest, stopping every so often to place a wet, sucking kiss on his flesh.

  “Augusta True…” The “true” part came out choked as if Argon was concentrating more on controlling his body as opposed to his tongue. He bucked his hips toward her impatiently. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Again, you’re immortal so death is not an option but torture certainly is.” Augusta moved back and grabbed his cock, rubbing it over her breasts. The low growl that escaped his lips had the dangerous edge of a man losing control.

  “And why would you want to torture me?” Argon swallowed hard when she sandwiched his cock between her breasts and squeezed.

  “Gee, I don’t know. Have you done anything wrong lately?” Augusta pulled and pushed his cock between her breasts. She was supposed to be angry with him but it was hard to be when touching him like this made her wet between her legs.

  “No, nothing.”

  Augusta let his penis fall from between her breasts and took it firmly in her hand.

  “Nothing at all?” She licked the head of his cock and smiled when Argon groaned.

  “You know don’t you?”

  She swirled her tongue over the tip.

  “What? That we’re married and you didn’t bother to tell me?” She dropped his cock and pushed back from Argon.

  “So you decided to torture me?”

  “Pretty much,” she answered knowing he was not the only one in torture at that moment. I want him.

  Argon pulled at his restraints. “I know it was not right what I did but I love you Augusta, naturally I would want to marry you.”

  “Most normal men propose.” She pointed out the obvious trying to concentrate on anything else but the empty ache between her legs which only Argon could fill.

  “I’m not normal.”

  “I know.” Augusta got off the bed to stop herself from touching him. “You should have asked.”

  Argon looked at her, his face strained with need. “Would you have said yes?”

  “Maybe. Okay, yes.” Not that it mattered now. Unless she and Tilly came up with some plan, Augusta was zombie bait. Where are these frigging powers?

  “I’m sorry. I should have asked but I just panicked that you would run scared from me.” Argon’s voice was soft with explanation.

  Yeah I probably would have. “You lied to me.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Augusta looked down at the ring on her finger. It was beautiful. She looked at the man struggling to keep control.

  “You’ve been my wife from our first night together.”

  “Manipulative sod,” she murmured not meaning it. The sexy smile Argon gave her made her heart flip flop.

  “But you love me.”

  “Yes, I do.” And after today I may never see you again.

  Argon looked at her in concern. “What is it?”

  “Nothing.” Augusta looked at the cuffs at his wrist. This was not how she wanted it to end with Argon. “Crap.” She slapped her head. “I don’t have the key.” She had not even thought about that when she pulled the cuffs out.

  “Don’t joke.”

  “I wish I was.”

  “I need you, Augusta True,” Argon ground out tensely.

  She could see that and she absolutely wanted to help him out.

  “I need a condom. Where are they?” Augusta looked around frantically. The man was set to blow and she wanted to hop on and ride him.

  Argon closed his eyes and groaned.

  “I don’t have them. I make them magically appear remember?”

  Fuck—or not in this case. His hands were cuffed so no magic was going to happen to produce a condom.

�Can’t you wave your foot or something?” Augusta licked her lips as she contemplated his straining cock. It was magical but in another way.

  “Augusta True, do you love me?”

  She moved over to the bed beside him. “You know I do beautiful man.”

  Argon smiled at her words. “Are you every going to want another lover?”

  “No. Are you?”

  “You know the answer to that. Never.”

  This was sweet and touching but it wasn’t helping the situation. “So what’s your point?”

  “Do we need a condom?”

  Yay! A solution! Then reality hit through the haze of lust.

  “Pregnancy.” Damn. Though not like that was going to matter with the zombies tailing her but still… Augusta did a rapid calculation of days and weeks and safe periods. Thank God I paid attention to something in health class at school. “I will be okay.”

  “Excellent. Climb on.”

  Augusta did not need to be told twice. “‘Got some issue with control, oh powerful immortal?”

  “With you always.”

  She straddled his thighs and placed the head of his cock inside her vagina. Augusta pushed herself down the full length of his shaft, closing her eyes as the sensuous heat flooded her body “Oh boy.”

  “Marriage is good huh?” Argon responded with a smile.

  “The best.” Augusta concentrated on rocking back and forth on Argon, grinding her body against his, her clit being triggered with each downward thrust. She was so close to orgasm. So was Argon.

  “I can’t hold on much longer.” Argon’s voice was hoarse and strained.

  “So don’t.” Augusta increased her pace, her back arching as the orgasm hit. She felt his cock jerk hard inside her and a hot rush of fluid shoot upwards. “Oh, Argon…” Augusta collapsed against his chest trembling as spasms of pleasure racked her body. When she recovered slightly she kissed his lips lingeringly then looked at the cuffs. “I’ll call Tilly. She’ll know where the keys are.”

  Argon sighed loudly. “Great, I’m never going to hear this end of this from her am I?”

  “No, but what a great memory.” That may be all either of us have.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Hello, Newton.” Tilly opened the door to Augusta’s apartment. “I’ve been expecting you.”

  The Welshman looked confused. “Do I know you?”

  “Tilly Moor,” she replied looking at him over-sweetly.


  “Yes, oh, I seem to have that effect on some people.” She grabbed his arm before he could move away. “Come in we’ve been waiting for you.”

  “Newton,” Augusta murmured, accusation shining in her eyes. It was only Nell’s hands on her wrist that stopped her from going for his throat.

  “What is this? Macbeth’s three witches?” Newton jested nervously.

  “How funny.” Tilly pushed him into a chair. “I swear all this sex is good for my health. I have muscles I was never aware of before.”

  Titch grinned at her words. “I’m pleased to hear that, cariad.”

  “Time for being all gooey later you two.” Augusta looked at Newton. “I know what your plan was. I will not allow Argon to be used and nor will I allow zombies to kill and main during the Zombie Walk because of your greed.

  “I can’t see how you will stop them,” Newton responded, his eyes on hers. “Though if you knew what your powers were—”

  “Here’s the thing,” Augusta interrupted him. “I don’t give a rat’s ass what my powers are. I don’t plan to use them.” As far as she was concerned ignorance was bliss.

  “That’s a waste, Rowdy.”

  “Did you ever care for me as a friend?”

  “No.” Newton shook his head. “You were an opportunity.”

  “Honesty at last.” His words did not hurt her as Augusta was no longer that sixteen-year-old girl who needed help. She could help herself and those she loved now.

  “I want your power.”

  Augusta shook her head in disgust. “You don’t seen to get it do you? This is over. You did not win. What I may or may not have will never be yours.” It was pathetic to see a man so convinced he could still have what he had schemed to get from her for over a decade.

  “You can get rid of me but not them.”

  Them. The zombies. One problem at a time.

  “Yes we know about your zombie mates.” Tilly’s look was one of utter loathing.

  “They were supposed to derail you from what I wanted until it was too late. I just had to say simple spell and you would have been mine.”

  The thought of that chilled Augusta to the bone. What if I had never realized until it was too late? She shook herself. Argon was right. What ifs were irrelevant. Living was what mattered.

  Nell came toward Newton, a large metal goblet in her hand.

  “Speaking of spells, we have one for you.”

  Newton looked panicked. “What’s that?” He tried to rise but Titch moved over and forced him back down.

  “It’s a nice little drop that’s going to help you forget all about Augusta and her powers,” Nell explained, her eyes hard on his. “It will leave you with the memory of your life in Wales and how to get home only.”

  “I won’t drink it.” Newton closed his mouth militantly.

  “Titch, please hold the nasty little man down while I open his mouth.” Augusta was determined to make him drink it but he refused to open up. It was only when Tilly punched him in the stomach, that his lips opened to expel air and the liquid went down his throat, splashing his clothes in the struggle. Newton howled with anger.

  Nell then held her hands above her head and began to chant.

  Memory be, memory be

  All your thoughts of Rowdy be free

  No longer to roam, find your way home

  And darken no doorstep of mine

  Memory be, memory be.

  “Wow.” Tilly looked impressed. “You could probably do that seeing as though you have the witch thing in your blood.”

  Augusta rolled her eyes. “If I wanted to but I don’t.” As soon as this was all over she wanted to forget all about witches and curses. Not that that’s likely to happen. She looked at Newton. A glazed look had crossed his face.

  “Who are you people?” Newton’s voice betrayed his confusion.

  Titch helped him up. “You just wandered in. We thought you may have been in trouble. You don’t know us?”

  “No, this is so embarrassing,” Newton mumbled as he stood slowly and headed to the door.

  “Can we help you? Maybe call a taxi?” Augusta offered politely, instinctively knowing Newton was not feigning his ignorance. There was something so small and pathetic about him. If it had been anyone else she would have felt sorry for them. Newton however did not deserve her pity. What he had done he had brought on himself.

  “Um, no, I’m fine. I’m sorry to have bothered you.” Once outside, two large Hell Hounds seized him in their razor teeth and dragged him to Hell. He had forfeited his part of the deal and they had come for their due.

  “Did you hear dogs?” Augusta cocked her hear to listen. There was a “No pet” policy in the building.

  “No,” Nell responded calmly, her eyes full of ancient knowledge that only the chosen would ever know.

  Somehow Augusta felt that Nell knew more than she was letting on but what secrets she chose to keep were hers.

  “Now we have to fix up the other problem.” Augusta wished she could have sounded more positive but she knew it would take more than a loss of memory spell to get rid of the zombies.

  “I will not let those zombies take you.” Titch was adamant. “I would be happier if Argon knew.”

  “If Argon knew what?” The man in question said as he pushed opened the half closed door.

  Bugger. Hiccup, hiccup, hiccup.

  “Augusta?” Argon went and stood before her? “What’s going on? And don’t tell me it’s nothing as we know your hiccups betray you.”

  To lie or not to lie? Technically she would be saving his life if she lied. Augusta looked into his dark, soulful eyes and her heart contracted with love. I can’t lie to him.

  “Well you see I sort of made a deal with the zombies. They wanted you but would accept me instead.”

  Argon sucked in a deep breath, then blew it out.

  “I would have gone with a lie,” Tilly murmured, meaningfully looking at Titch.

  “Why, Augusta?” His hands went to her shoulders gently.

  God, wasn’t it obvious to him? She would do anything for him.

  “I love you.”

  “And I love you but I can’t and won’t live without you.”

  “Aww…” Tilly sighed and moved in close to her beloved.

  It was sweet and exactly what she expected Argon to say.

  “You’re immortal.” But the meaning behind what he said was enough even if the actual ability was there.

  Titch smiled. “You’re not any more, are you Argon?”

  Augusta clutched at his chest. What had he done?

  “What does Titch mean?”

  Argon cupped her face in his hand.

  “It took some persuasion but the powers that be set me free. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.” He exchanged a meaningful nod with Titch, who had also given up his immortality to be with the woman he loved. “I don’t want to live forever, Augusta True, if I don’t have you. It’s my birthday gift to you.”

  It was everything she wanted to hear Argon say but Augusta feared that it might still be too late for them.

  “Damn,” Tilly cursed in annoyance. “We could have used your magic to get rid of the smelly walking dead guys.”

  “My dear Tilly, we will have to use logic instead.”

  Tilly mumbled something about “logic sucking badly” which made Argon smile. He turned back to the woman he loved. “You are not going to sacrifice yourself for me.” Argon kissed her softly.

  Augusta licked her lips as she rested her hands on his chest.

  “I think it’s more a case of them coming to me.”

  Argon shook his head at this. “No, we’ll think of something.”

  “We need to get into the city and stop them. The Zombie Walk is due to start in twenty minutes.” Titch ran a hand through his shaggy blond hair. “Not a good time to lose the power to orb us there.


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