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Paranormal Dating Agency_Heavenly Scents

Page 5

by A. K. Michaels

  She’d never felt like this before and no man had shaken her and her beast like this before. She needed him to stay where he was . . . away from her and maybe she’d be able to stop acting like a bitch in heat and get through the week without embarrassing herself and pay her debt to Gerri Wilder.

  Chapter Nine

  Rocky slammed his fist into the dough on the table, his thoughts whirling around like a hurricane in his head. “Not happening!” he cursed as his hands went to work, furiously.

  As soon as Connie had appeared he’d known. Her scent almost bringing him to his knees and his beast longing to claim her as theirs. She was his . . . but no. She was a Wolf and Rocky couldn’t live within a Pack. Not in a million years could he live within a Wolf Pack. He’d found it hard enough within a damn Pride and left as soon as he could, so a Pack of Wolves would be impossible for him . . . and Connie was definitely a Wolf so it couldn’t happen. No. Absolutely could not happen.

  Then Theron appeared, again, rambling on, talking. His words not registering apart from he wanted him to employ Connie as a favor for his aunt. Damn him and his aunt and he should have said no. A great big fat no. But that’s not what happened and now he had her out there, in his shop with only a flimsy door separating them and her damn scent was in his nostrils and fuck it to hell and back . . . he wanted her. He wanted her so badly he didn’t know if he’d make it to the end of the day without hauling her back here and ripping her clothes off and sinking himself balls deep inside her and . . . Stop!

  Rocky crashed his hand down so hard he heard the table creak and groan, the legs sliding away from him as it slid across the floor. The sleek metal showing an indentation where he’d allowed his emotions to flow free. Damn it to hell. He had to get a grip on himself and his beast if he was going to get through this week without claiming Connie as his mate . . . did she know? He wasn’t sure she did.

  He saw the attraction in her eyes. Scented her arousal wafting toward him but he’d seen confusion in her beautiful blue orbs as she gazed up at him, in her body as she swayed slightly in his direction although he was certain she hadn’t realized she’d done so. Although he’d seen a smirk on Theron’s face as he’d left . . . had the Alpha sensed what was going on? He hoped not because that would be embarrassing for all concerned.

  All he had to do was keep his distance and fulfil Theron’s order. Simple.

  “Who’re you kidding?” Rocky grumbled as he moved his table back and attempted to carry on, all the while his mind filled with visions of Connie’s tiny frame in his arms.

  Goddess, she was so small. He’d break her in half!

  “Rocky, sorry to bother you but I’m going to grab a coffee from next door . . . do you want one?” Connie’s soft voice interrupted his lewd thoughts causing him to jump around to face her as she rushed on. “Is that all right? I mean, it’s way past lunch time and I’m only going to be a few minutes, I’ll be right back. I was going to just take a break in the shop. Is that okay?”

  Her face blushed as she looked up at him, her cheeks pinking deliciously and making him think of her beneath him . . . again. He shook his head to clear it and she backed up a step, misunderstanding, her head shaking. “Oh, okay. I’ll just get back to work then.”

  “No . . . that’s not what I mean. Yes, you can go, of course you can.” Rocky huffed out, his voice gruff and sounding nothing like his normal friendly one at all. Hell, she must think he was an idiot.

  “So, do you want something?” she asked quietly, her head tilting to the side and offering him a clear view of her throat.

  Soft, silky soft skin called to him, and his Lion pawed inside his head, purring like a damn kitten! He blinked, forcing his eyes away as he shook his head. “No, thanks. I’ve got to get on with this order. Lots of work to do.”

  “Oh, okay.” She nibbled her bottom lip . . . plump, luscious, red lips that he was sure tasted sweet, delicious, and . . . what the hell?

  His mind wandered again and Connie was staring at him as if she was aware of exactly what he’d been thinking. Her eyes wide and sparkling with interest as her tongue darted out to run along her bottom lip. Her chest heaved as her breathing increased, causing the material to tighten across her breasts and there . . . he could see her nipples harden and peak to torture him further. His eyes flew to hers briefly before he spun around, breaking contact with Connie, throwing over his shoulder. “I’ll be busy in here for the rest of the day. You can go at five and I’ll see you at ten tomorrow.”

  “What?” she breathed out.

  “You heard me,” he replied curtly, refusing to turn around again. He wasn’t certain he’d be able to control himself if he did.

  This little Wolf was affecting him far more than he’d thought possible. Yes, he’d recognized her, yes, she was his . . . but no, it couldn’t be. It would never work between them. He couldn’t live within a Pack so there was no point in starting something that would bring nothing but heartache for them both. If she thought he was an ass then so be it, better that than break her damn heart . . . and his.

  “Fine,” Connie spat out coldly before slamming the door and that was the last he spoke to her that day.

  He heard her, sensed her, and scented her all day long, but she stayed well clear. He heard her joking and laughing with his customers. Heard them talking with her and welcoming her to the store . . . hell, they better not get used to her. She’d be gone next week! His enhanced hearing picked up how well she was doing. How she was already remembering where the stock was and their prices. How she recommended items for people who were undecided on what to buy. All in all, he was impressed . . . if she was anyone else he’d be offering her a full-time position. But she wasn’t just anyone . . . she was his soulmate that could never be his mate and his heart ached with every tinkle of her laughter that filtered through the door.

  His body was taut with nerves by the time he heard her shout a curt, “Goodnight.” Finally relaxing, his head falling forward as a sigh escaped him.

  He’d made a good start on Theron’s order but he still had a long way to go before Friday. He’d have a quick break for something to eat and then get back to work after locking up . . . and that’s when the door slammed open to reveal an irate Connie. Her face red, hands on hips and her anger rolling off her in great waves . . . and she was so fucking gorgeous it took his breath away.

  Chapter Ten

  Connie scowled up at him, stepping into the room. “Okay, buster, I’m not leaving until you tell me what the hell is going on, and I mean all of it. What’s with the scent thing? Yours is . . . weird, in a good way, but I’ve never smelled anything like it and it’s doing things to me I’ve never encountered before and my Wolf is acting crazy . . . so I’d like to know what the hell that’s all about? And then there’s the whole . . . you being a shit to me? Why? What have I done? Don’t you like Theron? Or Gerri? Have they made you employ me and you’re angry at them for that and you’re taking it out on me? If so, then just say so and I’m outta here because I’m not putting up with this shit all week! So . . . so, well, out with it . . .”

  Rocky crossed his arms, letting her spout off as she walked closer to him and as her tantalizing aroma engulfed him he had to force himself not to react. She was younger than him, probably by at least five years or so, but he waited her out and when she faltered he raised an eyebrow. “Finished?”

  “No . . . yes . . . I’m not sure.” Connie’s face flushed, her eyes darting around as she seemed to realize where she was and what she’d blurted out. Then he saw her straighten her shoulders, her resolve coming back and she turned those gorgeous azure eyes to his again. “Tell me, Rocky. I need to know.”

  “What do you need to know?”

  “All of it . . . what I said.”

  “I’m sorry for being such a . . . what did you say? A shit? Well, I apologize. I didn’t mean to be rude and nobody’s forced me to do anything.”

  Her shoulders dropped a little, relaxing at his apology. “So, wha
t did I do wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Rocky shook his head. “You’ve done great. I’ve heard how well you did today.” He tapped his ears, smirking.

  “What are you? I know you’re not a Wolf but I’m not sure what you are?” Her hand shot to her mouth. “Sorry! I didn’t mean for that to come out. Sometimes my brain and mouth don’t cooperate.”

  “That’s all right.” He couldn’t stop his lips tugging up, hell, she looked so adorable that he felt a chuckle rumble up his chest, escaping before he could halt it. “I’m a Lion and before you ask, I live alone and not within a Pride. I left a long time ago and have no wishes to return. I don’t like living within a community . . . it’s just not for me. That’s why I live here and by my own rules with nobody to rule over me.”

  He left that hanging. Hoping his meaning was loud and clear, although the grin on her face and her next words were the last thing he expected to hear.

  “I know what you mean!” Connie exhaled loudly. “That’s why I’ve recently moved into town. Chad, that’s my Alpha, agreed to allow me to move here. He knew I wasn’t happy in the Pack so he let me come here to live. I’m enjoying it and I doubt I’ll go back . . . it’s just not me. He knew that . . . like, I never used the Pack link and other stuff, so I think he was kinda relieved. Well, relieved might not be the right word, but he knew I wasn’t happy so he was okay with me moving out of the Pack. Thank goodness! I don’t know what I would’ve done if he’d said no.”

  Rocky’s heart sped up, his legs suddenly feeling weak at her revelation. Connie was, in effect, a lone Wolf. That fact changed everything.

  “Really? You won’t be heading back to the Pack to live?” Rocky pressed.

  “What?” Connie’s eyebrows shot up. “No, not happening. I don’t like it there. I prefer living here and having my independence. No Pack rules, nobody in the Pack trying to get in my head, and last but by no means least . . . none of those Wolves trying to make me believe they’re my mates. Boy! That was the worst. My best friend, Cyndi, she found hers . . . her mate I mean . . . and dang, she knew, and he knew, and well, there was none of the faffing around or not knowing. Ya know? And these idiots use the line just to get . . . you know? So yeah, I’m glad I’m away from it all. Shoot. That sounds like I hate all of it but I don’t. They look after each other and will fight for you if you’re in danger and . . . shit, I sound like an idiot and I’m rambling. I do that . . . when I’m nervous.”

  He knew she was nervous. It was obvious . . . her scent had alerted him to it as soon as she’d stormed in but she was also attracted to him and trying to hide that fact. She was doing a poor job of it . . . her pupils dilated, her cheeks pinking, her pheromones filling the air around them and sending his beast into a frenzy. He fought to rein both it and his growing arousal in, instead focusing on stringing a sentence together.

  “You’re young to be out on your own. I’m surprised your Alpha allowed it.” He canted his head, scrutinizing her reaction which came sharp and fast.

  “What? Are you serious?” her tongue lashed back. “Just ‘cause I’m a little vertically challenged doesn’t mean anything. I’m old enough to be on my own and I don’t need you questioning me about my life or the way I choose to live it.”

  “How old are you?” he pressed her harder, needing an answer.

  “How old are you?” she shot back angrily.

  “I’m thirty next month,” he answered quickly, hoping she’d respond in kind.

  “Well, I’m twenty-three, and yeah, I know I look younger,” she said, shrugging. “I get carded all the time if I go somewhere new, which isn’t often. I usually just go to Silvers.”

  “Silvers . . . my surname is Silver . . . I hate being reminded that the Shifter bar shares my name.”

  Connie’s lips curled up, a snicker escaping. “Rocky Silver, huh? I’m sure Silvers was there long before the bakery was here though, so I don’t think it was named after you. What about Rocky . . . that’s a strange first name for a Lion?”

  It was his turn to blush. He could feel it burn his cheeks and he knew she saw it. Her hand waving in front of her as she cocked an eyebrow at him. “Aah, there’s a story there, huh? Spill.”

  He never told anyone. Nobody. But his mouth opened and he started talking. “My mom is a little . . . out there I guess you could call it. She and my dad only settled down long enough to raise me within a Pride, but as soon as I was old enough to look after myself, well, they were off again. They’re still travelling, all around the world, they just can’t settle, but my name, well . . . you can’t laugh, Connie, but when she was younger she loved the films. The ones with Sly in them. Thought he was hot, sexy and tough, and when I was born she called me after them . . . Rocky. I’ve never, and I mean never told anyone that before.”

  Connie’s face sobered, her head tilting to reveal her throat to him again as she whispered, “Thank you for trusting me. I’d never break that, Rocky. Ever.”

  His cock twitched, his heart thudded, and his beast roared . . . she was his and he wanted her more with each passing second. Her eyes locked with his and he nodded. “I believe you, thank you.”

  “Can you explain what’s happening? My Wolf is going nuts inside me right now and it’s scaring me. She’s never been like this before . . . is there something wrong with me?” Connie breathed out, her voice soft, low, tortured.

  “What?” He took a step toward her, every cell in his body aching to ease her pain. “No. There’s nothing wrong with you . . . not at all.”

  “So, what’s going on? And don’t say nothing . . . because something is. I can feel it and I know you can too.”

  “Yeah, I can feel it,” Rocky admitted, taking another step and closing the distance between them so there was mere inches between them and forcing her to tilt her head back to look up at him. “You’re so damn small. I feel like a giant next to you.”

  “I like it. You make me feel . . . safe.” Connie’s hand reached up, touching his chest she quipped. “Well, when you’re not being a jerk.”

  “I apologized.”

  “You did . . . but you’ve not told me what’s going on.” Her head tilted farther back and to the side, again giving him full access to her throat.

  Damn it! She was a Wolf and he was a Lion, but her actions were driving him utterly insane and he had to come clean before he tore her clothes off and ravaged her on the dang floor. “Connie, you honestly have no idea?”

  Her body tightened, her eyes widened and she shook her head before she spluttered, “No, I don’t. All I know is I’m . . . I’m all . . . all . . . discombobulated!”

  Rocky’s head fell back, his body shaking as a loud rumble of laughter tore up his throat and filled the room, echoing around them. His hands cupped her face, staring into her eyes. “Discombobulated, huh?”

  She’d relaxed, his laughter had broken the intenseness of the previous moment and she giggled as she nodded. “Yeah . . . that’s right. I’ve never felt so weird and out of control so that word is spot on, and I’d really like to know why I’m feeling like this ‘cause I don’t like it. Especially when I have the feeling that you know something I don’t.”

  “I’ll clear up here and then I think we should move this conversation to my place. If that’s okay with you?” he asked, still holding her in place and hoping against hope she’d agree.

  “Your place?” The skin between her eyes puckered as she frowned. “And where’s that?”

  “Out back. I have a cottage there. It suits my needs being close to the shop and it’s secluded. I’m a private person, Connie, and that’s one of the reasons I bought this place because of the property that came with it.”

  “Okay, I’ll come and we can talk but I’m hungry so you clean up and I’ll go get us something to eat while you do that.”

  “Don’t be long,” he said quickly, far too quickly, fearful that she’d disappear and not return.

  “I won’t be.” She smiled up at him. A full on, bright smile and his hea
rt soared high as his stomach clenched tight.

  Shit, she was gorgeous, so damn beautiful, and she was his. She just didn’t know it yet.

  Chapter Eleven

  Connie’s heart beat wildly in her chest as she closed the bakery door. “What the hell just happened?” she mumbled to herself, stepping outside on her way to grab some pizza.

  She had no idea what was happening to her but she knew it was something big. Rocky was hot. Smoking hot and the way he’d looked at her almost had her melting into a puddle at his feet. His scent had her Wolf acting crazy, his body had her acting crazy, and damn if she didn’t want to run her hands under that t-shirt that was stretched so tight over his chest it looked fit to burst and . . . dang! Her mind was doing it again. Going in directions that it definitely shouldn’t be.

  He was her boss and she was there for a few days only. Come Friday she’d be gone and . . . her breath rushed from her and a crushing pain lanced through her chest causing her to stop, bending over to draw great gulps of air in. Her hair falling forward as she fought to control herself and her body. What on earth was wrong with her?

  A hand landed on her back, a concerned voice causing her to jump forward, stumbling and almost falling onto her knees, strong arms halting her. “Hey, Connie, you okay?”

  Cody. Dang. Trust him to find her like this. How embarrassing. “I’m fine, Cody.”

  “You don’t look fine, sweetie. What’s going on? Do you want me to call your mom?”

  She spun around, hands on hips. “I said I’m fine. I’m a big girl, Cody, I don’t need you to call anyone.”

  He stepped back, hands up in front of him. “Hey, sorry. I was just trying to help.”

  Connie knew that. Of course she did and a rush of shame poured over her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap but I’m okay, really.”

  “I saw you come out of the bakery and you didn’t look fine, Connie. Has something happened? Do you need my help? I promise I won’t call anyone but if you need me, you know I’ll always be here for you.”


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