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El Diablo (The Devil): The Good Ol' Boys Spin Off

Page 6

by M. Robinson

  “For someone who is so impatient, you sure are making it hard for me to get ready. I thought you wanted to go?” she rasped as I kissed along the pulse of her neck. Triggering a small moan to escape her lips.

  “Everything I want, everything I need, is right here in my arms,” I said, continuing my assault. Kissing every spot I knew that drove her crazy.

  She was wearing a low cut tank that I wanted nothing more than to rip the fuck off. Her breathing hitched when I reached the top of her cleavage that was on full display. All I knew was that when her body was pressed up against mine, it took every ounce of strength I had to not go balls deep in her sweet pussy. We had messed around a few times, but I kept with the PG-13 bullshit for the most part.

  She wasn’t ready for what I so desperately wanted to do to her. Not yet.

  I deliberately pushed my hard cock against her core so she could feel my need for her. Continuing my descent, I took it a step further. My hands started to roam from her hip up her side, grazing her tit, causing another moan to escape her mouth.

  “Shhh… your grandparents are home,” I groaned, rubbing my cock along her heat again. Making her legs wrap tighter around my waist.

  She wanted to feel every inch of our contact.

  My hands worked their way under her tank, the need to feel her soft skin against my calloused fingers won. I peered into her eyes. Our connection had always been flawless and easy. It was never a burden or an obligation to be with her. If anything, she was my salvation. The only good thing I had in my life.

  Love and desperation.

  Longing and guilt.

  My feelings were so torn that I questioned my resolve to not take her up against the wall right then and there.

  When her small, delicate hands started moving from my neck down to my chest, I instantly grabbed her wrists, bringing them above her head. Holding them tight in my grasp.

  “Did I say you could touch me?” I taunted, brushing my lips lightly over hers.

  She shook her head no, her nose grazing mine. “Well, I don’t remember saying you could touch me,” she countered, angling her head, trying to kiss me.

  I chuckled against her mouth. “When you own something, you can touch it whenever you want. You belong to me, cariño,” I breathed out, pecking her lips. Giving her what she wanted.

  “Your heart belongs to me, doesn’t it?” she simply replied.

  “Mmm hmm…” I deepened our kiss, getting lost in the feeling of her velvety tongue.

  She pulled away first, and I immediately missed her lips. Smirking up at me through her lashes, she purred, “And so do your balls, buddy.” Tearing one of her hands free from my grasp, she reached for my boys.

  I intercepted it, kissing her palm before claiming her mouth again. Slow, deep and passionate. “No, sweetheart,” I coaxed in between kissing.

  Without warning, I released her hands and stepped back. Causing her to fall to her feet unexpectedly. She whimpered from the loss of my touch. Glaring at me as she adjusted her clothes.

  I spoke with conviction, “Those are still fucking mine. Now grab your shit. Let’s go. I have the worst case of blue balls known to mankind.”

  And with that I walked away, hearing her laugh from a distance.

  We said our goodbyes to her grandparents. She told them she was staying with my sister for the weekend and would be back on Sunday. I threw her overnight bag in the trunk of my car and opened the passenger door for her.

  “I have a surprise for your birthday,” she announced as I backed out of the driveway.

  “Is that right?”

  She nodded her head, gazing out her window, blushing. “Yup. Head downtown.”

  I fucking hated surprises. In the world I lived in, surprises were never a good thing. But I would let her have it this one time because the simple flush of her cheeks made my cock twitch, wanting to know what else would cause her to blush like that.

  We rode in comfortable silence while I held her hand in my lap. Bringing it up to my lips every so often, gently caressing it. The feeling of her soft, smooth, silky flesh in my mouth was one of my favorite sensations. I loved to feel her. Her vanilla and honey scent that always lingered around her drove me mad, it was like a direct signal to my fucking cock.

  I had been arguing with my parents for weeks about not wanting to make an ordeal out of my seventeenth birthday. Of course, they didn’t listen. Especially since it landed on a weekend. I was able to convince my mom to throw the party the day after my actual birthday so that I could spend the day with Sophia. She reluctantly agreed.

  “Make a right into that parking lot.”

  “Why am I parking at the Hyatt, cariño?” I asked, glancing over at her.

  She shrugged, turning to look at me with a huge smile on her face. “Just park the car, buddy. I got it under control.”

  I cocked an eyebrow with a stern expression.

  “Please,” she added with a pouty lip.

  I shook my head, chuckling. Throwing the stick shift of my 67’ SS Chevelle into neutral, I pulled the parking brake, popped open the trunk, and got out. Ever since I could remember, I had a thing for old muscle cars. The Chevelle was my birthday gift from my parents last year. They replaced the engine to a 396 this year.

  Sophia reached for her bag but wasn't quick enough. I took the strap and threw it over my shoulder. Grabbing her hand, I started to walk in.

  She led us to the elevator, not bothering to stop at the front desk. She wasn’t fucking around when she said she had everything taken care of. The elevator pinged when we reached the top floor, and the doors slid open. She pulled out a room key and led me down the hallway to room 2406.

  “Close your eyes.”

  I didn’t.

  “Oh, come on. Don’t you trust me? I promise I won’t steal your virtue. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, baby,” she teased in a sarcastic tone I didn’t fucking appreciate.

  Narrowing my eyes at her, I stated, “Aren't you cute. You better watch it, sweetheart. You may end up with a surprise of your own with that sassy little mouth of yours,” I stated, gesturing to my cock.

  She bit her lip, looking up at me through her lashes. Something gleamed in her eyes I’d never seen before. Without turning, she pushed down the handle and the door clicked opened. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t completely captivated by her and where this was possibly leading. She grabbed my hand and walked backward never taking her gaze off mine. Both of us lost in our own thoughts as we walked through the foyer of the suite and into the living room.

  I didn’t pay any mind to our surroundings, just following Sophia to wherever the fuck she led me.

  “How did you get this room?”

  “Amari,” she simply stated. “She helped me plan all of this.” Gesturing around the room.

  “And what exactly is this?”

  As if on cue, we walked into the bedroom. The shades were drawn, but the sliding glass door to my right was open, allowing a warm breeze to surround us. Dropping her hand, I walked around the room taking in the scattered rose petals on the floor and bed. The lit candles on the nightstands and dresser only emphasized the romantic allure to what she had done.

  For the first time in my life, I was speechless. I followed the rose petals that led out to the balcony. Finding a table set up for two, placed perfectly by the railing, with more candles illuminating the small space. A stunning view of Manhattan shined bright behind it.

  I stood there for a few minutes lost in my thoughts. My emotions that I was supposed to keep in check at all times were getting the best of me. The thought she had put into this night, made me love her just a little bit more. I couldn’t hold back the feeling that she was the one for me.

  My girl.

  I pulled back the drapes to walk inside. “Sophia, this is—” I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her.

  She was wearing one of my white collared, button-down shirts. Leaving it slightly unbuttoned, faintly exposing her breasts an
d stomach. There was a red ribbon tied around her waist, holding my shirt in place. She sat in the center of the king-sized bed with her legs tucked underneath her, looking so fucking tiny. Her hair cascading down the sides of her face and body. The soft flicker of light from the candles danced off her creamy smooth skin.

  She was breathtaking.

  In all my life, I had never seen anything so fucking beautiful before. And I knew right then and there.

  I was done for.

  I leaned my shoulder against the sliding door frame with my arms folded over my chest. Cocking my head to the side, soaking up every last inch of her body.

  A memory I would cherish and take to my grave.

  Grinning, I rasped, “Is it bedtime, cariño?”

  “Why don’t you come here and unwrap your present, birthday boy? I can guarantee sleep will be the last thing on your mind,” she purred, patting the bed.

  I didn’t need to be told twice. I pushed off the door frame with precise and calculated strides, till I was standing at the edge of the bed. Hovering above her half-naked body. She brought her legs out in front of her in a submitting gesture. Her eyes dilated, waiting for my next move.

  I slowly leaned forward, never taking my eyes off hers. With one swift movement, I grabbed her ankles and tugged her toward me. She came effortlessly, breathless and dazed. Caught off guard by the turn of events. I ran my hands up her long legs, leaving goose bumps in their wake. Wanting to feel her in every possible way.

  “Is this what you want? Is that why you brought me here tonight? To fuck you? Because once I’m inside you, I won’t hold back. I won’t stop until I have explored every last inch of your body,” I admitted, needing her to know what she was getting herself into. “I don’t make love, Sophia. I fuck. I fuck long. I fuck hard. I want to fuck you. It’s taking every ounce of restraint inside of me right now to not take you like that. It’s all I know. I’ve never made love, baby. But I want to… with you.”

  Every fiber of my being raged to touch her, but my heart was in my throat. My pulse quickened, waiting for her to say something, anything. Terrified that I had scared her.

  Sophia was the last person in the world that I wanted afraid of me.

  She licked her lips, slowly getting on her knees at the edge of the bed, inches away from where I stood. Our eyes never wavered from one another as she reached over to touch my heart that I swear was beating a mile a minute.

  “I know you won’t hurt me. I trust you with my life, Alejandro. I love you.”

  That was the first time she’d said those three words to me. I never repeated them after the moment was lost that night in my room.

  Not finding another time to relive it.

  “I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, Sophia. Nothing in my life is guaranteed. I don’t know what kind of life I can offer you. Or what kind of man I’ll turn into. All I know is that I love you, and I’ll protect you with my life. Taking my last breath if I have to.”

  Her eyes watered and her lip trembled from the truth of our love story.

  “I can’t imagine my life without you. I’d rather die than live a day without seeing your beautiful face. I need you, and that’s a terrifying thing for a man like me. I shouldn’t bring you into this life, into this world, but I can’t let you go. I won’t. You’re the only thing that makes sense to me, the only thing that’s just for me and no one else. I’m not going to stand here and bullshit you. I’m not a good man, Sophia, but you make me want to be one.”

  Tears slid down her face as she took in every last word that came out of my mouth. Using my thumbs, I wiped her tears away. Holding my whole life between my hands.

  “I want to marry you as soon as we graduate. I want you to carry my last name and claim you as mine.” I caressed the sides of her face, seeing myself in her glossy eyes. “You don’t have to answer now, cariño. I just needed you to know that I’m not going anywhere. Mi vida es tuya,” I honestly spoke, “My life is yours.”

  She didn’t say a word, but she didn’t need to. Her eyes showed me everything I needed to hear. Wanting to live in the moment with her, I didn’t falter, slowly pulling at the ends of the ribbon that were securing my shirt. Undoing them and letting it fall to the bed. My dress shirt fell to the sides, baring her perfect fucking body. I took her in for the first time with a predatory regard, from her perky breasts, to her small waist, and narrow hips. Letting my eyes linger before moving down to where I wanted to look the most.

  Her slender thighs exposed her tight, tucked, pussy lips that had a landing strip at the top.

  “Jesus Christ, you’re so fucking beautiful.” I peered up into her eyes, and she shyly smiled. Her cheeks turned my favorite shade of red.

  Never breaking eye contact, I brought my hand up to my mouth, licking my index and middle fingers. Making them wet before I placed them on her pussy. She gasped when I pulled back her hood to expose her clit. A deep growl escaped from within my core.

  I roughly gripped the back of her neck and tugged her toward me, my mouth colliding with hers. Her lips parted against mine as I worked her nub in ways that had her legs spreading wider and her hips rocking against my hand. Clutching the back of her neck, I brought us closer, but not nearly close enough. I slipped my tongue into her waiting mouth, I wanted no space or distance between us. Savoring every last touch, every last push and pull, every last movement of my fingers against her pussy. My lips against her mouth.

  As if she was made just for me.

  Only me.

  Her body started to tremble as she threw her head back. Breaking our kiss, our connection. I knew she was close. Her hooded glare crippled me in ways I never thought possible. My balls ached to be inside her. She hadn’t even touched my cock yet, and I could feel her all over.

  So intense.

  So consuming.

  So mind-blowing

  “That feel good, cariño?” I huskily murmured.

  “Please don’t stop,” she begged, leaning into my touch. Placing her hands on my shoulders for support.

  Grinning, I moved her clit side-to-side. “Don’t stop what? What don’t you want me to stop?”

  “That. What you’re doing… please…”

  “Here?” I baited, changing the angle of my fingers.

  “Yes…” she moaned, coming apart as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

  Not giving her a chance to recover, I roughly pulled her legs out from beneath her, dropping her back to the bed.

  She yelped, surprised.

  My arms wrapped around her thighs and I tugged her toward me, bringing her ass near the edge of the bed. I immediately dropped to my knees, placing her legs on my shoulders, burying my face in her perfect pink pussy that I’ve done nothing but dream about. She squirmed as I licked her from her opening to her clit, sucking hard before going back to her opening to fuck her with my tongue. Her back arched off the bed, wanting more and I readily obliged.

  She was my new favorite goddamn flavor.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. My dick throbbed against my slacks. I unbuckled my belt, letting my pants fall to the floor. Fisting my hard cock in the palm of my hand as it sprang free. Jerking myself off, while I continued to make love to her with my mouth. Bringing us both to the brink of coming undone.

  “Fuck…” she panted in a heady tone, bringing my attention back up to her.

  She was leaning up on her elbows and staring with wide eyes, watching me devour her as I simultaneously stroked my cock. Her intense stare set my already burning body on fucking fire.

  When her legs began to shake, and her eyes shuttered, I knew she was close again. I didn’t falter, easing my middle finger into her opening. I needed to get her ready to take my dick. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her. There was no way in hell she could take all of me if I didn’t. Her body instantly locked up when she felt my finger.

  I sucked on her clit harder, moving my head side-to-side and up-and-down, until her body sank into the mattress, and her thighs
loosened up. Slowly pushing my finger in deeper, going right for her g-spot. She was so fucking tight, her climax only making her tighter.

  She whimpered at the sudden intrusion. The pain mixed in with the pleasure had my cock aching to be inside of her.

  “Almost there, baby,” I groaned, licking her clit. “I’m going right fucking here…”

  She loudly moaned when I pressed against her g-spot, squeezing her legs together from the new sensation.

  “Oh, God! I can’t… I can’t…”

  “Relax, I’ll take care of you. Just let go, cariño.”

  “It’s too much… oh my God…”

  Her body was shaking so fucking bad that I had to let go of my cock and lock my arm around her legs, holding her in place.

  Seconds later she came hard, screaming out my goddamn name.

  Flicking my tongue one last time on her clit, I let her ride out her orgasm on my face until her body went lax. I stood, licking her orgasm from my lips. Savoring the taste of her. Her eyes instantly widened when she saw my hard cock for the first time.

  “Alejandro, that thing will never fi—”

  “It will,” I interrupted, trying to ease her mind while I unbuttoned my shirt, grinning down at her.

  “It’s going to kill m—”

  “It won’t.” I threw it on the chair.

  “Are you pos—”

  “I am.” Kicking off my shoes and slacks that were now bunched up at my ankles, grabbing my wallet before tossing them aside too.

  “We don’t need that,” she informed me when she saw me pulling out a condom. “I’m on the pill. And I trust you.”

  I grinned again, crawling up her body. Kissing her skin as I made my way to her face. I caged her in with my arms, reassuring her, “I’ll always take care of you. When you’re with me, Sophia, you let me worry about everything,” I whispered, against her lips.

  The second my tongue touched hers, it turned into its own moment, its own creation. We were in our own world. My legs spread hers, readily laying in between them, placing all my weight on my arms that were cradling her face.


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