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Forever After (Post Apocalyptic Romance Boxed Set)

Page 85

by Rose Francis

  Sitting himself down with the package rested on his lap, he waved his hand dismissively. “Don’t be crazy,” he said. “You’ve got nothin’ to apologize for, I swear.” He gave the man a pleasant smile. Despite the ill mood, after all, he was rather optimistic.

  “Besides, I got you some nice stuff while I was away. Been dyin’ to give it to you,” he said, lifting the parcel and offering it over to him.

  Christian’s eyes widened excitedly as he stood to open it, pulling out the slick, smooth button-down shirts and plain trousers. They were of a lovely, high-quality material and felt delectable. A leather jacket and a pair of plain black shoes were in bottom, and he walked over to Leon, his face amazed.

  “I had no idea anyone could get anything like this anymore.”

  Grinning wryly—just a bit!—he waved his hand dismissively again. “Nothin’ for me, lad,” he stated firmly. “I told you, I’m the best damn scavver in the land. There’s no place I don’t go to get what I want.” Looking down over him, he asked, “If you care to try ’em on while we wait for the tea, I’m eager to know if they fit alright.”

  “They look right,” he said as he moved back to them, lifting a deep-purple shirt and unbuttoning it before taking off his rather ratty T-shirt. His chest had filled out a bit more after his arrival, and he looked so much healthier. Even his skin looked to be in better condition, and he all too soon covered it with the long button-down shirt.

  It was a perfect fit, clinging to his body just a little too tightly with his weight gain, though it only made it look better. He looked up at Leon a bit nervously for a second. “They’re alright with nudity, but where you’re from away...?”

  His wry grin only grew at the man. “Why you think I come here?” he said in good humour.

  He laughed as he unbuttoned his shorts, his blonde hair bobbing against his sculptured face as he nodded. “True enough.” He pushed down the garments, revealing his plain, black boxers. He tilted his head as he stepped out of them, looking back in the box and noticing the other undergarments and considering them.

  “Probably try those on after a bath,” he decided with some finality before drawing up the black trousers over his strong legs.

  “What do you think?”

  Leon took his time, rising up and walking around the man, sizing him up in the new clothes. They were in excellent condition, or as good as anything could be in this age, and he smiled approvingly, reaching out and hooking a thick dark finger in one of the belt loops and tugging it, testing how well they fit to him. “Lookin’ damn good,” he stated. “Gonna be the talk of all the ladies in the village... more so,” he added.

  Christian rolled his eyes, though he couldn’t help but smile at the compliment or, perhaps, at the closeness of the other man. “Well, they need something to perk them up these days,” he replied coyly. He was only up to the chest of the other man, his features so androgynous and attractive.

  Taking his time looking the man over, Leon peered behind him toward the living room. “Water’s boiled,” he stated. “Always good to see my judgement pay off.”

  Christian gasped, his thick lips parting before he moved away from the taller man, returning a few minutes later with the pot. Pouring them up two cups, Leon could swear there was a bit more of a saunter to his motions. There was something so appealing with the way those slender, male hips moved.

  Seated back down, Leon made no move to hide his casual observation of the man. “So how you findin’ things here, Christian?” he asked, thick biceps rested on the armrests of the chair, his sweater’s sleeves rolled back to show the thick muscles of his arms.

  “Different,” he admitted, sliding Leon’s mug across the table before sitting himself down comfortably. “Everyone’s a lot different than the bandit camp, but I mean... I’d be really pissed off if that weren’t true. If everyone was as sleazy as them.”

  With a hearty chuckle, he took the mug and smiled. “Thanks,” he said, blowing on it then taking a sip. “How you findin’ the work? This sort of thing up your alley?” he enquired, looking about the home. “Place is lookin’ lovely anyhow. Outside especially.”

  “Better than before,” he admitted, though there wasn’t a lot of passion there. “I mean, I do what I can to help out, but nothing I really had a lot of interest in during... well, before, is much help now. No one needs a photography or an art critic,” he admitted shyly.

  With a wry grin he took another sip of his drink. “Though Tia said accounting.” A brow quirked as he eyed the man again.

  He nodded with a smile. “Yea, that was my parent’s idea. They said I could take all the Arts bullshit I wanted, pardon my French, so long as I did something practical as well. So, accounting. I figured I could maybe freelance and do photography full-time, maybe grow it into a studio and then handle all the accounting side to it as well. Was almost about to graduate when, you know...”

  It was obviously hard for him to talk about the fall. Things couldn’t have been easy for such a gentle-looking individual.

  Nodding slowly after hearing the man’s story, he took his time mulling it all over. “Yeah, sorry to say I don’t have an art gallery I can offer you a position in. Yet,” he remarked with a smirk, lingering his dark gaze upon the slender man. “Never got around to the acquiring-art portion of my fortress building. Unless you count movies. Some posters.”

  He looked a bit weak to that, licked over his lips. “What type do you like best?”

  “Movies?” he asked, shrugging his heavyset shoulders and looking down into his mug. “I like a lot, really. Action, drama... well, got a weakness for cheesy horror too, especially if it makes whoever’s beside me squirm,” he said with some amusement, looking back across at the man.

  He laughed, shaking his head. “I only squirm when the horror isn’t cheesy. The stuff from the seventies is beyond compare in that regard. It’s just so raw.” He leaned back, looking at Leon quite affectionately. “I think you and I are a little bit opposites. I’m barely alive out here, doing menial housework to try to earn my keep, and you’re out there just... being badass.”

  Leon gave a hearty chuckle at that, finding it greatly amusing. “I tend to like things that way”—he sipped his tea—“not being badass, though I like that too. But contrasts. Opposites attract, they used to say, well... it’s true for me at least,” he said in his strong, low voice, always so calm and in control.

  “Well, that’s good to hear because I have to tell you, ya give me a bit of a complex.” He grinned. He sipped his tea and placed it down on the table, leaning forward a bit. “Look, I still don’t know what I can do for you to make it up to you about the clothes, but if you wanted me to spruce up your place or whatever...” He paused, his eyes growing a bit dark. “I used to have to work for the bandits, to hunt out their enemies, watch them, report back. Mostly on the Tribal front but they also had big issues with a few of the Government bosses. I... don’t know if you’d need anything like that, but I’d be willing to do it again for you. No one sees me. I could follow someone for days.”

  He took a moment mulling over the man’s words then shook his head. “You’re a pretty man, you get along well with others, right?” he asked, looking to him. “I mean, you’re good at convincing people to accept a good deal for you? Or getting people to see a certain side of things?”

  “Absolutely. I mean, I had to handle some negotiations and whatever, and in school I learned how to get some kick-ass deals on a bunch of equipment. I mean, you just have to know what people need. Which, unfortunately, I’m at a loss with you.” He flattered the other man with the way he said it.

  With another hearty chuckle he looked the other man over again, lowering his mug down. “I don’t want to build you up falsely here or anythin’. But I am getting some things going.” He paused, tracing his fingers along the armrest. “I’m a pretty picky person though with who I trust, I’ll confess.”

  He nodded, paying rapt attention to the other man. “Well, you can alway
s count on me. I mean, I like the people here and all and am very grateful for all they’ve done, but it’s not really... me. Here, I mean. There’s nothing for me to do.”

  Scratching his chin, he thought it over. “I’ll be having a few people with me soon, it seems. A regular little camp of my own,” he explained. “Women, really. But I won’t be around all the time. And I could use someone good at keepin’ the peace when I’m not there. Acting on my behalf. It’ll be a tough spot to be in, because I’ll need to know they’re thinkin’ with that in mind all the time. Of course, in return they’ll know they can always count on me to look out for them. Keep them happy and well cared for.”

  He sat back in his chair, staring at the other man for a while. It had obviously taken him aback and he let out a low breath. “Wow.” He shook his head, gold hair gleaming in the light from the window. “That is something. You’re actually working on building a harem. And you’re actually doing it.” He laughed. “Well, you won’t have any trouble trusting me around them, anyways.” His lip quirked a tad.

  The man’s words only seemed to amuse Leon, and his dark eyes narrowed a little, his smirk widening. “I don’t, do I?” he asked with genuine curiosity.

  “No,” he affirmed, holding his gaze for a long while before finally dropping them to his lap. “I mean, it’s not like I’d want a harem of all women, even if, you know. I’m just not like that.”

  He nodded slowly. “I like you, Christian. And, you know, more ways than one.” He finished off the last of his tea in a single pull, “Not gonna rush into anything long term. Sadly I’ll only be in town here for the night, I’m afraid. But I’d like to get to know you better. Personally, I mean.”

  “Sure. I mean, I understand why you’d want to make sure before you invited me back as your harem moderator.” He smirked. “I’m up for that. It sounds a lot more interesting than what I can offer out here.”

  With a hearty chuckle, he licked his lips. “Maybe I’ll even pick up some art for you now and then, if you come along, some supplies for painting,” he remarked. “Start a little art gallery of your own amidst the wastes of civilization.”

  Christian looked as though he would melt, just completely taken aback by the man’s offer. He was taking it at face value, having already been proven the depths of his abilities with the new clothing he wore.

  “Well... if there’s anything I can do to convince you I’m your man, just say the words.”

  Leon thought it over. “Maybe a nice dinner sometime. Aside from the nudity,” he said with a grin, “the best part of coming here is a nice meal. And nice company while eating it. You and me. Make me somethin’ grand. Be warned, I eat a ton.”

  He smiled, looking pleased. “Alright. I can handle that. When’s the next time you’re in? I’ll plan ahead and make it a feast to remember.”

  Scratching his chin again, he gave it some consideration. “Don’t usually do things that set in stone,” he stated. “But let’s say two weeks from today, how’s that sound, Christian?” He smiled to the man. “Plenty of time to prepare for a date, huh?”

  “And at least now I have an outfit or two so I won’t look so out of place at your side.” He grinned, moving to collect the mugs. “Any requests?”

  “Sweets and meat,” he stated firmly. “They top the list.”

  Casually, the large man reached over, touching his large, dark hand to the other’s pale digits as he picks up the mugs. It was a very deliberate move, feeling out Christian’s smooth, pale skin.

  He stilled, looking over at the other man a bit apologetically. “They’ll be back soon.” He shifted closer to Leon, though, and not away.

  Meeting Christian’s eyes, he nodded. “I know.” His index finger rubbed up across the man’s wrist, in under the cuff of his new shirt. “Just taking a moment, did you mind?” he asked in his low voice.

  His lips quirked upwards and he shook his head, eyes fluttering shut. “Not at all.”

  Leon gave the slightest of half smiles back, always looking so supremely confident.

  After a moment he rose up, slipping his hand back. “Well, I guess I’ll leave you to your work then.” Running a hand back through his dreaded hair, he said, “I guess I’ll see you in two weeks. Oh”—he paused mid turn—“any special requests of your own?”

  “This one will be all about you.” He smiled, finally grasping the mugs and bringing them into the kitchen, setting them down gently. “And you’ll love it. I promise.”

  With a hearty chuckle, Leon headed toward the door. “Later Chris,” he called out firmly. “Be lookin’ forward to the next time we meet.”

  Chapter 24

  Walking toward Doctor Benson’s makeshift office, he saw the door was left open to allow the breeze in. She was sat atop her couch, glasses perched on her nose as she struggled to find the appropriate distance to read from her magazine. Her silver hair was cropped just above her jaw and styled very nicely, framing her face in a professional yet attractive manner. She was probably in her fifties, but she looked fabulous. The world was so young now that it was a rarity to see someone older than forty around.

  With a light rap on the side of her door, Leon approached her as delicately as he could, his low, appealing voice carrying inside to her softly. “Doc, got a moment for a chat?”

  “Hm?” She put down the magazine on the table, letting her glasses fall down around her chest. “Oh! Leon! What can I do for you? I got the medication you brought last time. It did well.” She smiled a bit sadly. “It’s so hard to find pills that aren’t expired anymore.”

  Stepping inside, his sleeves still rolled up, he gave the woman a sympathetic smile. “Always glad to help you, doc. Though this time I’ve got something of a proposal for you,” he said, gesturing toward the free chair next to her couch. “Mind?”

  “Go ahead,” she allowed, settling herself into her couch. “Is something the matter?”

  Seating himself down near her, he leaned forward onto his knees. Bent toward her, he began to speak in a low, suave tone. “How’d you like to run off with me?” The slowly forming grin on his face betrayed the casual humour of it.

  She looked a little confused, then laughed, shaking her head as she caught on. “Oh Leon,” she sighed. “You’re really getting desperate in your old age.” He chuckled back in good humour. “And you’re only gettin’ lovelier,” he countered with a toothy grin. “I doubt you know, but I’ve got a nice, big place of my own. Well secured. Hidden, fortified. Safe. A good spot for a small band of survivors,” he stated.

  “We have a good spot for a small band of survivors here,” she reminded him, leaning forward a bit. “What are you getting at, Leon? I really am not going to run off with you and leave the village to fend for itself.”

  “What if I told you I was bringing a few of these people with me who need you the most?” he asked. “And once there, I’d guarantee you a nice, luxurious life. Some of the comforts of the old world. Movie night each week. Lots of books to read.” A mischievous glint entered his eyes. “A handsome leader who’s most appreciative of you.”

  She leaned back in the couch, her eyes rolling over his face. “You’re really serious, aren’t you,” she mused, amazement in her tone.

  Getting up from his seat, he moved to the couch, seating himself beside her, one arm up on the back of it, the other on his knee as he looked to her. With his dark muscled arms out, and his handsome, broad face alight with his most charming smile, he was looking his best as he spoke. “I am. And I want you,” he said, the husky words sounding so...

  She stared at him, mulling over his proposal. She even looked thoughtful before she shook her head. “There’s three dozen people here, Leon, all counting on me. If I left them, it’d be sentencing them to death.”

  Reaching over with one hand, he very carefully rested it upon her knee. “In the comfort of a nice, secure fort, you’d have the luxury to care for a few better. Maybe get a better idea of how to look out for the women and their problem giving
birth.” He gave a hopeful smile. “You could be doing more for future generations.”

  She shook her head. “I’ll think about it, Leon, but really, unless we find someone else to care for these people, I don’t know how I could live with myself.”

  His large hand resting upon her knee, he gave her a light squeeze, his velvety, rich voice insistent. “You’ve been training someone else, I bet, haven’t you? And you deserve some comfort. The whole damn world has ended, and I’d like to see your beautiful self safe and secure, behind thick, concrete walls, Samantha.”

  Her brows furrowed and she gave him a slight nod. “I’ll see,” she promised him, her grey eyes intent upon his. “I can’t just up and leave. There are preparations.”

  He squeezed her knee and brushed his thumb against her thigh a little, grinning widely. “Dammit, that’s so what I want to hear, I could kiss you,” he declared. “But I ain’t even taken you out for dinner yet, so it feels unfair,” he said with a cheeky, suave grin.

  She laughed, but it was a bit dry and humourless, feeling him touch along the edge of her skirt. “Look, you better let me think of this before I need to patch you up a bit.” She took his hand, placing it in his lap.

  Shot down. “Aw, damn,” he remarked with a following chuckle.

  Nodding, he rose up. “All the same, doc, you are a fine-looking woman. Consider that offer too,” he said cheerfully, meaning every word of it. He’d marry the woman right now.

  “I’m sure I’d be in good company,” she quipped, lifting her magazine once more. “All the best, Leon. Don’t be a stranger.”

  With a good-natured chuckle he departed in high spirits, heading back to Tia and Faith for the night.


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