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Forever After (Post Apocalyptic Romance Boxed Set)

Page 84

by Rose Francis

  Shrugging his pack off his shoulders and laying it down beside the counter, he kissed her forehead. “Sure,” he said. Stripping away his vest and trench coat, he put his arm around her and led her outside. “Faith alright?” he asked, concern for the woman high on his mind now.

  “Naw.” She shut the door behind them, sticking close by his side despite their difference in height. “She’s still pretty broken up. I mean, they’ve been missing for a few weeks... since you were last in town, actually. Doctor said they must have been dead since then.” Her shoulders quivered as though she were suppressing a sob.

  “You feel bad when they run off and join the bandits, or you worry when they take off on their own, but for something like this to happen to two of our own... Everyone’s taking it really hard.”

  “Since I was in town?” he muttered back in response. “The two new ones?” he asked. He’d pushed such worries out of his mind. What the hell could have happened? “They disappeared?” He was still very lost, unsure of what to make of this.

  “Yea.” She gave a soft, sympathetic smile. “I mean, they weren’t around last time you were in. Faith had said she couldn’t find Will that day. Said their house was locked up. After that, no one saw them again until one of our hunting parties stumbled across them.” She shook her head. “You never even met them, but they were lovely kids.”

  They were only a couple years younger than Tia, hardly kids by any stretch of the imagination, but the fall did funny things to the concept of age and youth.

  With his eyes wide, Leon could scarcely believe what he was hearing as he held Tia by his side, walking her away from her home. “They were found dead? Killed by bandits?” he asked, none of the alarm he felt showing in his voice, ever the rock on the outside despite his inner turmoil.

  She frowned, shaking her head. “They don’t know what happened, but they found the gun dropped between them. It...” She was struggling to fight back tears, but she forced herself to remain strong. “It looks like they took their own lives. Poor Faith. She can’t understand.” She sucked in a breath, holding it against the sobs. “She’s been beatin’ herself up for days, thinking he ran off because she wouldn’t... you know. Go through with it. But then we taught her and I really think she was excited...” She rambled a bit, obviously having a difficult time with it.

  Stopping in his tracks, he put his two arms about Tia again, pulling her in against his chest and resting his head down atop hers. Holding her closely for her comfort on the outside, though inwardly he felt troubled himself. Unable to shake the feeling that this must have been at least partially to do with his incident with the woman. Though he couldn’t imagine what would possess the two to react so dramatically.

  “These are fucked up times,” he finally said in his deep, soothingly strong voice.

  She nodded sadly, looking up at Leon with tears in her eyes. “Leon”—she choked back a sob, trying to remain in control—“I don’t know how I could lose you. I mean... the reason we wanted to practice a more inclusive style of society and relationships is so we’d always have someone there. Someone to comfort us even when we lose someone close to us.

  “But with this happening, the more I think about it, the more I realize that if I lost you, no one could console me.”

  A foot taller than her, Leon bent down, almost crushing her in his arms at those words. He just couldn’t help himself from hugging and holding her tightly. He had wanted to be with her for so long, most of the time since the Fall in fact. But they were both so stubborn.

  “Oh Tia,” he said huskily, his own voice finally betraying a bit of his emotion; tenderness, for her. “I worry about you constantly,” he confessed.

  Her arms dug in at his side as they stood on the outskirts of town, her face buried into his heavily muscled chest. “I’ve tried to steel myself against it. I know your job is dangerous, but every day...” Her throat closed off for a second before she could choke out the words. “Every single fucking day I’m thinking about you and hoping you’re okay. That I’ll see you again. I never know. It might be weeks or months before I could ever know. Faith was going crazy not knowing, but that’s how it always is for me.”

  His heart broke at that. He tried not to think of her worrying about him when he was off. He just had to live a more interesting life than she wished here, more independent and in charge. So knowing that, he just tried his best not to think about the costs of it.

  He didn’t know what to say in response. As he’d never allowed himself to face this reality really. He squeezed her, let his hands run up and down her back, his fingers combing through her hair along the back of her head.

  Her arms were so tight around his hard body. They were alive, now, and her response spoke to just how grateful she was to that fact, and how terrified she was that it would end. She was stuck between her love for him and her devotion to the town and her ideals, and it wasn’t a decision she could make lightly.

  Still, the events of the last few weeks had obviously struck her pretty hard, and her hands dug into his shirt. “And I was so fuckin’ stupid and I really fucked up with you,” she sobbed harder.

  His mind was so embroiled in turmoil it took him a while to register her words. Stirring, he shifted, brushing his cheek against hers as he lowered himself to her level. “What do you mean, Tia?” he asked comfortingly, almost afraid of the answer and what it might do to him.

  Her fingers swept away some wetness, trying to turn stoic and confident even though her face was swollen. “We weren’t careful last time, Leon. I wasn’t careful.” Her lip trembled, threatening her once more. “And I’m late and I don’t know, maybe it’s just the stress of dealing with Faith but I’m worried.” It wasn’t like her to overreact to something like this, he knew.

  It was exactly what he thought she meant, but was too terrified to dare dream it was.

  Bending his knee, he descended down so that his face was at her level. The look he gave her wasn’t one of fear or trouble though. He couldn’t help but smile at her broadly. He feared she’d say this because he knew he couldn’t be anything but ecstatic, and had no idea what impact it might have on him and his decision making ability. Then, what if it was a false alarm?

  “Late?” he said, his face bright with excitement. Swallowing, he lunged in and kissed her hard, squeezing her again in his arms and never wanting to let go.

  She whimpered against him, but she kissed him still with all of her pent up emotions of sorrow and confusion as they threatened to wreck her body. Her arms wrapped around his neck, but she was still too filled with sadness to really enjoy their salty kissing.

  Breaking the moment at last, he slid his arms down from her back along her hips, brushing his thumbs over her stomach repeatedly as he gazed at her as if seeing her for the very first time. “Gods dammit, Tia... if it’s true... if you’re really...” He couldn’t say it, because if he did, he worried, at the results, he couldn’t control in himself. “This is nothing to be afraid of,” he stated with absolute certainty.

  “Leon, they keep dying.” Her eyebrows furrowed. “It can be a death sentence for the mother, and...” She shook her head. “Even if I wanted to come back with you now, I couldn’t be away from the Doctor,” she whimpered.

  She had been thinking of leaving for him?

  It was all flashing through his mind so rapidly. “Maybe I could talk her into coming,” he said. “She’s getting older, I could offer her a secure retirement. With only a few people to care for... in a safe and relaxing environment.” He swallowed, his throat running dry.

  “Oh, Leon, but the people of the village need her too.” She rested her forehead against his sweater, her hands stroking along his arms.

  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s nothing,” she sighed, but the slump in her shoulders didn’t convince him. He’d not seen her so broken down, not in all the time he had known her.

  He held her so firmly, yet so carefully. In his mind now, it was too late. She was going to have his chi

  “Nothing matters but you and our child now,” he stated with such authority, “nothing.” Shutting his eyes, he brushed his lips to her neck, kissing her so softly, speaking soothingly. “It’s safer at my place. It’s a fortress,” he stated. “Safer than here, but...” He paused. “It’s okay. No need to rush. It’s not even been a month. You’ll have plenty of time to make the trip in safety... if we so choose.”

  She nodded against him, exhausted and spent as she wiped away her tears and tried to make herself look sensible. After a few moments, a strong smile was forced to her lips and she touched his chest. “Look, I’m just really glad you came. I missed you. I guess... you have things to trade?”

  “Yeah,” he said with a broad, toothy smile. “But fuck it for now. I just got the greatest potential news of my life,” he stated firmly. “I’ve always wanted kids... and of all the women left in the world, you’re the one I wanted to have them for me the most, Tia.” Still touching her stomach, he brought the other hand up, cupping her cheek as he gazed at her so lovingly.

  She was still struggling against her emotions, and couldn’t meet his eyes, but she nodded regardless as she took a step back. “I don’t know if Faith wants to see you or not. She won’t speak to me, not really. Sometimes before she goes to sleep, but she’s been having a hard go of it. I don’t know how she’ll react.”

  Nodding slowly, he squeezed his hand upon her cheek gently. “Maybe she could use a fresh face to go to though,” he offered. “I should at least say ‘hi’ and see, you think?” he asked gently.

  “Yea,” she agreed, taking in a breath. “Just give her space if she needs it.” She began leading the way back to her store, but she looked so tired. She wasn’t the same Tia he had left; she seemed older.

  With his arm around her the entire way back, he managed to temper his enthusiasm with a dose of reality. But getting back to Tia’s place, he kissed her lovingly. “I’ll be careful, don’t worry,” he said softly. Looking to her stomach, he asked quietly, “Does anyone else know?”

  “Of course not,” she said, a little aghast. “Everyone’s been worried about Will and Fiona. There’s no need for me to add more to it. I can handle this,” she said assertively, her moment of weakness past as she opened the door to the store. She was in control again.

  Parting from Tia, albeit a little reluctantly, he headed on up.

  Chapter 22

  Approaching Faith’s room, he made no effort to hide his heavy, distinctive footsteps, though he gave a gentle knock to her door. “Hey babe,” he called to her in a velvety tone, “been missin’ ya.”

  It took her a minute before he saw the doorknob turn and a very unkempt Faith appeared. She was in her pajamas, her hair mussed up in a ponytail, looking as though she hadn’t left her room in days. She couldn’t have made it to a funeral, not like this.

  She pushed open the door to let him in but quickly moved back to her bed, snuggling under the covers, a stuffed animal clutched to her breasts. “I’m not feelin’ well.”

  Shutting the door behind him, he moved over, seating himself on the edge of her bed with a groan from the bed. Reaching over, he rested a hand lightly atop her ankle. “Still lookin’ pretty even when you’re sick,” he remarked lightly. “How’d you manage that?” His suave voice delivering the joke in a carefully soothing manner.

  She snorted, her blanket brought up to her chin, hiding everything but the pinkened olive skin and her dark lashes, soaked with tears.

  “This fuckin’ sucks,” she cursed, her body wracked with tears streaming down her face. It didn’t seem like she could even control it, the way her body contorted with pain.

  With a sympathetic smile, he rubbed her ankle and calf over top of her blanket. “Yeah,” he intoned. “This world fuckin’ sucks,” he stated poetically, “you and Tia are about the only parts of it I truly enjoy fully anymore.”

  She nodded against the pillow, messing up her hair further. “Why’d he fuckin’ have to do that, huh, Leon? I mean, even if for the reason that now we don’t even have our two best hunters. They were young but they were really good! He was really good! Now we ain’t got them and no one knows how winter’s gonna go.”

  With a dismissive wave of his free hand, he stated definitively, “You and Tia need never worry about that. Never. You two can always count on me to support you, no matter how bad things get.” He locked eyes with her. “No matter what, I’ll come riding in to see you and Tia make it through the winter warm and well fed. Got it?” He would, too.

  She nodded, her wet lashes so thick over her eyes. “It’s just scary.”

  She shifted, taking the blanket with her in an uncomfortable manner so she could lean against him, still wrapped in the thick material.

  Taking his hand off her ankle, he draped it about her and her blankets, holding her lightly, his hard fingers stroking over her hair now, gently rearranging her mussed-up curls. “Be scared for others, but not for you, Faith, I’ll protect you.” Smiling faintly to her, he continued his gentle caresses.

  She didn’t speak much, but she seemed to enjoy his comforting presence. She stayed curled up against him for a long time before he realized that her breathing had become steady and deep, and that she must have finally been able to fall asleep. The way she was behaving, it wasn’t likely she had been getting much of that since he last left.

  Bending over, he gently placed a kiss to her forehead and temple after having cleared her hair back. He got up, easing his weight off the bed before he made his way back down to find Tia again.

  She was sat back at the table, though she was staring at a book and quickly put it down to watch him descend the stairs. She took in a deep breath as she moved over to him, her breath held. “How is she?”

  “Asleep,” he said with a reassuring smile, putting his arms around her. “Not quite as glad for my company as you, but I think I did some good,” he stated, kissing Tia’s forehead. “How are you feeling?”

  “A bit better,” she admitted, though her mood still seemed a bit foreign to him. “How long do you think you’re staying for?” she enquired.

  Pondering it a moment, he said, “If it’ll help I can stay a couple nights. Though I do have some business to get back to.” He gave an apologetic smile. “I wouldn’t have committed to anything had I known you could use me so.”

  She shook her head, leaning up and kissing his jawline. “Leon, you know how happy I am to see you, and how much I love you. But this time... maybe a short visit is best. Come back soon but... just give us some time to get back to normal.” She stared up at him. It sounded harsh, but he knew that wasn’t the intention. She had always needed her space.

  Soaking that in, he nodded. “I’ll leave in the morning,” he stated then smiled to her warmly. “We’ve got a lot to think about, and best we do so with a clear head anyhow.”

  Before she could say more on it, he peered around. “The new guy has his own place now I assume? Where can I find him? Got a few surprises for him,” he stated.

  “Yea, he’s staying with Marcia and Luke. She needs a bit of help now, but she’s out of hot water, anyways. Just needs bed rest, and Christian volunteered.”

  Nodding slowly, he said, “Ahhh, so he has a use other than lookin’ pretty after all?” He gave her a joking grin.

  “He able to pull his weight around here, you think?” he asked with genuine curiosity. “I know helpin’ out like that is kind of an ‘anyone can do’ task.”

  “Yea, I think so. He said he was pretty good with a few things. He was going to school for art and accounting when the fall happened, and he’s really good at keeping everyone’s spirits up. But he said that when the bandits had him, he used to spy for them.”

  That last bit was somewhat disconcerting, but he nodded casually. “I see. Well”—smiling to her warmly—“I guess I’ll give you a bit of space and handle that.”

  Kissing her forehead, he turned and took his pack up, taking out the things he’d brought to trade with he
r. “Here’s what I brought with me. Some of the usual.” Seeing the romance novel he brought for Fiona, he paused, then offered it up, too. “Maybe Faith’ll enjoy this as gift,” he offered.

  “I trust you’ll gimme somethin’ fair for the rest, bit of food.”

  Chapter 23

  She started sorting things out as he left, walking into the crisp air. He had traded with Luke and Marcia in the past and easily made his way to their small cabin. They had lost their baby just a month or so before, but the place looked well cared for. A new garden had been planted out front, though no flowers yet sprang from it, and the curtains were parted to let the sunlight into the bungalow.

  It was only a moment after he knocked that a lovely man opened the door, Christian’s face brightening at the sight of Leon.

  “Well, well!” His lips parted with his smile. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

  With a hearty chuckle, he hefted the bundle he carried. “Santa’s come early this year,” he stated. “Got a moment?”

  “Oh, sure.” He shifted aside to allow the large man in through the door. “The loving couple has gone out for a walk so we have the place to ourselves. I was just tidying up some.” The place looked fairly clean as was, and the thin, feminine man looked amazing even in the oversized shirt and the ill-fitted shorts. His feet were bare as he padded into the kitchen. “Did you want some tea?”

  Pleased with the warm welcome, he smiled down at Christian pleasantly. “Sure, why not? I’d enjoy a bit of relaxation.” Looking around the home as he made his way in casually, he continued, “Not been the best welcome I’ve ever received here, after all. Dark times and all.”

  “Yea,” he agreed with a small shrug of his slender shoulders. “Everyone’s pretty beaten up over it. It’s hard when they’re so young and healthy, a real blow to the community.” He spoke as he gathered the materials together, setting the pan over a fire in the living room and returning to the kitchen. “Shouldn’t take but a few minutes.” He smiled as he sat down at the table. “Listen, I really... I feel like I made a fool of myself last time, so I really wanted to apologize. I hadn’t eaten anything in a long time and was a bit... not myself.”


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