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Page 15

by Amarinda Jones

  “It’s okay. If Tilly drives we’ll get there in no time.” The woman was a speed demon and normally it scared Augusta to death to drive with her but time was of the essence. Driving with Tilly was only marginally less dangerous than being zombie bait.

  “Don’t worry about this, Augusta True, something will come to us. We will not let those bastards win.”

  * * * * *

  Dead bodies littered the Queen Street Mall in the heart of Brisbane City. It was exactly like Augusta’s dream. She clutched Argon’s hand scared that he would leave her as he had in the dream.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he said as he leaned down and whispered in her ear. “And they’re not dead, Augusta True, they’re just pretending.”

  Almost on cue the zombie walkers rose up and started trudging slowly along, eyes glazed and hands outstretched. Their clothes were splattered with fake blood, some had limbs missing while others had weaponry protruding from their bodies.

  “I don’t get it.” Tilly watched as the would-be zombies pretended to be the living dead.

  “People are strange,” murmured Augusta, searching the crowd for the real zombies.

  “We’re not strange,” Tilly responded.

  “Of course not.” Augusta only knew what two of the zombies looked like. One was tall and elegant and the other a feral looking wombat of a zombie. She was relying their telltale smell and body heat to identify them. “I can’t smell anything.”

  “Let’s spread out,” Argon suggested. “Titch, you and Tilly head north and we’ll head south. We’ll come back and meet in the middle at the news stand.”

  Augusta scanned the crowd, impatient to find the zombies. As going armed in public wasn’t an option, she wasn’t sure how they would get rid of the creatures she sought. They could only be killed with a decisive blow to their head, crushing their brain. She held tight to Argon’s hand holding faith in the man who believed “something would come to them”.

  Augusta looked around at the building works being carried out in the mall. It had been awhile since she had been in the city and she was surprised at the cranes and safety barricades that were set up to protect shoppers during the creation of the new buildings. She stiffened as she smelled garlic and mold.

  “Yeah, I smell it too,” Argon surveyed the crowd. One figure instantly stood out. “Fred.”

  Augusta turned in the direction Argon faced. Fred Ward, building manager, was coming toward them and the stench of garlic was vile.

  “Oh, poor Fred.” The zombies had gotten to him. “I feel kind of guilty.” She saw Argon’s incredulous look. “Well, because of me and the curse, Newton wouldn’t have come to Brisbane out—”

  “None of this is your fault.”

  “Uh-oh.” Augusta saw Andervarle and Warren in the crowd stalking the walkers. She had an idea. Augusta called out to them. “Hey Warren, Andervarle, I think you are a pair of sissies who could not fight their way out of a wet paper bag.” The zombies turned angrily toward her. “I have a plan.”

  “What?” Argon started pulling her away.

  “Run.” They took off at a fast pace with zombies joining in and giving chase. Augusta was not the most athletic person and already she was puffing and panting. They ran down Albert Street until Augusta skidded to a halt. A sudden, irresistible urge had come over her. “In here.” She pushed past a safety barricade and into a building that was in the midst of being repaired.

  Argon looked around him. “There are no exits.”

  “Go with me on this,” she told him. “I have this feeling I am meant to be here.”

  Argon pulled her close to his side, ready to do whatever he had to in order to protect Augusta.

  “Well, well,” Andervarle murmured in pleasure as he came to a halt before them, his zombie companions behind him in a bunch. “Looks like we get both the witch and the immortal.”

  “Let her go. Take me.”

  Augusta looked at Argon in horror. They would tear him limb from limb when they realized he had no power.

  “No, I am worth more to you.”

  Andervarle threw up his hands in disgust.

  “What is it with you two? Always trying to save the other. It’s quite nauseating.”

  “Like your stench?”

  Feral little Warren ran for Augusta. Argon slapped the man down with one meaty blow to his head.

  “What the hell was that?”

  “That’s Warren. He gets slapped quite a bit.” Augusta looked around the virtually gutted building. She wondered why she had been urged inside. There was nothing but old heavy metal beams supporting the ceiling, workmen’s tools and plastic sheeting. She looked at the beams again. An idea struck her? Could I? What do I have to lose? Augusta concentrated on the beam that was directly above the zombies. Hester, you owe me. Help me.

  “Enough talk,” Andervarle snapped. “We will have both of you and you have no say in the matter.”

  “Come and get me stinky,” Argon urged, as he moved away from the woman he loved.

  Augusta kept her eyes on the beam and her mind focused solely on it. Move, damn it move. Almost in response it shifted slightly. She almost cheered but now was not the time to get cocky. Fall and squish the zombies, beam. A sudden rattling went almost unnoticed. Only Argon flinched slightly and glanced up quickly.

  “Come on you pantywaists, who’s got the balls to take me on?”

  For fuck’s sake, fall beam! This looked so much easier on television. Augusta could feel the sweat dripping down her face as she willed the beam to move. Just before the zombies charged Argon, Augusta gave the beam one more mental shove and it fell, flattening the zombies before they knew what hit them.

  “And that children is how Auntie Rowdy killed the zombies,” quipped Tilly as she and Titch arrived to see the aftermath of the falling beam. “We saw a weird glow coming from this building. Titch had a feeling it was you.”

  “You’re shaking.” Argon pulled Augusta into his arms.

  “That was scary.” Augusta let out a wild series of hiccups. “I don’t ever want to do that again. I don’t want these powers.”

  Argon cradled her close to his body. “You don’t have to use them ever again if you don’t want to. “It’s up to you.”

  “Really?” Augusta had no idea what magical ability she had and she was happy to keep it that way. “I’ve had enough of being the weird one.” She looked at the strong face before her. “Hester’s curse has been a nightmare but it did bring me one good thing—you, beautiful man.”

  “Uh-oh, I think they’re going to kiss.” Tilly reached out to Titch. “We’ll wait outside.”

  When Argon’s mouth met hers. Augusta’s body flamed with sweet, loving heat.

  “I am going to make it my life’s goal to look after you, Augusta True.”

  “Take me home—in a taxi. Dealing with zombies is nothing compared to Tilly’s driving.”

  * * * * *

  “You know what?” Augusta said much later as she lay curled on her side facing Argon. His cock was buried deep inside her body and her legs were scissored around his hips. They had made love for what seemed like hours when they got home. “It has taken me all this time to understand what this curse really is about.”

  “Oh yeah?” Argon ran his hand lovingly down her thigh.

  “Yeah, I reckon Hester was part drama queen and part wise woman. The weak Earl had pissed her off so she made up the curse to teach him and all descendants a lesson about love.” Augusta squealed as Argon turned her onto her back. How is it possible that I could come again?

  “How so?” Argon moved slowly backward and forward inside her.

  Augusta re-wrapped her legs around him allowing him full access to whatever he needed.

  “Um, where was I? I was making some sort of point.” Though the point inside her was becoming more persuasive.

  “Descendants of the drama queen,” Argon reminded her as his thrusts became harder.

  “Right,” Augusta panted out as
she gathered her thoughts and held on to him. “I believe Hester wanted her descendants to think about the cost of what they were doing in their lives and if they truly loved someone then they would overcome any fear or prejudice to be with them.”

  “Like us,” Argon murmured against her lips.

  “Uh-huh.” Whatever else she had planned to say was lost as his mouth devoured hers in a soul searching kiss. Thinking was overrated anyway. Augusta moaned softly as she felt her insides once more shudder with the intensity of the moment. She was so close to coming but she wanted it to be at the same time as Argon. She needed to see the pleasure in his eyes.

  Argon’s mouth left hers and he cupped her face with his hand “And maybe there is also the other lesson that no matter how powerful you may be, that power cannot compete with true love and to give up love is the real curse.”

  “Oh, Argon…” Not only were his words sweet but the feeling that burst inside her with even sweeter. Augusta eyes closed as his last hard thrust pushed them both over the edge.

  “So what was your birthday wish, Augusta True?”

  “That you would never leave me no matter how premenstrual or stroppy and annoying I become.”

  “Granted. Though how premenstrual are we talking?” He smiled down at her.


  Argon kissed her nose playfully. “You’re worth it.”

  “Oh, foolish mortal,” Augusta murmured in response. “I love you.”

  “And it’s forever.”


  “Well that was fairly messy,” James Cardissan commented to his wife.

  Amarantha smiled. “What is it they say? The course of true love never runs smoothly?” She was not surprised it had been a bumpy ride for the two young lovers. Amarantha was pleased Augusta understood the curse in the end. It was only what you made it to be. If you thought it was evil, it would be. If you loved someone strongly enough, the curse would not crush you like it had done others. Only the strong survived it.

  “They are right. I seem to remember we had our moments but it was worth it.”

  Yes it was. “I like Argon. He reminds me of you though he was naughty not telling her about the marriage.” Amarantha wasn’t sure how she would have handled such deception. She twisted the ornate, diamond encrusted wedding band on her finger.

  “We Cardissan men have to, in order claim our rightful brides,” James pointed out as if his kinsman’s actions were justified. “You Lawrence women are very stubborn.”

  “No, we are careful. There’s a difference.” She knew Augusta would be okay now. The powers she did not want would remain in abeyance until she needed them. “I suspect they will make a mess of things here and there but no more than any other couple in love.” There were times when Amarantha never believed she and James would make it but they did. They were fated to.

  “What was that you left for Augusta on the table?”

  “Just a simple note.” Amarantha had felt the need to fill in the last piece of Hester’s curse. “Just something to help her understand that she will be okay.”

  James smiled lovingly at his wife. “Nothing is ever simple with you my dear.” He held his hand out to her. Come my love. We must be off. I have plans for you.” He winked at her.

  Even after all their years together, she still felt giddy when James touched her.

  “You are insatiable James.”

  “I may be a spirit but all the parts still work the same and I like the way you scream my name as you come in my arms.”

  Amarantha shook her head and blushed. “James, really.” He was the most adorable, incorrigible man.

  “You love it.” He pulled her close to nestle against his body.

  “I love you.”

  “I am content.”

  Augusta could have sworn a ghost had walked past her and touched her shoulder. She shivered, not in fright, more in realization they she missed her chance to talk to someone important, someone who knew her. Augusta picked up the letter that had not been there a moment ago. Fine old copperplate writing was neat on the outer envelope.

  “Spooky,” she murmured as she pulled the letter out.

  “What is?” Argon asked as he sat down on the chair beside her. “Letter from a friend?”

  “I believe so.” Augusta smiled as she looked at the signature. “It’s from Amarantha Lawrence.”

  “I vaguely recall she married James Cardissan but that was many centuries ago.”

  “Funny, she was just here.” It was nice to think someone cared so much that they crossed time and space to come to her.

  Argon smiled at her. “You felt her?”

  “Yes, though I wish for once a Lawrence woman would say something in person rather than in a letter.” All written communication had foretold doom and problems.

  “You are dramatic women.” Argon leaned in and kissed her softly.

  As the kiss ended she stuck her tongue out at Argon. He licked his lips in return. Marriage to Argon was fun. Augusta looked down and started reading the letter.

  “How sweet. I wish I could have spoken to Amarantha.” She passed him the letter.

  My dear Augusta,

  You have come through your trial and I am proud of you. It is hard to love a Cardissan man and harder still to give into it. I wish you the same joy and happiness I have with James. Death will never part you. It will only be the beginning of yet another adventure. Until then enjoy what you have and never hold back the boundless love in your heart. You are chosen for great good and great love.

  There is one last part to the curse that very few know. In French it is–

  Dans le siècle vingt et un, les deux derniers amants, l’homme sombre et la femme sombre, casseront le juron et réuniront de tous spiritueux perdus dans le ciel. Tout le passé les péchés seront pardonnés. Laissez la fin d’obscurité avec eux.

  Je suis exonéré.

  Hester Le Juriste

  The translation? In century twenty-one, the last two lovers, the dark man and the dark woman, will break the curse and reunite all lost spirits in heaven. All past sins will be forgiven. Let the darkness end with them.

  I am absolved.

  Hester Le Juriste

  Be happy.

  Yours fondly

  Amarantha Lawrence Cardissan.

  “Death will not part us,” Argon repeated the words as if pleased by the knowledge. “I like that.”

  Augusta shot him an eye roll. “Crap. It seems I’m stuck with you forever.”

  “Hey, you’re not the easiest and most biddable person on the planet you know.”

  “But you love me.” If she knew nothing else she knew that and that was all that mattered.

  “Yes I do.” Argon stood up and reached for her hand. “Come with me, Augusta True.”

  “Uh-oh I know that look in your eye.” Lucky me. She placed her hand in his and let him draw her up.

  “And it’s only for you.”

  “I am content, beautiful man.”

  About the Author

  Amarinda Jones believes anything is possible and sometimes just asking for the impossible will surprise someone enough that they will give it to you. Writing is like that. Put it out there and wait for a response. There is always the possibility you may fall on your ass, but after all, that’s what cellulite is for. Amarinda believes in taking chances, speaking her mind and aging disgracefully. Twenty years from now she plans on being the neighborhood witch that all the kids are scared of. But then, everyone has to have a hobby.

  Amarinda welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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  Also by Amarinda Jones

  Anyone But You

  Because I Can

  Knock Three Times

  Mad About Mirabelle

  Maid for Death

/>   Marlow’s Curse

  Micah Blue

  Penned Again

  Seducing Celestine

  Shades of Gray

  Tantalizing Tilly

  Thief of Mine


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