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Paranormal Dating Agency_Heavenly Scents

Page 6

by A. K. Michaels

  “No, nothing’s happened . . . well, something has but I don’t know what.” Connie turned around. “I’m going to get take-out . . . walk with me?”

  Cody fell in beside her. “Sure. Wanna talk about what it is?”

  “I’m not sure if I can, Cody, because I’ve no idea what’s going on.”

  “Why don’t you start with what you were doing in there when the shop has a closed sign on it?” he said quietly, smirking. “Yeah, I noticed that.”

  She gave him a nudge with her shoulder. “Observant, aren’t ya? I’m working there, sort of, just for this week to help out and Rocky is, well, he’s . . . different.”

  Cody nodded. “He is. He’s a Lion for starters and he keeps to himself but from what I know about him he’s a good guy. So, what else is going on?”

  Connie sighed, shaking her head. “My Wolf’s been acting crazy, really nuts, and he’s been acting weird too. We had a few words there and he suggested we talk some more so I’m going to get us some food while he cleans up. But, Cody, I’m nervous and jittery and, hell, I’m not sure what’s going on.”

  He stopped, staring down at her seriously. “Your Wolf’s acting up huh? And he’s acting weird too?”

  She nodded, shrugging. “Yeah. She’s yipping inside my head and I swear my heart is thudding like a drum and my stomach is full of butterflies. Jeez, I sound like a baby. Don’t I?”

  “No, honey, you don’t. But I agree that you and Rocky need to talk.” Cody patted her shoulder. “But before I go, I’m glad I ran into you because that ass you went out with a while back was in the bar last night looking for you, Alden I think he said his name was. You remember him?”

  Connie screwed her face up. “Yeah, I remember him, black hair, right? I only went out with him a few times. I got rid of him pretty damn quick because he was just off. He was from one of the neighboring Packs but I can’t for the life of me remember which one.”

  Connie thought back to the few dates she’d had with Alden and the way he’d pawed at her the entire time. He’d been after one thing and she hadn’t given it up and that had made him angry. When he’d got upset with her, she’d told him it was over and that didn’t go down well either but she hadn’t seen him since and that had been fine with her. She’d had a feeling about him and it hadn’t been a good one, she was relieved when he’d left her alone.

  “I have a feeling he’s gone Rogue, Connie, and he’s sniffing around asking for you. You need to be careful. I don’t think he’s gonna give up easily so don’t take any chances and don’t be out walking alone at night. Okay?”

  “Shoot, thanks for letting me know.” Connie shivered. “I’ll ask Rocky to walk me home later.”

  Cody chuckled, patting her shoulder again. “Yeah, you do that.”

  “What?” she asked, scowling up at him.

  “Nothing.” He crossed his arms. “You go grab your take-out. I’ll stay here and wait until you get back to the shop safely.”

  “For goodness sakes, it’s still daylight,” she argued, but Cody merely stood resolutely waiting. “Fine. I won’t be long.”

  She grabbed a couple of pizzas and sodas, finding Cody exactly where she’d left him, his eyes scanning the area as she arrived back. “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing, just being careful.” He inhaled, humming. “That smells good.”

  “No, you’re not getting any . . . go get your own.” She laughed up at him.

  “I’m being your bodyguard and you won’t give me a slice?” he pouted as they walked back toward the bakery.

  “Don’t do that, it doesn’t suit the whole bodyguard persona.” She giggled and that’s when Cody’s body tightened, his muscles rippling and his arm shooting out to tug her behind him.

  “What the hell, Cody?”

  And that’s when Rocky appeared out of nowhere . . . his eyes wide and shining brightly with a golden tinge as a growl rumbled in his chest. He stopped right in front of Cody, toe to toe and she saw just how big he was. Damn! She’d always thought Cody was huge but Rocky towered a good foot over him, his face tight and as she peeked around the side of her friend she saw Rocky’s hands balled into fists as he snarled.

  “Don’t touch her, Cody.” Rocky’s voice was hard as steel and just as damn cold, his lips snarling back as he carried on. “Back away from her, now.”

  Connie looked up in shock, both at Rocky’s sudden appearance and his words but also at Cody’s response because he didn’t back down to anyone. Hell, he barely bowed to Chad, their Alpha. It was why Cody stayed in town and had little to do with the Pack, but right now she watched as Cody tilted his head, staring at Rocky for a moment before giving a brief nod.

  “I’m no threat to her, Rocky. I’m her friend and I was just looking out for her . . . she can explain why later.” Cody held his hands up in front of him, palms up as he side-stepped. “Look, I’m backing up, you’ve nothing to worry about. Okay?”

  Connie was flabbergasted. Utterly stunned as she watched, her eyes flicking between Cody and Rocky who was taking great gulps of air as he eyed Cody before he finally gave him a curt nod. “Fine. But just don’t touch her.”

  Again Cody complied. “I won’t. I promise. But she shouldn’t be out alone right now . . . again, she can tell you why. I’ll get on my way now. Take care, Connie, and remember what I said and be careful.”

  She couldn’t answer because she was still in shock, her heart thudding wildly at the show of aggression . . . of what? What was it that Rocky had done? It was almost like he was . . . no. It couldn’t be that. Absolutely not. Connie focused back on Cody, managing to give him a weak smile and nod as he disappeared, Rocky’s arm sliding around her waist.

  “Are you all right?” he asked quickly, worriedly.

  “I’m fine . . . I think.” She looked up at him, saw him looking down at her with a torrent of emotion rolling over his face. “What the hell was that all about? Cody is my friend. He wasn’t doing anything wrong and you were ready to tear him apart, Rocky. Why?”

  Rocky reached over with his free hand, taking the pizza boxes. “Here, let me take those . . . and we really need to talk, Connie. Let’s go.”

  She felt his hand tighten on her waist, her body reacting to his touch in ways she’d never felt before, and allowed him to lead the way, muttering as they walked, “Damn straight we do, because I’ve no idea what the hell just happened.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Rocky’s body was thrumming with barely contained power as he led Connie back to his home. He’d came so close to transforming in the middle of the street and attacking Cody that it scared the hell out of him. He was the one that kept to himself, never got involved with other Shifters, and sure as hell didn’t cause any trouble, far less face off with one of the strongest Wolves in the area.

  Hell, Cody might not be an Alpha, or a Beta, but that was only through his own choosing. Rocky could sense the man’s power and had known him since he’d moved to the town, he knew full well that Cody was Alpha material but for whatever personal reasons the man preferred to run Silvers. He sensed Cody’s beast struggling with his overt threat, but he didn’t react, reining in his Wolf and stepping aside and removing himself as the barrier between Rocky and his mate: Connie.

  Shit, did Cody know? Was the Wolf aware of what Connie was to him? If he did, would he run to her Alpha and tell him, and if he did would her Alpha intervene? Damn it to hell. The anger that engulfed him when he’d exited Heavenly Scents and caught sight of Connie and Cody together was . . . insane. There was no other word for what had taken control of his mind, body and soul when he’d seen another male so close to his mate that their bodies were actually touching.

  His Lion roaring in his head as he sped toward them, fur rippling along his skin as he fought to control his transformation from taking hold. He’d wanted to rip Cody’s heart from his chest and feast on it before tearing his liver from his body and offering it up to Connie as the delicacy that’s normally cherished in any Lion hunt
. Fuck! He had it bad.

  When they turned at the side of the bakery, she stumbled, and he realized he’d been hauling her as he stomped quickly toward his home. Shame and regret rising in him in equal measures as he steadied her, pulling her against him. “I’m sorry, Connie. I’ve been going too fast.”

  “It’s okay,” she said quickly. “You seem upset and I thought it best to get you home before you, well, before you bit someone else’s head off. And, to be honest, I want to get to the bottom of what the hell is going on.”

  “Soon.” He pushed the gate open and inclined his head. “This is my place.”

  “Well, I didn’t expect this . . . a cottage surrounded by nature right in the middle of town, complete with a white picket fence. You’re full of surprises, Rocky.”

  “Let’s get inside and eat.” Rocky rushed forward, opening the door and waiting for her to enter his home. Hoping she’d like it because if things worked out then she wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon.

  Connie looked around as she followed him inside, her appraising look taking in his neat and tidy living room as he opened the pizzas on the coffee table. “I’ll get us plates and napkins.” He darted away toward the kitchen.

  “Don’t bother on my account, I’m happy to eat from the box,” she called after him.

  “Just napkins then.” He arrived back with them and a couple of bottles of beer. “You want one?”

  “Yes, I could do with one.” She snatched one from his hand, quickly opening it and chugging half of it down. “Sorry, that wasn’t very ladylike.”

  He grinned, opening his own and doing the same before motioning to the sofa. “Why don’t we sit, eat, and talk.”

  “Good idea.” She walked around the sofa and perched herself on the edge, nervous energy swirling around her as she leaned forward to snatch a slice.

  “How’re you feeling? How’s your Wolf?” he started as he grabbed his own pizza.

  She had a mouthful, chewing rapidly before swallowing and turning those gorgeous blue eyes up to his, he could see her cheeks blush before she replied. “She’s still acting out and I’m feeling okay, sort of.”

  “Okay?” He cocked an eyebrow. “If we’re going to have a frank discussion, we have to be honest so I’ll admit I’m not okay, Connie. I’m anything but okay. I feel like I’m going insane . . . with the need to kiss you. Run my fingers through your hair and hold you beneath me as I . . .”

  Connie held a hand up, halting him. “All right! I get it. I do. And I feel the same but we’ve just met and I don’t do one night stands . . . well, not normally. Then there’s the whole ‘sleeping with the boss’ thing. That’s never a good idea and I’ve no freaking clue what’s going on with my Wolf. She’s acting nuts and, shit, Rocky. What the hell is going on?”

  He slid closer, popping his pizza back in the box, and gazed into her upturned face, reaching up to grasp her chin softly. Her eyes widened, her breathing increased at his touch, her breast heaving against her shirt. “You seem intelligent to me, Connie, you can’t piece this together? Really?”

  Connie’s tongue darted out, running along her bottom lip briefly before she nibbled it nervously for a moment. Her eyebrows puckering as she thought. He held her in place, watching as she tried to figure out what was happening. He saw her mind at work, saw her eyes darkening and then popping wider as they latched back onto his, her mouth opening and closing silently before she whispered. “No, it can’t be. Can it? Is it?”

  “What? What do you think is going on, beautiful?” Rocky moved his head closer, his lips a hairsbreadth from hers. “Tell me, baby. I know . . . I’m certain. Are you?”

  “Holy shit,” Connie gasped. “You’re him . . . aren’t you? You’re . . . mine?”

  At last! Rocky grinned, nodding. “I am. And you’re mine! You’ve been driving me crazy all day, Connie. But I wasn’t going to do anything about it. Hell, I was going to send you away . . . because you’re a Wolf and I thought you lived within a Pack and I couldn’t do that. I could never do that. Then you told me you didn’t, that you’d left your Pack and that changed everything . . . fucking everything.”

  Connie’s heart was thudding wildly in her chest. He could hear it clearly as she whimpered, “I’m not sure I understand. Why? What?”

  “I’m a loner, baby. I left my Pride as soon as I could, remember I told you that? Well, I couldn’t live within a Shifter Pack so when I recognized you this morning and I realized you were a Wolf, hell, that nearly killed me. I thought it would be better if I sent you away, but then we talked and you said you lived here in town, away from the Pack . . . and that changed the whole damn thing. My plans to send you away changed right there, baby, and I knew I couldn’t do it. I knew I couldn’t live without you and I had to make you mine . . . shit, you are mine. You are my soulmate, Connie, and I’m desperate to claim you, to love you, to show you what you mean to me.”

  Her body quivered, actually quivered, and he knew why. She felt it too. Their bond. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  “Now I understand why my Wolf’s been acting like a bitch in heat.” She smirked at him cheekily. “I’ve been a little slow to understand though but I guess that’s because you were acting weird and now I know why. Rocky, I’ve no plans to go back and live within the Pack, but if we are soulmates, I’d have to let my Alpha know, shoot, and my parents.”

  Rocky frowned, worried. “Would he object, because I’m not a Wolf? Could he force you back to the Pack? If he said you had to go back . . . would you?”

  Connie shook her head. “No, we have mixed Shifter matings in the Pack. Chad’s not like that and he wouldn’t force me back either, but if he tried . . . I wouldn’t go. I’d refuse.”

  Relief flooded his system in huge waves, his body relaxing and he’d not realized he’d been waiting on her confirming this until she had. He smiled. “Good. Because if he tried then I’d have to challenge him, and I would, Connie. I fucking would . . . for you. I’d do anything to have you right here with me. Anything.”

  Her eyes sparkled, tears suddenly appearing, and a soft sob escaped. “R-R-Rocky,” she stuttered, her hand reaching up to hold the side of his face. Such a small hand with tiny fingers that felt light as a feather as they stroked his cheek.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Not a damn thing. Everything is perfect.” She leaned forward, her lips touching his and fireworks exploded in his head.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Connie’s mouth on his was like nothing he could’ve imagined. It was magical, erotic, and he thought he’d died and gone to heaven when she opened and he slid his tongue inside to tangle with hers. He swallowed her sweet moans as he slid a hand through her silky tresses, holding her tight against him as desire spread throughout his entire body in waves so strong his breath became labored and he thought his heart would break free from his chest.

  Connie’s soft moans filled his ears, her fingers working their way under his clothes and trailing over his skin and causing him to groan into her mouth. “I think we should move this to the bedroom, my love.”

  “Yes,” she purred, licking along his lips. “That sounds good.”

  He picked her up, cradling her tiny form against his chest and strode quickly to his room, noticing night had fallen and it was now dark. His enhanced eyesight seeing clearly as he placed her on her feet beside his massive hand-carved bed, dropping to his knees before her. “You’re so small, fragile . . . I’m scared I’ll break you,” he whispered in the darkness as he unclasped her jeans, slipping them down her thighs slowly.

  Connie’s hands slid into his hair, tangling in his shaggy locks. “I’m anything but fragile. I promise you won’t break me.”

  She gasped as his head fell forward, his nose inhaling her glorious scent before his tongue darted out to tease her clit, his hands running upwards to lift her shirt so he could feel her soft breasts. Pushing beneath her bra, his fingers pursued her nipples, latching on and twisting them into taut
buds as she thrust herself forward, groaning in pleasure.

  “Rocky, oh dear goddess, that’s so good.” She moaned louder, her hands grabbing harder to his head when his mouth covered her mound and suckled hard, her juices flowing down his throat and tasting like nectar.

  “Damn, Connie,” he mumbled against her. “You taste so fine, baby.”

  “My legs . . .” she cried out.

  He felt them tremble, shake, and pushed her back, gently, until she fell onto the bed. “I’ve got you, Connie, I’ve got you.” He rose, lifting her and moving her up the mattress until she was comfortable with her head on his pillow, her desire filled eyes gazing up at him. “Let’s get you fully undressed.” He smiled down at her.

  “I’m at a disadvantage.” She quirked her brow, her fingers tugging at his clothes. “You get rid of yours and I’ll deal with mine.”

  She pushed him away playfully, quickly removing the remainder of her clothes before lying back to watch him. Her eyes trailed his body as he threw his t-shirt away, her pupils dilating even more as he revealed his deeply cut, muscled chest. When his belt unbuckled, his jeans unzipped and he began to slide his jeans down, his rock hard cock sprang free . . . and Connie let out a soft moan. “You all right?” he asked as her eyes locked onto his groin.

  “Hmm? What?” she asked, although her eyes remained south of his.

  His pants dropped to the floor, kicking off his boots, he stepped out of his jeans and stepped toward the bed. “I asked . . . are you all right?”

  This time she looked up, her face flushed scarlet. “I’m good . . . I’m just trying to figure out how that’s gonna fit inside me.”

  “It’ll fit just fine,” he tried to calm her as he wondered the same thing. She was miniscule compared to him.

  He was six and a half feet tall and he was large . . . in all departments, and she was so small that he worried he’d hurt her and that was the last thing on earth he wanted to do. She reached for him as he slid next to her. Her eyes glinting cheekily. “You can take it nice ‘n slow, big guy . . . just the way I like it.”


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