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Waiting to Lose

Page 34

by Dawn L. Chiletz

“How did you figure all this out? You could be making all of this up!” Jake shouted.

  Peter sighed. “The dumb bitch kept a diary. Too bad she never learned to lock her windows at night. Got her diary the first time. Got her the second.”

  “You killed her, didn’t you?” Jake shouted.

  He shrugged. “It was her time. She served her purpose. She slept with Caleb like I told her to and produced the video to me. She blackmailed him into drugging you so his wifey-poo wouldn’t find out about his affair. He even tortured Madi with emails and photographs of his own accord. That was a little bonus for me. It seems he didn’t think you deserved to be happy either.”

  “Why? Why would you want me to be drugged?” Jake asked.

  Peter’s face contorted angrily as he shouted through his teeth. “Because I wanted you to suffer. I wanted you to hurt the way you hurt my Tessa. You destroyed her. When she started dating you, she wouldn’t talk to me anymore. You took her away from me twice. The last time, she didn’t have a choice!”

  Jake rolled his head back. Peter was getting more and more angry. Jake needed to keep him calm. He needed to give Rob more time. Just as the thoughts flowed through his mind, he heard a squeak coming from the hall. Peter’s head lifted to the sound. Jake tried to cough to cover it up, but Peter had heard it too.

  “Looks like we have a visitor.”


  AFTER SHE’D MADE up her mind that Jake was lying to her, she waited for a few minutes before she pressed her ear to the door and listened for him. She slowly turned the key in the lock and was able to slide through the door without Jake hearing her. She was grateful that Jake had forgotten to chain the door. She wondered if he had gone back to his bedroom to shower or sleep. She wasn’t going to let him push her away. There was a reason he was acting so out of character. Madi knew he loved her. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind.

  She tiptoed around the corner, and that was when she heard him shout. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. She knew the voice. It was Peter. Everything made sense. He had Jake. Images of her dream of Jake being shot flared in her mind. She shook the thoughts away. She wouldn’t let them come true. She frantically twisted and turned, not knowing where to go or what to do. She slowly trudged back into the family room, and that’s when she saw Greg, lying in the corner of the kitchen. Madi’s mouth gaped in horror as she stood frozen. She inched toward him and checked his pulse. He was still breathing, but barely. Her face crinkled in fear as she searched his pocket for his phone, finding nothing. She couldn’t bring herself to move him to check his other pockets, so she crouched down and placed her hands in her hair.

  Her eyes darted around the room as she weighed her options. They settled on the shelves near the television, and Jake’s words came flooding in. Madi crawled into the family room and searched the edge of the TV stand. The little white nub he had told her about was nowhere to be found. She searched all around the stand and bent down to look underneath. It sat near the leg. Madi clutched it in her hand and brought it to her heart as her eyes closed with gratitude. She stood and placed it on the side of the shelf until she heard a small click. The bottom lowered, and that’s when she saw it. It was black and shiny and heavy. She had no idea how to use a gun. She wasn’t even sure it was loaded. She didn’t have a choice. She’d have to pretend she knew what she was doing. If only Rob were there. Rob…

  Madi remembered leaving the pen on her bed and her phone in the bathroom. She took a deep breath and slowly tiptoed down the hall, holding the gun in front of her like she knew how to use it.

  She could hear Peter’s voice. She listened briefly as her heart leapt from her chest. She heard Jake speak. He was okay. She closed her eyes and quickly slithered into her old room across the hall. Jake’s bedroom door was cracked open enough that she could hear them.

  She ran to the bed. The pen was gone. She hoped beyond hope that her phone was still in the bathroom. She turned the corner and found nothing. Madi could feel her chest tighten as the tears threatened to spill over. Just as she was about to let her hopelessness sink in, she heard a buzzing sound. She dropped to her knees to follow it. She lifted the bed skirt and saw it, buzzing away with a call from Kendra. She quickly slid the button when the low battery message appeared. Madi pulled the phone to her ear.

  “I know you’re dying to hear about yesterday and I know I said I’d call, but I’ve been trying to process everything and—”

  As happy as Madi was to hear her voice she knew she didn’t have much time. “Listen to me,” she whispered. “Call Rob. Peter’s here in his house. He doesn’t—” The phone beeped three times in her ear and shut off. Madi bowed down and her chest constricted. She could only hope Kendra had heard her.

  She tossed the phone on the bed and held the gun firmly in two hands, creeping across the hall. She paused for a moment, fearing she’d been discovered, but sighed in relief when she heard them talking. She listened carefully to every word he said. She heard his entire confession. When he said Jake had taken Tessa away twice, she shifted her weight and the floorboard creaked. She gasped and leaned against the wall, hoping they hadn’t heard.

  She stood there, silently praying they would start talking again. Her eyes shifted toward the door, willing Rob to burst through it. In the split second she turned, Peter opened the door and grabbed her arm. She spun around and attempted to fire the gun. It clicked with an empty chamber. Of course Jake would never leave a gun loaded.

  “You were going to shoot me, weren’t you?” he asked, annoyed as he yanked the gun from her hands. “Little bitch!”

  Peter pulled her arm and pushed her through Jake’s bedroom door. Madi caught a glimpse of Jake as she stumbled in his direction. He gawked at her as his eyes clenched closed in anger, or maybe fear.

  “Are you okay?” she mumbled as she grasped his shoulders.

  “Madi…” he sighed. His eyes were full of pain “The only time I actually want you to go away…”

  Her lips curled in a fearful smile. “I can’t help it. I know you love me.”

  Peter pulled her arm harshly and she flew across the room and onto the bed.

  Jake struggled in his chair as he growled, “Don’t you fucking lay a hand on her!”

  Peter cackled, “What are you going to do about it? Last time I checked, you were tied to a chair.”

  Madi stumbled from the floor and scurried toward Jake.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Peter said as he yanked her back.

  Jake jerked in his seat. “I’m sorry. You have to know I didn’t mean a word of it. Not a single word.”

  Madi nodded as she gasped for air. She felt like someone had removed it from the room.

  “Isn’t this sweet? We’re having a little reunion! It’s just like old times, ain’t it? Do you remember our special time together, Madi?”

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked. “Do you think Tessa would want you to hurt people in her name? Tessa was kind and loving. This isn’t what she’d want for you.”

  For a moment, his brows furrowed. Madi thought maybe she had been able to reach him. His face creased and his lips flattened as he backhanded her across the face.

  Madi felt a warm pain shoot through her as her head uncontrollably led her body to the floor.

  “Madi!” Jake shouted. “I’m going to kill you. I’m going to fucking kill you with my bare hands!” He struggled in his binds and growled.

  “Hmmm… aren’t your hands tied? That would make it kinda difficult, wouldn’t it?” He laughed.

  Madi stumbled as she grabbed the comforter on the bed to lift herself up onto it.

  “Are you okay? Please talk to me,” Jake pleaded as his shoulders twisted.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Peter shouted. “You two are making my head hurt. He pulled the safety from his gun and aimed at Jake. “At least Madi will get a chance to watch you take your final breath.”

  “No!” Madi shouted as she tried to think. “If you really want to cause him pai
n, then use me. Hurt me and you hurt him!”

  Peter smiled deviously as he considered her words.

  “Madi, for the love of God! Don’t. Please don’t!” Jake’s words came out in a shaking whimper.

  Madi regained her balance as she stood, pressing her hand to the throb.

  “That’s not a bad idea. Maybe we can finish what I started in that bus a few months ago, only this time, he’ll get to watch. Have you missed me, Madi? You want to see me fuck your girlfriend, Jake?”

  “Peter, please. I’m the one you want. Not her. Let her go. Take me. Kill me. Make me pay with my life for my sins. Madi had nothing to do with this. She’s innocent, just like Tessa was.”

  “Well, I don’t get to have Tessa now, do I?” he sputtered. “You took her away from me. Maybe after you’re dead, I’ll have Madi instead. She can be my new Tessa.”

  Madi cringed as she stared into Jake’s pleading eyes.

  “Do you want to fight me again like you did the last time?” Peter asked. “I like it when you fight me.”

  Madi swallowed hard as she carefully considered her word choice. “What good would it do me? You’re too strong. I have no power over you. I’m weak.”

  Peter smiled. “That’s right, you are. If I remember correctly, I was able to hold both of your hands in one of mine easily.”

  Jake’s eyes furrowed as Madi took a deep breath. He seemed to remember how strong she’d become.

  “Should I just give them to you now?” Madi asked as she held out her crossed wrists to him.

  He glared at Jake as he rubbed his chin. “She’s a willing participant. Guess you’re not fulfilling her needs.”

  Jake gritted his teeth as he attempted to lunge at him.

  Peter grasped Madi’s wrists in his hand and she attempted to struggle, but not much. “Oh yeah. I remember this now.” Peter fumbled with the gun in his hand, trying to touch her with the same hand while he held her wrists in the other.

  “Don’t touch her!” Jake hissed.

  Peter walked behind her. “Put your hands behind your back,” he ordered.

  Madi did as she was told. He grasped her two hands firmly in his one, peering around her at Jake. “She’s going to enjoy this.”

  Madi took a deep breath as she reviewed all her weeks of training with Rob. Every move, every angle, every possible outcome was considered in seconds. As Peter waved his gun at Jake and Jake struggled in his binds, Madi slid her right leg behind her through Peter’s, and quickly swiped his leg with the curl of her foot. As he lost his balance, she yanked her arms down and out to release his grip on her. The gun tumbled out of his grasp as he fell. Madi quickly turned and kicked him in the balls as hard as she could before she kicked the gun away from him.

  Peter cried out in pain as she went back to kicking him, again in the nuts, and two more times in the ribs. His hands shot up to protect himself, but they were too late.

  Jake gasped as Madi rushed to him to untie his hands.

  “Madi. I can’t believe you—wait. Get the gun!” Jake commanded.

  No sooner had Madi turned to reach for it than Peter slid toward it, grasping it in his hands and aiming at them from the floor.

  Madi stood in front of Jake protectively as Jake tried to free himself. “Madi! No!”

  A single shot rang out and pierced her ears. She closed her eyes as she waited for the pain to come. She expected to feel herself falling or feel a burn, but she felt nothing.

  “Madi!” Jake cried out in agony. Madi forced her eyes open when she heard him, still waiting for a burn that never came. As she opened her eyes, Peter slumped to the floor, the blood pooling around what was left of his hand. He jumped up and rushed them, and another blast took him down. This time he didn’t move. Madi turned to see Rob at the door with his gun extended, his face ashen and focused. He’d shot Peter. She glanced down at her body and noted that she wasn’t bleeding. She turned quickly to Jake, who checked her over for wounds.

  “Are you hurt?” he asked. His eyes searched her desperately.

  “No. Are you?” she asked as she grasped his face in her hands.

  “No,” he said in an exasperated breath. Rob cautiously approached Peter’s body, kicking his leg. With his gun still aimed at Peter, he retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket and lifted the gun from the floor. Peter didn’t move again.

  Rob turned toward Jake and bent to untie his ropes as Dave and the police rushed through the door. “You two okay?”

  “Greg…” Jake mumbled. “In the kitchen.”

  “We got him,” Dave said. The ambulance is outside. “Kendra called Rob. We got here as fast as we could.”

  As Rob removed the last of the ropes, Jake stood and Madi flew into his arms. His hand went around her back as the other held her head in place against him.

  Madi started to cry as the enormity of the situation took its toll.

  “Amazing, fearless, reckless girl. What would I do without you?”

  Madi pulled back and their eyes locked. She sighed as his chest crashed into hers once more.

  HE STOOD IN front of the mirror in the bathroom, adjusting the length of his tie and fastening the cufflinks on his tux, all while humming to himself. He felt her gaze on him and he turned to see her standing in the door. His breath hitched.

  She was dressed in dark pink. The bustier was a lighter shade with sequins, fitted tightly into a V at her hips before slightly flaring out. The sequins fell like stars from her hips before fading away. The long slit up the side showed off her toned legs and her arms were bare, just as he liked them.

  “Thoughts?” she asked with raised eyebrows.

  “I have a few,” he sighed as he leaned against the counter.

  She licked her lips and smiled at him. “Well?”

  “Could you turn around for me? I need to get a better look.”

  “Seriously?” she asked as her shoulders slumped.

  Jake made a circle with his fingers and she twirled around for him, stopping with her hands on her hips.

  “First,” he said as his hand grazed the stubble on his face, “I think the color suits you. It reminds me of the blush in your cheeks when you’re embarrassed.”

  Madi rolled her eyes.

  He took a step forward. “Second, you take my breath away.”

  “Better,” she said appreciatively.

  “And finally, I can’t think of a better way to spend New Year’s Eve than with you on my arm.”

  She grinned, stepping into the bathroom and adjusting his tie. “You look hot, as usual,” she laughed. “The last time you were in a tux, I wanted to fall to my knees and beg you to stay home with me.”

  Jake’s eyebrows shot up. “Fall to your knees?”

  Madi playfully nudged him. “Whatever happened to Christine Paul? Did you talk to her again after your date that night when you were torturing me?”

  Jake rolled his eyes. “Who? The name isn’t even vaguely familiar.”

  “Um hmm…”

  “I only have eyes for you, babe.”

  “I know,” she said as she turned and walked confidently into the hall.

  Jake watched her stride away and rubbed his hands together, taking a deep breath. He leaned forward on the sink, resting on his hands with his head bowed. He glanced up at his reflection. “You can do this,” he said to himself in the mirror.

  “Jake?” Madi questioned from the kitchen.

  His fingers sifted through his hair once more before he turned out the light and met her by the door.

  She bit her lip as he approached her. “Are you really all mine tonight?” she asked.

  “All yours.”

  “And we’re dancing?”

  “All night,” he responded.

  “And you’ll kiss me at midnight?”

  “You won’t have to ask.”

  She giggled and his heart thumped in his chest. His phone rang and she sighed. “It’ll only be a sec, I promise.”

  He turned and pressed the pho
ne to his ear.

  “Jake? It’s Dave. Just wanted to let you know that Caleb cleaned out his office this morning after he was released on bail. I gave him his termination paperwork to put the cherry on top of his day!”

  Jake laughed. “Good. And the restraining orders against him?”


  “How’s my new manager?” Jake asked.

  “Why don’t you talk to her yourself? She’s right here.”

  “Hi, sweetie!”

  “Happy New Year, Ang. You and Dave have big plans for the night?” he asked, turning to see Madi’s gorgeous smile. He winked at her and she inhaled deeply as if he’d just sent a bolt of electricity through her veins.

  “You know very well what my plans are!” Ang laughed. “I can only assume Madi is standing in front of you?”

  “You would be correct,” he replied.

  “Well, you’re all set. I can’t tell you how much fun I had with this.”

  “Alright, well, you two lovebirds stay out of trouble.”

  “We’ll be waiting!”

  Jake ended the call and stuffed his phone into his jacket pocket. His hand trailed down his leg quickly, checking his pocket before he lifted Madi’s coat for her.

  “Everything good with Ang?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Everything is grand.”

  Madi smiled briefly before sliding her arms into her coat.

  Jake recognized something in her expression and stood motionless studying her face.

  She glanced up at him. “What?” she asked.

  “Your mind is somewhere else. I know the look.”

  Madi moaned lightly. “You do know me well.”

  “Spill,” he huffed, crossing his arms.

  “I was just thinking about you and me; about all of us, really, especially Tessa, Peter and Allison.”

  “That’s a lot of thoughts. What about us?” Jake questioned.

  “Just how crazy life can be. How all of our lives are linked to everyone else’s.”

  “Hmm…” Jake pondered her words as he scratched his chin. “What do you mean?” He leaned against the door.

  “I’d like to think that people come in and out of our lives for a reason. That each person we meet or get to know has a purpose. Something they’re supposed to teach us, or something we’re supposed to teach them.”


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