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El Diablo (The Devil): The Good Ol' Boys Spin Off

Page 5

by M. Robinson

  “You look tired,” she rasped, scratching my head that was lying on her lap. “Your dad is working you too hard.”

  I slowly turned my face in her lap, nuzzling my nose along her inner thigh. I peered up at her as I wrapped my arms around her waist. In one swift move, I tugged her tiny frame toward me, making her squeal. I lightly brought my body on top of her, supporting my weight with my arms on either side of her face. My mouth was now inches away from hers.

  “I don’t want to talk about my dad, cariño.”

  She smirked, as I gently brushed my lips back and forth along her mouth. Loving the feel of her lips against mine.

  So soft.

  So warm.

  So fucking mine.

  “Oh yeah? Then what do you want to talk about?”

  “Who said I wanted to talk?” I rasped, working my way down her neck. Wanting to feel her pulse beating against my lips.

  To this day I was still so goddamn grateful she was alive. I stopped on the spot right under her ear that made her go fucking crazy. Moving her hair to the other side of her neck, never letting up on my caresses on her skin. I could feel the effect I was having on her, and she hadn’t stopped me, yet.

  “Alejandro…” she moaned.

  My heart sped up, and my cock twitched, hearing my name roll off her tongue. I had never heard that tone come from her before. Sophia had always been a good little girl, pure and innocent. That didn’t stop me from wanting to be the first guy to feel her from the inside, taste every last inch of her perfect body. Make her come on my cock and beg me to stop.

  We hadn’t done anything more than kiss. I was patient, but my dick was eager to sink into her sweet pussy. I would never pressure her into anything she wasn’t ready for, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t drive her insane with need. Taking her to the edge, getting her nice and fucking wet.

  I may have been falling in love with her, but I wasn’t a goddamn saint.

  I was a man.

  I had needs, and I needed her.

  “What, baby?”

  I sensually kissed down her neck to her collarbone, working my way down closer to her breasts. Going right for her hard nipple that was poking through her slim cotton tank top. I wanted nothing more than to take her tits in my mouth, and make her come from that sensation alone. She knew better than to come into my bed without wearing a bra.

  “You need to stop,” she purred, arching her back off my bed.

  “No, I don’t,” I spoke honestly, continuing my descent.

  Her chest was rising and falling with every movement of my lips getting closer to her nipple.

  “We shouldn’t do this.”

  “Is that right, cariño?”

  I lightly flicked her nipple with my tongue through her tank, grinning as I peered up at her. She was coming undone beneath me, soft moans escaping her pouty lips. I grabbed her wrists with one hand and placed them gently above her head. My other hand working its way down her torso to her hip, as I grinded my hard cock right against her sensitive pussy. Pushing her further to the edge.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” I groaned, desperately needing to take what I wanted to be mine.

  Her mouth parted and she licked her lips as I slowly pulled down her tank top. The smell and feel of her was all around me, making me burn with desire to claim every last fucking inch of her. I had done way more than any sixteen-year-old should have even known about, but it never felt like that. With her.

  Not even close.

  Not one time.

  I wanted to capture this moment, and hold onto it for as long as I could. I wanted to remember her just like this.

  For me.


  And I couldn’t hold back any longer. “I love you, Sophia. You own me. I’m yours. Para siempre,” I confessed, “Forever.”

  She lifted her head off my pillow. Her lust-filled gaze was quickly replaced by shock as her eyes widened, looking past me toward my bedroom door. I turned to see what ruined our moment. Coming face to face with Michael who was standing in the hallway.


  “Alejandro, my office. Ahora!” Dad ordered, “Now!” In a tone I didn’t appreciate.

  He walked right past the dining room, not even acknowledging any of us who had been waiting for him to come home to eat. Mom had invited Sophia and Michael over for dinner. She had been slaving away all day, cooking my father’s favorite damn meal. He didn’t so much as look in her direction to say a simple hello or thank you. He just stormed in, too pissed off at God-knows-what, and I was about to get the wrath.

  Mom and Amari glanced at each other and then back at me. Their worried expressions mirroring one another. I simply scooted my chair back and calmly stood, smiling. Reaching over the table, I squeezed my mom’s hand in a loving gesture before excusing myself.

  No one said a word, but they didn’t have to. Their faces spoke for themselves.

  When I walked into his office, he was sitting behind his desk. His arms set out in front of him with his head cocked to the side, waiting to unleash his fury on me.

  He nodded toward the door. I understood his silent gesture to close it behind me. I did, allowing it to slam a little, earning me a glare I used to fear. I casually walked over and took a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. Leaning forward, I placed my arms on my legs, clasping my hands together in front of me. Looking him dead in the eyes.

  I arched an eyebrow, waiting.

  “I’m going to ask you this one fucking time, Alejandro. One time,” he emphasized, holding his finger out in front of him. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out about Sophia?”

  “I don’t—”

  “I highly suggest you don’t fucking lie to me. I’m giving you a warning because you’re my son.”

  I swallowed, hard. Contemplating my next move. If I showed him fear. If I gave him what he wanted, what he expected, I would forever be in his goddamn grasp.

  Under his control till the day he dies.

  It was now or never.

  I leaned back into my chair, folding my arms over my chest, not backing down.

  “Since when do you care who I’m fucking, old man?” I countered, laying all my cards out perfectly on the table.

  It was the only game my father played. And I was prepared to call his bluff. Hoping like hell that he wouldn’t call me out on mine.

  His eyes lit up, it was quick but I saw it. He grinned, leaning back in his chair. “If you were just fucking her, then you wouldn’t be sitting in front of me with a shit-eating grin on your face.”

  “I thought you wanted me to enjoy pussy. Wasn’t that the whole point of getting me a whore?”

  “Carajo,” he breathed out, “Fuck,” with an expression I had never seen before. “You love her?” he stated as a question, shaking his head in disappointment. “You fucking love her…”

  I knew it wouldn’t take him long to figure it out. I didn’t have to tell him the truth. He could smell it on me.

  “It’s kind of a coincidence, don’t you think? Girl from the wrong side of the tracks makes rich, powerful boy fall in—”

  “She didn’t fucking make me do anything,” I gritted out through a clenched jaw, cutting him off.

  Before I even got the last word out, his chair flew out from underneath him, crashing into the wall with a thud. His fist slammed against the desk, making me jump.

  “You stupid, son of a bitch! The change in your eyes, your composure, the sudden drop of your fucking balls talking to me like that. To me. Your father. You want to bring her into this life? Then you better learn how to fucking hide those emotions, hijo. I can see straight through you. I can see her behind your eyes. I can feel her coursing through your bloodstream. It’s pouring out of you. She’s your weakness, your fucking death sentence. She would be the first thing I would use against you. Do you think she’s strong enough to handle our lifestyle? Your future.”

  I didn’t falter. I couldn’t. If I did, I would lose.

sp; Her.

  “Is that why you tried to kill her?” I viciously spewed, finally saying what I had been thinking since that night.

  “You think I’m capable of that? Do I need to remind you that my own daughter was there that night?”

  “It was pretty convenient that Amari was barely touched. Just roughed up a little. Sophia, on the other hand, was two seconds from being raped and beaten to death. So, yes, I think you’re capable of anything.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  He casually nodded, rounding his desk to walk around the room. The silence was deafening all around us, every step he took I expected him to lash out. Yell, threaten, or punish me, but his silence was eerier than his rage. I followed his every movement, feeling as if each step brought me closer to my demise.

  He spun, locking eyes with me. Placing his hands in his pockets casually. “I paid all of that girl’s medical expenses. I made sure her grandparents wouldn’t need or want for anything for the rest of their lives. Including getting them papers, did you know they were illegal immigrants? I didn’t stop them from going to the cops, the only lie I told was that someone broke in. I’m even paying for her college. She’s no longer a scholarship student. I gave another person the opportunity to get an education at the school you and your sister don’t give a shit about.”

  I scoffed, “Hush money? That’s supposed to impress me? Come on, old man, you can do better than that.”

  He grinned, shaking his head. “Not enough, eh? How about the two men’s bodies that I personally lit on fire, not leaving a trace of their fucking lives on this earth. This is a dangerous time for our family. I expect retaliation from Javier’s side. You think it’s the best time to bring a girlfriend into your life? If you love her so much, then you would let her go. It’s the right thing to do.”

  I stood, placing my hands in my pockets, mirroring his demeanor. Getting right up in his face, I argued, “You wouldn’t know the right thing to do if it slapped you in the fucking face and said hello. You’re telling me that you had no idea who those men were? Because I know for a fact that you pretty much make your men bend over and cough before you hire them. So, you can see how I find your story hard to believe.”

  I would never forget the next words that came out of my father’s mouth for the rest of my life. It was the first, but not the last, time that I witnessed…


  His eyes glazed over with so much fucking emotion that it almost knocked me on my ass.

  “I made a mistake, Alejandro,” he confessed, bowing his head in shame.

  I jerked back, the impact of his words too much for me to take.

  “But I took care of it, hijo. I fucking took care of it. The dead can’t talk, and I made damn sure of it.”

  I was about to say something about his confession, but he cleared his throat, looking back up into my eyes. If I had blinked, I would have missed it. That was how quick his ironclad guard came back into its usual place. Once again the hard ass he always was, locking up his emotions as if they never existed to begin with.

  He patted my back, turning to leave his office, not saying another word.

  “You might have laid my path, but you do not tell me who I can love,” I declared, stopping him dead in his tracks. “That’s my choice. And my choice is her.”

  There was nothing left to say, it was all burned to ashes.

  Exactly like their bodies.

  I didn’t give him a chance to respond, wanting to have the last word. I left him standing there with nothing but the truth I’d just warned.

  All eyes were on me when we entered the dining room, probably shocked to see that I came back in one piece. It was as if they had all been holding their breath the entire time I was gone. My dad walked over to my mom, kissed her on the cheek before taking his seat at the head of the table.

  Sophia gave me a reassuring smile as I pulled out my chair. She was so fucking beautiful. I didn’t give it a second thought. I was over to her in four strides, grabbing the sides of her face. Kissing her deep for the first time in front of everyone. Needing to stake my claim.

  To show my father.

  And Michael.

  That I didn’t give a flying fuck what they wanted.

  I took Sophia home later after we watched a movie. Heading back, hoping to catch the motherfucker before he left my house, I stood by Michael’s car, counting the minutes until I saw his goddamn face. Wanting nothing more than to lay him the fuck out. But out of respect for my sister, I would give him one fucking warning.

  Just one.

  “Well, look who it is? The prodigal son,” Michael mocked, walking down the driveway toward me. “What the fuck do you want, Martinez? Why are you waiting for me?”

  I didn’t hesitate, getting right up in his face, slightly pushing him back. He stammered a little, but didn’t waver much.

  “I know it was you, motherfucker. You went to my father like the fucking bitch that you are. Man up. Man the fuck up and tell me to my face that you’re not the one who told him about Sophia and me,” I sneered, my hands balling into fists at my sides. Itching to knock the fucking grin off his face.

  He chuckled, nodding, “Fuck you, asshole. I don’t want your sloppy seconds. I got a girl already. You may know her, she’s your fucking sister.”

  “You got a dick,” I spit out, grabbing him by the shirt, and pushing him up against my car. “I see the way you look at Sophia. I see the way you’ve always looked at her. You’re lucky I don’t break your fucking legs for disrespecting my sister, every time your wandering eyes land on my girl,” I gritted out. “And if you pull that peeping Tom bullshit again, next thing you’ll be looking at is the ceiling at your goddamn hospital room.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t tell your dad shit. Maybe you should try to keep your dick in your pants, and he wouldn’t fucking notice.” He shrugged me off, starting to walk away toward his car.

  “Jealous?” I yelled, stopping him in his tracks.

  He ran his hands through his hair in a frustrated gesture, before walking back over to me, shoving his finger into my chest.

  “You’re no good for her, man. She’s a good girl. All you’re going to do is bring her down with you. I’m trying to save her from your hell. Exactly the way I’m trying to save your sister—” he pointed to the house, “I’m the good guy here.”

  “You’re a fucking wolf in sheep’s clothing. I can’t make you stay away from Amari, but I sure as fuck will make you hurt if you so much as upset my sister. It’s only a matter of time until she sees through you. I hope for your sake it’s sooner rather than later.”

  “Is that a threat, Martinez?”

  “No, motherfucker. I will put a bullet in your fucking head without blinking an eye. That’s a threat. Stay away from Sophia, and start looking at my sister like she’s the only one you really want to fuck. You claim to love Amari, then fucking show me your worth.”

  His chest heaved. The air was so thick between us he stepped back and away from me. Backing down like the pussy he was.

  “I love your sister. I love her more than anything. Don’t misinterpret my concern for Sophia for something that it’s not. You don’t know me, Martinez. I know who you—”

  “You don’t know shit about shit.”

  “I know your sister is scared of you. How long do you think it’s going to take until Sophia is too?”

  “Amari is scared of everything. That doesn’t mean shit to me. You let me worry about Sophia. You keep my father out of this. She is mine. Do you hear me? Mine. You don’t get to tell on me like a little puta, then walk away with your dick tucked between your legs for trying to be a boy scout.”

  “For the last time, I didn’t say shit to your dad. Why do you automatically assume it’s me? I’m not the only one that knows,” he said, stepping toward me again.

  I knew what he was insinuating, and I couldn’t hold back any longer. I gripped th
e front of his shirt, tugging him toward me. My face was now inches away from his.

  “You have some brass fucking balls, throwing my sister in the line of fire to save your sorry ass. Amari wouldn’t betray me. Neither would my mother. It’s called loyalty, you fuck. You seem to lack that fucking trait.” I let go, glaring him up and down. “I won’t warn you again.”

  And I wouldn’t.

  “You ready, cariño?”

  Sophia sighed, looking at me through the full-length mirror in front of her.

  “You are the most impatient man in the world. Do you know that?” she lamented, rolling her eyes as she continued to apply her lipstick, not paying me any mind.

  I fucking hated that shit, and she knew it.

  She was naturally beautiful.

  I was over to her in three strides, grabbing her wrist, and turning her to face me. “You sassing me, baby?” I asked, wiping off the lipstick she’d just applied.

  She rolled her eyes at me again as my hands inched toward her ass. “It’s not sass when it’s true,” she mocked.

  I spanked her hard and grabbed her ass, making her yelp. “Ow! Don’t! That stung.”

  I grinned as she pushed against my chest, trying to get out of my grasp. It was no use. She wasn’t going anywhere unless I wanted her to, but it was still entertaining as fuck to watch her try.

  “It’s my birthday. I’m allowed to do whatever the fuck I want today.”

  “What’s your excuse for the rest of the year?” she giggled as I slowly moved my hands near her inner thighs. It didn’t take much to make her squirm, she was sensitive everywhere. I made sure to touch her every chance I got, just to hear her laugh.

  She tried to swat my hands away. “Stop, that tickles.” Thrashing and throwing her head back with laughter.

  She gasped when I suddenly lifted her up, leaning her back against the wall with a slight thud. Wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck for support. She bit her lip as I stared into her big green eyes that I knew held my future.


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